The Erotic Highway

I have to agree with these words of wisdom
GaGambler 262 reads

but with one caveat, If a POT SB claims she only wants an "online relationship" meaning pics, skype etc. I DO take her at her word and simply go on to the next one, also if a POT SB makes it very clear in her profile that NO sex is going to happen EVER, I also take a pass. I suppose it's possible to "turn" one of these women into "giving it up" by why bother when there are so many that are quite happy to jump into the sack with you?

but like you I pay zero attention to the "expectation" on a POT SB's profile, none whatsoever.

I've learned from my own experience as well as the shared experience of all you guys here not to take too seriously the financial expectation$$ that SBs state on their profiles. Everything is negotiable! But what about when they indicate a preferred age range? I just read a profile of a SB who says she is looking for a man no older than 40, so I am well outside her stated age range. Normally I would just pass. But my local market is very small, there are few SBs here that appeal to me, there may not be many wealthy SDs that young who have their act together, and anyway, she is stunningly beautiful. So I decided to go ahead and send her a courteous message, acknowledging her stated preference but asking if she'd consider stepping out of her comfort zone. What have your experiences been like with age range? Any luck re-defining a SB's preconceptions?

Never had any response when they state their age preference like that.  I think a lot of girls really do treat the SD sites as dating sites that basically narrow down their pool for them to rich (or claiming to be rich) guys.

But good luck- I hope you prove me wrong!

GaGambler220 reads

I am sure I have had POT SB's not respond to me due to my age, which at 57 really isn't THAT old by SD standards, but too old for some younger girls.  

I think I have pursued two women who stated an age preference of 21-45, or something thereabouts. I responded to both the same way, I did NOT enter into a bidding war, nor did I "beg" them to see me. What I did do was stress the fact that even at ager 57 I was VERY immature due to having no wife, no kids, and no job, and that quite likely SHE was more mature than me. Once it worked, I think the other blocked me. Oh well, nothing ventured nothing gained. lol

garquad155 reads

Doesnt hurt to ask in a nice way i guess, but most seem to mean it on the age limits.  And if she's stunningly beautiful,  then she probably has a bunch of guys chasing her.  
But I have had a couple state a very low age range and after writing a similar note to yours, they actually wrote back and we ended up meeting.  But they both said that they get lots of pleading or angry messages trying to talk them into meeting older guys and it gets tiresome.

gentgary187 reads

I'll repeat one of my rules for SB dating: never believe what a SB says (regardless of whether it's spoken, texted, or in her profile). Their world is malleable, and more so the younger they are.  For example, I went out recently with a really hot blonde who put "high" in her expectations, paid for nothing more than a couple drinks, took them home and knocked the bottom out of her all night, dropped her off the next morning with nary a word about compensation. I've also gone out with older women with "minimal" expectations, less attractive than their profile photos, who I would probably pass by on a normal dating site, and find out they expect huge allowances.  Pass.  And I've had other dates scattered between these extremes.  For me, the uncertainty of the chase makes it more interesting, but I know that it's not for everyone.

A lot of the posts on this board strike me as unnecessary over-analysis and hand-wringing.  You're the man who's achieved status and resources, so act like it.  What I'd advise my fellow travelers on the erotic highway is: if you see something you like, disregard everything but your desire and make your approach.  If you don't get a response, forget her and move on to the next 20 targets.  Never spend any appreciable time thinking about any particular girl.

Gary I think your approach summarizes my own thoughts very closely.  In this particular case, after sending this SB a message, just a few hours later when I checked into SA again I discovered that her profile was deactivated.  So, on to the next 20 or so!

The issue with SA is that it does not clearly tell you if it was deactivation or blocking that suddenly made a profile disappear on you. It will be nice to have them tell you in black and white what the case is.

GaGambler259 reads

Until recently you could tell if someone had blocked you or if she had simply deactivated their account.

I know that a BSC quasi hooker in Tamarindo Costa Rica blocked me the other day, and it shows up exactly the same as a couple of other girls who I am in private contact with, but who have taken their SA profile down.

Yes, it would be nice if they would go back to the old way, maybe if we ALL complain, they "might" go back to the old way?

GaGambler263 reads

but with one caveat, If a POT SB claims she only wants an "online relationship" meaning pics, skype etc. I DO take her at her word and simply go on to the next one, also if a POT SB makes it very clear in her profile that NO sex is going to happen EVER, I also take a pass. I suppose it's possible to "turn" one of these women into "giving it up" by why bother when there are so many that are quite happy to jump into the sack with you?

but like you I pay zero attention to the "expectation" on a POT SB's profile, none whatsoever.

I came across a young 20 something that said she had an age limit. I knew that at 52 I probably qualified as too old. In her profile it said she was a trainer. So I sent her a note about if I was too old how about training. I have her phone number and e-mail. I see her when I'm in town for training. It's fun getting your ass kicked around a gym by a sweet young thing. Lol.

She's been opening up during our training sessions and I see a potential date in the future.  Dontbworry I'm not holding my breath either.

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