The Erotic Highway

I have 3 public and
top 23 Reviews 45 reads

3 private but I am single. SA wouldn't let me post a public picture of myself with my boat in the background but did allow a private one, go figure. I get a lot of requests to view my private photos as my profile is written to include boating weekends, pirate style, surrendering the booty, walking planks and lashes, and such. Lol Guess the SB's want to make sure I am not talking about a 18 foot ski boat, lol. Working like a charm so far.

PussyPump1397 reads

Straightforward question - I wonder what percentage of SDs have photos on their profiles, either public or private? I have not posted any photos at all. That choice has cost me a few potential dates, but not that many. I know some of you have fake "opposition research" profiles, so perhaps you could enlighten me?

GaGambler106 reads

I have never done fake "opposition research" so I don't have a clue, but I would be interested in hearing from those who have engaged in such research.

I too am ready to be "enlightened"

For the record, I do have photos on my profile, but one guy who has created a fake SB profile can give us more insight than dozens of guys like me who can only speak for themselves.

Profile pic you can see my body but not face. Private has two of my face

I had one profile pic publicly visible. I've tried having just private and did find I got a better response rate with a publicly visible one.  

GaGambler138 reads

I too have gotten better responses with a public pic, than without.

I guess I can understand. I would NEVER set up a date with a girl who wouldn't offer a pic. I can't imagine SD's on average are any better looking than TER "johns" and after attending a few M&G and seeing just how bad some of these guys look. I REALLY can't blame a non hooker for insisting on a pic before meeting.

MissedOpportunity117 reads

Totally agree.  One of the things I love about SD vs pros, the better looking and better company you are, the better your rate and experience.  If you got a face for radio, your social game and confidence must be banging, heh   While an SB can request private pics, that initial view of your profile is a big deal and having even just one picture there I think "reels them in" a lot more, moves you past the fucking fakes and jokers and flakes that aren't serious about getting an SB or are just there to collect pictures or get there jollies off girls responding to them while their wife is in bed.   Gotta remember also, these are flaky, short attention span 18-21ish year olds (the ones I like at least).  

Your comment makes me think of an early experience I had.  Early in my SD foray, I was scoping a pot SB and I asked for some recent pictures via text.  I reiterate, I most definitely asked for RECENT pictures.  She sent a bunch of very hot pics, talked about how she models sometimes still, yada yada.  Of course I agree to meet and sure and shit, she is easily 60 pounds and 5 years removed from the pictures.  Bitch, who you think is gonna see those pics of a 110 lb beauty and not notice you could play left tackle now???  So yea, sometimes even after getting a pic, its not 100% till you M&G.  

CaptAwesome88 reads

I have on public pic - it is sufficient to let the girl know my general physique and traits but not enough to identify me.  As a married man, I never share pic until I see one from the lady first so that I can be sure that I don't know her (or more importantly that she doesn't know me or my wife).  

3 private but I am single. SA wouldn't let me post a public picture of myself with my boat in the background but did allow a private one, go figure. I get a lot of requests to view my private photos as my profile is written to include boating weekends, pirate style, surrendering the booty, walking planks and lashes, and such. Lol Guess the SB's want to make sure I am not talking about a 18 foot ski boat, lol. Working like a charm so far.

I have a couple of private pictures with face and the public one showing just a shadow of me.

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