TER General Board

you're going to take a lot of crap for this post but I support you.....
MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1399 reads

I've seen this as well but usually not at the higher end of the market -

this is one of the reasons why I pretty much stick with k-agencies these days -  and why I rarely revisit.....

there are top notch GFE providers out there who care more about a select long term repeat clientele -   but even there,   the old saying "familiarity breeds contempt" can come into play - it's human nature to take the people who are regularly in your life (whether real life or whatever "this" is....)   for granted....

so if you're going to repeat with providers my advice is to keep some distance and keep the frequency low.   There is a strong potential for an inverse relationship in my opinion between frequency and performance

-- Modified on 8/21/2014 8:29:38 AM

I've had three instances recently where a provider who I had an absolutely stellar time with (and said so in a subsequent review) gave lame excuses or simply orchestrated the session so as to be no more than a quick 'Blow-n-go" on the second visit.  

   One provider told me she "nicked herself' shaving around her starfish which effectively precluded the entire reason I returned(anal play). Another ignored several polite but earnest requests by me too back-off on her BBBJ because I didn't want to cum to quickly. She didn't, I did, and the session was a waste of good money in my opinion. And another provider who initially gave me a ride up her o'l dirt road like I never before had developed a sphincter so tight you couldn't get a greased BB up there without causing discomfort on my second visit.  

Repeat business is the holy grail for most enterprises, and with the constant waves of new competition filling the pages of the escort malls I'd think being 'on your game' for a return client would be paramount.

  Reviews CAN be re-written ladies, and TER doesn't care if it's within weeks or years.

Epsilon_Eridani831 reads

go visit your eye doctor.  

it has nothing to do with being shortsighted, it all has to do how the provider perceives you.  

that provider who nicked her anus with her razor must have gorilla hair down there.  

might want to take up another hobby like knitting before you make a complete ass out of yourself.

Posted By: GhostWriteroftheDamned
 I've had three instances recently where a provider who I had an absolutely stellar time with (and said so in a subsequent review) gave lame excuses or simply orchestrated the session so as to be no more than a quick 'Blow-n-go" on the second visit.  
    One provider told me she "nicked herself' shaving around her starfish which effectively precluded the entire reason I returned(anal play). Another ignored several polite but earnest requests by me too back-off on her BBBJ because I didn't want to cum to quickly. She didn't, I did, and the session was a waste of good money in my opinion. And another provider who initially gave me a ride up her o'l dirt road like I never before had developed a sphincter so tight you couldn't get a greased BB up there without causing discomfort on my second visit.  
 Repeat business is the holy grail for most enterprises, and with the constant waves of new competition filling the pages of the escort malls I'd think being 'on your game' for a return client would be paramount.  
   Reviews CAN be re-written ladies, and TER doesn't care if it's within weeks or years.

I've seen this as well but usually not at the higher end of the market -

this is one of the reasons why I pretty much stick with k-agencies these days -  and why I rarely revisit.....

there are top notch GFE providers out there who care more about a select long term repeat clientele -   but even there,   the old saying "familiarity breeds contempt" can come into play - it's human nature to take the people who are regularly in your life (whether real life or whatever "this" is....)   for granted....

so if you're going to repeat with providers my advice is to keep some distance and keep the frequency low.   There is a strong potential for an inverse relationship in my opinion between frequency and performance

-- Modified on 8/21/2014 8:29:38 AM

And in addition to that if a girl figures you for a mark/easy they'll treat you as such.  

Unless you believe that you truly have chemistry and she didn't just sell you a great experience (which is her/our job) then yeah don't repeat too often

The guy might be just way too much. First visit she took it and made the best of it but she clearly had trouble hence the backing off from stuff second time around.  

Listen not all clients are a joy, some are really difficult and  with that type I grin and bear it for the time but never see them again. There is no point. If those ladies could not deal with NEG the second time around they should not have booked him.  

If I cringe at the thought of seeing someone again, that is a great indicator I should not.

-- Modified on 8/21/2014 6:20:20 AM

-- Modified on 8/21/2014 6:30:29 AM

a client whom she wouldn't be compatible with through her screening process?

Because she usually only finds out how difficult the guy is when seeing him the first time. The only way she might be able to weed out him BEFORE the meeting is if he puts something in his communication that makes her go "holy shit no way Jose".

Screening doesn't tell you much about the client you are going to meet.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Because she usually only finds out how difficult the guy is when seeing him the first time. The only way she might be able to weed out him BEFORE the meeting is if he puts something in his communication that makes her go "holy shit no way Jose".
This thread was about repeat appointments where the level of intimacy has dropped off.  

Can't the lady politely decline the appointment request when she is not feeling intimate?

If the client grosses her out that much she should not bother wasting his time or having to deal.

Perhaps you shouldn't write stellar reviews of providers you plan on seeing again. Wait until her performance becomes exiguous. Then write the appropriate corresponding review.

Posted By: GhostWriteroftheDamned
 I've had three instances recently where a provider who I had an absolutely stellar time with (and said so in a subsequent review) gave lame excuses or simply orchestrated the session so as to be no more than a quick 'Blow-n-go" on the second visit.  
    One provider told me she "nicked herself' shaving around her starfish which effectively precluded the entire reason I returned(anal play). Another ignored several polite but earnest requests by me too back-off on her BBBJ because I didn't want to cum to quickly. She didn't, I did, and the session was a waste of good money in my opinion. And another provider who initially gave me a ride up her o'l dirt road like I never before had developed a sphincter so tight you couldn't get a greased BB up there without causing discomfort on my second visit.  
 Repeat business is the holy grail for most enterprises, and with the constant waves of new competition filling the pages of the escort malls I'd think being 'on your game' for a return client would be paramount.  
   Reviews CAN be re-written ladies, and TER doesn't care if it's within weeks or years.

Panthera121429 reads

some of these providers would lose their attitudes and do their jobs. I would never leave a good review stand under those circumstances.  

Many of these "college" educated hookers still think with their tits and pussies.

89Springer1060 reads

I wanted to just change a single sentence, but the edited review was rejected, and I was told that reviews cannot be edited after they are approved. Another time I wanted to make a more substantial change, but was rejected for the same reason. I was told that I could only do a different review if I saw the provider again

of someone you have previously seen....  admin will then contact you and let you know that to get the new one approved it has to replace the old one - you won't get more VIP days -  you say "yep" and it's done.....

but you can't change an existing review after approval.....

Panthera121226 reads

You can't replace a review because you want to edit it. Once the review is posted it is the property of TER and if an edit is required there has to be a strong reason for it.  

To rewrite a review, there has to be some changes such as performance or appearance. Rewriting the same review at a later date is an abuse of the system.

CubaGooding_Sr1366 reads

TER says if a guy has a different session-either better or worse with a gal he's seen before, he can submit a new review. Of course this means he had to have another session with her.

...but needed the money anyway. Maybe you should adopt a two-visit rule before writing a review?

Some ladies just require some kind of chemistry to keep up the enthusiasm. When I've experienced a drop-off in performance it's because there was no real chemistry there besides the novelty of the "new."

After reading the tone of the post, I'm not sure I'm wrong.  

Posted By: GhostWriteroftheDamned
 I've had three instances recently where a provider who I had an absolutely stellar time with (and said so in a subsequent review) gave lame excuses or simply orchestrated the session so as to be no more than a quick 'Blow-n-go" on the second visit.  
    One provider told me she "nicked herself' shaving around her starfish which effectively precluded the entire reason I returned(anal play). Another ignored several polite but earnest requests by me too back-off on her BBBJ because I didn't want to cum to quickly. She didn't, I did, and the session was a waste of good money in my opinion. And another provider who initially gave me a ride up her o'l dirt road like I never before had developed a sphincter so tight you couldn't get a greased BB up there without causing discomfort on my second visit.  
 Repeat business is the holy grail for most enterprises, and with the constant waves of new competition filling the pages of the escort malls I'd think being 'on your game' for a return client would be paramount.  
   Reviews CAN be re-written ladies, and TER doesn't care if it's within weeks or years.

...who you were, so she accepted the appointment.

-- Modified on 8/21/2014 12:34:30 PM

Posted By: GhostWriteroftheDamned
 I've had three instances recently where a provider who I had an absolutely stellar time with (and said so in a subsequent review) gave lame excuses or simply orchestrated the session so as to be no more than a quick 'Blow-n-go" on the second visit.  
    One provider told me she "nicked herself' shaving around her starfish which effectively precluded the entire reason I returned(anal play). Another ignored several polite but earnest requests by me too back-off on her BBBJ because I didn't want to cum to quickly. She didn't, I did, and the session was a waste of good money in my opinion. And another provider who initially gave me a ride up her o'l dirt road like I never before had developed a sphincter so tight you couldn't get a greased BB up there without causing discomfort on my second visit.  
 Repeat business is the holy grail for most enterprises, and with the constant waves of new competition filling the pages of the escort malls I'd think being 'on your game' for a return client would be paramount.  
   Reviews CAN be re-written ladies, and TER doesn't care if it's within weeks or years.

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