TER General Board

You're an idiot EVERYONE has their own scoring system
GaGambler 162 reads

and MOST reviewers use a similar scoring system as CDL,  

A TER "5" is buttfuckingugly, EVERYONE knows that who's been here more than a day or two and you certainly know that as well, You just don't like CDL because he calls you out for your lies, and your dead fish breath of course.

I think most TER members would agree that a provider with nothing but 7-7 reviews is considered below average and a provider with more that a couple of scores below a six is to be avoided at all costs, unless of course the reviewer who gave  her those low scores is known as a "tough" grader.

Now please GFY and leave  your personal biases where they belong

Have you ever looked at the ratings for a provider and noticed a trend?  (Mostly 5 or 6 for appearance and 6 or 7 for performance. )  Then you saw one reviewer who gave her a 9 for both?  Normally you are thinking YMMV, but you have seen this particular provider and you know for a fact that she doesn't do the things that this reviewer says that she does.  

So you dig deeper and look at his other reviews, and they are all 8's, 9's, and 10's.  All of them!!!  And the attitudes are all "Totally Awesome" or "Total GFE", even for the ones who are definitely not GFE.    

I found one such reviewer, but I don't want to call him out in a forum, naturally, so I will just ask.  Have any of you come across this situation?

TheVoiceOfReason133 reads

Are you trying to say that he never met the lady(ies) and that his review(s) is/are fake?

Or are you saying that she just didn't provide those services to him?  

Maybe this is a guy who would screw a door knob so even the fugly ones look good and he is just super excited to get some punta?

Or maybe his hygiene is impeccable and he is super respectful so the services that he gets are generally different than those of most guys.  

Or maybe he books longer appointments and gets better service because of it.

Or maybe some combination of the above.  

You NEVER know for certain what providers do and do not do with every client.  

On the review he wrote for the provider that I saw.  I don't think she provided those services.  
However, you are right.  It is possible that providers go the extra mile if they like the client and there is a monetary incentive.  He could be paying a lot more to get extra services.

team_rocket_qwerty124 reads

Of course. The question here is why are you afraid to call this person out?  

There are a few reasons out there to fabricate reviews.

Not afraid.  There is no reason to out this individual, especially if this kind of thing is the norm.  However, if you want, check out Penny Lane and Scarlett O'Reilly.  Who knows?  Maybe I'm jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Given your history I'm a bit surprised you've not seen it before. That's why you don't make decisions on any given review (or even a few if you don't have to).

But was your post really to get feedback on anyone else has seen fake/shill/I'm just happy someone will fuck me reviews or more just venting that it does occur.

Not venting.  I never really paid attention before.  I always knew some guys would post a fake bad review to get back at a specific provider, but a fake good review??!!  One of my regulars introduced me to the concept when she showed me one of her good reviews, and told me that she never met with that person.  For the life of me, I couldn't understand why someone would sing praises about an experience that never happened.

The lightbulb finally came on when I read a review from a provider that I actually saw.  When I saw the details, I was like, "no way did she do that!"  That's why I posted.

Reviewers get free VIP time.  Makes sense to write a fake glowing review that the provider won't object to.  Helps guarantee the VIP time is awarded.  

Once I noticed reviews for a lady I knew wasn't working from three different guys, that said she preformed services she didn't provide when she did work, and gave bloated scores she wasn't able to earn with the service she preforms. I am a fan of this lady and a friend but she is not a 10 in looks or service.  
She doesn't think she is either. I let her know what was up and she contested them they pulled two of the three. She is now working and that fake review down the page a bit, but still it is there. Fake reviews are a thing. My working theory is they were written for free VIP.

No question they're written for free VIP. We had a long time provider in Palm Springs who died in the summer of 2017. More than a year ago guys were still posting fake reviews of her on the Neurotic Donkey. Her reviews on TER didn't stop until early 2018, so those could have been guys posting sessions before her death. But the Donkey reviews were clearly fake and written solely for free access.

iHeartMouthHugs122 reads

My theory of free VIP days got slightly debunked as I see a review for a lady that got a 6/8 in May to getting a 10/8 by the same reviewer for July. I still believe that, in most cases, it is indeed for free days, but this particularly situation is probably in hoping for bonuses or BB on the low.

As far as scoring goes, it depends on whether the reviewers are consistent in their grading.  I only use numbers 7-10, but they don't mean what TER suggests they mean (went the extra mile, etc.) because its too easy over the course of a year to be inconsistent in the application of scores when you are using 10 numbers.  That's why I only use 4.  My scores go like this . . . .

8    = average
9    = above average
7    = below average
10  = top ten percent of all of the providers I have seen (subject to TER limitations on service scores)

It a lot easier for me to place ANY girl into one of these categories.  If she's average, she gets an 8, and it will be consistent with all of the 8's I have given in the past.  Same for the other categories.  If I give a girl a 7, it means I'm not recommending her because she is below average.  Its enough to say she is below average.  I don't have to beat her up with a 4.  I've published this scale on my local boards at least annually, so the guys seeing the same girls I see will know how to interpret my scoring.  

As far as menu misrepresentation, there IS a YMMV component, but this is also something that shills do to make a girl sound better than she really is.  Shills can be compensated with discounts or special services, or they may also be regulars or love-sick puppies that just want to do what they can to "help" their girl.  However, menu exaggeration usually causes more problems for a girl than help, so they are doing the opposite from what they intended.  

As far as a girl being Total GFE, if you're good at reseach, its entirely possible for all of the girls are "total GFE."  Its been years since I saw a girl that was NOT GFE.  GFE merely adds DFK and BBBJ to the menu.  I rarely see a girl that doesn't have these activities on her regular menu.  On the other hand, its highly unlikely that EVERY girl would be "totally awesome."  

That's a good scale to use.  I have given out my share of 5's and 6's, unfortunately.

As suggested it more about the consistency. As long as you are consistent in how you rate in your reviews others will be able to figure things out and it will be useful reviews. In many ways it shouldn't even matter the the provider as we'll figure out your 6 or 7 is someone else's 8 or 9. It would be great if all reviewer could use a common scale (would make things much easier for other mongers and for the providers in a sense) but that is just not possible.

In the end the value of the review is in the text and not in the numbers.

What does this even mean ? To beat someone up with a 4  ?

I thought we're giving out honest ratings here. Why is grading someone with a 4 equivalent to "beating up", if that's what they deserved in your book ?

Imo you announcing your scale to local board one time a year, and giving a girl a 7 instead of 4...makes her look a lot better (than she really was) in eyes of anyone who doesn't read the local board posts.

I don't have to beat her up with a 4.

is staying consistent.  I have PM'd huge number of reviewers with the simple question . . . .  They have reviewed two providers, one six months ago that they gave a 6-6 (Betty) to and another one last week that they gave a 5-5 (Bunny).  I will ask them which girl was better, Betty or Bunny, without mentioning the scores, and they will as often as not name Bunny as better than Betty.  So it points to the problem of staying consistent in the scoring over time, and I have yet to hear a monger that could define the difference quantitatively  between 4, 5, 6, and 7.  In other words, objectively speaking, what does a girl have to be lacking to get a 4 versus a 5 or a 6?  Guys using the TER numbering system can't answer this and so the scores are by definition arbitrary at best and misleading at worst.  With my system, the score is a product of which category they are in (below average, average, or above average) and so by definition they get that particular score.  No guessing involved.  Any monger who has seen more than 20 providers should have an idea of what below average, average, and above average are.  The more you see, the more crystal clear these categories become in my experience.

I wonder if a Don't Recommend, Recommend, Highly Recommend system would not be better. Then a few of the underlying factors and some weighting on the decision. Something like Looks (face, body), Performance (menu related), Personality (some types) and then sliders that would set the ratings.  

I don't think TER will do this as too much effort I suspect but would provide much better insight than the number system.

-- Modified on 7/13/2020 2:25:49 PM

This is simply the same system that cdl uses that you're proposing,

Why is there one don't recommend option and two different recommend options?

Why not symmetric option at least? Why are there two recommend and one not recommend?  
To once again not hurt some feelings?  

Symmetric system:

Don't recommend under any circumstance
Don't recommend with caveats
Neither recommend nor not recommend
Recommend with caveats
Highly recommended

Boom. We arrived at a five-point system basically. Now extrapolate it to 10 point scale and you have... wait for it... TER scale

2,999,999 hobbyists use the same scoring system - the one TER says we have to use.  Only YOU use a different scoring system.  Who the fuck are you to use a different scoring system than 3,000,000 other hobbyists?!  You say that you "...only use numbers 7-10, but they don't mean what TER suggests they mean (went the extra mile, etc.)..."  BULLSHIT!!  TER does NOT "suggest" what those numbers mean.  TER definitely TELLS us what those numbers mean and that we have to use them.  They are NOT a "suggestion."

All your reviews are fucking WORTHLESS and should be removed.  Someone reading your reviews and seeing you gave a provider an "8" for performance will think: "Hey, she's pretty good; she "went the extra mile."  In your bullshit scoring system, she is actually "average," a TER "5."  He may go see her based on your review and say: "WTF?!  She didn't go the extra mile!  She was average.  WTF is CDL talking about?"  Your reviews are deceptive and worthless.

Now go ahead and tell us that "everyone knows CDL's scoring system."  More fucking bullshit - that's your stupid ego talking.  You write reviews of only K-girls for about 10 thousand K-mongers at most on the K-girl board.  THREE MILLION hobbyists do NOT know your scoring system.  

You want to have your very own scoring system?  Then go start your own fucking review board.  You post a lot of stupid shit, lies and bullshit all the time on TER but having your own scoring system separate from the scoring system that the other THREE MILLION hobbyists use is the stupidest bullshit you've ever posted.

GaGambler163 reads

and MOST reviewers use a similar scoring system as CDL,  

A TER "5" is buttfuckingugly, EVERYONE knows that who's been here more than a day or two and you certainly know that as well, You just don't like CDL because he calls you out for your lies, and your dead fish breath of course.

I think most TER members would agree that a provider with nothing but 7-7 reviews is considered below average and a provider with more that a couple of scores below a six is to be avoided at all costs, unless of course the reviewer who gave  her those low scores is known as a "tough" grader.

Now please GFY and leave  your personal biases where they belong

TER limits scores based on menu Items preformed. So if you aren't wanting things like anal a 10 is meaningless as all it means is she does things you don't care about. This makes preference scores for those like me hard to gauge. Is her scores a 7 because she below average as per CDL's (and many others) scale? Or is she a 7 based on the fact she doesn't offer the menu items I could care less about? Or is it both? It is impossible to tell without reading the review. A 7 is not always a 7.

only GFE girls, so max service score under TER rules is a 9, but under my own system, she would only actually receive a 9 if she was above average in delivering those services.  Its just a max, not a guarantee.  

But on skill and attitude those skill is offered. I don't have an issue with how you review.

team_rocket_qwerty137 reads

So "everyone" supposedly knows this...besides TER and it's actual guidelines?

Maybe that's what everyone WANTS because such idiotic systems with 10 numbers where everything lower than 8 is garbage, are prevalent elsewhere?
Well,its a good thing TER doesn't budge. The last thing it needs is a fucking system where there are only three outcomes.  

TER ratings make a ton of sense, certainly more so than any binary like/dislike or a rating system where 1 to 8 means trash and the rest of range is crammed into 8 to 10 scale, which becomes the real defacto scale.

How is 5 "butffuckingugly", when it's supposed to be average?

GaGambler139 reads

In at least 90% of the cases anything below a 7 in appearance is UGLY.  A five is code for "buttfuckingugly" lol

For all practical purposes TER has a 7-10 scale for appearance, and pretty much the same thing can be said about performance, even most providers who due to menu restrictions are limited to a 7 as their MAXIMUM score, still manage to get mainly sevens for performance.  

Believe me or don't believe me, your choice, but the more TER reviews you read, I am sure the more you will start agreeing with me. and I mean ALL TER reviews, not just the reviews of K-Girls.

Ironically the higher rate a provider charges the less the numerical scores seem to be based in reality. While there are some VERY homely women charging high rates, very few reviewers seem to be willing to call them out for it, I think they are ashamed to have spent "that much for so little" so they inflate the scores so they don't look so stupid for going through with the session. There are some women north of 200 lbs and others north of 50 years of age still getting tens in appearance from these guys who either need to buy some glasses or some standards. This is hardly anything new to TER, it is what it is.  

CDL is right about one other thing, reviewers that get the reputation for being "tough graders" tend NOT to be able to book sessions with hookers who actively "Manage" their review scores. They look at the reviewers history and if he is the guy rating women  7's who are otherwise getting 9's and 10's from the nearsighted crowd they would rather turn down the session than book with a guy they know is going to give them an honest 7 rather than the 10 that she wants.  In numerous board threads from years past you will even see some of the more honest ladies admitting to doing this.

team_rocket_qwerty169 reads

So everyone just ignores TER system because they're afraid to hurt fragile egos of providers? Well, fortunately, I don't have that problem.  

Cdls scale is 7 for below average.
What is his grade for buttfuckingugly? Oh, also a 7. Oh.

So how do you distinguish between below average and buttfuckingugly in his system? Oh I get it he only fucks dimes, except I saw these same girls in the bay
...and they aren't no dimes.

I HAVE read thousands of ter reviews btw.  

OK, providers exercise their power to bl people because of their lower review scores... Why is this a good thing? We, yet again, go back to issue of honest reviews VS appeaser reviews where the reviewers are on the provider clit because of fear of worse treatment due to lower scores. If you're ever worrying about provider reactions to your reviews, it's a good indication that the review system isn't working well.

GaGambler269 reads

We get it, you don't like CDL and neither does Dead Fish breath, but why do you have to obsess ONLY his reviews? If you truly are looking out for ALL mongers, surely you can find a bunch of other reviewers to call out along with CDL.

What is really broken about the system are the "top lists" and the arbitrary menu items which must be performed in order to qualify for the higher performance scores, fix those two issues and while you won't have cured review manipulation, you will have gone a long ways in doing so.

team_rocket_qwerty277 reads

How am I obsessed over his reviews? He posted his thought of his system, and I debate it on the forum. Other reviewers may never reply to me on here.  

While I'm persistent, talking to brick walls for a long time isnt something I'd want to do.  

I don't mind cdl that much, actually. I actually like the content of his reviews,for most part. He seems to get that mongers want to know specifics about the girl and why someone should see (or not see) her. A lot of mongers don't seem to get that. The content of his reviews, even if biased towards being provider-friendly, is something I will always commend him for.

Is it possible that CDL’s scale works for him because he does a lot of research and never runs across a “buttfuckingly ugly” provider? In that case why would he ever need to consider 6 or below. Just my $0.02.

team_rocket_qwerty267 reads

...and if he does run into a "buttfucking ugly" at some point, then what does he do ? extend his system ? a system where there are 3 choices is extremely inflexible and has little differentiation.

he has the same service grade for a service queen who swallows entire dick and holds it in for 5 minutes and the same service grade for a girl who barely goes past the tip

On TER scale, or my scale, the former girl would get a 9 for service, and the latter would get a 5. It's an amp comparison on how deep the chasm is between those girls in terms of services.

where is such differentiation in his grades ?

Taking the whole Johnson versus a few inches, but I think most reviewers would agree with me that this alone does not get a girl from a 5 to a 9 if you want to have any kind of consistency in your scoring.  

First, let me just say that if you are going to base her entire score on ONE aspect of the service (in your example, DT), then you should state in your review that YOUR service score is weighted towards how good her DT was.  This is my complaint with the BBFS hounds.  If they get bareback, many automatically give the girl a 9, when the rest of her service is below average.  For guys like me, who would pass on BBFS and use a cover, its going to be a below average session and NOT a girl I would normally choose.  BBFS is not on ANY of the drop-down lists defining activities to be considered in reviewing a provider, and rightly so.   Likewise, giving a girl a 9 or a 5 depending on how deep she goes is a pretty disparate scoring range, so I think it requires a truth-in-advertising statement that you have based your score mostly on her DT ability, but few ever do that  Otherwise, you are unwittingly fucking over all the mongers who will wrongfully think you were basing your score on the OVERALL service, which is what TER intends the score to represent, not just one aspect.  

On my scale, swallowing all of my dick is considered an above average service,  whereas only an inch or two would be "average" service fare.  But in my world, a one-trick pony that only performs one activity of a session in an above-average manner may still wind up with an average "8" from me overall.  I have on occasion taken my own advice and I will  tell the readers of my reviews that it was an average session, but the BBBJ so SO FAR SUPERIOR to that of most Kgirls that I moved her up to a nine.  By disclosing that I have given more weight for service to a particular activity, mongers are not going to be misled into thinking she is above-average in every aspect of the session.  BBBJ hounds may rush to see her, but others who don't put a premium on that particular activity will realize she is just average otherwise.

team_rocket_qwerty123 reads

I did not say that alone will determine the difference  between a 5 and a 9. But it would be one of the  great defining factors. Service is objective, and a difference between a girl who does the bare minimum to not be a dead fish, and one who goes full porn star on you (not bbfs) is monumental.  

I've seen your reviews of some girls I've seen and know well in the bay area, and even though your reviews most of the time are quite detailed (which a lot of mongers can learn from), your service grades are all over the place, and I cannot recommend your reviews to anyone looking for "old PSE" service, such as myself.  

When you have Yuna or Claire get the same "9" service grade (aka the highest service grade) as Tiana or Jooah at CLL, there's a problem.

And yet it's another indication how three grade system is simply not enough to communicate the disparity. If I were to follow your reviews and think Tiana or LV Jooah are even the same stratosphere as Yuna skill-wise, whether it's FS or bbbj, I would be extremely disappointed, to say the least.

This is why reading the review details is much more important to me than the numerical grades.

I agree - but werent we just talking about how "clowns" only read grades? If you cram girls who are in different stratosphere skills wise, into the same grade, maybe the scale needs to be expanded? Oh wait, we already have a large scale on here. And no, I'm not taking about giving 9.1,9.2 or 9.3.

I do think performance grade is too inclusive. I do like the other sites distinction between attitude and service. Service is skills. Attitude is attitude.

or he has different things is looking for. a old school PSE would not get a high score from me. The talking part is important to me. I book extra time for it, and PSE is just about the fucking. Don't get me wrong the fucking is important, but it is not the only thing I  value.

team_rocket_qwerty106 reads

Fair enough. This is why Id prefer there to be a service and attitude grade. For exams, Yunas skills are otherworldly. Attitude can be hit or miss, especially for others.

I usually will always take a chance on a girl with excellent skills. Even if she is meh attitude wise, skills usually are enough for a satisfying session. Lack of chemistry can be made up by skills to me. Lack of chemistry with average skills is a mediocre session to me.

Is not something I look for.  I'm a GFE guy, and care little about which girls can "take a pounding" as you often read in reviews.  I have no interest in face-fucking, hair-pulling or being finished with a HJ.  So all of my reviews are being judged on the basis of GFE skills, not old-style PSE.  I've declared myself a GFE player many times in posts on multiple discussion boards, so a girl who performs above-average DFK, BBBJ, and romantic, sensual fucking is going to get a higher score from me.  Those that are merely athletic, but lack social skills and can't make a convincing GFE connection are gong to be lower with me, even if they can take a pounding.  

WICardinalfan111 reads

Agree 100%, with one exception.  When a provider, on her own initiative, drops her head over the edge of the bed so you can fuck her face, I don't say no.

I can think of three times when a date started GFE, and the provider wanted me to finish in that way.  Who am I to say no.

Or, on the one occasion a provider took my hand and placed it on the back of her head while she was blowing me.  Yes, I can take a hint.

Otherwise, you are correct.  Never been a fan of wham, bam, thank you mam.  Plus this body is too old to give a pounding.  

times in your life when you are under an "obligation" based on what the other party does.  If you go deer hunting, and the deer climbs into the bed of your pickup, grabs your gun, and shoots itself, then you are OBLIGATED to take it home and eat it.  Same idea.  

But skills and attitude are not objective facts that we all have a common rule for either.  That's the core of the problem. Some people want to take what is really a mostly subjective experience and turn it into some measurement that is suppose to mean the same thing for everyone one.

I will never happen.  

At best you get something that allows some search and filter criteria so you're not reading every review -- the ubiquitous needle in a haystack problem.

in Rocket's approach to scores.  Sex is a combination of chemistry and physics.  You can quantify and objectify the physics, but never the chemistry, because that will vary depending on who's pheromones are interacting with whom.  As you say, there can never be uniform standard for connection, attitude and chemistry.  There are too many unique variables in play depending on who the parties are.  This is where Rocket is completely misguided in his assertions.  

team_rocket_qwerty113 reads

Having better skills is pretty objective, it doesn't get any more objective lol. Cdl used to say that service is objective, now hes switching it up to say it's subjective.

A girl A who can ride in cg only for 30 seconds before tiring and saying you on top, is objectively worse in cg than a girl B who can last 10 minutes on top. With skill, either you have it or you don't,for the most part. Either you can dt any cock without gagging or you can't. In many skills there is no middle ground. Either you know higher mathematics, or you don't.  

An energizer bunny is objectively better than a dead fish, skill wise. I don't even see how you can make an argument otherwise, it'd be grasping at straws. Bu bu you prefer slow ad sensual. OK. That's not what we're talking about. Skills that a girl has, has nothing to do with your preference.  

Finding a girl who can lay there and not do shit is trivial, finding a girl who can dt a big dick without gag reflex and take a throat pie, is extremely difficult. In kgirl world, orvs know that, that's why they have a "service queen" designation. I don't know why you guys try to deny objective skills being a thing.

but failed to link any of them to what kind of a numerical score you would give her.  This is the problem with trying to remain consistent on a ten-point scale.

team_rocket_qwerty128 reads

Not sure what exactly you wanted me to say.  

A dead fish is graded well below 5 in service. Maybe like 2.

A DT queen who swallows, is a rhythm endurance machine, is an energizer bunny for the whole session likely earns a top service grade. Which is 10 on my scale (obviously ter caps it at 9)

My point was that you can - and people do all the time - quantify skills.  

Chemistry, attitude, gfe behavior, I aboslutely agree are not quantifiable well and are very ymmv. Some people really click, and some don't.

Skills are pretty quantifiable and objective though. There is a reason kgirl orgs advertise service queens a such. If all girls gave similar service, there wouldn't be "service queen's", would there?

And for the guys that don't really get a kick from DT and swallow or making the entire session about physical activity those "skills" mean nothing and then don't get rated like you want them to be.

Basically all you are doing is taking the whole "performs" some activity to be eligible for some score, exactly what most think is so stupid in the current arrangement, and make it even worse by adding more details to the "performs" items.

team_rocket_qwerty104 reads

To take your car analogies, someone who buys a ferrari instead of a camry, but only drives at 25 mph in a suburb, will likely be of different impression of 'performance' than a car enthusiast.

what represents more of a power gap between a camry and ferrari - a 7 and 9 or a 3 and a 9 ?

telling every one here that we can't trust orgs because they lie, misrepresent, shill and inflate advertisements.  NOW, you seem to be saying when an org calls a girl a "service queen" its because she gives exception service, and we should all believe the org and run down and see her.  Frankly, I have never seen this term used in a Kgirl advertisement.  I have seen it in a few reviews, which is from the perspective of the reviewer, but not from an org.  

In my experience, all Kgirls DO have "similar" service, so I disagree with you on that point, but some are better at it than others, and therein lies the difference between above-average, average, and below-average on the STANDARD Kgirl menu.  

This was not mentioned in your posts, but BBFS should not be a consideration in scoring because its not a menu item listed on any of the TER drop-down lists for reviews.  It takes no special talent to simply remove a cover, whereas  DFK, BBBJ, and certain sexual positions can vary greatly in the quality of the service from girl to girl.  Yet, many average and below-average Kgirls are getting 9's from mongers ONLY because they offer BBFS.  That is the most misleading scoring of all, and its not the orgs pushing it, its other mongers.  

BTW, in the example you gave above, the TER max score would be 8, not 9.  This is an example of why I think you are so confused about scoring.  By now, I would have thought you would have started to see where you've got it wrong on your own, but as Jensen says, some of us are willing to beat our head against the wall for a bit longer before we consider you a lost cause.  Lol

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-- Modified on 7/14/2020 5:25:57 AM

team_rocket_qwerty103 reads

My point was that orgs themselves realize when a girl has an outstanding skillset, and market her as such. Nowhere did I say a girl marketed as a service queen should be ran to. Lying and marketing a girl as a service queen aren't mutually exclusive.

I agree with you about BBFS.

"whereas  DFK, BBBJ, and certain sexual positions can vary greatly in the quality of the service from girl to girl.  "

So you yourself say that. Great. Do you then agree a bbbj can be a terrible, toothy, cursory bbbj or can be a fucking heaven on earth bbbj for half an hour with whole dick swallowed ?

are not LYING bastards ALL THE TIME?  You seem to have changed your view on this for the better.  

It sounds like you want to score sex like Olympic gymnastics, where there are five or six "events" and you want to give a separate score for each one, then let the computer come up with the overall average.  TER already has a computer-generated weighted average score which combines looks, performance and the "star" items of chemistry and incall location.  This would just make review-writing more complicated and more chaotic.  

Your example of a terrible BJ is just more evidence that the score should not be based on a single activity.  There are guys here who could care less about BJ's except as fluffing  for the main event.  As long as it gets their dick hard, they could care less about the finer points of her technique.  At the same time, she may be the best DFK GFE fuck they have ever had, but you gave her a 5 because the BJ was "toothy."  That is why basing your whole score on just one activity is irresponsible to your fellow mongers unless you disclose in the review that you INTENTIONALLY gave more weight to the BJ in arriving at your service score.  That way, guys that don't view BJ's the way you do can bail on your recommendation that she is "heaven on earth."

team_rocket_qwerty128 reads

I've never claimed that orgs lie about everything. They lie about a lot, such as pics. They lie less about dimensions, but they still lie sometimes. They also lie about service queens, though even less.

They also create fake reviews to get people to bite. Especially for new girls. But obviously they don't lie about EVERYTHING, and I've never claimed this. I haven't seen an org that doesn't lie, but I also haven't seen an org that lies about everything, completely. Maybe acektown in LA.  


Your post only highlights the issue, if one gives any girl who gets their dick hard a 9, there is little differentiation, if clowns do read only grades. There's no way to tell if the girl only gets a dick hard or does a ridiculous throat bbbj and swallows, is there?

Like my message to Jensen, some people only care about going from point a to b as to what they get from their car (like me), but no one will give a Ferrari the same performance gradea as a Camry, will they?

-- Modified on 7/14/2020 1:33:30 PM

and that is why the review system, ANY review system will never be perfect. We all are looking for different things. Personally I would rather have the girl with the GREAT attitude than a girl who gives better head, but has a shitty attitude and who would plainly rather be doing her nails than getting fucked by me.

And yes, attitude can be a YMMV kind of thing. I like to think I am going to have a better chance of getting a woman's "best" over some old fat guy with poor hygiene and zero social skills. One of my first Sugar Babies was an ex hooker who got lousy marks for performance because she HATED being a hooker, BUT she would rock my world, I asked her about that one day and she gave me the best answer I could receive, she told me "I LIKE fucking you. I don't like fucking those other guys, but I have to fuck them to pay the rent"

Back to skills, I can always enjoy a session with a girl who can at least convince me that she is enjoying herself. It's tough for me to get past a bad attitude, but I am much more of a GFE kind of client, rarely do I look for the PSE type of session. Neither of us are right, and neither of us are wrong in our tastes, we are just different, and there nothing wrong with that.

Thank you for laying out at length things that I have tried to express more telegraphically.  
It seems to me that a "review system" is problematic, but that reviews can be valuable -- or worthless -- for their content.  Numbers seldom count as content, just as "I liked her a lot" doesn't count, and for the same reason.  
Details, men!

Is just how worthless the "numerical" scoring system has become. If one guys 8 is another guys 5, then honestly "what's the fucking point?" We are NEVER going to convince the likes of Rocket to become an "easier" scorer and we equally are NEVER going to get the easy graders to grade tougher. Hence the numerical portion of the review system is FUBAR

Yes, reviews can be valuable, but they are only as good as the reviewers themselves, fortunately I only read the reviews for a few things. I want to make sure the girl is NOT LE, Is NOT going to  attempt to rob me, made her customers happy enough to write nice things about her, and that her pics are accurate, (which of course is NOT something you can count on from many of the reviews) I almost never read the "Juicy details" as they are more often either fiction or more about the reviewers sexual prowess than anything about the provider herself that I am going to find useful.

Like I've said not LE/not ROB isn't even a review, it's a fucking cursory vouch. Like scam/no scam.

The good thing about korgs is that I KNOW theyre not LE and they wont ROB.

GaGambler102 reads

and K-Girls are a tiny percentage of the overall TER world.

I like K-Girls, but I am not going to view the entire TER system through that narrow lens.  

Even if you were successful in converting EVERYONE here to start writing reviews the way YOU, a brand new member wants them to, the only thing you will have done is to make all the previous reviews worthless as no one would who was using which scale and when. There is a saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" That's what most people who want their reviews to have value do when writing reviews here on TER. It's so common that almost everyone here knows the difference between a "TER 10" and a "IRL 10"  When I talk among my TER friends about women I have seen  I always specify whether I am talking about a "TER X" or a "X" on the GaGa scale, which is usually about two-three points lower than the typical TER reviewer. Personally I see mainly women in the 6-7 range on the GaGa scale, which translates into 8-9 on the TER scale, actually many of the girls I rate as a 7 would easily be getting 10's here on TER, It is what it is. You are free to continue to tilt at windmills, but yours is a fools errand.

team_rocket_qwerty101 reads

GaG, I think you're mistaken in what my fight is.

I'm not trying to convert anyone to my scale. You're welcome to have whatever scale you want. Just like me.  

I'm pointing out the shortcomings of the scale that most people use on here.  

The lack of differentiation in this "modern" scale is apparent. And when the argument starts to be "clowns only look at numbers" (which, in my experience, is untrue - this clown here when he started mongering only cared about review content and only review content), then there is very little difference between some of the grades. That's all. There is no room between above average great and omg my legs are wobbling. To me, that's an oversight.  

If people only read grades, then wouldn't it make sense to have grade spectrum that is easy to read and understand? If you really only use 8s and 9s, how is someone who only reads grades, know when a true legend comes through?  In such system, a legend is barely removed from above average, which is a huge gap but is only crammed into one point?

OK I conceited they aren't completely useless. A string of "2"s or "1"s still tells you to run away. But otherwise they are useless without doing tons of research into each reviewer. Easier to just read the reviews and obtain the data important to you from the text.

Seems to me that if one does his research well he can very predictably take buttfuckingly ugly out of play. At least that’s been my experience. As to performance, that depends on personal preference, likes and dislikes.

Isn’t the TER scale similar to the grading scale in US schools? Average is 70-79%. In school that was a C. On TER that’s a 7. Below average was 60-69%, and is a D. On TER that’s a 6. Very good was 80-89% and is a B and an 8 on TER. Excellent was 90-99% and was an A and a 9 on TER. And a perfect score was 100% and in TER’s system that would be a 10. Anything below 60% is a failure. I rarely give a score less than 6 unless the lady is horrible or a ripoff or an upseller. That’s the scale that most of us were raised on, and that’s how I grade the ladies I see.  

I also think that as the donation goes up so does the standard for high scores. I remember a lot of kids getting A’s in high school. They were harder to get in college. In law school there were only 1 or 2 A grades given in a class of 90 students. So as I grade dates it’s easier for a lady who asks for less than 300 to get a 8 or 9 than a lady who asks for 400+. It’s kind of like “grading on the curve” as they called it in school.  

As to your last paragraph, that happened to me a couple years ago. I booked a date with one of the well-known expensive ladies in Vegas. She consistently received 9s and 10s, although her scores were trending down a little. We confirmed the date. Then 2 hours before the date she texted me and said she needed to cancel. When I called her she said she had read my reviews and was concerned that I wouldn’t give her 9s and 10s and she needed those scores to get her averages up since in her opinion high end hobbyists looked at the averages at the top of her profile and at the lists of “top providers” and she couldn’t take the risk of more grades lower than 9s. I pointed out the high scores I had given to other top tier ladies and assured her that if she was a 9 she’d get a 9, and same with performance since she couldn’t get a 10 because I wasn’t into anal. She still refused to see me unless I promised to give her 10 in looks and 9 in performance. I told her I wouldn’t do that, but would give her the grades she deserved. She declined, and in hindsight it was probably for the best. I wound up seeing one of her friends who rocked my world! Frankly I found her demands unreasonable, and I’ve noticed her scores have continued to decline and I’m not unhappy about it. She probably did me a favor.

Here is the TER grading scale for performance:

10 -  Once in a lifetime
  9 -  Forgot it was a service
  8 -  Went the extra mile
  7 -  Hot time
  6 -  Nice time
  5 -  Average
  4 -  She just laid there
  3 -  Barely worth the effort
  2 -  Should have stayed home
  1 -  A total rip-off

On TER, a score of "5" or 50% is average, not 70%.  So 50% is equivalent to a "C."  That leaves more room - 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 for scoring rather than only B and A.

Posted By: dcgrind

Isn’t the TER scale similar to the grading scale in US schools? Average is 70-79%. In school that was a C. On TER that’s a 7. Below average was 60-69%, and is a D. On TER that’s a 6. Very good was 80-89% and is a B and an 8 on TER. Excellent was 90-99% and was an A and a 9 on TER. And a perfect score was 100% and in TER’s system that would be a 10. Anything below 60% is a failure.

But have you read an actual review here? I have seen ripoff sessions given a seven. And 10 being a once in a lifetime experance is a joke. There apparently some who never fail to get a once in a lifetime experance. I guess that means they die and comeback between each session they review. Or given TER approves these reviews, TER doesn't even use that grading scale. After all they enforce other review scale guidelines.

More importantly we don't know what the base population that the 5 = average is supposed to represent. Is it all women (meaning all the women someone has ever met or seen in magazines or film/video)? If so then most providers I've seen (both personally met or see on the pics board) deserve more than a 5 and 7 is not too unrealistic.

If we're talking about all providers reviewed on TER or posting pics on TER then I suspect few even have a good enough sample to really know what the average look (much less performance) would be much less be willing to do the work to look. If we're talking about just those providers the review has seen then it is even worse.

I I don't agree that even in theory we can say 5 = 50%, TER does not say that so why assume the numbers are in any way representative of a percentage system?

I don't believe that means what the purists do: that you should only grant one 10. Another way to read it is simply, "I had never done that before with a woman." I've had several of those, where she did something no other woman had done with me before, and I gave those a 10. I think that's totally legit.

Next to no one uses that scale as written. So yes you are right, that is another way to read it. In fact I bet there is a hundred of ways to read it and no one way to read it is enforced. So that means GaGambler's and my point on each reviewer having their own scale is valid. Thanks for making my case.

GaGambler194 reads

Don't expect him to admit to it though. lol

As for the post made by BPOS, only an idiot would believe that a TER "5" is anything even close to AVERAGE. Average warthog perhaps.

And besides I doubt even a warthog would get an average of a five. As most booking would have a kink for that look. There just isn't an accounting for taste.  

To those PMing me I do not have VIP. Sorry I am not ignoring you. My hobby email is [email protected] if you want to contact me. Do to COVID-19 I am taking a break from the hobby.

-- Modified on 7/11/2020 2:21:45 PM

team_rocket_qwerty166 reads

Call me an idiot then, because 5 is average to me and  no warthog. An average girl I see is a five in my book.  

My scale is very close to TERs scale, actually. I really really like it.  

The only thing I have different is I'd say 10=best out. 11 would be GOAT, dead or alive. 9 would be one of the best out. This means of hundreds of providers out there.  

There are very few girls in the 9-10 range to me. You can count them on fingers of one hand, usually.  

There are more girls in the 7-8 range, but these are the better ones in the bunch. Majority falls around average of 5 and many are below or slightly above that (4-6). Warthog is 3 and lower territory. This scale has enough range, maybe it doesn't sound flattering to people who think anything less than 7 is trash, but it has enough distinguishable range to evaluate a product or service.  

So, 5 is both the arithmetic mean and median as well for me. So it's perfect to describe average imo.  

Same with service, usually when I give service grade I start at 5 and subtract points for subpar parts of service and add points for good parts of service. Then I look at the grade and compare to some other girls who got this grade from me just to double check, usually it's a pretty reliable method.

If youve been conditioned that anything less than 7 is dogshit, then yeah I can see the problem. 6 is still above average in my book tho.

And I for one don't think it makes you an idiot. As I said scoring out side of services received is not remotely enforced and that scale TER established  is wildly interpreted or out and out ignored. Given this is the norm and has been for at least the 10 years I have known about the site, this wild variance is obviously fine by TER. So grading the way you do, which is close to TER's mostly ignored scale than most, doesn't make how you grade wrong, or you and idiot. But if you think that more than 2% of the mongers here grade remotely like you, that would make an idiot.

When I used to grade here, I used close to a 5 point scale. If you see a 5 or less from me I am saying your in for a bad time.

!0 was the top of the top hottest woman I ever seen ever, ever, or the sex was life changing in a good way. Never gave a 10 as no woman ever earned a 10 that I fucked for looks, and my is the only woman that gave me sex that was life changing in a good way and that sex was free(ish). (Sex is never free, really.) She had to offer the services needed to be a 10 of course.

A 9 was literal model material is she could make a good living with her cloths on or off just because she was stunning. Or on the service end she rock my world. The session was unique and well beyond expected. She had to offer the services needed to be a 9 of course.

A 8 was above normal. This means I found her her attractive on looks, or she was more skilled than most in service. An 6 was a good score from me. Of course she had to offer the services TER required for an 8. So an 8 could be a 9 with a limited menu. Because of this one of the best fucks in my life earned a 8 in service. I was fine with giving an 8 even though she was as close to a 10 as I ever gotten in the hobby, as she limited her menu, not me. I only object to the currant rules where my limits limits the ladies score.

A 7 was average. I had to be attracted to her, but she wasn't stunning or she had to have something some would really find less than desirable. You know in my book most women of fertile age are 7's. In service this means she did everything expected, I enjoyed my time but it was nothing great. Or it was an 8 or better and her menu limited it.

A 6 was below average. On looks this means I felt most would not find her overly attractive or I wondered based on looks alone why I booked. Her photos were accurate. Just not a looker. But at the same time she wasn't out and out ugly. On the service end a 6 did what she was hired to do but lacked skill, like a toothy BJ for example, or had an attitude issue. I felt she was just doing the minimum. I enjoyed my time but only because I made the session enjoyable, not her.

A 5 was never give for looks as she had to be unfuckible by my standards and only way I would be there is if it was a B&S. While I have had a B&S She wasn't 5. I was angry at TER at the time so the review was elsewhere that stole TER's scoring system as I wasn't remotely happy with this site. In service it means she gave zero fucks about me or my enjoyment, was argumentative, was on her phone during my time, or was just horrid at her job. Also if I see a lady that was really late and didn't make it up she would get a 5. But that will never happen as I will not wait more than 15 minutes. Sadly I ran into a a few of these ladies whom utterly failed at her job. Some had great reviews. A 5 meant the session was not enjoyable and I left upset, but she wasn't a complete ripoff as she gave out something.  

A score below a 5 means she is not a honest provider. She was a B&S, robber, scam, too drunk/high/stoned for me to feel honorable fucking so didn't, her incall was to filthy to fuck in, blackmailer or similar. Some of these TER would not let me review. One I chose not to review as wearing a police anklet may tip the cops off to her and I will not out anyone unless she is deliberately hurting someone.  One I was blackmailed into not posting. She threatened to out my wife. I will gladly take the backlash for my reviews, but my wife is a different matter. I will protect her at all costs. Pre-blackmail she was a solid 8/8. OK and the Robber happened well before I knew shit about the hobby or review sites. I will still write these reviews. But it has been years since I had a bad encounter in hobby land. These are warning reviews and if a review with a score 5 or less comes up it means you are in risk of a very bad time if you show up. I only had to write one of these. There were a few I chose not write or could not for reason stated above. I did some really stupid stuff early in my hobby career.  

But yes on TER any score below a 7 for a GFE session or on looks, you better read that review or you may not leave happy as you may be very disappointed in your session. In a non-GFE date anything below a 6 in service also means you better read that review. 5 and below scores are usually warning reviews around these parts. Not always as there are graders like you but honestly you are a tiny minority.

TER has grade inflation.  So yeah, a 7 means she's okay looking.  A 6 is below average.  If you're a 5 you're probably kind of homely.   8's are above average.  9's are model quality.  10's are mythical.

GaGambler123 reads

The GaGa scale is VERY VERY different than the TER scale, but if you want the reviews here to be of any value to you you need to accept the fact that things here are NOT the way you want them to be, they are the way they are.  

OR of course you can continue to butt your head against the wall and tell everyone else here how they are doing it wrong and you are doing it right, but let me ask you a question. If a hundred thousand guys are doing it one way, and you are doing it your own way, which way is REALLY the right way?  

For the record I agree with your scoring system much more than I agree with the way things actually work around here, but if I were to use your system when READING reviews, this site would be less than zero use to me because I would constantly be  finding myself disappointed. So even if you are right, you're still wrong. lol

team_rocket_qwerty113 reads

The "majority can't be wrong" postulate is a very dangerous one,with plenty of historical implications.  
From the theory that earth is flat to nazi Germany to things like homosexuality, it is simply a faulty position that encourages herdthink mentality instead of individual and critical thought.  

My scale tends to also coincide with ter scale. Which is the site we're on.

It's fine and dandy to be chivalrous to not hurt fragile feeling of sellers, but if the end result of reviews simply means binary yes/no, what the hell is the point of 10 digit scale?  

Binary yes/no scale is so primitive there is zero information inferred.  
This is why I'm extremely skeptical about the claim that most clowns look at just scores. The scores don't tell jack shit using scales ya'll use. People who take time to research really are going to only look at scores that don't tell them anything?

It's simple, really. Anyone who knows me can look at my scores, see a girl with 9 service and run to see this girl and I guarantee her skills would be excellent and the top 90th percentile. In case of everyone else, you actually need to read the review to separate the chaff from the wheat.  

So, my or ter cale is best of both worlds. You can tell what I think of the girl by looking at the grade, and then if you need additional info you can read the review.  

When I see a regular review here, and an eight for performance I have no fucking clue what the girl can do. She can be a dead fish or can be a service queen. It's a fucking choose your own adventure. And in many scenarios (not all reviews are detailed as cdls, and even in bad reviews he tends to glorify the girl) it's impossible to tell from the review content as well.

You can tilt at windmills all you like, but since you are outnumbered thousands to one, when I use the TER reviews for my own research I am going to make allowances for the fact that almost everyone else here uses a 7-10 scale.

So far the only people who agree with you that the scale even "should be" a true 1-10 scale are me, and I don't write reviews, and BPOS who I doubt even sees hookers any more much less writes any reviews. If you want to keep fighting this fight, more power to you, but you are fighting a losing battle. Do you REALLY want to waste THIS much energy telling the entire site how they have been doing things wrong for decades?

GaG -- could I introduce your head to a wall?

and yes, since my head is starting to hurt, maybe it's time to just retire this thread.

A note to Rocket, when BPOS is the ONLY person agreeing with you, it's a very good sign that you are on the WRONG side of an issue.

If that's the line you wanna take - then you also must think that the battle I'm fighting against fake reviews is also futile and pointless. I don't think so in either case  


Look at bay area reviews of kgirls right now, a lot of guys follow TER  guidelines when writing reviews it seems, It ain't just me and you. And actually, even with some fake reviews mixed in, the fact is, I think as of right now a lot of those reviews are reliable in terms of overall picture. As opposed to LA reviews, for example. There are a lot of 6s and 5s in the bay area kgirl scene, for average experiences.  


I will always fight for what I think is right, no matter if it's losing or winning battle. If one only fights winning battles, they're a bandwagoner imo. Fighting a winning battle doesn't take much. Fighting a losing battle requires a leap of faith.  

If this means telling every single person on TER to have a surgery to have their lips remove from provider or agency clit and see the full picture, then be it. I really don't care.

GaGambler148 reads

When one set of mongers uses one way of scoring, and another group uses another the only guaranteed result is chaos.

Not to mention that while I get you aren't out to help the providers, do you really want to HURT their business by using a scale different from the norm. Here's my point, you see a provider, you consider her "average" in the looks department and you give her a five. Someone else reads your review who is accustomed to the way virtually everyone else scores appearance, see your five and wrongly assumes she ugly as fuck. Your "intentions" were to be honest, your result was to give the wrong impression of the woman's looks to the guys reading your review.  

Keep fighting if you want, but you are doing more harm than good. The fact that I actually agree with your point is completely irrelevant.

I already said I don't consider 'hurt' or 'help' when I write my reviews. If you start doing that, might as well not write reviews.

In fact, I'm not even fighting for everyone to use the same scale as I do, I'm just pointing out how bad it is in evaluation of performance, if we're arguing from the point of view of 'clowns only look at grades'.

Anyway, to me, reviews are sacred. That's a place where you leave all your bias, family ties, etc at home, and write an objective evaluation of product and service.  

Pretty sure if you read my posts on here you would understand that, because Ive said it before.

If I will grade any of peoples business whom I consider family - close circle of friends, my closest relatives, on my scale, not considering whether or not I will 'hurt' or 'help' them, according to my scale and purely on the service/product, why do you think I will do otherwise for a working girl ?

I'll respond here but this is as much to rocket as Gag.

What is also being missed here is that he is not really even being pro-monger with the obstinate position taken. Let's say rocket sees a girl and does enjoy the session and submits a review on TER. A lot of people are not reading these posts so they have no clue about all this back and forth -- and I suspect the review will not be under the rocket name. So some random TER monger who has been around for years sees the review. He sees then numbers and thinks, stay away because rocket is giving 5 or 6 to the escort. Maybe he even reads the review and starts thinking "Huh? Something doesn't match but I don't know this guy. I'll move on to something I'm more confident with."

Did rocket's review just send another monger away from a session they may well have enjoyed even more than rocket? If so how did that review help?  

That is the problem with the stubborn I'll be me and not pay any attention to the ecosystem I'm coming into that doesn't match my thinking. So the position is not really pro-monger or even provider-neutral -- its potentially harming both other mongers and the providers. Calling it pro-monger is not accurate. The more accurate label is pro-rocket.

-- Modified on 7/14/2020 3:24:18 PM

GaGambler144 reads

What's funny is that I think Rocket believes that this subject has never come up here before he got here to "enlighten" us with his "pro monger" mentality.  

I have actually called out reviewers for being too easy, some of them pretty good friends of mine, and a couple of their responses made me rethink my position. They rightly pointed out that while they might consider a girl an "IRL 7" in appearance, that made her a "TER 9" and it wasn't fair to the guys reading the review or to the lady herself if he were to use his "IRL" scale as opposed to the TER scale that everyone else uses, and by "TER scale" I mean the one that the actual reviewers use, not the bullshit posted by BPOS that virtually no one here uses.

Once it was pointed out to me in that manner, I had to concede that even though I would rate these girls much lower than their reviews would indicate, it was in everyone's best interest use as similar a scale as the overwhelming majority do. The even bigger problem of course are the guys who go the polar opposite of Rocket and give EVERY woman a 10. But those reviewers are pretty easy to spot and while their reviews are less than worthless, they really do no harm to anyone who has learned to read between the lines where reviews go, but I will concede that new members here often believe that they are going to be meeting a ten and are very disappointed when a "5" answers the door.

Once again, the system is far from perfect, but rocket's cure is worse than the disease itself, where else have we heard that? lol

team_rocket_qwerty114 reads

What the hell does "and I suspect the review will not be under the rocket name." mean?

I don't post reviews not under rocket name.

To answer your question, I'll say what cdl said. Read the review. Each one of my reviews tells whether it's a repeat and who I'd recommend the girl to. I write lengthy reviews where I describe the girl in details her skills in details, my gripes if any, and what I liked about the session.  

Read my Kira review, for example. This was before I realized that highest service grade was a 9, so I'd probably lower the service grade there. Anyways, I describe exactly what I liked and didn't like, I described exactly whom Id recommend her and whom I wouldn't.

GaGambler223 reads

and because of that your reviews are not linked to the name you post under, even though you write your reviews under the very same alias.

The only way to find your reviews is to go to the "more review searches" tab under Reviews, click on the "search by reviewer" and either type or copy and paste your alias name to find the reviews you have made under that name, which is a lot of work to look for your reviews. People not posting under an alias, like Jensen himself, have their reviews linked to their handle and all you have to do is click on them to see his reviews.

It's not unreasonable for people to believe that you are posting on the boards under your alias and reviewing under your "real" handle, incorrect of course, but not unreasonable. Quite frankly finding your reviews is a PITA, MOST people reading your posts would assume (incorrectly) that either you reviewed under a different name or that you didn't review at all.

team_rocket_qwerty155 reads

Thanks for explaining.  

Reminds me that the alias system is also cumbersome and it created many vulnerabilities. I'm not going to play all my cards here, but maybe there will be a pm to you and Jensen and cdl that shows what I mean by this. There's a huge impersonation risk as is, both in forums and pm system.  


It would be nice if ter warned you about caveats when using an alias. Instead of using my old account and creating rocket alias, I would just create a new one.  

The upside is, I guess, you can't put me on ignore list as an alias unless you know my account ;)  or account ID. But most people on here are not too computer savvy. The feds are tho.  

Sorry for the off topic. To stay on topic, I assure you, I do not post my reviews not under rocket alias.

team_rocket_qwerty127 reads

BTW, you can always use (my alias as example) this link


To get anyones reviews,even if they're using alias. Substitute alias you want for the last parameter.

providing GaGa a link to help him find something on TER.  Ten years ago, before you even knew about Kgirls, he was a TER moderator.  I think he knows where everything is by now.  Feeling a little full of yourself today?  Lol

That wasn't a post for GaG, that was for Jensen and anyone else who can't find my reviews, a direct link to them.  

I have no doubt that GaG knows TER well and I've never questioned it. I don't really understand why you imply that I did.

but that is the exact same method I suggested in my post above.

Which of course makes your (my) method 100% correct. lol

you couldn't be more wrong. Same with GaGa. We disagree on MANY things, just not on EVERY thing.

I can't find the post (maybe on S&P? General? Newbie?), but someone suggested that TER change their software to allow each Reviewer ONE and only one "10 Once in a Lifetime."  Any new 10 would automatically reset any earlier 10 to a 9.
The initial roll out would have to be carefully timed. That first retro-grading (get it? changing one million old grades of 10 to grades of 9) would result in a huge sonic boom from the yelling and screaming of thousands of Providers as they watched their scores and averages tumble in a matter of seconds.

There is a ridiculous variance in scoring methods and thought. CDL's is not abnormal. Add to that tastes very greatly, personalities mesh differently, and not everyone wants the same thing in a session means even honest reviews scores aren't remotely reliable measure in the experience offered. CDL's scores are as valuable as any. Of course review scores aren't all that valuable. The value of the review is in the text. Always have been, always will be.

This isn't ev n getting into issues like the fact menu used is the defining part of performance scores. As I do not desire most items required to give higher scores, I can't even give meaningful scores on how I enjoyed a session or not. An 8 is the highest grade I can give under the rules, even if it is the best session ever. So any preference score over 8 is meaningless for me as all it means is she does things I am not looking for. Also it means if I reviewed her it will hurt her score, so I will no long review here unless it is a warning review.  

So I guess my point is get off of your high horse. You aren't a newbie. Surely you know scoring is a mess and extremely subjective and variable. I get CDL is not your favorite human in the world, but that doesn't justify making crap up about how anyone doesn't make up their own scoring system to some degree. Given the number of 10s on this site for "one in a million" looks by the TER standard it is literally impossible people are actually following TER's stated scale. Next to no one uses TER's stated scale. Get real. Bad information hurts people.

team_rocket_qwerty134 reads

If you don't review because of "hurting" someone's score, you're part of the problem, sorry to say.  

Your review shouldnt care what the "score" of any provider is.

Posted By: scoed
Also it means if I reviewed her it will hurt her score, so I will no long review here unless it is a warning review.  

and I absolutely hate defending the KING of the MANGINAS, but you completely misinterpreted what Scoed said.

What he said was that due to "TER Rules" he was unable to give the scores he feels that some of these girls deserve and rather than giving them an unjustified low score just because TER has these arbitrary rules about what services not only have to be "offered", but that those services need to be PROVIDED, whether or not the reviewer even wants them in order for the provider to be even eligible for the higher score. Rather than giving a girl a low score even after having a GREAT time Scoed has chosen not to write the reviews at all. Blame TER not him, and he did go on to say that if a girl wasn't up to par and the community deserved to be alerted that he would write that review. What he will NOT do is give a bad score after great service because of TER's stupid guidelines that they implemented a few years back.

Personally, I think you owe the humorless ex fat fuck an apology. He is NOT part of the problem, TER is.

team_rocket_qwerty105 reads

No, I read and understood it just fine. It's your assumption that I didn't, that is offending,lol.

If, lets say, a five is the highest I can give my atf, then I will give it to her and my conscience will be free. I don't give a shit about her scores going down or any of that. The only reason I was livid when my score to my atf went down here, is because I did not understand how system works, and thought if I give a certain grade, it shouldnt be adjusted down. I acknowledged my rookie mistake there. Is it a good system? It's debatable. I like the scale a lot because it corresponds to my scale and avoids the pitfalls of "modern" rating systems of like/dislike and other garbage where average means shit.  

I like the attempt at making 10s in objective areas such as service being objective, not entirely sure it works though. Some might argue they dont need anal or threesome to give out a 10. And I'd agree. Something like heatmap of services offered in summary would be an awesome visual indication.  
But, if I think how I rate services, it's similar. A girl who doesn't dt will likely not get a 9 or 10 from me. A girl with next to zero stamina definitely isn't getting a 9 or 10 from me. Rimming, especially good rimming, will boost a service score by at least one point. Etc.  

With that said, if you don't write a review because it will make a providers score go down, yes, you're part of the problem. You're making some system technicality prevent you from writing your honest feedback, in order to make the girl appear better. If we're saying content of reviews matters most, then this isn't even an issue. If we're saying grades are what matters most, then it's an issue, but trying to keep a girls rating high artificially is asinine imo

I repeat this, yes you're part of the problem if you don't write a review then. Guess how many fucks I give if a providers score goes down. It's zero. Zero fucks. I'd probably give more fucks if providers and agencies could take a lower score in stride without some kind of retaliation, but hey... as is, the answer is zero.  


People know I will apologize if I go overboard. And I do go overboard often, admittedly. This is not one of these instances, though. This is nothing personal btw, to the guy I'm replying to. So if you took it personally, please do accept my apologies. I do stand by my statement though.

Not fucking over those who give it. Most clowns do not read the reviews the look at the numbers. This is a fact. So I do care that my review score reflect on my experiences and not some idiotic rules this site has. If I think it is a 10 and she was willing to do whatever the standard is to earn that score, then it would be deceptive to give her an 8 because of my limits. I will not write a review and grade deceptively low score to women that earned better.  

If the rules say I cannot be honest, then no reviews from me. I feel TER will not let me be honest about how I feel a session went in the score so my integrity says I can't review here. And I have never been a high scorer. If I could actually be honest in my scoring very few would earn better then an 8. But because I feel I can't be honest about a few ladies earned scores, I feel participating in the review system here on those that I can give an honest review to would lack prospective. So I only write warning reviews that don't need prospective. Haven't had an issue in years though so.....

And I am under no mandate to review at all. When I wish to read reviews here I pay to do so. No one is obligated to review anything ever. This is a fact live with it.

Calling fellow mongers clowns? Hmmm. How is it a fact that most mongers look at numbers? Do you have a source or proof of that statement since you say it's a fact and not an opinion? I would be very interested in some sources on this. What separates a fact from an opinion is evidence,and I'm hoping you'd provide some.  

I agree that no one is obligated to review anything. I do live with it, I'm just pointing out that such attitude is also a part of the problem.

I am definitely thankful that you do write warning reviews, as those are the most important ones, imo.

As for why I feel it is a fact that most do not read the reviews but just look at the scores is many reasons. I have talked to many hobbits about it. Most say they only read a few reviews if any and mostly go off of her scores. I have seen a poll on a site that closed down on the issue. I have read many of reviews here were a guy had a bad time because of an issue discussed at length  in older reviews. All pointing to the fact the numbers trump what is in the the actual reviews. So OK I will grant that i do not in fact have indisputable proof most guys do not make their choices based on review content but instead the review scores, but I have seen tons of anecdotal evidence of this.

And if not writing a review as I don't think I can be honest do to the rules makes me part of the problem, so be it. I do review (elsewhere). I have written reviews here before the silly rules changed. I do warn in reviews about those that I feel need to be warned about here. I actually want to review here if I could post honest scores and think I could add something meaningful. But I will not write reviews I cannot be honest in both text and scores do to some silly rules. I will not needlessly hurt a lady scores because of my limits when she rocked my world.  So I am exercising my right not to review.  

the amount of business Kgirls (since you and I are primarily in that market) are getting increases or decreases when their overall average goes up or down.  As far as Kgirls go, in the current SoCal climate, most mongers will put girls with an 8.5 and above on their TDL, because its low-risk, and these girls are fully booked a majority of the days that they work.  Second-tier girls, 8.0 - 8.4, usually get 20-30% less business than the girls who are higher.  A lot of their business is spillover because they are second choices after a monger's first choice is already booked for the day and he can't get in.  Girls below 8.0 usually don't make it (2-4 customers a day is not enough) and have to rebrand themselves with a new name, new location and new photos.  This shows that at least in the Kgirl market, mongers are using scores for at least an initial screening.  Its difficult to keep an average above 8.5 without consistently good service, so the more reviews a girl has while maintaining a top-tier average makes her more desirable  to see and takes most of the risk out of seeing her for the first time.  We have a lot of girls with over 50 reviews that stay above 8.5.  

team_rocket_qwerty107 reads

This isn't a proof of what I asked for. You just said that most popular girls in your area have good reviews on here. You'd have to prove that their bookings are direct result of mongers looking at ter, which is pretty much impossible to prove.  

Conversely, I don't think we have many,if any kgirls in the bay with scores above 8.5 and decent sample size review. Yet there are girls who are also getting fully booked.

I don't do most of the acts required to "earn" a higher score. This is on me. So most of my sessions the most a lady can get based on acts I WILL ALLOW is an 8, period. But many of my companions has a menu that would normally allow a much higher score than an 8. So if she puts out a truly epic performance and I am beyond happy, if I review and am honest on what we do the best she can earn do to MY LIMITATIONS ON WHAT I WILL LET HER DO is an 8 even if her menu and skill justify a 10. It doesn't matter how happy I am or what she offers . Some of these women have high averages and an 8 will hurt her score because she chose to allow a client like me who doesn't have a menu to match her cross her doors. I will not do that.

So if I can review the best I see without hurting the ladies I see, I will not review any of them. Well except those who earn really poor grades. Those with fake photos, use deceptive ads, or other bad behavior I will review and I don't give a fuck about their score. I have some old reviews before TER changed their review policy.   But under the current rules TER has made it so I can't give an honest score so I will not give one. Lets face it to many idiots only look at scores.

I will and do review elsewhere. Where I can put more accurate scores based on services received. But I will not hurt a lady with a poor score because I will not fuck her up the ass. And I don't give a fuck if you and anyone else think that I am part of the problem.

I checked when I saw you say she had to PERFORM anal to get a point for it. In the old days, she only had to offer it. If she did and you refused it, you could still give her a point for anal. No more. Here's what TER's guidelines now say:
"In order to keep our overall performance ratings consistent, we set up the following system: An escort provider is only eligible to earn up to a 7, unless she performs one or some of the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, Anal Sex, or More than One Guy. For each of these services that are performed, her potential max score is raised by one point, with 10 as an absolute maximum. Remember, it’s your review; within these guidelines you still get to decide what her score should be. You do not have to give her the ‘extra point’."
I'm not sure when this change was made. It's been years since I read the guidelines.

team_rocket_qwerty118 reads

OK, I guess this does answer my question. OK, I do take some of what I said back then. If the lady readily offers some services and you dont want it or can't perform it, and TER still adjusts your score, then it's understandable that you'd be unhappy. Personally I wouldn't, but it's understandable that you'd be unhappy and unwilling to play that game.  

If, on other hand, you can list her full menu and what she offered and you just took a part of it, and TER let's you have the score you gave her, I think it's a perfect solution for the issue.

I quit reviewing here when it changed. If They change it back, and i notice I will likely start reviewing form time to time when I have something new to offer or she lacks current reviews. I just will not let them force me to give a lady a lower score then she earned just because I will not fuck her up the ass raw dog even if she begs me to. I am fine if the rule state she must offer certain services for certain scores, but if I refuse to partake, why should the lady take the hit?

My wife used to provide. I see thinks often from an honest providers point of view. I do not think the current system is remotely fair. I just will not participate outside of warning reviews here.

GaGambler162 reads

That is the way things USED to be, and while I disagree it was a "perfect" solution it worked pretty darn well for a decade and a half. Lets be honest the only two menu items "most" guys care about are BBBJ and DFK, and to a much lesser extent anal. Very few guys do threesomes and even fewer do or care about gang bangs.

Lets say two guys decide to get a couple of $60 back page girls and do a foursome, and one of the girls was on the rag so you could only fuck her ass, they would still be eligible for a 10 in performance even if they refused to give any kind of blowjob and wouldn't kiss at all. OTOH, let's say you see one of your favorite girls, it's just you and her and you get so wrapped up in having actual sex you forget all about any kind of oral because you are balls deep inside of her for the entire session. Maybe the two of you got so caught up in the moment you even forgot the condom, things were THAT fucking  hot. You leave completely drained just having had the BEST sex of your life and the next day you decide to write a review and to your amazement the HIGHEST you can score the BEST sex in your life is an 8, as the only acceptable menu item that she did with you that night was DFK.  

Are you starting to get the picture now?

team_rocket_qwerty117 reads

Yes, I got it. It would make a lot more sense if each service had individual weight. So dfk would be +. 5,dt would be +. 5 and so on. Anal could have a higher weight and so on. Probably a lot ways to make it better,I agree.

GaGambler135 reads

I think we can agree that "most of us" do care about DFK and BBBJ, I can't imagine a girl calling herself either GFE OR PSE without it. Anal is something that at least "some of us" care for, I do it sometimes and I usually enjoy it when I do, but even with girls with whom I have enjoyed it with before it's still something I rarely do and often as not I only do it when a girl asks for it. I just like pussy better than ass I suppose. lol But I doubt more than a couple of percent of the guys give a fuck about threesomes, and even fewer about gang bangs.  

Yes, you are right that there are a LOT of ways to make it better. One thing to keep in mind is that it was previous management that made the changes we are talking about, and previous management was completely tone deaf where it came to listening to their paying members, New management seems to be much more responsive, perhaps we should take another run at getting them to either change things back to the ways things used to be, or even better implement some new ideas to make it BETTER than it was before.

team_rocket_qwerty100 reads

What happens if you say she provided all services but you only accepted a subset? Does TER still adjust the score?

Posted By: team_rocket_qwerty
Re: The issue is I often do not want a ladies full menu.
What happens if you say she provided all services but you only accepted a subset? Does TER still adjust the score?
Yes. it is the reason I will not review here.  Kisses With Tongue, Anal Sex, or More than One Guy are not services I will partake in. I do love a good BBBJ and really-bi is important when my wife joins the fun. But as my wife has reviews here I don't feel it appropriate to review a session with her in it. So that leaves usually only BBBJ so an 8 is the best score TER will allow me to give. My limits should have nothing to do with a ladies score, but it does here.

GaGambler141 reads

Scoed is dealing with the problem the way it is, you want people to deal with the problem the way you want things to be.

The purpose of writing a good review is to "help" a good provider along with helping out your fellow mongers. How is lowering a girls average score because of your own shortcomings helping her out?  

This is not the first time I have had to explain, and then reexplain the TER rules to you, if you would spend more time learning the rules here and less time criticizing other mongers because of your ignorance of the rules you have a lot less people getting pissed at you.

I completely agree with your "mongers first" mentality,  but it's plain you don't know how things work here as well as some of us who have been around this site a LOT longer than you, so take a fucking pill and just LISTEN every once in a while. DEAL?

Now just for the record, until a few years ago, all a girl had to do was "offer" DFK, BBBJ, Anal, Threesomes, or gangbangs to be eligible for scores higher than a seven, that all changed a few years ago and there have been dozens if not hundreds of threads letting Admin know how much providers and mongers alike all HATE the rule. I started a thread calling out Admin for it on the S&P board that got a hundred "likes" and still crickets from Admin.

I got some free VIP for it but not much else. Your right the forums exploded with complaints when they changed the rules. I don't think many liked the change. I just don't get why they kept it. But it is what it is.

team_rocket_qwerty151 reads

"The purpose of writing a good review is to "help" a good provider"

I can't agree with this either. This is yet another way we differ. I never, ever write a review to "help" a provider. I cant agree with that definition, at all.

A good review simply states a good experience with a provider. A bad review simply states a bad experience with a provider.  

Ive never, ever wrote a review on some "let me help my fav get more business". Why would I even do that? This would put my objectivity under question. Besides, I don't really care whether my fav gets more or less business.  

A review isn't charity or some reward. A review is a recap of an experience, and, preferably, objective and unbiased evaluation of a product or service, to me.  

Purpose of a review, imo, is to describe your experience to others, pros and cons so they have more information to make a decision. It's never there to "help" or "hurt" anyone.  

Thinking of a review as deigned to "help" or "hurt" someone is already going down the wrong path imo. It's looking at it the wrong way.  

Whether my atf has really low scores or really high scores, why would I keep reviewing her trying to help her get higher average score? This is nonsense to me. Review her once, maybe twice if something changes, and then let it be. I really dont care what scores she has.

About people being pissed off at me - whatever. Im not here to make friends. I will say what I will say, I will admit when I'm wrong. Most importantly, I'm always here to have a discussion. I'll also listen to every side, even if I severely disagree with it.

Whenever a guy writes a glowing review about a provider at least a small part of it is to "reward" the lady by letting everyone know how great she was, You'd have to be a real callous fuck to write a review about a girl you had a great time with knowing that you were doing her harm. THAT is what I mean about "helping the girl"

And who the fuck is talking about multiple reviews of the same girl. That is the kind of shit someone like BSU Master Zen and the other REAL suckups do. I am talking about "normal" nice guys who write "truthful" reviews in part to reward good providers and in part to warn the community about the girls who aren't so good.

You seem to live in a very black and white world. In your world you are either pro hooker or pro monger with no room in the middle for simply "pro truth" with a bit of empathy and fair play thrown into the mix. On "this" board, unlike the K-Girl board, providers are not only welcome to chime in with their opinions, but many of us welcome their input. Now some guys, just like you, will ALWAYS take the guys side when a provider comes here to vent or point out some bad behavior by a client or clients. OTOH, some guys, like the aforementioned Master Zen, ALWAYS take the providers side, even when it's obvious she is BSC, lying, deluded or all of the above, And then there are other guys, myself included who at least TRY to be fair and to listen to both sides of the issue before making up our minds.  

Maybe you have never been actual "friends" with any of the girls you fuck, or in my case at least, a lot of the girls I don't even fuck. When I say "some of my best friends are hookers" I mean that in the very literal sense, MANY of my best friends past and present are women that do "this" for a living. Maybe that's why I have a bit more empathy for how reviews etc affect them. but NOBODY has ever accused me of shilling for, or in any other way excusing bad behavior from the women. Actually quite the contrary, I am usually the first villain the "woke hookers" of the twatosphere think of when they want to bash the guys here.

Intended or not, reviews do almost always either help or hurt, to believe otherwise is only playing mental gymnastics with yourself.

Actually, I'm only pro-monger when a side has to be taken, in matters of truthful advertising and consequence-free feedback. if, for example, there is any wrongdoing on mongers side which includes some kind of physical toll, etc, Im always on the provider's side. If provider can take some non-positive feedback in stride as well as she can take a dick, I'm happy to have some neutral grounds. I won't defend mongers for stupid/bad decisions.  
I do have empathy, I just don't think it applies to reviews, which is the only time a customer can provide feedback.  

This is why I pretty much never have problems with providers while I'm there. I treat them with full respect and am quite nice, even if session is going awfully. Just like anyone else should,obviously. I've never been bld by anyone, yet. Even though orgs obviously hate my online persona because I'm costing them money.

Again,I don't write glowing reviews with the intent to give provider some business (and I do write glowing reviews for my atfs). Glowing reviews are just that - my full recommendation of a service. I don't feel like it's some kind of help when I'm writing a reciew - straight extra cash to my atfs help a lot more, and they are tangible. But I can see what you're saying.  

No, I'm not a "friend" of any hookers. Where I am socially, it's pretty tough to do, nor do I see the benefit for myself (I see kgirls, they don't speak English for the most part) as an acquitenance. There are very few friends I have, since I consider friends those who will die for me and I'd die for them. Anyhow... even with my friends or my relatives, I will refuse to review their business favorably just because they're my friend or relative. When I do a review, any connections or blood ties do not exist. I grade the job/service or product purely on its own merit. I'm very anti-cronyism, anti-nepotism and very pro-merit. I'm also a big fan of the "a nice guy/girl is not a profession" principle.  

Anyway, I do think it's getting to the point I'm arguing splitting hairs, so might be time to concede for me :)  I do enjoy these conversations though.

Very well said Scoed. I’m with you 100%. If I choose no anal, and I do, why shouldn’t I be allowed to give a lady I consider a consummate lover a 10? Makes no sense to me.

the only way to get to a 10 without involving more than two people is that its prejudicial against very petite women.  I have seen a number of girls that are 4-11 and weighed 85-90 pounds.  I can barely fit in their VJ.  Anal would be impossible without the risk of serious injury that could bench them for several days and cause them to miss work.  There should be at least ONE menu item that two people can do and that is not prejudicial against a whole group of providers.  My suggestion would be to add CIM with swallow.  In my experience, less than half of all providers offer this, and more girls might offer it if it was a pathway to a potential 10 for service without getting your ass stretched beyond recognition, or involving more than one customer and one provider.  

KJ523397 reads

100% agree; as that is my type woman. Also totally agree with the CIM and swallow. When I do a search I always include that option.

Just do a few simple things:
1) read the Juicy Details to figure out her actual menu. In turn, that will give you some idea if she's actually earning the scores she gets.
2) look at her other reviews, especially the outliers, to see how valid her scores are.
3) look at who the reviewers are and check their review history, especially if you notice some who've seen some of the same women you have. Then contact them and get info back channel about what their experience was actually like.
4) check out her web site, especially the pictures. Look for un-retouched, candid shots that are recent. Many girls date their pix so you can see that she most likely looks like her most recent pix. As for the non-candids, see if you can find who the photographer is. Some, like Aldo Antonio, are notorious for photo-shopping.
No system is foolproof and, as I said, TER's is seriously flawed. But you can still use it to help get a picture of most girls to see if their numbers are remotely justified. A little common sense helps, too.

How about deeply flawed? And for me it is worthless. I do not care one way or another if a provider kisses with tongue, let me fuck her up the ass or will do a gang bang. So any non-bi session rated above an eight is noise and don't tell me much. I see tons of ladies with reduced menus as I just don't care about items I am not ever going to use. So a score of 7 could mean she has a reduce menu with is fine by me as I do love a BBBJ it isn't require yet amazing at what she offers. Or it can mean she is a CDL's seven meaning her offering are sub par. I can't tell until I read reviews. After that I have more info than here scores give, so the scores do nothing.

But yes if you want GFE with anal exclusively they have some use. So lets settle with deeply flawed but has some usefulness to those who want a nearly full menu? Sounds like a mouthful. I will stick with useless. It is 100% true for me, so it stand by it. I will concede for some they have some use if you put work into verifying them.

I disagree with your characterization of "if you want GFE with anal exclusively." As I explained above, if you use my other efforts at research, the reviews have SOME utility no matter what you're looking for. So, no, not useless for anybody.
All that aside, I hope you are doing well.

Just the number scores. When GFE is not the gold standard a 7 can mean literally anything. You must read the reviews to know what it means. I have 10 years of booking non-GFE experiences exclusively by choice. I have found a seven can mean a 10 with a small menu or a 2 with or without a small menu. Numbers don't remotely tell the story. Only reading review text and back-channeling and the like show the difference.  

Ok I will also grant that average scores below 6 and a half or so do mean something even for non-GFE. It means run away, do not book. Ok, you won. Scores when not booking a GFE or PSE sessions are not useful in determining who to see, but they are useful in figuring out some of whom to run from. I lose you win.

with trying to fine tune the scores and so attempting to control the higher scores to allow that differential to be meaningful (to someone or in theory).

I think we all get that particularly with looks but also with performance, too many differences in taste, personality and wants/preferences mean that we can expect a natural range of variation of at least one, and probably 2 numbers (e.g. 7 = 8 =  9) so collapsing them in to one score really doesn't change the information. Still need to read the details to get value.

After all, you did make some good points.

streetwalker sex, no DFK, no BBBJ, or just an erotic massage, then I agree that scores alone are not that helpful as 7 is the max and a 6 would not necessarily mean it was terrible, but that it just wasn't perfect in the eyes of the reviewer, so then, as Nick says, you read the narrative and see what you can learn from that.  

On both the looks and performance scale, 2, 3, and 4 are just different words for the same thing.  
Looks: 2=ugly, 3=homely, 4=OK if you are drunk (all just different ways of saying ugly)
Performance: 2=should have stayed home, 3=barely worth the effort, 4=she just laid there (all just different ways of saying you fucked her but didn't enjoy it)

team_rocket_qwerty141 reads

I 100% agree with this, Barry.

"OK if you're drunk" just sounds bad and immature.  

Below average would be a way better description. OK if you're drunk sounds like some frat bro thing, whereas below average is a quantifier most people can relate to.

two reviews you gave only scores of 9 and 10, you are going to lecture us on review scoring?  Just  how full of yourself are you?  It says you have three reviews, but only two show up.  Was one removed as a fake by the provider?  You have 16 whitelists, but only two reviews.  We can only conclude from that that there are providers that know you and will give you a whitelist if you promise NOT to book with them.  Sounds like a fair trade to me.  Bwahahahahahaha

I write my reviews mainly for the SoCal guys that like Kgirls.  There are maybe 10,000 from what I can see, not 3 million as you claim.  The guys that read my reviews do not think they are worthless.  Not a single review goes up that I don't have one or more guys PM me asking me to keep writing the reviews because when they saw the girl themselves, she was EXACTLY as I described her.  

If you are ever successful in getting a session with a provider in the future, AND you are successful in getting your dick to get hard on the same day (might take a full moon), you are welcome to ignore my  scoring system when you write your review using any system you want, but since you only use TWO numbers, 9 and 10, it should be fairly easy for a BSU like you to get it done.  

-- Modified on 7/10/2020 10:55:31 AM

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
It says you have three reviews, but only two show up.
I think that if a Provider is delisted and her Profile deleted that all of her Reviews disappear, too. That can create a total reviews - visible reviews discrepancy.  
I would GUESS that if a review was removed due to a fault of the Reviewer (proven to be fake; too much personal info about Provider; submitted outside the 90 day window; otherwise invalidated; etc.) that it would be deducted from his list of total (valid) reviews.

to have a provider weigh in.  I wish a few more would give their opinions.  Review scoring is a topic that is as important to providers as it is to mongers.

John_Laroche130 reads

Every review of a provider that I have seen exactly matches my experience.

Maybe monger bro is trying to amass a huge white referral list?

Maybe every paid sexperience for him is FUCKING AWESOME?!


iHeartMouthHugs107 reads

But awarding someone a 10 in looks when she’s averaged 6’s since her reviews started 6 years ago with a smattering of 8’s for looks, completely discredits someone’s reviews IMO. I’ve been misled to see such a provider, and dentures, scars, ugly feet, and visibly poor health do not improve over time to make a 10. I chalk it up to trying to ingratiate oneself with the provider like a good little pet hoping for a treat. Or perhaps the provider offers some hush hush bonus for high scores.

Thank you, gentlemen!!  Once TER came back, many months passed before I began logging onto the site and reading reviews like I used to, so I sort of feel like a newbie hobbyist in that respect.  I probably should have just given it serious thought before posting my question.  However,  reading the "scoring system" debate has made my entire week!!  Hilarious!!!  A lot of good points were made, but still, hilarious!!!

Until the next topic, good sirs!    

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