The Erotic Highway

Gr8t8 58 Reviews 1198 reads

I have been banned a few times on SA for you know what.Always have been able to get back on.This time have tried what has worked before but unable to get by the suspension.Can someone please help us repentive gentleman how to get back on and help these young ladies

I'm, sorry you were banned - again. I really don't understand why you and others here get banned multiple times. Do you not read the TOS? Do you not read the repetitive advice given here about what you should NEVER say or do on the site?  

I have no idea how to get around a multi-banned problem. Probably because in using the site for over 10 years I have never been banned. Why? Because I don't do stupid shit on the site.  

I'll leave it to others to flame you for this, and I'm sure they can/will. That's not my thing. But it seems you got banned, and then banned, and then banned, etc., because you deserved to get banned.  

Life is good (for me!)

The Cat

So I just went a re-read SA's Terms of Use, an interesting document that every user should be familiar with.  Some of the things that will get you banned from the site are explicitly stated.  For example, failing to report someone under 18 years old.  But although all of us here assume that offering or requesting PPM will get you banned, I don't see anything in the TOS that actually says that. It does say that offering or promoting escort and prostitution is forbidden. But there's no discussion about PPM or regular allowances either for that matter. Unless I missed something.  Also, I've had several SBs request PPM and I assume they do this often but have never been kicked off the site to my knowledge.  I think a strong case can be made for why a PPM arrangement does NOT violate their terms of use.  Not that I'm going to risk trying.  All discussions pertaining to allowances and money should be made off site.  

My sense is that it's not the use of a specific term (with the exception of the obvious). It's the implication of "quid pro quo" that attaches to a term.  Most laws on the books define prostitution as an offer of, or request for, sex in return for something of value - a quid pro quo  - or "this for that."  Offering to pay per meet in conjunction with an expectation (or at least the implication of) sex meets the definition - or I surmise that is SA's legal teams' stated opinion, and therefore SA's policy.  

It seems that POT SB's get a lot more latitude on this than POT SD's do. You can guess why as well as, or better, than I can.  But I think that SD's are much less likely to report a POT SB for using per meet language, so that may contribute.  

So the TOS does not need to include a lengthy list of banned terms. In fact, they probably deliberately avoid that in case some new term arises out of nowhere that might equate to PPM.  An example: In the last few years, the term "shawty" has arisen as a reference to a woman. In my decades of life, we had many other slang terms for a woman like "chick," "seat cover," "dame," "babe," "hottie," etc.  But no "shawtys," thank you.  

So terms are much less important than context.  Sadly I have yet to see a SD who was banned for something other than quid pro quo language.  

As I've said before, the closest I ever get to this, if pressed by a POT before she's willing to move to text is to mention a long list of non-sex date-like activities (dinner, a movie, shopping, drive up the coast, etc.) and then tell her I'd be happy to help her cover some bills once in a while.  

Life is good

The Cat

AnotherDonJohn103 reads

Personally I liked not being banned and getting laid... that’s just me.  

Is this what HC means by flaming? Maybe. I just wonder why people can’t wait until they can talk explicit details on texting. Anybody who can’t make it to texting isn’t legit anyway (goes for Johns and hoes btw).

This was a couple years back, before the new laws.  I was banned when some Karen complained that I mentioned PPM in their chat system.  It was stupid of me, of course.  I did manage to get back on under a new account.  But they are probably a lot more stringent about that now.  I haven't used SA in a few years.  I still have an account on SB.  But I might pick up SA again this summer.  Although I swore off sugaring as too much trouble ... the wild calls. ;-)

All of these answers are helpful to giving you the reasons why you were banned.  PPM is a term they deem as promoting escorting, therefore you get banned.  If you mention sex terms, like you could in a review here; that will do it too.  
You need a new credit card with a different address or a different version of your name.  That can get you around the system.  
Go try.  If you can get it done, don’t fuck it up again.   If you do, then you’d be just plain stupid.

engrguy45 reads

I got suspended for using a vpn to log in.  Because it was a different vpn than what I was using in the past.  That would tell me they track you isp to your user name

Did they tell you the reason, or are you assuming that?  Otherwise that's pretty interesting.

I found that a SB that straight up stole from me still has an account. After reporting they are no longer visible.  She also has escort ads on several sites.  Reported all of this, the police report, everything and her account is still active.

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