TER General Board

Your phrasing completely throws things off.
Cosette 2566 reads

To use the word safety as though that is either more or less had by someone's gender is similar to someone using the word race or even price point to do so (ie are white people more safe or are more expensive escorts more safe). To be safe is completely independent. Perhaps it's another question you're trying to ask.

I was wondering the opinions of both the ladies and gentlemen on this topic.
Thank you

Pimpathy2622 reads

... if you are born male you are male.

... if you are born female you are female.


My opinion is a person should accept them self and their reproductive organs.  

The human species is the only living organism that electively alters their reproductive organs. With the aid of modern medicine. In order to become the opposite sex.

Victoria, why did you post a question which I couldn't ignore?

I was a little taken aback by how many men were curious about TS women
Even if they consider themselves heterosexual.

Absolutely no judgement here, as I have many TS girlfriends who are not providers.
Most of which enjoyed "same-sex" intercourse and continue to now that they are post or pre-op.

As a GFE provider (bbbj, dfk, daty, etc) I can only wonder if this is safety issue for the ladies who only indulge in heterosexual sexual relationships.


-- Modified on 4/23/2014 12:42:17 PM

I think she was asking whether or not it's a "safety" concern (albeit misinformed) for the ladies who refuse to see guys who see TS girls.

Hmm, and why is it hard to believe what kind of friends I have?
You do not know me but you seem to have an issue girl.

Posted By: Cosette

Cosette2567 reads

To use the word safety as though that is either more or less had by someone's gender is similar to someone using the word race or even price point to do so (ie are white people more safe or are more expensive escorts more safe). To be safe is completely independent. Perhaps it's another question you're trying to ask.

In DC on  a Saturday night when a civilian GF and her friend were in my car , stopped by  the light  at Dupont  , my GF said ,  "  OH MY !!  That  tall hooker  with the pink hot pants and gorgeous  breasts looks Incredibly Super Hot , lets see if she wants to come with us  and play ".  My GF's friend  was in the back seat giggling .  I told  my GF  that hooker  is probably  a TS .  The girl in the back giggled more .  
 My first clue, she looked to be an easy 6' 7" with her heels . My GF said "No way , she's too pretty  to be a man, her legs are all  woman  "   To prove I was right I pulled up to the curb , motioned her to my car , "Hi  sweetie , you care  to play with  my friends and me  "    She  looked at me  and smiled , glanced over at my GF, and her GF in back , looked back at me , in a not so sweet voice and scornful eyes she said in disgust   " You think I'm a Dyke bitch, I should punch your nose  and knock your teeth out  "  
  I left quickly before the giggling girl in the back seat tried to convince  the TS  to take a "WALK ON THE WILD SIDE "  
    Perhaps I am wrong but I believe a TS doesn't see a man  when they look at their own reflection or believe they are having "same sex" or homosexual intercourse  when they are with a man .  
  I'm not judging you or your TS friends  , I'm just glad the TS at Dupont didn't knock  
       my teeth out  .  
  I've never hit a woman even when she hit me , I'm  not  starting  even on a technicality .  :-D
I've never had sex with  a TS , not guaranteeing I never will if she is irresistible , but I've been with enough wild women I am sure there was a TS in the chain not far from me .
               I'm  still alive and well . :-D

Posted By: VictoriaVegas
For me, the curiosity comes more from all things being safe.  
 Absolutely no judgement here, as I have many TS girlfriends who are not providers.  
 Most of which enjoyed "same-sex" intercourse and continue to now that they are post or pre-op.  
 As a GFE provider (bbbj, dfk, daty, etc) I can only wonder if this is safety issue for the ladies who only indulge in heterosexual sexual relationships.  

riorunner2911 reads

You are very mis-informed, aka ignorant, to state that "humans are the only organisms who alter their reproductive organs."
  As a biologist I can name several animals that do so....Parrotfish, those colorful reef inhabitants, are born with both male and female organs. They are what's known as protogynous hermaphrodites. If male/female ratios get skewed then males will "turn" into females. Similarly, clownfish, are all born "male" and then some turn "female". Alternatively, lizards in the genus Cnemidophorus, are all born female and no males exist. They sexually reproduce by what's called parthenogenesis. There are many, many more examples of these sorts of reproductive strategies in nature. I've only mentioned some animals but can assure you that plants employ even more convoluted methods.  
   The points you attempt to make in this post are ridiculous. It's too bad that trans-gender people have to put up with such nonsense. I often like to believe that we in this community are more open-minded than society at large. You, and too many others, have shown me that it's simply wishful thinking.

On the religion board he posted something that clearly talks about religion and quotes from book of revelation,  then he claims he never talked about religion.  LMAO  

Nowhere in this thread are we talking about gender,  sex change,  TS...  You won't find me talking about post op pre op either.  


DollyHaze2639 reads

If you haven't experienced the confusing and painful disconnect of your outsides not matching how you feel inside, then you should probably keep your mouth shut. Do you honestly think that "officially" transitioning your gender is an easy decision and undertaking? Do you honestly think that people do it for shits and giggles? If you do, go rent "Boys Don't Cry"...

If you think that we should all base our decisions, lifestyles and how we interact with one another on the animal kingdom (which, by the way, there are several species of animals where males and females take on the opposite roles for a variety of reasons), then I'm going to assume that you live in a cave somewhere, don't wear clothes, hunt for dinner every night and sniff other people's butts as opposed to offering a friendly handshake. If you don't do any of those things, again, you should keep your mouth shut.

Pimpathy2722 reads

Wild animals don't have the time to think about which sex they are.

I'm sure anyone contemplating SRS has a lot to deal with. Just look at Private Manning.

Also, I was talking sex not gender, and taking on the opposing roll.  

Posted By: DollyHaze
If you haven't experienced the confusing and painful disconnect of your outsides not matching how you feel inside, then you should probably keep your mouth shut. Do you honestly think that "officially" transitioning your gender is an easy decision and undertaking? Do you honestly think that people do it for shits and giggles? If you do, go rent "Boys Don't Cry"...  
 If you think that we should all base our decisions, lifestyles and how we interact with one another on the animal kingdom (which, by the way, there are several species of animals where males and females take on the opposite roles for a variety of reasons), then I'm going to assume that you live in a cave somewhere, don't wear clothes, hunt for dinner every night and sniff other people's butts as opposed to offering a friendly handshake. If you don't do any of those things, again, you should keep your mouth shut.

And despite what our resident moron already said on this thread, genitalia does not determine gender. Safety isn't an issue either (if someone doesn't want to see someone who sees TS providers due to safety concerns, she should also refuse to see anyone who engages in anal sex, anyone who sees providers who engage in anal sex, and so on). I know plenty of straight, cisgender people who are FAR more nasty than all of the trans*people I've ever met combined.  

This is one of those topics that I just know is going to get me pissed off once I see some of the responses. There is such a staggering amount of ignorance regarding trans* issues, and I've seen some of my best friends go through some pretty horrific shit due to that ignorance. It's really disheartening.

I agree, Tobi.  
If a provider has concerns, of any kind with a gent, she should not visit with him.
I also have experienced personal situations of ignorance regarding my friends that are horrid.

After realizing that there were a lot of men on the board that have seen TS providers, I was really curious and interested on different peoples views and/or concerns.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
And despite what our resident moron already said on this thread, genitalia does not determine gender. Safety isn't an issue either (if someone doesn't want to see someone who sees TS providers due to safety concerns, she should also refuse to see anyone who engages in anal sex, anyone who sees providers who engage in anal sex, and so on). I know plenty of straight, cisgender people who are FAR more nasty than all of the trans*people I've ever met combined.  
 This is one of those topics that I just know is going to get me pissed off once I see some of the responses. There is such a staggering amount of ignorance regarding trans* issues, and I've seen some of my best friends go through some pretty horrific shit due to that ignorance. It's really disheartening.

Pimpathy2495 reads

and prefer the word "sex" much more.

Sex definitions no. 1 & 2

1) the sum of the characteristics that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive function

2) either of the two categories, male or female, into which organisms are placed on this basis


Pimpathy2606 reads

You brought up the term gender, as in transgender.

I agree they are not the same thing.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Sex and gender are not the same thing, genius.

Are you suggesting that transgender and transexual are unrelated terms? Christ.  

Posted By: Pimpathy
You brought up the term gender, as in transgender.  
 I agree they are not the same thing.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Sex and gender are not the same thing, genius.

e also claims that Christianity existed before Jesus was born

Pimpathy1952 reads

What do consider transgender?

What do you consider transsexual?

hotplants2248 reads

You were the same guy who once declared that people have sex reassignment surgery because they're  homosexual and want to be able to have "same-sex" relationships; which is a misperception so unbelievably uninformed and ignun't that there really is no response

His ignorance is on an entirely different level than Fungus.  I can't even figure out if he's stupider or not.  This is an entirely new form of ignorance which I have never before encountered. For lack of a better term, it's a kind of Existential Ignorance.  It confuses and frightens me.  No, not really, but it does amaze me.  The guy can barely put one foot in front of the other.

Pimpathy2195 reads

Posted By: hotplants
You were the same guy who once declared that people have sex reassignment surgery because they're  homosexual and want to be able to have "same-sex" relationships; which is a misperception so unbelievably uninformed and ignun't that there really is no response.  
I think I said there could be the possibility. People have SRS because they are homosexual and want to have same sex, sexual relationships, and can avoid being an actual homosexual. By changing their sex.

Are masculine lesbians men, because they act masculine? I still consider them women.

Safety should be everyones number one priority.  
As long as we are all playing safe.
What a lot of people do not realize, is that, as much as we would like to think what one provider and hobbyists does during her time is not our business or does not affect us, but it does.
This is a community and we all cross paths in some degree.

Posted By: VictoriaVegas
I was wondering the opinions of both the ladies and gentlemen on this topic.  
 Thank you!  

Posted By: VictoriaVegas
Safety should be everyones number one priority.  
 As long as we are all playing safe.  
 What a lot of people do not realize, is that, as much as we would like to think what one provider and hobbyists does during her time is not our business or does not affect us, but it does.  
 This is a community and we all cross paths in some degree.  
Posted By: VictoriaVegas
I was wondering the opinions of both the ladies and gentlemen on this topic.  
  Thank you!  
I was looking at this thread and really trying to puzzle out what you were getting at.   Are you asking if providers view men who have seen both TS and 'biological women' as less safe then men who have seen only biological women?  Or are you asking something else

Everybody should engage in what they want with who they want. If you want to avoid men who see TS providers or civi's…go ahead. Good luck with that. The closet for that is big and deep.

What do we truly know about the gents we see besides screening info we've requested.
What do we truly share about our sexual histories and preferences?
Be as safe as you can with everyone who cums through your door.

Anal is anal though, so what's the difference as long as you cover up?
The implication is that std's and namely HIV/AIDS is more prevalent in the lgbt community.
The answer to me is this…

Boo you's a lady of leisure and are putting yourself at risk every time you FK and BBBJ.
Singling out a group of people or a race of people is your prerogative albeit a naive one.

C'mon, what guy hasn't seen a TS/TG and been like holy shit,
and what gal hasn't been like "bitch is makin me GAAAAAG dahling".

(not gag as in yuck but as in "wow that bish is snatched for the GODS!!!")
No? Yeah right….

GaGambler2430 reads

You are gay if you are still aroused after seeing a full frontal nude shot, complete with a hanging dick.

Not that there is anything wrong with gay, but if you are a man and you get turned on by a naked pic of someone else with a dick, you are gay. Deal with it.

DollyHaze2498 reads

Gay men are not the ones who are booking time with MTF escorts, it's straight men. Why is that? Well, straight men love dick. Why do you think that Ron Jeremy is as famous as he is? His good looks? HA! It's because of his dick...and it ain't women who are obsessed with his dick, it's men.  

For most straight men, this cock obsession is completely internalized towards their own cocks. But for some men, it becomes externalized. But these men are straight and are attracted to women, so they want a cock that's attached to a woman, not a man. Does that make them 100% straight as straight can be? Maybe not. But it makes them 98% straight, or straight with an asterisk, or straight with a footnote. Being gay means (and by the way, it's kind of ridiculous that I have to explain it to you) that you are, as a man, exclusively (or damn near close to exclusively) attracted to men romantically, sexually, physically and emotionally. That is not the case with most, if not all, of the patrons of MTF escorts.

And if you're so sure that being aroused by genitalia is the end all be all of sexual identity, click the link below. Are you honestly going to tell me and everyone else that a) that is straight porn, and b) that you are aroused because it features a penis going into a vagina?

JackDunphy2380 reads

Which one is Buck Angel? Is it the dude with a vagina or the dude fucking the women with no dick?  


DollyHaze2318 reads

Google Fucking Exists.

JackDunphy2336 reads

Either way, I think its gay porn. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's gay porn. If not, that one broad is really fugly.  

So hard determining all the characters in that flick w/o a program.

I'd give it 4 boners down (out of 4). :D

Pimpathy2114 reads

but do you like you like Buck's femininity or masculinity?

JackDunphy2767 reads

Savage says "One dick in the ass does not a gay man make."

Ok, his opinion, fine. But by implication, he is saying there is a certain number of dicks in the ass that WOULD make it gay.

So how many dicks is it? is it two? 5? Getting boned up the pooper by the entire Glee Club?

Pimpathy2074 reads

Feminine looking MTF TS who have a bigger dick than I. I view any one with a bigger dick than I as more masculine. Then I see the person with the bigger dick, and they also have hips, breasts, and an all around feminine appearance... My brain doesn't know how to process such an image

It is time to re-examine your viewpoint.  Equating cock-size to masculinity is truly bizzare.  It is likely the result of some serious repression.

And you are not gay if the person with the dick is shaped like and looks better then most females.  If I were to be attracted to a guy like myself then I would be gay.  

It's definitely not straight, maybe a bit adventurous, like letting a girl fuck your ass with a strap on, but it's definitely not gay.

GaGambler2557 reads

to "Gents that see both Women and Transexuals" especially if you are referring to someone who is "pre Op" as I don't consider a person with a male reproductive organ a "woman"

That said, as judgmental as many Trannies will find my point, I don't really have much of an opinion, nor do I think much about it. If pressed I will concede that a man who frequents "pre op trannies" is gay IMO, but gay is not a "bad thing" to me.

We are what we are, we are wired however we are wired. A person who is attracted to Transgendered persons is no more able to change his/her attraction than I am able to like men sexually even if I wanted to, or even fat broads for that matter. lol  There is no right or wrong IMO, there simply "is". We like what we like, no one can change that, so "judging" is a waste of time and energy.

I think that the OP was bringing up the issue of guys who see TS/TG might be in a higher risk category for STD's.  At least that is how I read her OP and subsequent posts.

I also don't agree that guys who frequent pre (or post)-op TS's are gay necessarily.  Perhaps more on the bi side and exploring.  Consider the OP was asking about men who frequent "both".  And if he is gay why is he seeing non-TS/TG hookers?

What amazes me (and riorunner sums it up nicely as well as you) is that the lack of tolerance in this community of "strange" is amazing.  The reality is that nearly every one here is 1 degree from fucking a TS/TG.  But many want to believe they've somehow insulated themselves by NOT seeing someone who reviewed that session  LOL

The judgemental issues have been duly noted on these boards over the years.  No different than some guys won't see a fat hooker, black hooker, white hooker, tall hooker, short hooker...hookers that do gang bangs..porn, anal and so on.

I like what I like as do you and every other person in the world.  There is a risk as always no matter who you (I) see.

I recall the dude from a few months back that had a huge issue with TS gals.  Upon review of his reviews I PM'd him to let him know that he has been less than 1 degree from that.  I'm sure he didn't believe me  LOL

Posted By: GaGambler
to "Gents that see both Women and Transexuals" especially if you are referring to someone who is "pre Op" as I don't consider a person with a male reproductive organ a "woman"

That said, as judgmental as many Trannies will find my point, I don't really have much of an opinion, nor do I think much about it. If pressed I will concede that a man who frequents "pre op trannies" is gay IMO, but gay is not a "bad thing" to me.  

We are what we are, we are wired however we are wired. A person who is attracted to Transgendered persons is no more able to change his/her attraction than I am able to like men sexually even if I wanted to, or even fat broads for that matter. lol  There is no right or wrong IMO, there simply "is". We like what we like, no one can change that, so "judging" is a waste of time and energy.

GaGambler2964 reads

Despite the wording of her question to make that one degree even slimmer.

A transgendered person might consider himself a "woman" but if a person has a dick, he is not a woman. Sorry, but biology trumps psychiatry in this case.

As for the rest of your post, yes I more or less agree with you, except that I freely acknowledge and accept that there is a double standard where it comes to bi males as opposed to bi females.

A man who is "bisexual" is still gay to most of us, no matter how many women he fucks. Right or wrong, this joke still carries a lot of truth "i've been hammering nails all my life and no one ever called me a carpenter, but suck just one dick, and I am a cocksucker forever"

Sorry, I don't make the standards, but sometimes I agree with them, even the unfair ones.

I will end this by saying I agree with you more than I disagree, and the topic is not important enough to me to spend a lot of time debating it. Unlike a surprisingly large number of guys here, I am not threatened by gays, trannies, or those that frequent them. I grew up in San Francisco, if I were to start worrying about how many women I have been with that have also fucked a gay/bi guy, I would have become a monk years ago. I have fucked thousand of women over the last 40 years or so, and these women by extension have most likely fucked almost every one in the world, to worry that I metaphorically crossed swords with a tranny once, twice, or three times removed just isn't that important to me.

My comment was directed at the dudes that see a TS/TG and whether they are indeed gay men while still fucking women.  I don't believe I would see them as gay...simply bi or bi curious.  And I know many men who are repulsed at the thought of fucking a woman...they are gay!

Same as you have NO interest in fucking fat or old.

I suspect you (and most hetero men) should be thankful that you weren't born in Ancient Greece  LOL

Posted By: GaGambler
Despite the wording of her question to make that one degree even slimmer.

A transgendered person might consider himself a "woman" but if a person has a dick, he is not a woman. Sorry, but biology trumps psychiatry in this case.  

As for the rest of your post, yes I more or less agree with you, except that I freely acknowledge and accept that there is a double standard where it comes to bi males as opposed to bi females.

A man who is "bisexual" is still gay to most of us, no matter how many women he fucks. Right or wrong, this joke still carries a lot of truth "i've been hammering nails all my life and no one ever called me a carpenter, but suck just one dick, and I am a cocksucker forever"

Sorry, I don't make the standards, but sometimes I agree with them, even the unfair ones.

I will end this by saying I agree with you more than I disagree, and the topic is not important enough to me to spend a lot of time debating it. Unlike a surprisingly large number of guys here, I am not threatened by gays, trannies, or those that frequent them. I grew up in San Francisco, if I were to start worrying about how many women I have been with that have also fucked a gay/bi guy, I would have become a monk years ago. I have fucked thousand of women over the last 40 years or so, and these women by extension have most likely fucked almost every one in the world, to worry that I metaphorically crossed swords with a tranny once, twice, or three times removed just isn't that important to me.

GaGambler2652 reads

and as I said before, I "mostly" agree with you.

but you deny the double standard where it comes to bisexual men. I don't, although I freely admit to how unfair it is. Some things are fair, some are unfair, and some things just "are"  I guess the term " a distinction without a difference" seems to  apply here.

I simply commented that I don't see if a dude sees a TS that makes him gay.  You see it otherwise.

As far as living with "soap and hot water"...I agree.

Still there were plenty of hot looking women in Ancient times.  I'll also bet that all sex was BBFS!  Just don't let Spartacus know if you were tapping his gal.

GaGambler3096 reads

After reading a few of the other posts on this thread, it would appear that we are the exception, not the rule.

I've already said, this subject is not important enough to me for me to waste a lot of energy over it. To the people who want to drag me into some kind of sexual debate over this, they can kindly all "Go fuck themselves" Sorry guys and girls, but I just don't really give a fuck one way or the other, and all your wailing, foot stomping, and holding of your breath, is not going to change my mind. I barely give a fuck about gay people, who most likely number in the millions, much less Transgendered persons, who can't number even a tenth of that number.

People can fuck who ever they want. Man, woman, or a little of both, I don't really give a fuck, but no one will ever convince me that a man who is sexually attracted to another human being with a penis is not gay. If you don't like it, TOUGH SHIT, I don't really give a fuck

I know where you've BEEN! LMAO!  And, for the record, I agree with CPA on the subject.  There's so much I don't know about the transgender world and why it is the way it is, so I'm not going to force rigid definitions on it and the people who want/need to go there.  It's all good.
There, I've done it.  On one single thread I've agreed with Turdy and disagreed with GaG.  Does that make me gay?
Satan is practicing his slap shot in Hell.

GaGambler2883 reads

and that's all this discussion is, a case of pandering to the PC crowd.

I haven't seen anyone come on this thread and bash people for their sexual choices, quite the contrary, people are bending over backwards trying to be PC to placate the handful of Transexuals we have here.

Let me repeat, i don't have a single issue with the sexual choices that adults make, just don't try to force me into admitting something I flat out don't believe, in this case that transexuals are "real" women, It's just not true and simply believing in it doesn't make it so. You might "think" you are a woman, but that doesn't make it so anymore than a crazy person in the psych ward who "thinks" he is Julius Caesar.

Where you seem to have it wrong is that it is the LGBT community that is forcing their "rigid definitions" on the rest of us, not the other way around.

BTW I am back on a plane back to Texas, and yes we have trannies in Texas just like you do in NY

If you're lumping me in with the other posters, that is.  I suggest you go back and read my very few posts on this thread and then see if what you wrote here applies to me at all.
Wait!  I'll save you the trouble: it doesn't.
As for Texas trannies, I'm pretty sure your Governor is one.
And you know damn well I'm not remotely a "flaming liberal."  That would be your pal WillieWonka.

cashorcredit2551 reads

there's no such thing as a bi male how the fuck can a guy be bi..... any guy who willingly gives head or fucks another guy in the ass is gay... not that I have anything against gay men but it is what it is

Keep your DSM IV as a source book, what with all the changes in terms and category 1 definitions of symptoms.

hotplants2913 reads

Just because you believe that a man who identifies as bi-sexual, or experiments with a homosexual experience is gay, does not mean that's true.  

And biology does not trump psychiatry. Gender and sexual attraction is not about genitalia. I've had sex with lots of dicks and I am still as gay as they come.  An occasional sexual dalliance with a man is a complete lark---means nothing. And not one single 'straight' dalliance of mine (or even a couple of genuinely serious relationships a million yrs ago) has ever managed to make me straight. Jeesh...I could have made my life a lot easier by defaulting to telling people I'm  Bi....lol....but I'm not.  

Men who are attracted to TS are typically NOT gay. Gay men are not sexually attracted to women. And, a transgendered woman *is* a woman. Not based on what's between her legs, but based what's between her ears; brain chemistry, pituitary gland..etc...There is ample scientific/medical fact to support this

If a wife chops off her husbands goods.. Or even if the guy does it (some rapper just did) is he no longer a male?
If a female has a lumpectomy is she no longer a female?
What if you are born with multiple or no body parts?
If one has no legs are they not human?

It's not the body parts that you are born with, it's your body chemistry.

If a female wears a strap on, the guy is just kinky and perhaps in to s&m..
If the guy wants to be with a born male transitioned to female.. He's gay?


And man, oh man.... Using the word tranny in 2014???!!! Why who why who!??? Who says such a thing and why?

Does that make him gay?  I'm really getting confused now.  All I know is, I really don't like ass play when I'm on the receiving end.  Does that make me straight?  Fuck!

Cleanliness, Safety and being careful with those you see is a major part of this.  Safety is our number 1 concern as long as we can be safe we always have fun!  Get tested, use protection and if you don't make sure all players are tested

Spot on.
No judgement about any transgendered person at any transitional stage. Nor judgement on anyone sexual preferences
But when you've got the working man parts, you are not a woman. "Chicks with dicks" are the same as "Dudes with tits."  Semantics don't change the reality.

this line of questioning, no offense to the OP, is asinine. On top of that it's suggestive of bias that is not only disrespectful to LGBTS/TG members of our community but just wrong? I see it almost weekly and the answer is always the same. Grey. Live and let live should be expanded to hump and let hump. The words TS and safety are ALWAYS in the same post. How about giving it a rest already…

The fact is you can't know for sure who who  you fuck…fucks, and that if it's a real issue for you good luck with having people come clean to you about it. If it's in their reviews then act accordingly with your comfort level, if not just calm down and realize that a couple people who's dick you sucked have had the same pleasure…

Get over it and yourselves….

edit: then than…fuckinwhatever

-- Modified on 4/23/2014 2:09:09 PM

"According to the 2010 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, among college-age Americans, condoms are used in about 40 percent of sexual encounters, but only in about 6 percent of sexual encounters among those 61 and older."

"Numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show rapid increases in S.T.D.’s among older people. Between 2007 and 2011, chlamydia infections among Americans 65 and over increased by 31 percent, and syphilis by 52 percent. Those numbers are similar to S.T.D. trends in the 20- to 24-year-old age group, where chlamydia increased by 35 percent and syphilis by 64 percent."

JackDunphy2498 reads

You compared the LGBT community to older, straight males initially.  

I am not saying you're wrong, I just haven't seen the pertinent evidence to support your original statement.

JackDunphy2236 reads

She initially said LGBT vs. old, straight, male initially. But her "evidence" was only young vs old, leaving OUT the LGBT part of her original claim.

Maybe you "roll" with the non sequiter crowd, I try not to. lol.

You are starting to skim like BSC Taylor. Not a good sign Tobi! LOL

GaGambler2323 reads

And she thinks we are out of touch????

I guess in her world there are no old gay people, I guess she has never been to Key West, P Town, West Hollywood or San Francisco. The streets in everyone one of those towns are crawling with gay people well into their senior years.

Sheesh, why don't I just stay home and stare at my nekkid self in the mirror? That's the same enjoyment i'd receive from chicks with dicks

Back_In_Black3547 reads

nit that theres anything wrong with it .

Posted By: VictoriaVegas
I was wondering the opinions of both the ladies and gentlemen on this topic.  
 Thank you!  

I must argue flatly you are Incorrect, love...  

As you are one individual out of several billion,  and only one single perspective that you clearly directed as to only recognize human sexuality in strict terms of *only* either "gay",  or "straight", when yet,  both gender and sexual orientation,  are A.) separate yet yes - also deeply interconnected discussions) and are also both,  far larger questions and answers than that,  then that is far too simple an explanation....  

...if I may please suggest this might better be stated as,  "my opinion",  as opposed to just flatly  "final answer"...  

that may be *your* final answer, but so was also the argument that the earth was flat, before it was accepted and discovered otherwise by most of the rest of humanity at a time.    

And yes ...as was just posted at the very end of this thread by someone who "cant wait to get their popcorn and sit back to watch and see what happens next", ...so.... yes... now it will, and it most agreeably should...  

 A dialogue must now ensue more clearly from what I think was an intelligent and simply opinion/information seeking question, and not necessarily posed in what I felt to be a denigratingly offensive manner, or as opposed to any kind of "Springeresque" circus, which clearly parts of the discussion have now also unfortunately wandered into...  

 If any of you... have *any* questions about TS women, then just simply ask one of us. We are not some scary freakish alien species unable to communicate on the very same exact level of human experience that everyone else on the planet does... Most of us I think are willing, able, and even happy to answer and engage in such dialogues, especially when engaged respectfully, and even more so if it helps to break down fears, stereotypes, misunderstandings, and worse, throughout all of our histories as both men *and* women...  

 because it is late where I am at this moment, and cannot possibly cover every direction this has taken i'll cover as many bases as possible in this way....  

 I have included links to topic(s) in the TS boards that I have posted several *long*, but very personal, and also explanative responses on, rather extensively,  on exactly these kinds of questions, and also included in these thread/posts, are other links to additional topics where I either expanded upon or responded to other similar questions/aspects/perceptions of this kind of conversation...    
 Hope this adds a little additional or maybe helpful perspectives to the this thread that can be of benefit in this discussion...  
 Most Kindly, and...  

Back_In_Black2611 reads

more info . or as you said they can ask you questions so I guess thanks .. look I don't care not my thing. if you think your a girl , cool .  

there happy I added a category . I like the first one final answer . and no drama  

Posted By: AngelaMarie
I must argue flatly you are Incorrect, love...    
 As you are one individual out of several billion,  and only one single perspective that you clearly directed as to only recognize human sexuality in strict terms of *only* either "gay",  or "straight", when yet,  both gender and sexual orientation,  are A.) separate yet yes - also deeply interconnected discussions) and are also both,  far larger questions and answers than that,  then that is far too simple an explanation....  
 ...if I may please suggest this might better be stated as,  "my opinion",  as opposed to just flatly  "final answer"...    
 that may be *your* final answer, but so was also the argument that the earth was flat, before it was accepted and discovered otherwise by most of the rest of humanity at a time.      
 And yes ...as was just posted at the very end of this thread by someone who "cant wait to get their popcorn and sit back to watch and see what happens next", ...so.... yes... now it will, and it most agreeably should...  
  A dialogue must now ensue more clearly from what I think was an intelligent and simply opinion/information seeking question, and not necessarily posed in what I felt to be a denigratingly offensive manner, or as opposed to any kind of "Springeresque" circus, which clearly parts of the discussion have now also unfortunately wandered into...  
  If any of you... have *any* questions about TS women, then just simply ask one of us. We are not some scary freakish alien species unable to communicate on the very same exact level of human experience that everyone else on the planet does... Most of us I think are willing, able, and even happy to answer and engage in such dialogues, especially when engaged respectfully, and even more so if it helps to break down fears, stereotypes, misunderstandings, and worse, throughout all of our histories as both men *and* women...  
  because it is late where I am at this moment, and cannot possibly cover every direction this has taken i'll cover as many bases as possible in this way....  
  I have included links to topic(s) in the TS boards that I have posted several *long*, but very personal, and also explanative responses on, rather extensively,  on exactly these kinds of questions, and also included in these thread/posts, are other links to additional topics where I either expanded upon or responded to other similar questions/aspects/perceptions of this kind of conversation...    
  Hope this adds a little additional or maybe helpful perspectives to the this thread that can be of benefit in this discussion...  
  Most Kindly, and...  

GaGambler2485 reads

"your" opinion, nothing more and nothing less than any of the other 7 billion people on this planet?

Personally I don't have an/the answer, I barely understand what the question is.

Yes, Loves...  

as was just posted at the very end of this thread by someone who "cant wait to get their popcorn and sit back to watch and see what happens next", ...so.... yes... now it will, and it most agreeably should...

A dialogue must now ensue more clearly from what I think was an intelligent and simply opinion/information seeking question, and not necessarily posed in what I felt to be a denigratingly offensive manner, or as opposed to any kind of "Springeresque" circus, which clearly parts of the discussion have now also unfortunately wandered into...

If any of you... have *any* questions about TS women, then just simply ask one of us. We are not some scary freakish alien species unable to communicate on the very same exact level of human experience that everyone else on the planet does... Most of us I think are willing, able, and even happy to answer and engage in such dialogues, especially when engaged respectfully, and even more so if it helps to break down fears, stereotypes, misunderstandings, and worse, throughout all of our histories as both men *and* women...

because it is late where I am at this moment, and cannot possibly cover every direction this has taken i'll cover as many bases as possible in this way....

I have included links to topic(s) in the TS boards that I have posted several *long*, but very personal, and also explanative responses on, rather extensively,  on exactly these kinds of questions, and also included in these thread/posts, are other links to additional topics where I either expanded upon or responded to other similar questions/aspects/perceptions of this kind of conversation...  





Hope this adds a little additional or maybe helpful perspectives to the this thread that can be of benefit in this discussion...

Most Kindly, and...





-- Modified on 4/23/2014 11:08:40 PM

It was fun, we giggled the whole time-didn't touch each other but pleasures the guy!! I couldn't look at her "Pussystick" cuz she lives her life a a female & I see her that way except when I'm pissed off at her -(JK-lol)...    

There is whole world of TS-loving Hobbyists!!! My TS friend is always busy... I mean always!!! Most of the guys are "Str8" or married....   FYI- On the chicago top 100, the top rate provider is a TS Provider..


that most of the disagreements on this thread stem from semantics.  You are mainly arguing over misunderstandings about the definition of words.  Conan cannot help but observe that if people were simply more careful in their use of language this board would have less drama.  Then the question becomes: would that be a Good Thing

It's evident here with his ignorant claim of humans being the only ones who change gender.  Another idiotic thing he said the other day,  he claimed Christianity existed before jesus.  LMAO  

He also thought that virgin Mary and mary Magdeline the prostitute were the same person. lol

IMO,  he needs to read some fucking books,  lots of em, before he's allowed to engage in any debates.  

Definitely has the lead for the SPOTY Award now that fungus is silent for a day or two

Why should my issue be your issue?  Why should your issue be my issue?  

If you ever get robbed, accused, or murdered,  don't bother blaming the attacker cuz somehow it's your fault.  lol

I grew up in a mostly blue collar community not far from Boston in the late 70s and 80s.  Common consensus where I lived was that homosexuality was similar to a sickness.  It was generally believed that there was something wrong with it and homosexuals were generally looked down upon.  Many of us were foolish enough to think that it was a choice rather than an inherent trait.  It was such a strong sentiment that many who were gay were afraid to come out of the closet for fear of the backlash and that people they loved would think of them differently.  Some were even ashamed of their homosexuality.

Mass communication and free exchange of information have dramatically reshaped our culture.  Tolerance and acceptance have been quickly replacing prejudice and intolerance in all but the most closed minded of people.  The vast majority of decent people now understand that things such as race and sexuality do not define the character of a person.

 Although I don't believe I was ever a homophobe, the intolerance I was brought up in definitely influenced me in my youth.  In my late teens I became critical of much of what I was taught and shed the stain of any intolerance of others that my upbringing had left on me.  That said, I considered myself completely heterosexual and was repulsed by even the slightest display of male homosexuality.

That repulsion was so strong that it took a couple of years for me to give in to a kinky gf's constant requests to play with my arse.   Even when I finally gave in, I had such a hang-up that I clenched up and got more pain and angst than enjoyment out of it every time she tried.

Several years of experiencing the absolute joys, the depths of grief and the mountains of guilt that life throws at us have put many things into proper perspective for me.  Few hang-ups remain, and none of them as trivial as sexual preference.  

I have since learned to truly enjoy anal play and eventually experimented with transsexuals.  I am now almost as a attracted to feminine, attractive transsexuals as I am to attractive biological women.  In the words of the immortal Ron White, I do like "big hard throbbing cock", but not quite as much as I love Vaginas.  All that said, although I am no longer repulsed by displays of male homosexuality, I have absolutely no attraction to men.  Labels are just labels, so call me what you will.  I am what I am and am very comfortable with that.  

The best advice I can give is to get over your hang-ups and truly experience life.  If you don't, you are depriving yourself of some of life's great pleasures.  The most pleasureful physical feeling, by far, that I have ever experienced is anal play (toys or the real thing) while on 420 and good poppers.  It is truly amazing the sustained, full-bodied feeling of pure ecstasy that can be experienced on a regular basis.  

-- Modified on 4/24/2014 3:39:15 AM

JackDunphy2318 reads

I do think it could be a "genetic imperfection." Much like someone being born with one leg shorter than another, being born incredibly skinny, unusually tall, etc but there isn't any need for discrimation over those examples or homosexuality.

To call genes that don't directly, negatively affect the health of the individual at this point in history "imperfect" is a flawed and short-sighted perspective.  Genetic mutations exist so that species can survive changing environmental conditions.  There has never been a time on earth with such rapidly changing environmental conditions, baring catastrophic events such as massive volcanoes or large meteor impacts.
     Traditionally there are two types of survival that gene mutation affects; survival of the bloodline and survival of the species.  Some believe that the first always leads to the second, but that viewpoint is too narrow completely ignores environmental factors.
     It is true that  homosexual "genes" make an animal much less likely to reproduce in nature, thus decreasing survival of the bloodline, but there is a larger picture to consider.  There have been occasions in evolution where too large of a population of species has resulted in a dramatic decrease in the food supply, ultimately resulting in the eventual extinction of a species.   In such cases, the diminished number of bloodlines procreated could actually result in the survival of the species.  Similar arguments have been made for altruism in humans.
     The development of civilization and man's mastry of technology have completely changed the game.  No longer do the blind, deaf or deformed die without getting a chance to procreate.  Many believe our genepool is weaker as a result and it is the root of much of the disease and ailments we suffer today.  That said, none can deny the increasing growth and diversity of said pool.  The survival of our species may someday be a result of said diversity.
     It is no longer survival of the fittest, rather it is survival of almost every human to the detriment of almost all other species.  We have reached a point where our expanding population is putting extreme strain on Earth's limited resources as well as causing mass extinctions.  It is much more likely that our population is too large for it's own good at this time.  If that is the case, perhaps genetic traits that limit procreation will be the key to survival for our species.

That's why I always have everything ready :D.
Some like 420, poppers, toys etc.
I think It's cool. My job is to bring them to their satisfaction.
Come horny, leave happy! :D

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