The Erotic Highway

Found arrangement for married guy with local SA
Auto234 986 reads

I think I have found solution for married guys playing on SA in the town he lives in.  5 weeks ago I hooked up with 21 yo college student on SA ( I am 50+). It turns out the best time for her to meet is early morning because her classes start at 10am on most days.

What works for me is to get hotel that is a little out of way on way home from work, but close to my office and her University. I check in, get key, and then meet SA at 8am in morning on my way to work. This way nobody notices my diversion, either at home or work.

Although she is not pro she wastes little time getting to business and because of both our schedules we are out of there within 45 - 90 minutes. I am not looking for a friend, companion and find little in common with 21 yo so my prefer is get in and out and move on. She is open to everything even finishing CIM. She doesn't really date so by the time of our weekly meet she is pretty excited to get going.

The beauty of this is there is no "dating", dinner, long conversations, shopping sprees or anything else. It is what it is, nothing more, nothing less and we are both very happy about it.

We agreed on $400 per meet which she is thrilled about, but my savings over other arrangements is easy $150 - $200 per meet due to not getting nicer hotels and nice dinners.......current decent hotel is under $100 all-in and again no meals dates I am saving a ton of time and logistic headaches over evening or mid-day meets.

She graduates in Spring and will move away but we'll enjoy it for as long as we can.

On another note, since dipping toe into college girl pool, I am finding that these girls put up with a lot of B.S. and time wasters, but by acting professional, polite and quickly meeting casually and following up with price agreement and scheduling quick date you will separate yourself from most of the other guys and you will definitely get their attention. As for age I thought I was too old, but it appears these girls are realistic and understand most of the guys that can and "will" spend upwards of $2k+ per month will be older as we are better off financially than many younger guys

John_Laroche322 reads

$500 all-in for a 45-90 minute outcall to your hotel. She may be lower volume than a pro if that's important to you.  

Enjoy the next few months in any case.

GaGambler380 reads

You could get almost the exact same thing from a hooker at around the same price or even less.

I am not knocking what you have, you are happy with her and the arrangement and that's all that counts, but what you are describing is the exact same thing you get from a hooker.  

BTW, I also have a few SB's that are BCD only. One in particular I have seen dozens of times and have NEVER taken out for even so much as a snack. She comes over a few times a week, fucks my brains out and leaves, just like a hooker, only unlike a hooker, I only give her about a hundred bucks each time I see her, but I agreed to see her virtually as often as she likes, so sometimes she ends up with five hundred for the week from me, but that means she fucked me 5 out of 7 days that week. Like you, I am quite happy with the arrangement.

gotducks353 reads

How did you manage to negotiate that? Good for you!

Posted By: GaGambler
You could get almost the exact same thing from a hooker at around the same price or even less.  
 I am not knocking what you have, you are happy with her and the arrangement and that's all that counts, but what you are describing is the exact same thing you get from a hooker.  
 BTW, I also have a few SB's that are BCD only. One in particular I have seen dozens of times and have NEVER taken out for even so much as a snack. She comes over a few times a week, fucks my brains out and leaves, just like a hooker, only unlike a hooker, I only give her about a hundred bucks each time I see her, but I agreed to see her virtually as often as she likes, so sometimes she ends up with five hundred for the week from me, but that means she fucked me 5 out of 7 days that week. Like you, I am quite happy with the arrangement.

GaGambler261 reads

It does help that I am not in the high dollar areas like LA or NYC. Hooker rates are mainly $300 or less in Texas, and in my experience at least, SB rates are much cheaper.

You and your college SB created an arrangement that suits you both. So props to you! I see no need  to compare it to any other arrangement or style of dating or to put labels on it. Enjoy her companionship to the fullest!

Auto234331 reads

What works for me is to get hotel that is a little out of way on way home from work, but close to my office and her University. I check in, get key, and then meet SA at 8am in morning on my way to work. This way nobody notices my diversion, either at home or work.  
 Although she is not pro she wastes little time getting to business and because of both our schedules we are out of there within 45 - 90 minutes. I am not looking for a friend, companion and find little in common with 21 yo so my prefer is get in and out and move on. She is open to everything even finishing CIM. She doesn't really date so by the time of our weekly meet she is pretty excited to get going.  
 The beauty of this is there is no "dating", dinner, long conversations, shopping sprees or anything else. It is what it is, nothing more, nothing less and we are both very happy about it.  
 We agreed on $400 per meet which she is thrilled about, but my savings over other arrangements is easy $150 - $200 per meet due to not getting nicer hotels and nice dinners.......current decent hotel is under $100 all-in and again no meals dates I am saving a ton of time and logistic headaches over evening or mid-day meets.  
 She graduates in Spring and will move away but we'll enjoy it for as long as we can.  
 On another note, since dipping toe into college girl pool, I am finding that these girls put up with a lot of B.S. and time wasters, but by acting professional, polite and quickly meeting casually and following up with price agreement and scheduling quick date you will separate yourself from most of the other guys and you will definitely get their attention. As for age I thought I was too old, but it appears these girls are realistic and understand most of the guys that can and "will" spend upwards of $2k+ per month will be older as we are better off financially than many younger guys.  

LOL......I actually was posting about how I manage seeing her being a married guy, I thought the logistics worked great. The "arrangement" was a second thought I decided to add. Based on my previous arrangements this one is a bargain.

Can I get same type girl for less, maybe...probably. Next time I am looking for new one maybe I'll give it a try much lower and see what happens, after all GaGamblers arrangement is too envy! For now things are good.

I have the almost the exact same situation and it works great. I get the room the night before and usually meet around 8:30 or 9:00 am - late 20's SB who enjoys sex - but no BBBJ yet which is my only complaint. I am happy with an hour or so visit, one and done has always been my deal, so this works. I also am unusually horny in the morning, always have been so this works on all ends. I am at $2XX a meet - but in MW not coastal city - good pros are more like 3XX or more. My SB wants to meet more often, but I just don't have the time. I am sure others will say - why not just a pro, but I do like this better - right now the familiarity and her reliability are both still great - can usually text her a day before. I am sure at some point I or she will move on, but that's what attracts us to this game - I guess? As others have said, there are all kinds of arrangements.

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