The Erotic Highway

Seeking and Secret Benefits
Scaramouche 202 Reviews 2182 reads

I know we've discussed this a lot and I know most people prefer Seeking over Secret Benefits. And I think the business model of Seeking is better.  But I kept an account (free) just as a a potential backup, and I notice some of the same gals on both.  And one thing I like about SB is the verification videos which often give a completely different picture of the gal, since it's a lot harder to glam up that video.

What I find curious however is that I get a lot more messages on SB than on SA. And none from Venezuela or from cities outside my area. Oddly I've gotten messages (which I can't read on a free account) from some gals whom I've seen on SA and who have not tried me on SA. I use the same screen name on both but don't have pictures on Secret Benefits.

Obviously the pool of both men and women is smaller. But I'm still not sure why I get so many messages on SB and every once in a while think about trying this as a backup.

I've gotta hand it to you. After uncountable posts dumping on SB, you actually reported reasons SB might be be better than SA in some ways, and told us about them. The more options, the better. Well done.

I almost never get out of area messages from  chicks on SB.  I've met a few off SB, including my current cute Asian who wants me to visit her often.  I met a bikini body builder there back before COVID.  A few other once and done.  So there is activity there.  I like that you can monitor SB and only use your credits when you decide one is worth contacting, rather than on Seeking where you have to blast your broadcast because your month is running out.
Don't buy the SB pictures.  They are prohibited from posting nudity, so there is nothing useful to learn from the pics.
Yeah, the videos are real shockers for some.  Quite a difference between glam makeup and regular everyday appearance.

Totally agree that the video disparity vs the filtered or glam photos can be super crazy. We all tend to put out best foot forward in photos, I get it. But some of the videos look nothing like the photos. Not even close.
Sometimes it's amusing
Others I feel like whoa. Dodged a bullet there.

Congrats on your find.
I wish there was a way to use a prepaid card on SB. Haven't found a way yet. And if they ran a promo for credits I might give it a try and be very discerning who I message.

Vanilla Gift does not work?  What kind of error message are you receiving?


Vanilla gift is denied on SB. Same with SA. I emailed and asked for promo pricing and got a kick rocks reply.

Thanks for the reply.  

 Hmmm,  I've used Vanilla Gift on SA many times.  I noticed rejection when:
    - the zip code is not set or
    - I have trackers and ad blocking on in the browser

Timely post. I have been on SA for many years. Prior to covid SA was a feast. After covid less so though I found a couple of ladies that lasted for a while. More recently I took out a 3 month SA membership to relax a bit and not rush. My 3 months are almost up and it has been depressing. I did find a new lady there who I just started seeing and I think she will be fine so quality is there but getting responses was, well almost non-existent. So I thought I would get SB credits. (Historically slim pickings there.) Yep, very difficult to get any responses and many were 1-2 DMs then they disappear. Glad it is a credit-based system so I can take my sweet time. Agree that the videos are, well, enlightening. Many ladies appear to have just woken up lol. Likewise I don't waste money on buying extra pix nor do I boost my DMs for an extra 10 credits though I might try it periodically to see if it has any effect.  What is weird is ladies favorite me though they haven't seen my profile. That seems scammy to me or to get me to waste credits writing to them. I did read somewhere that favorites or even DMs on SB were sent unbeknownst to profile owners automatically (bots) by SB to get you to spend credits but I don't know about that. If so, that is disgusting.

Just some history for you:  Pre covid SA had a policy banning "online arrangements".  You could be kicked off the site for asking or offering them. But when covid hit, and everyone was discouraged from in person socializing, SA would have had no business, no reason to exist.  So they quietly removed the ban on "online arrangements".  The result was the site flooded with scammers and content sellers trying to sell pics and videos and trying to get men to send them money before meeting irl.  Since covid fears have diminished, some of the legit SB profiles are returning, but they are often hard to find in the sea of unworthy ones.  And SA has never re-instituted their ban on content sellers!  Additionally, the owner, Brandon Wade, "found religion"  not long ago.  He fell in love and switched to embracing a monogamous lifestyle.  He has re-branded SA as an upscale dating site and removed all language relating to sugar dating or arrangements.  This makes it understandably confusing for newbies to figure out what the site's intended purpose was/is.

I’ve noticed several of my old “Favorites” have returned. Wondered if others had seen real SBs return.

From another forum I learned that when a gal signs up for Secret Benefits it automatically sends messages to guys (not clear if it's to the whole group or geographic or just ones they viewed). The ladies have to go into their settings and uncheck a box to stop sending the messages.  
This explains a lot and also is somewhat dishonest because it gives the impression the gals are interested and encourages guys to use their credits.

Not sure what that refers to. I see a high correlation between a chicks viewing me or favoriting me and sending me a message. A message without either a view or a favorite, though occasional, is still pretty rare.

my understanding is the same: the system automatically send messages without the profile user knowing.  I would automatically get a message from every woman I added to favorites.  

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