The Erotic Highway

appreciating my sb and luck
Ali2 552 reads

I recently tried to get a second SB -- went thru the gauntlet -- fakes, outrageous expectations, ambivalence at the last moment, etc.  I finally decided to give up and just participate more (and appreciate more) my current SB (the one with the sister who was interested in becoming an SB -- she changed her mind, apparently, and so nothing ever happened there).

Anyway, we get together tonight, me feeling very appreciative of her skills and willingness and personality.   We go to a hotel -- I did not have time to book a room bc we decided to meet up at the last minute. I go into register.  There is no one at the desk. So, I go back to the car and we make out for awhile.  I go back to the desk. There is still no one there.  So, I go back and we make out some more, a little more aggressively and a little more foreplay.  I go back to the desk. There is still no one there.  So, we drive to a darker more deserted part of the parking lot and proceed to conduct our date in the car, including fogging up the windows, Titanic-style.  At the end, as we are in post coital relaxation, a guy walks right by the car, but does not say or do anything and then walks back. We were at the far end of the lot so there was no real reason for him to be there. Anyway, I feel (a) "satisfied" (b) appreciative of my SB and (c) lucky (I am kind of a public figure in my community and the shit would have hit the fan, had the guy been a cop or security officer and done something).  I think actually he was a security officer and just didn't care).  

I've never tried a car date, but I often do RV dates!  It's very relaxing knowing the RV is ready for action if my date turns out to be ready also!  And you learn pretty quickly where the safe spots to park it are without getting hassled to move on by security.  Of the 66 dates I've had this year, all of 2 were in hotels. The rest were my place, her place, or the trusty RV!

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