The Erotic Highway

I just joined seeing how it was free
GaGambler 297 reads

but I was quite disappointed to find a total of four POT SB's in the entire state of Texas.

One was quite hot, but 150 miles away, and she was the closest woman to me.

Anyone finding that SA is really going down hill?

How about the smaller newer sites like  They don't seem to have been invaded yet by bad elements as much as SA has.  Just my opinion so far

Make sure you read the fine print on their agreements.  A lot of the supposed sugar sites have a clause that they can add fake profiles with hire people to provide response to continue a dialogue or some bullshit like that.

Ok will do.  I believe SA is like that probably.  When your subscription is expiring you get more messages lol. isnt like that and its 100% free - even to meswage the SBs so not complaining.

Posted By: bassrat51
Make sure you read the fine print on their agreements.  A lot of the supposed sugar sites have a clause that they can add fake profiles with hire people to provide response to continue a dialogue or some bullshit like that.

GaGambler298 reads

but I was quite disappointed to find a total of four POT SB's in the entire state of Texas.

One was quite hot, but 150 miles away, and she was the closest woman to me.

Yeah - it seems to kostly be east coast for now..

Posted By: GaGambler
but I was quite disappointed to find a total of four POT SB's in the entire state of Texas.  
 One was quite hot, but 150 miles away, and she was the closest woman to me.

Posted By: computerman
Yeah - it seems to kostly be east coast for now..  
Posted By: GaGambler
but I was quite disappointed to find a total of four POT SB's in the entire state of Texas.  
  One was quite hot, but 150 miles away, and she was the closest woman to me.
I joined Strikeups - so far have been in conversations to meet with 3 ladies on there.  I'm near the Philly area - it's a very promising site so far...I'm a fan!

GaGambler276 reads

Sure it's not perfect, and there is fraud there just like there is review manipulation here on TER, but TER as the biggest review site still gives you the best chance for success as it is by far the biggest and most read site of it's kind in the world by a longshot. I feel the same way about SA, I can accept the fact that I may have to wade through a few fakes to find what I am looking for, but on the smaller sites, you have to virtually bat 100% considering how small the talent pool is relatively speaking.

Some guys are looking for one SB and they are good for months or even years. I find myself having to keep a rotation of 4-5 SBs at all times to make up for the cultivation time it takes to replace those girls you inevitably lose to attrition.  

I have checked out a few of the other sites, and I do plan on rolling the dice with a paid membership on a couple for a month or so to test the waters, but so far it appears that the talent pool on SA is several times larger than any of the other sites.

During my past dabbling in the Sugar Bowl, I had also tried the following sites as well as SA:



Bear in mind that my experiences are from the past (3-4 years ago) so they may not have much bearing in today's landscape!

I found the first one to be the tamest out of all of them at the time, i.e, less stench of hookers and quasi hookers but definitely some older women who were seeking FWFB (friend with financial benefits). The pace is slower and in my market of So. Cal the pool of POT SBs was very, very limited indeed. In fact I had to put a radius of say 600 miles or so (from here to San Francisco) in order to get the same number of avail POT SBs that a 100 mile radius offers on SA. There were some BOTs and fakes implanted by the site itself.

The second one was truly the worst of them all in every aspect of the scam including perpetually charging one's CC and you literally had to fight them tooth and nail to cancel the darn thing (there were many complaints with this regard to the BBB). At the time the site was being run by some Russians based either in FL or out of the U.S., I don't recall. Again a much narrower pool of subscribers but ironically I saw more actual hookers on that site whom I recognized per capita as compared to the one above and even to SA!

At the time, SA was the only site which was directly promoting the notion of a "beneficial" relationship. I think the first one even had an option in its field whereby you could check as to whether you wanted to be a SD or if you were looking to "date", I don't exactly recall now!

I know that there have been a bunch of others popping up that claim to cater to a higher echelon of clientele, i.e, men with more "real" net worth, yada, yada! I fathom that some of these other sites do attract some men who frown upon SA and think very highly of themselves as men of much more substance both in terms of character and also wealth, but that's just a false sense of self grandeur! Some of these sites do attract the techie nerds from the Bay area who pull in fantastical income as compared to the average, but on the opposite site they also attract a bevy of gold diggers with very long claws.

In my humble opinion, if the desire is to find a unique SB and if all your facts stack up as claimed and you are truly a man of high net worth, being patient on SA and being willing to weed through the riff raft will eventually pay off handsomely because SA does attract more POT SBs than any other site. But then again according to the reeking hookers of the GD, we are all liars and losers on here chiming about the Sugar Bowl ;)

GaGambler246 reads

and unlike many of the guys that post here, I don't mind at all having a lot of hookers or quasi hookers on SA,  I LIKE hookers and I still plan on seeing hookers until my dick falls off. lol

I do agree that SA is by far the best site for someone looking for non delusional sugar babies. I have already been quite spoiled by what I have found so far and I can't imagine paying hooker rates for extended sessions when you can find a hottie on SA for no more than $500 for an overnight date, which is to date the MOST I have paid for a date on SA.

I do plan on checking out a few of the other sites and reporting back here with my findings, I encourage the rest of you to do the same. If every guy here would risk a lousy fifty bucks or so checking out even a single site in no time we'd have a pretty good idea just which sites other than SA, if any of course, are worth joining.

I have also joined, but I have not yet upgraded (paid them) to find out if they are worth the money. Most likely they will be my contribution to the community.

I think that it is prudent to check out a couple of more sites while I'm laying dormant on SA per my previous long post(s). Depending on whether the agreed upon arrangement with the Unicorn extends into multiple months or what not, I will keep the option of paid membership open on SA to pay every couple of month or so. In no friggin way, shape or form I am going to pussify and delete my membership. That's such an effeminate play and shows that one's a total lurve smitten idiot!

As opposed to you (purely guessing here) I am rather more limited both in terms of time and avail play fund$ to really expand my wings to fly to new heights and horizons! The said, a couple of $50 memberships are not going to kill anyone of us on here just to case some joints so we can report back. I may try that site again as I was reasonably successful on that site for a newbie back then!

Let me know how it is, I will join it too if is anything like SA. I would say TER should think of expanding to sugar dating sites as they know the stuff.

OK, fairly simple and painless as I pretty much copied and pasted a few lines from my SA profile (different moniker) and threw in a couple of obscure photos. In order to IM, you'd need a premium membership which runs about 34 per month or 68 for three months (15% discounted rates). The pool is much shallower (did a 21-35 age range search) and the girls more homely looking than on SA. The photo quality and the site navigation look antiquated and the same crappy way which I remember this back in 2011-2012, so not much R&D expenditure by the owners of this website!

Well, I'm up and running pending a couple of photo approvals (no private photo setting is a real letdown and a turn off I would assume for most POT SDs). SA is still the 800 pound gorilla!

What site are you talking about? oops - nevermind, got it

Posted By: principium
OK, fairly simple and painless as I pretty much copied and pasted a few lines from my SA profile (different moniker) and threw in a couple of obscure photos. In order to IM, you'd need a premium membership which runs about 34 per month or 68 for three months (15% discounted rates). The pool is much shallower (did a 21-35 age range search) and the girls more homely looking than on SA. The photo quality and the site navigation look antiquated and the same crappy way which I remember this back in 2011-2012, so not much R&D expenditure by the owners of this website!  
 Well, I'm up and running pending a couple of photo approvals (no private photo setting is a real letdown and a turn off I would assume for most POT SDs). SA is still the 800 pound gorilla!
-- Modified on 9/20/2016 10:02:50 PM

Agreed! There was a time when Sugar Daddy for Me was not bad. I had a couple or three good dates and good sex with non-hookers who frequented the site. However, in recent years it has descended into a pit of fakery and trollopdom...

easternpacific298 reads

As stated before, there are so many fake profiles on the free members site that disappear once you pay. I still have some time on my paid membership on SA and it's real slim pickings, very few active profiles. I also have a "fake" profile setup that is not paid for and I am continually getting "interests" activity from multiple  women in the form of emails, viewed me and favorited me. Needless to say, SA is emailing me with all this activity my fake profile is generating in an effort to get me to upgrade. Then when I go to my paid for membership log in, there are no profiles that can be accessed that corroborate the profiles that are contacting my fake unpaid for profile. I have found SA to be misleading at best and am looking at some of the other SD/SB sites for real authenticity.

That's why I like the smaller ones like as its totally free so no need to spend $$ on B.S.

SA has a lot of web-cam girls, chics asking for Western Union, etc.  Its ridiculous - especially spending $70/month lol...

Does anyone know of other free ones?

Posted By: easternpacific
As stated before, there are so many fake profiles on the free members site that disappear once you pay. I still have some time on my paid membership on SA and it's real slim pickings, very few active profiles. I also have a "fake" profile setup that is not paid for and I am continually getting "interests" activity from multiple  women in the form of emails, viewed me and favorited me. Needless to say, SA is emailing me with all this activity my fake profile is generating in an effort to get me to upgrade. Then when I go to my paid for membership log in, there are no profiles that can be accessed that corroborate the profiles that are contacting my fake unpaid for profile. I have found SA to be misleading at best and am looking at some of the other SD/SB sites for real authenticity.

yes there are some web cam girls on SA but Admin cancels them if you report them. I've seen just one asking for W.U. money. And I have not found any that were clearly fakes.  The only real problem with SA in my opinion is the large number of women there who either, A: do not appeal to me in the least or B: are looking for a platonic arrangement. Otherwise it seems like a real bounty of luscious women who want what I want.  I ain't complaining!

The foreign, or at least out of town women (have not pursued this far enough to determine that they are mostly variations on the webcam girls, but I suppose that is likely) and the party girls who are just there for to fun of the flirt.


Yes, there was one girl using some model's pictures who asked for me to send her money thru Western Union. She said she is a model but trapped by some family for money and has to pay them to get free. Lol, I could even me texting a guy who could be the spam artist. But SA did removed that profile, not sure if someone complained or the scam artist just creates temporary profiles for shot duration.

I haven't come across a cam girl yet or a W.U. request.  Maybe its the location you are in, I'm in, or both but my experience has been that the women are real.  There are some scammers, probably fakes out catfishing, but for the most part I think the women are real.  Not saying authentic because I'm sure some of the ones I am set up to meet probably aren't going to turn out to be who I thought they were.  SFTD story comes to mind. LMAO!!!!  Sorry SFTD that one will live in infamy.  ITs also a good reminder to verify what/who you're dealing with.

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