TER General Board

You'd have to be real douchey not to respect that request. -eom-
some-guy 6 Reviews 164 reads


Starting to see a lot of girls asking not to be reviewed. At first I thought that this was a way for certain providers to give less than stellar service without dealing with the consequences of being outted...now, I feel extremely different.  
I am one of those girls who prefer not to kiss and tell. With every good review comes higher expectations and a bad review (IF unjustly given) can really mess you up inside. The act of grading me after a session is starting to affect me like it does a few others..  

So...if I asked you not to review..would you respect my wishes or review anyway

My usual parting words to a provider after a session is "would you like me to write a review of our glorious encounter?" I have yet to get a "no", but if someone did I wouldn't question it. I suspect that some ladies are very curious as to what I'll write, which is why some of them have giggled a bit when asked. And its not like they won't know it's me writing it, so I don't fuck around with someone not wanting our playdate captured for all posterity.

That's why a lot of us stopped writing reviews years ago. I tried it in a large regional group and found that if I called it the way I see it, I would be banished from mongering sooner or later if they ever found out who I was.  

Having said that, the only reason for subscribing to TER is to make sure the "juicy details" match the profile. Example: in her profile it says BBBJTC-CWS. If there are enough recent reviews that put that in the juicy details it's what you will get if you show up clean, well groomed and are polite.  The numbers ratings are pretty useless.

In my opinion is the hobbyist right to review or not review.  

If a provider just accepts reviews of sessions that went well, that is manipulation of reviews. If she asks not to be reviewed across the board , she can contact Ter and have her delisted and Ter wouldn't post reviews for that provider. In my opinion to cherry pick who can review you and who can't is deceit.  

Posted By: SavannahStJames
Starting to see a lot of girls asking not to be reviewed. At first I thought that this was a way for certain providers to give less than stellar service without dealing with the consequences of being outted...now, I feel extremely different.  
 I am one of those girls who prefer not to kiss and tell. With every good review comes higher expectations and a bad review (IF unjustly given) can really mess you up inside. The act of grading me after a session is starting to affect me like it does a few others..  
 So...if I asked you not to review..would you respect my wishes or review anyway?    

...cherry picking? Not at all. I love unbiased and logical honesty.  

I guess I'm just more interested these days in the connection rather than living up to my reviews. So, I was wondering if it was actually possible for people to respect that or if I was being silly in even asking.  
I would never want to cook the books.

Not a no-review policy.   Just ASKING.  Do you consider that to be manipulation?

Because when I have recent reviews, I will typically mention this to every new friend.  You see, they often ask or otherwise offer to write a review, to which I reply, "Oh thank you, but no, I already have PLENTY. LOL."    
Or I'll manage to work that into the conversation on my own. ;-)

Personally, I just frequently feel like I get way too many reviews.  So nowadays I tell my clients that's how I feel.  
I won't state that I don't allow reviews, just that I'd prefer not to get any new ones at that time.  
You know what?  Quite a few still write away.  ;-)

So I can only imagine how many reviews I'd be getting if I DIDN'T drop not-so-subtle hints.  LOL.  
Actually, I don't have to use my imagination: last year, there was a particular week where I met 8 people.  Eventually, 7 of them wound up writing a review.  THAT is when I started commenting to guys that I just don't need any more. To keep the amount flowing in down a bit. :-P

Oh, and I don't look at writing OR receiving reviews as a "right".  This system is a privilege, for all of us, IMO.  :-)



NOONER: (noun) A sexual encounter during lunch hour, especially one that is illicit.

If u ask certain people to not review u but other people to review u. In my opinion. That's manipulating the review system. I'm not saying I'm right or that you're wrong. I'm just stating my opinion. In ggs case I often see guys eager to review them. While in the ts world I find myself asking them to review.  

If you have plenty reviews and do not wish to have anymore reviews... That's still manipulating the review system. Because your services or your attitude may change during that time, or your pictures may become outdated. I have had some horrible sessions where I wished the guy didn't write a review. But I kept my own feelings to myself and left it up to him to decide what to do. Just like when u go dine at a restaurant, the manager doesn't go to ur table to ask you to not review them. It's your right as a costumer to express whether you had a good time or not. I see far too many people happy getting 10s and 9a but the moment they get a 7, then it's gotta be a fake review so they try to get it taken down. I once had a review of a guy saying I was masculine and kept repeating that throughout the review... It hurt like hell but guess what... That was his experience. Doesn't make the review fake or not worth posting it. I never asked the guy to review me or not knowing we didn't have chemistry. But I guess since in my case most people prefer not to review because of the stigma of being considered gay, I guess it's why I have such opinion on the subject.  

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
Not a no-review policy.   Just ASKING.  Do you consider that to be manipulation?  
 Because when I have recent reviews, I will typically mention this to every new friend.  You see, they often ask or otherwise offer to write a review, to which I reply, "Oh thank you, but no, I already have PLENTY. LOL."    
 Or I'll manage to work that into the conversation on my own. ;-)  
 Personally, I just frequently feel like I get way too many reviews.  So nowadays I tell my clients that's how I feel.    
 I won't state that I don't allow reviews, just that I'd prefer not to get any new ones at that time.    
 You know what?  Quite a few still write away.  ;-)  
 So I can only imagine how many reviews I'd be getting if I DIDN'T drop not-so-subtle hints.  LOL.    
 Actually, I don't have to use my imagination: last year, there was a particular week where I met 8 people.  Eventually, 7 of them wound up writing a review.  THAT is when I started commenting to guys that I just don't need any more. To keep the amount flowing in down a bit. :-P  
 Oh, and I don't look at writing OR receiving reviews as a "right".  This system is a privilege, for all of us, IMO.  :-)  
 NOONER: (noun) A sexual encounter during lunch hour, especially one that is illicit.  

Let me make this clear: I am only speaking for myself; these are my own preferences and reasons for them.  
I have no clue as to others' policies and their motivations.  ;-)

Posted By: TS Sasha
If u ask certain people to not review u but other people to review u. In my opinion. That's manipulating the review system. ]
My point was that I try to remember to say something along those lines to EVERYONE.  Not just "certain people".  
Posted By: TS Sasha

 If you have plenty reviews and do not wish to have anymore reviews... That's still manipulating the review system.
Ok, it's YOUR opinion that this is manipulation.  Thatt's not mine.  Reviews make me so freaking anxious.  Every time I see a new one posted, I start to have a mini panic attack.  Thinking this is another fake one, or inaccurate, or whatever and then I'll have to try to deal with it.  I hate that.  
It's not that I DON'T WANT any more reviews.  It's that, as I already explained, they were coming in too fast and frequently.  Having to deal with it all the time was really stressful.  

Even though I ask guys not to write, plenty of them still do.  It's just at a more manageable pace, which is what I wanted.

Posted By: TS Sasha
Because your services or your attitude may change during that time, or your pictures may become outdated.
I'm pretty darn sure that if either of those were the case, it wouldn't matter how nicely I asked someone not to review me.  He'd still do it.  And that would be totally okay!!
Posted By: TS Sasha
It's your right as a costumer to express whether you had a good time or not. I see far too many people happy getting 10s and 9a but the moment they get a 7, then it's gotta be a fake review so they try to get it taken down.
I half agree with you here.  Perhaps this doesn't happen to you a lot, but I've found that a significant percentage of my reviews are highly embellished.  To the point where it's misleading to the reader.  It drives me crazy, because men will show up expecting a type of experience that I just don't offer.  
So expressing whether or not you had a good time?  Sure, if you're honest.  
That does NOT however, give you the right to be excruciatingly graphic to the point where you're describing my labia in detail!  At least, not in my opinion.  ;-)

Again, speaking only for myself, I've disputed reviews of all scores.  I've got 7s that I fully admit are real and accurate reviews.  And I've got 9s that I was totally sure were fake; because the only truth in them was that we met and had sex.  All the rest was highly exaggerated.  Yet these types of reviews are allowed to remain, no matter how misleading they may be.  Then when guys expect this and are disappointed, it's somehow my fault.  Sigh...  

When you've received as many fake reviews & overly-fictionalized accounts as I have, you might become as leery of them as I am.  I know my feelings about reviews have changed dramatically over the years.  
But I sincerely hope that doesn't happen to you!  :-)

Don't believe everything you read.  :-P

-- Modified on 3/22/2016 10:45:31 AM

GaGambler253 reads

If a guy was going to write a positive review and the lady asks him to please not do so, I don't see anything at all wrong with that.  

It's just like P411 okays, I could have hundreds of them if I wanted to, but quite frankly "more is not always better" the same with reviews, just how many times can different guys say basically the same thing once you get a certain amount of reviews?

The only time I would disagree with this is if a provider were to ask a guy to not write a review because it would "hurt her average" as she knew she gave a subpar performance, now THAT is review manipulation.

I think the rule of thumb regarding this practice has always been, if it was going to be a good review, honoring her request not to be reviewed is the gentlemanly thing to do. If the review was/is going to slam her for a subpar performance, her wishes be damned, write the review.

First thing that crosses my mind when I think of you ... well. It's not a review. More like a preview .... of things to cum, if it ever comes  
to pass.

I totally understand your position and respect it.  

Everyone .... read the Jenna Jordan post on today's Bos DB and you can understand DNGs position. Poor kid. Gotta make you question life in the fast lane.

I disagree that asking a client not to review you means they are being deceitful, and the original post wasn't about choosing good reviews only or cherry picking, it also wasn't about having a bad session and then asking them not to review.

It's just a request that you, me or anyone can ask for, it doesn't mean manipulation, but nevertheless, it's up to the provider if she wants to request no reviews for a certain period and up to the client if they honour it.

 I think you'll find the deceit and manipulation on reviews would normally be from providers who harass the client after the session, or offer them a discount for the session for a good review, now that is manipulation.

NoYellowEnvelope466 reads

I'd write a review if a rip-off was involved or other situation that I felt mangers need to know about.  I haven't had to do that yet.

I always respect the ladies wishes to be reviewed or not.  This is why I always ask if they would like to be reviewed after our meeting.  They get what they want!   Like the previous person wrote, I would only write a review against a providers wishes if there was a pimp situation or a dangerous situation for others to avoid.  I would admit that I will usually avoid providers without reviews because I don't know if they provide the services that I am looking for or if they are legit providers.

Before my first tour to the US I never had reviews - I thought the whole thing was painfully tacky. Of course that meant that when I landed and was ready to take bookings the phone was silent :))
I got to San Diego and a nice guy set up my profile on here and did my first review, even mentioning that I wasn't really a fan of the concept, but from that I got more bookings and a few more nice reviews and now I have another new one posted I've had more enquities about my April tour than I had before it went up - I think it seems to be expected here - at the very least as a verifying tool for guys to see you are who your website claims you are and not LE or an alien.
Just my two cents worth :)

...just don't see the need to have over 100 reviews saying the same thing. I would never want someone to think that I'm trying to slack off and asking not to be held accountable for it.. I admit in the beginning when I found out I was entertaining a well known reviewer..my performance was on steroids.. That's not to say that non reviewers got shitty service..  My feelings now have changed and with having somewhat consistent reviews I think that it's only necessary to recieve a review if the service was completely different from what was expected. Whether good or bad.

Posted By: SavannahStJames
Starting to see a lot of girls asking not to be reviewed. At first I thought that this was a way for certain providers to give less than stellar service without dealing with the consequences of being outted...now, I feel extremely different.  
 I am one of those girls who prefer not to kiss and tell. With every good review comes higher expectations and a bad review (IF unjustly given) can really mess you up inside. The act of grading me after a session is starting to affect me like it does a few others..  
 So...if I asked you not to review..would you respect my wishes or review anyway?    

the only reason i can think of to not honor her request would be if the session was so horrible i had to warn others about it.

but i have honed my research skills now so i never have horrible sessions any more.

i was completely mystified when one of my atf's, a gorgeous woman with mad skillz who has incredible reviews, emailed me out of her mind because a guy gave her an '8' on appearance.

she described the situation, and apparently the whole session was very creepy, the guy incommunicative and rude, so his 8 rating really depressed her.

i managed to convince her that an 8 was a fine rating for appearance and that she was most probably reacting to the session itself and not the actual number.

i feel start to feel bad that you women are reliant on such arbitrary and subjective numbers for part of your self-image.

but then i remember you get paid handsomely and i pretty much decide it's on you to be mature about your reviews.

or you could always come see me i hand out 10's like they were candy.

But then I usually actually like the provider I saw

At the very beginning of my hobby days, I was afraid to write reviews, and participate in the forums. I was a lurker. If you asked me not to write a review, no problema.  

Then I went through a phase where I wrote hundreds of reviews. I wrote so many reviews that one time there were four reviews in a row for this one lady from me. When she asked me not to write anymore, I understood, and stopped. Another time, a lady specifically asked me if I'd not review our first session. I wasn't sure what to think. Did she not like reviews, or was she trying to let me know who was in charge? This didn't sit too well with Mr. hundreds of reviews. I thought it an odd request given the fact that she had six reviews sitting in her queue. Six other guys got to write a review, but not me? She got her wish of no review because I cancelled the session.  

After that I started noticing something strange. After writing a new review, many of my regular ladies would send me nasty emails asking me why I saw so and so, and not them. In fact, jealousy was so rampant that one couldn't even flirt with a lady on the forums without some kind of repercussion. It was time to change handles, get a new set of atfs, and change personas again. My current persona is to not give anyone my handle. If a lady insists on my handle for screening, then we won't be meeting. I also will not write any reviews. So now if you ask me not to write one, no problemo. The opposite is also true. Now, if you ask me to write a review, I will not. Even if you give me a discount, or a free session, I won't do it. Well, maybe for five freebies. JK

Afro-desiac116 reads

You said,  "one time there were four reviews in a row for this one lady from me. When she asked me not to write anymore, I understood, and stopped."
TER rules say you can only write one review for a given provider and that, if you write a second, it replaces the first one.  So unless you have multiple accounts (a big no-no), or are talking about other sites as well, it doesn't seem possible for you to have done this on TER.
Perhaps I've misunderstood or you weren't precise in what you wrote, but I'd like to have you clarify this.

Depends. If I wanted to see her again and she asked me not to write a review, then I would not write a review. If the session was really bad and I had absolutely no problem burning that bridge with her and never seeing her again, then I would write a review. In my short time here, I have never been asked not to write a review or had a really bad session.

not every session needs to be reviewed. My default setting is to NOT review unless I feel a review is needed for a particular reason or unless she ASKS for a review.

So... most likely I would NOT review if asked not to review.

I won't respect your privacy if your using it to rip other hobbyists off or take advantage of them. Otherwise, I have no problem not writing reviews if asked.

Yes , this may be the case as well , I have seen this particular provider who provide services that were not given in general .

It's ALL about comfort level.

Life is Good.~~


Posted By: mrfisher

I will not write a review without your clearly expressed permission...

As others have indicated, I would usually respect a provider's wish to not be reviewed.  The exception to the rule?  See my review of TS Frida for a perfect example.

Jeezus, that review of TS Frida is, well, bizzare!  I don't care how experienced a man is, that scene was bizzaro land.  
I'm not trying to be mean, but maybe a 2 or 3 tops?

And yes, a review should ALWAYS be written when that kind of shit goes down, imo.

Posted By: vantheman666
As others have indicated, I would usually respect a provider's wish to not be reviewed.  The exception to the rule?  See my review of TS Frida for a perfect example.
-- Modified on 3/22/2016 10:58:10 AM

Yes, Johnny, that was an incredibly bizarre situation.  But I'm one of those people whose life has been defined by the bizarre.  I've had all kinds of experiences that most "normal" people never have.

If she says no I respect that. If she says yes, I let her read it before posting.

And one lady who told me she prefers to not be reviewed, not one of which did I review.

I don't necessarily understand why a lady wouldn't want to be reviewed (free advertisement), but that's none of my business so I don't ask, just respect her decision and wishes

I feel the same. I once asked someone not to because his hygiene wasn't great. So I did him a favor by politely asking if he could please not review me.  I'd very much appreciate it. He went ahead and reviewed me despite my request not knowing about himself or why the experience wasn't great. I could altogether turned him down at the beginning but I didn't. I wish I didn't tolerate and speak up but that would make him feel so bad and I didn't want anyone to take the time to come see me being turned away or leaving feeling bad about themselves.  I now might be able to find a different approach to this. So that I don't have to turn them away but I don't have to tolerate either.  

Sometimes, I wondered how could they remember every little details. Are they working their brains the same time as their thingy while adrenaline rushing? Although I try to do my best, I realized I'm not for every one's cup of tea. I do my best within my permitted services. An unjustly given review like above  where you can't do anything about or even correct the incorrect info , even if asked nicely can really mess you up and hurt. Who wants to be graded? We are not in grade school This isn't college. haha But without the reviews, if you realize with or without the review , you'd still try to do your best and not grow complacent even for the lack of review. And update it once awhile just so your account can be up to date would be a good approach.

 I wish I don't have to kiss and tell either. It's so nice to keep it private between two people who share a special meaningful encounter that only they know. Everyone is different and to rewrite your past performance rather than recreate a new experience tailor to them specifically can be hard to achieve with them already having some kind of expectations walking through that door.  

Posted By: SavannahStJames
Starting to see a lot of girls asking not to be reviewed. At first I thought that this was a way for certain providers to give less than stellar service without dealing with the consequences of being outted...now, I feel extremely different.  
 I am one of those girls who prefer not to kiss and tell. With every good review comes higher expectations and a bad review (IF unjustly given) can really mess you up inside. The act of grading me after a session is starting to affect me like it does a few others..  
 So...if I asked you not to review..would you respect my wishes or review anyway?    
-- Modified on 3/22/2016 2:08:02 PM

Did you ever contact him to tell him why the session didn't go as great as he would have hoped? And did you ask him to remove it?  

I've had a COUPLE of these kinds of calls and I feel awful!!!! because they read my reviews and expect a certain experience and I'm heart broken when they don't leave happy.  

I'm with you in the sense that, to embarrass someone by being that honest is extremely difficult. In the beginning I used to just say fuck it..and I would do some really gross things for fear of not wanting to hurt someone's feelings. But now? I see a lot of established clients and still having to deal with that, every so often, makes me go nuts!  
I did ask a gentleman once to bathe again.. He bathed THREE times! And i still had to refuse him a service that my page clearly says I offer. He didnt seem to put two and two together.  I was terrified that he would write me a bad review. But then I thought about it... And realized that  i can't let the fear of being slammed allow me to compromise myself. Im always down to do what I can to show someone a good time, but at what expense?

If the request is made after the envelope has been delivered, especially if the provider advertises or posts here, expect a refusal.  After all, it is TEReview, not TE-noReview.  Don't expect to have it both ways.

valman152 reads

I have been doing this for a good while and have had above average dates without relying on reviews and writing reviews, I use this site mostly for the Ads........ultimately YMMV rules, have had bad dates with highly reviewed ladies and good dates with ladies that have no review

If you are legit and as advertised, I would not review you unless asked to do so. Even then likely not. But if you wasn't as advertised yes I would. I believe in mutual discretion and feel it is bad form to review your lover paid or otherwise without her consent. Now if she is dangerous, or not as advertised I owe her nothing and owe my fellows a warning. Every lady I have reviewed anywhere gave consent to be reviewed. Even with consent I don't review anymore for personal reasons. And at this time I am still on a break from the game.

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