The Erotic Highway

Are we adapting to modern communication styles?
herbtcat 6 Reviews 900 reads

Reading through recent posts, may of which mention using email, phone calls, and/or text, it occurs to me to wonder if we as a (mostly) Baby Boomer generation of SD's are really plugging in to the way our (mostly) Millennial generation of SB's communicate.  

My observation, enhanced by some recent marketing data I've seen in another context, is that Gen M's, generally speaking (which means there are obviously exceptions) prefer asynchronous modes like text, Snapchat, Kik, and (less often) FB posts or messenger to converse.  They generally don't tend to use "higher brain-bandwidth" methods like a real-time telephone voice call that presumably take up valuable cycles of their time. I would propose that this is due in part to Gen M's need to multi-task, compounded by a narrower span of attention.   These are not necessarily bad traits. Rather I think it's a by-product of the new world Gen. M's learn to experience: multiple media outlets, multiple technologies, hundreds (if not thousands) of content creators and distribution channels and the inherent drive to optimize every experience. Gen. M's don't spend very much time on any one topic because there is always something new and shiny showing up in a second. It's the nightmare scenario of "15 minutes of fame" idea.  

There was a recent post about top 10 "pet peeves" committed by SB's and one of the highest items was something about after sending and receiving several texts, and then sending one with a key question (like a p4p offer or proposing a meet date and location) get no reply, often for hours.  I think this is the very manifestation of Gen M "normal" behavior.  

So my question for discussion and debate:  

Are we adapting to this tech-heavy, multi-channel, and attention-grabbing style of communication with the intent to appear to "get it" with our POT SB's?  Or are we holding onto the "old ways" because of our own comfort levels, or perhaps a feeling that actually acting like her father (who is presumably not tech-savvy) will endear her to us and get her horny?  Is the truth somewhere in the middle?  Or am I just riffing here because my #1 Rotation SB wasn't able to spend the weekend with me due to work schedule and I'm pissed off that I didn't get to fuck her brains out for 48 hours?  

So what do you guys do? Do you embrace the asynchronous, off and on nature of texts and snaps, or do you still click the phone hook and ask the operator to connect you to KLondike5-5432?  

-The Cat

you get left behind.  Every generation has brought about changes.  technology changes and evolves at very quick pace these days so you learn to be open to it and experiment with it.  Gone are the days of actually voice communication over a phone.  It's been replaced with Face-To-Face real time streaming apps.  Texting is the norm.  Apps such as Kik or Whatsapp have now used to text.  They also overcome any text limitation on your phone plan.  Whatsapp is also encrypted (or I should say percevied to be since the Wikileaks revelation.  

As far as waiting several hours for a response, I just let it go these days.  They know where I am.  I'm not beholden to them and vice versa.  I make them the same priority they make me.  It's a wonderful thing.  

snapchat, WhatsApp, kik, text, facebook, facebook messenger.

My preferred mode is SnapChat and Kik. You can share pictures and text they get wiped out.  

Lot of bullshit gets communicated. Thank god for the old habits of cut and paste and repeat. The bullshit that gets communicated are food pictures, pet pictures, sleep patterns, work burden. I have a collection of pictures that I select and send randomly. SBs love me for it.  

There are pussy pictures too. But after seeing so many pussies the variance between them is hard to pin point.  

But to answer your question, yes I have learned new technologies.  

However new the technology, it's old bullshit that gets communicated. If you want pussy better learn the technology and the bull shit.

Snapchat messages are normally deleted after it's viewed, but screen shots can be taken of them.  So make sure you set your account to alert you if they are.  I recall it once had a setting that allowed this alert.

Kik messages aren't wiped out unless they sign off their account.  Most never sign off, so be aware.  Photos can also be downloaded and saved.  The nice part about Kik is that you don't have to give out your phone number, just your user ID.  

but I'm obviously a dinosaur because I don't even know what kik or snapchat are, let alone how to use them.  I think I was spoiled because one of my first and still best SBs was a 23 yo who actually enjoyed writing long emails delving into various subjects of mutual interest.  Most PYTs won't do that.  They barely use email. They seem to use short text messages, often sending a barrage of several instead of one long one.  So I've learned to reciprocate.  I just received 4 such messages from my current ATF SB, the jist of which was she wants to see me Friday night.  So I am pumped!  And if I have to learn how to kik or snapchap in order to keep the pussy supply flowing I damn well will.

For my perspective, I work in Fin/Tech so part of my job is knowing mobile apps like Snapchat, Kik, Messenger, Venmo and others.   Perhaps an advantage is that my company's strategy includes intense focus on attracting users under 25 so this is really familiar territory for me.  

Having said that I have adapted my communication style as others have mentioned above. This means:  

1. Favoring short texts which may be separated by minutes or even hours as part of one conversation.  

2. Using TLA's (That's "Three-Letter-Acronyms" for you old farts out there :p like DTF, SMH, LOL, and others without appearing awkward. (Note: I make extensive use of the Urban Dictionary)  

3. Not referring to what I call anti-pussy topics like politics, taxes, foreign policy, immigration, crime, 401k's, Facebook, Myspace,  MTV, and anything else that under 30's don't care (or know!) about. Safe topics:  current pop/rap stars, Beyoncé, eCigs/Vaping (yuck!), Pot, Netfix/Amazon Prime (but not HBO or cable tv), Uber/Lyft, sex (during negotiations), and "how much money you gonna give me daddy?"

4. Never - and I mean never - challenging her ideas or decisions or opinions on generally controversial issues by citing actual facts to support your point of view. Instead, just generally agree and move to a new subject. After all, she's had a whole 14 months in community college to become a well-informed, experienced, and highly functioning adult member of our global economy and we are just too old to "get it". :p  (As Mark Twain once said: The older I get, the smarter my parents get.)  

Signing off..  
The Cat
Phone:  KLondike5-5432

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