The Erotic Highway

Holiday gift budgets for your SB's?
herbtcat 6 Reviews 445 reads

The end-of-year holidays are coming fast. If you watch the major retailers, they continue to push holiday shopping early, essentially skipping Halloween and Thanksgiving shopping and jamming Xmas in our faces.  Not really new, but annoying just the same.  

So, what is your SB Gift strategy and budget for the end of 2022?  Are you planning to give gifts, especially non-cash gifts?  Are you planning strategic time away from family (i.e.: Wife and/or GF) so you can take your SB on a romantic adventure (aka an extended fuck-fest)?  Or are you going to be conveniently "out of town" as far as your SB knows so you can avoid the topic altogether? And if you have an SB Rotation, do you deploy the same strategy and/or budget for each one? Or do you plan/budget differently according to various factors like her looks, performance/satisfaction skills, length of arrangement, current allowance, etc.?  

Some might advise you to take the "out of town" approach, arguing there is no upside in buying gifts without a guarantee of getting a reciprocal reward.  Others may advise that an "investment," even a small one, will deepen the SD/SB affection dynamic and your rewards will come from a deeper bond and more intimate experiences.

And what about budget?  If you want to take the time to "shop" for gifts, or let's call them pampering events like massages, nails, hair, etc., how much will you spend, knowing this will be in addition to her usual allowance?  

For me, I typically budget a minimal amount for small, but hopefully meaningful gifts for the top 2 - 4 SB's in my rotation.  Amazon is my friend, and I can almost always find 3 to 5 items that total less than $75 for each of my SB's. So that makes for a total investment of less than $300, acquired with minimal effort - perhaps a total of one hour searching Amazon.  For my younger and newer SB's these gifts have always been a hit. They are almost shocked when they see I selected items that reflect their interests, career aspirations and personal style. I will speculate that seeing an older, male figure take a deep interest in who they are is an atypical experience for them. So, when "Daddy" shows he really cares it scores big for their self-esteem and generates huge affection bonus points.  

For my more experienced SB's (that is Porn Stars and semi-pros), I actually scale back and may only buy one small - but meaningful item, if I happen to see one.  They are generally more jaded about small gifts from men, so giving them $15 earrings just looks cheap and thoughtless.  However, if our schedules and my budget align, I will occasionally invest in a pampering experience for them. One idea I've used 3 or 4 times this year with great results: A professional massage in my home. Now I've brought SB's to upscale Spas before - Burke Williams as an example. But fuck me these are expensive. A 60-minute massage and related services can cost over $400!  I found a phone app called Soothe that lets me book a masseuse to come to my home (or hotel room) and provide a LEGIT 60-minute massage for my SB. The costs with tip are less than $150.  This has been a hit every time, and I have reaped significant rewards.  

What about you?   Which path will you follow?

1. Out of town, lets hook up after
- How do you message this?  

2. Thoughtful gifts for some/all
- What is your budget approach and limit?

There are no wrong answers here...Over the years I've played on both sides of this... Just curious to see how others think about it.

Life is good

The Cat

I like the approach and we can discuss more specifics later (without getting too QVC about it)
I just had one SB last year and she liked vintage things so I got her a pendant from a flea market, My SB rota is in flux now so we'll see,,,

Then I read this post. Great timing.  I never use the out of town excuse, and I generally try to find some smallish non cash gift for each SB in my rotation.  And a card.  Always give them a card with some sweet words hand written inside.  But today I did something waaaay different.

My #1 SB is number 1 because of the amazing rapport we have (as well as the great sex).  We both identify as poly.  My wife and I have met her and her BF socially.  All 4 of us are motorcyclists of one sort or another.  My wife rides her own bike, my SB rides behind her BF on his Harley.  But she wants to learn to ride and get her own bike one day.

I saw an ideal beginner bike on CL the other day.  Needs some work, but is an ideal first bike for my SB.  I showed the ad to my wife and said, I think I might buy this.  Her immediate reaction was, buy it and give it to K! (not her real initial).   So today I bought my SB a motorcycle!  It only cost $1200 and I'll need to get it fixed up first, which is always fun for me.  I haven't told my SB yet.  I think I'll wait a while.  Hope she likes it! (this will be a combined Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanza gift.)

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