The Erotic Highway

Serious question
Ali2 1093 reads

My 23yo AA SB (7.5 looks/9.5service) who I have been with for over a year has a younger sister who is 21 and is drop dead gorgeous (9.5 looks) head to toe.  My sb says her sister is interested in being a sb but my sb has NOT suggested that I become the sisters sd.  Should I ask? Any advice on how to handle this situation?

If so, then by all means, go ahead and contact the sister and dump your present SB.

If, however, you are like most people, then stick with your present SB, and forget that she even has a sister.  That's what I would do, and be thankful you have a SB who provides such good service.

There is no middle ground here.

You can drop hints and say she's cute.. but it seems you are in a relationship that you want to keep, and you could lose both if play it wrong.

Agree with Scaramouche.  

Do not suggest it - ever.  Here's why:  
1. Sisters are jealous, for good reason. There are many real-life stories of younger sisters (or a hot chick's "best friends") trying to steal her man. (Yes, it's a popular porn theme as well, but there's a reason for that.)
2. She may not want to share... no not your dick, your wallet.  
3. Obviously, the likely result (from your perspective) is that this will lead to threesomes - because - THREESOMES with SISTERS!! But your SB may not be comfortable being a whore in front of her sisters, or seeing her sister as a whore, or - even worse - she may not be bi-sexual.  
4. Fear of losing her SB to a younger, hotter woman. All SB's have self-confidence issues. She may be very worried that if she serves up her sister to you, she will soon be left behind.  

So as mentioned, let HER bring it up. If she does, then you can "reluctantly" agree to meet the sister, then reluctantly agree to a date with her. The point is to let your SB pull you along into heaven. And if she never goes there, you won't step on any landmines.  

Life is good

The Cat

OK I understand the cautionary advice from Fish, Mouche, and Herb.  And you guys are certainly not wrong.  But I think many more young people these days are less possessive and more open/poly than you may realize.  I guess I would ask the SB whether her sister knows about her arrangement with me.  If she does, has it made the sister more eager to try it herself.  And how does the SB feel about her sister entering the bowl?  These kind of questions could elicit the information about whether there's any chance of playing with the sister without the current SB becoming offended.  Or tbh it could just blowup in your face and leave a huge crater in the ground.

"My sb [23] says her sister [21] is interested ..." implies that 21 knows that 23 is a sb and that 23 knows that 21 is interested in sb'ing. No secrets there.
Would it be safe to mention to 23, "If your sister wants advice from me as a SD, I'd be happy to meet with her." [ambiguous "meet with"] or ever more explicit, "If your sister wants to get her feet wet, I'd be willing to meet with her once or twice and mentor her a little bit." and maybe add, "... as long as it doesn't interfere with what we have going." Somehow, I think if you speak to 23 ONLY and make no advances or direct contact with 21 without 23's OK, you should be OK.  Or "you should ... be? ... O?? ... K???"
What are some possible replies? "No, thank you. I want to watch out for 21 but I don't want to help or encourage her too much ... and you are such a nice guy that she would expect the same from everyone." "How dare you! She's my sister!!" Well, you know 23 and can guess her reaction better than I can.

Posted By: Ali2

My 23yo AA SB (7.5 looks/9.5service) who I have been with for over a year has a younger sister who is 21 and is drop dead gorgeous (9.5 looks) head to toe.  My sb says her sister is interested in being a sb but my sb has NOT suggested that I become the sisters sd.  Should I ask? Any advice on how to handle this situation?

AsianManNOVA62 reads

I met an SB several months ago. She has a beautiful face and a nice curvy body. We went BCD once. The sex was so-so; CBJ, and no DFK, but it was only 300 which is considered inexpensive in the DC area. I have not gone BCD with her again because of the lackluster sex, but we do keep in touch. She also told me her real name and I found her on FB.

A couple of months later, I met another SB. We texted each and agreed on her $ gift. She lives kind of far away and doesn't have a car. That's why I haven't gone BCD with her yet, but we still keep in touch also. One day, I noticed her face popped up on my FB page as people I might know (I guess FB uses people's contact info to find matches). Her last name is exactly the same as the first SB's. It is a very uncommon name so I know they are sisters. The funny thing is they are both FB friends with another SB that I have seen several times (what a small world). I asked the other SB if they are sisters and she confirmed.

Now, I am thinking if I should bring this up if and when I meet the one I haven't gone BCD with. After the session, I can casually mention that her face popped up on my FB and I noticed she has a sister who I have seen. If she reacts well, I can bring up the subject of a threesome. No chance of a foursome, unfortunately (not that I can handle all three of them anyway); the other SB asked me not to tell the sisters that she is also an SB (she is also a part-time provider and I wrote a review for her).

-- Modified on 11/20/2022 5:57:36 PM

A while back ago, I posted a similar question on the forum and got the same advice: DON´T DO IT.

In my case, they are identical twins and I was already dating one of them when I discovered that her twin had a profile in SA.   So, my little head was working very hard !!!

The most that I have done is mention to my SB that I saw her sister´s profile.  This lead to a brief conversation where, as Herbcat wisely indicated, my SB mentioned that she has talked to her sister about me.  Nothing else has happened since and I still have a great time with my SB.

It is better to have one bird in hand than...

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