The Erotic Highway

.500 batting avg
Coach1437 89 Reviews 1027 reads
1 / 16

So, I turned a friend on to SA and he has had an interesting 2months.  He has met 6 women behind closed doors.  The amazing thing, to me, is that 3 of them were not interested in money/allowance.  Not that it was offered and they refused.  No, it simply has not come up...they never asked and he has not offered.  All have repeated, so this is not a situation where the first was a freebie because they got carried away before talking $$$$.  I have met 15 women BCD and only 2 were not interested in cash.  I like his "batting average" better.  What have your experiences been?  I think his average is out of whack for SA.  Thoughts?

herbtcat 6 Reviews 395 reads
2 / 16

My guess is your friend has (unlike most of the rest of us):  

1. Better looks  
2. Less years
3. A 9+ inch "personality"  

Curious what metro area he and you are in; big city or rural area?  

Tp specifically answer your question, that is not close to my experiences.  Actually, most of my SB's initiated the negotiation well before we scheduled any BCD time.  

But hey, this may be a good time to use an old saying; "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

bdb6 24 Reviews 299 reads
3 / 16
Coach1437 89 Reviews 386 reads
5 / 16

To clarify...what amazes me is the fact that these women have agreed to come to his home without a discussion of $$$, will fuck him without discussing $$$, and then never bring up the subject of money.  Yes, objectively speaking he is a good looking guy.  However, this is an "arrangement" site and he has found 3/6 who seemingly view it as a "dating" site or hook up site.  I think there are women, obviously, who might just like the idea of fucking older guys...

Coach1437 89 Reviews 361 reads
6 / 16

We are in the Chicagoland area

12pointbuck75 18 Reviews 288 reads
7 / 16
Hpygolky 206 Reviews 298 reads
8 / 16

This is what might happen,he'll get an unexpected call from one or all of them saying they're short on rent or car payments and can they "borrow" xx amount. They will hit on him eventually for money and if he doesn't help them, then it's adios. He's being setup.....But then again, he could be full of caca.

GaGambler 349 reads
9 / 16

I have had a couple of "streaks" just about as good.

I think part of it is how your friend and myself approach these dates. I bet you he treats them just like a civvie date, and only talks about money if they bring up the subject, That's what I do and I have had many dates where money simply didn't come up and a couple of times when money did finally come up they told me the main reason they fucked me to begin with was the fact that I "didn't" talk about money and didn't make them feel like a prostitute. Many women on SA hate being treated like a hooker and won't even see a guy who talks about money right out of the gate.

I have heard from a lot of SB's that the VERY worst opening line they can think of is "how much?"

Now all that said, I realize SA is an "arrangement site" and that most of the women are there for financial support. I think you friend just caught a lucky run and it's unlikely that if he sees another twenty SB's that anywhere close to ten of them will fuck him for free. I just don't see it as a percentage that is sustainable.

Roberto46 12 Reviews 271 reads
10 / 16

I recently saw my first SB.  She didn't ask for money, but I offered some as she left and she accepted.  I can afford it and don't want her back asking for something else because i {took advantage of her]. There is a saying the "the cheapest sex you ever have is the sex you pay for."

herbtcat 6 Reviews 289 reads
11 / 16

Reminds me of the old joke:  You do pay a hooker for sex, you pay her to leave.   :p

Riley007 44 Reviews 241 reads
12 / 16

I have had a freebie on SA and some very cheap dates.  If you go out with women closer your age, they may want something other than $$. Guys on SA are richer than guys on  They also tend to not be clingy, just the opposite.  Some ladies want a nice dinner, conversation and a good fucking, they don't need the $$, nor do some want it.

I have a few ladies in their 40's very happy to get screwed for dinner and drinks.

Now if he's hitting 20 year old college girls for free, is name must be Brad Pitt

Coach1437 89 Reviews 292 reads
13 / 16

That is his not bring it up if they have not.  One of the women I did not include in his " average" fucked him for free the first time...and when the second date happened, asked for $$$ over their opening glass of wine.  She made it clear that she fucked him for free BECAUSE the subject did not come up and she thought that was hot...of course, the " "arrangement" component has kicked in, but they fuck once a week for $250 and he is loving it.  I totally agree, as does he, that the average is not sustainable; however, we have concluded that there are women out there, probably because they have some desire not to consider themselves hookers, who will fuck me for free because they are on the fence about ASKING for money.  I don't think this is taking is more like playing with a bit of advanced knowledge.

sweetman 93 Reviews 345 reads
14 / 16

I find his experience remarkable.  I have dated maybe 15 or 20 women off SA and they have all mos def wanted the money.  Some talked about right away, others during our first meeting, but none have ignored the topic.  I mean, money is the reason they are on the site, right? SA isn't OKC.  I suppose I should add that I am old and bald, but somewhat charming in my own way and very healthy and an excellent conversationalist.

But I also understand that many of the SBs may indeed be squeamish about connecting their sexual activities with payment. I get that.  Maybe I'll try talking to my next few POT SBs without discussing money unless they bring it up.  But I think there are more SBs who will be annoyed that I'm not being upfront with them about expectation$$ than there are SBs who will appreciate no talk about money.  Just my opinion.

And one of my very least favorite situations is to get hours invested in a date with a SB as well as many $$ for drinks and food, lots of flirting and eye contact and very obvious signals that she is ready to fuck, only to hear her say on the way to the hotel, "Oh by the way, I usually get $XXXX for an intimate date". And the amount she mentions is not negotiable and way above my comfort level. Which is why I prefer to discuss money before I even meet a girl.  But I'm open minded!  I have a coffee date with a lovely young woman tomorrow and I think I'll not mention money unless she does.

principium 313 reads
15 / 16

written in an SB profile? I come across a lot of this specially with SBs who have been on the site for a while and are not newbies. Ever wondered as to why they state as such? It could be that they are plagiarizing other profiles (which they can not review anyway if signed in as an SB) but more importantly, because they have had encounters with "fakes", i.e, POT SDs who do not want to or avoid bringing up one of the most quintessential components of a sugar based relationship which is "allowance" in whichever method or name that you wish to contextualize it.  

Several years ago, I did score twice on SA without PPM or PP4. I scored based on dinner, drinks and some shopping. A few days later one SB called me out and told me that she didn't think that we were compatible because it seemed to her that I was not going to be the paying type. I met her up for coffee after the facts and I had put $300 in an envelop which I gave her. I never bedded her after that, although I talked to her a few times. The second, I had arranged for a hotel room and we had some great BCD time. She told me that we had great chemistry and she was looking for $1500 per month (to drive to me from LA) for 3 meetings per month which would have included overnight. She was happy with PPM and didn't want an allowance. Again, I thought that it was all talk and that she would see me, "because I was such a great catch"!  

It took me a bit of growing up to realize that indeed I was the asshole and that I was trying to convince myself that charms, looks, suave and articulate idiosyncrasy and characteristics were going to get it done, plus some wining/dining and trinket shopping. In retrospect, my "cheapness"  due to my stupid pride denied me some great encores. I am still ashamed to this date for my behavior specially since I had no problem paying for fugly arse providers fees of 300-400 and at times not even getting motivated to fcuk some of those providers because I felt no attraction after I had already waked into the room (fear of backlash on TER). Being an asshole doesn't give one the rights to be a braggart about not paying. I know of this first hand.

GaGambler 283 reads
16 / 16

but anyone who think I give even a single fuck what those people think about me obviously doesn't know me very well. lol

Some of these same people think that lying to a civvie girl to get into her pants is akin to rape too. So fuck em

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