The Erotic Highway

Congrats! Your little head has won. Case closed!
CuriousSort 949 reads
1 / 14

So I've been conversing with a potential SB for a while.  She has been telling me about her canning food, her kids, etc.  We wanted to talk on the phone today but our schedules didn't line up and she fell asleep.  Pretty innocuous conversation.  We've been talking about meeting, etc.

Suddenly tonight she starts sending me photos of herself.  Naked from the waste up face included.  Pussy photo, etc.   Then says we can meet at her house and to bring cash.  She also said something about masturbating for guys for a price.

It actually sounded like I was suddenly talking to a different person.  Don't know if it was her husband sending that to me.

I ask how much cash to bring if we meet and she said whatever I  am comfortable with.    Sounds like an escort  to me.   But she is older (38) and I'm guessing she needs cash.  Her facebook page said she had an accident and surgery and is no longer able to work.  She told me the same over email.  She is on SSD.  I found 1 police record for a DWI a few months back.  She is married and her facebook page confirms it.  Her phone number does not show up as tied to any provider Ads.

Not sure what to make of it.  Also don't want to risk walking into a sting.  So much of what I found tells me its not a sting though.  I did email back saying I would not do anything illegal and pay for sex but if she decides to see me we would be in a relationship and then I could help her out.

My gut says to to walk away from this.  Problem is, she is good looking and I know she would be fun.

tozer 72 Reviews 225 reads
2 / 14
phi68psi 21 Reviews 268 reads
3 / 14

I once had a situation where I had several emails back and forth, but insistence on a coffee meeting put a stop to it.  At the meeting, if it happens, you can talk about being concerned about her change in tone and being concerned about intrusion/discovery by SO.  Those are both legitimate.  

I don't think it is LE but it stills sounds distrubing.

CuriousSort 266 reads
4 / 14

She may be an alcoholic. She messaged me tonight that she likes vodka and she sent me her address.  I looked up the address and it matches her name and her husband's name.  Its all legit.  She is just really BSC.

sweetman 93 Reviews 223 reads
5 / 14

BSC is what I was going to suggest.  She might be legit but Waaaaayyy too much baggage. Walk away if you can.  I know, easy for me to say. If you go for it I'd suggest the coffee date, and then taking her to a motel.  Don't go to her house.

CuriousSort 260 reads
7 / 14

I figured out what happened.  She had a major, major operation not long ago.  If its what I think it is, it can mess with your head and especially if she had been drinking when this stuff went down.  And I'm pretty sure she had been drinking.

So I think she is for the most part a pretty normal, stable, typical person.  You can see that by her facebook page.  But she has some challenges because of the medical situation and can no longer work.   So the sudden shift in personality I think I now understand.

I'm not going to write her off just yet.  She is hot and does look like she would be a lot of fun.

principium 252 reads
8 / 14

If you really thought about what you had read, you'd run away as fast as Usain Bolt! The reason she's drinking after an operation is because the Drs. are probably no longer prescribing the opiate based pain meds to her (they've become a lot tougher as the dependency epidemic on these meds have almost reach an epidemic proportion specially with the younger patients). Therefore the alcohol consumption is her way of self medicating and therefore that "hotness" which you see in the photos will soon be replaced by something not too visually pleasing.

CuriousSort 230 reads
9 / 14

LOL!  No, I don't think your conclusion is correct.  Probably a reasonable conclusion based on what I shared but I think its something else. I'll know more after I talk to her.

Posted By: principium
If you really thought about what you had read, you'd run away as fast as Usain Bolt! The reason she's drinking after an operation is because the Drs. are probably no longer prescribing the opiate based pain meds to her (they've become a lot tougher as the dependency epidemic on these meds have almost reach an epidemic proportion specially with the younger patients). Therefore the alcohol consumption is her way of self medicating and therefore that "hotness" which you see in the photos will soon be replaced by something not too visually pleasing.

GaGambler 239 reads
10 / 14

That's why I NEVER ask for advice or even worse "permission" to do something the rest of the board would consider "dumb"

Besides, a woman can "self medicate" for years and remain "hot" She obviously can't do it forever, but who the fuck cares about "forever" lol

I think you might think VERY carefully however about seeing her at her home just yet. I'd hate to hear that some nut job jumped out of the closet and hit you over the head with a hammer.

CuriousSort 238 reads
11 / 14

I originally was trying to gauge if she was a pro or not. But now I know for sure she isn't but unfortunately she is a bit like someone you would meet in the twilight zone so I'm going to pass.

One thing about SB's is, its definitely an interesting ride!.  I'm actually having fun!

GaGambler 274 reads
12 / 14

and yes, SB's are most certainly an interesting ride, I too am having a lot of fun, at least as much as I ever had in the hooker world, and I have had a LOT of fun in the hooker world too.

I will confess, I do still like having hooker sex at least once a week, I guess you can't just go "cold turkey" on something as fun as hooker sex.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 234 reads
13 / 14

I'm not a doctor, or even a social worker.  However, the only relationships that I have had majorly fucked up have all been owing to alcohol use.  I learned after the fact that several gals I have seen were pretty active cocaine and some opiate users, but I never knew it.  On the other hand, when a gal is on the juice, things go to hell and pretty quickly too.

Just sayin'

averagejoe38 35 Reviews 185 reads
14 / 14

I agree with GaG that SA is ton of fun but the sex is definitely better with the hookers. Or may be I will find a SB that can give me the best of both worlds :)

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