TER General Board

What do you think?
BeantownJim 3310 reads

I saw an escort ONE TIME for $500(she keeps $300) in New York per hour. She left the agency. Two months later she back for $300 per hour (she keeps $200). She said she is leaving the agency soon again and gave me her email address. She left the agency. I contcated her and told her I would like to see for $300 per hour. She said she wants $500. I told her no.

Dont you think $300 compared to what she was getting from the agency?

If you are a regular and she got a net of $300 while with agency, then she should give you $300. But if she does not consider you a regular, then she can charge you what she wants. And if you feel that you have been a regular and that's too high, then its her lost if she losses you as a client. Look for another escort.

She is charging more than she received at the agencey BECAUSE she is no longer with the agency.  Now she does her own advertising, phones, screening, etc.  Why work  so much more for the same money?

She can charge what she wishes, and the gentleman can choose to see her or not.

Assuming a discount because you're a regular isn't really proper, in my book.  (Not that the original poster was actually doing that but...)  You need to be offered the special rate  when she wants to offer it to you.

 The original woman in this thread is starting fresh on her own and needs to establish her own base of boys and has priced her time at a rate she wants to get.  If she doesn't get any calls she'll either quit or lower her rate.  But it's her biz to set her price.  Not yours.  I'm guessing most ladies go on a man by man by woman case regarding regulars.  One guy may have benefits she enjoys that make him worth a discount...(a nice fella who gives her rides to the airport?  he has a discount on bulk chocolate?  he's gonna be a good friend for a long time...whatever...I'm pullin' all this out of my ass...but I'm trying to put myself in her shoes (hard to walk in those heels...but I'll try.)

Maybe I'm sooo lucky, my regular is giving me an EXTRA hour for FREE this coming Thursday and she'll book me in a nicer hotel than our usual. I'll be spending a wonderful afternoon with my sexy vixen ... Yahooooo ... Sorry for the rest of you guys - Pay your ATF the regular price ... hehe (as Sola and JC said).

-- Modified on 6/29/2004 1:38:29 PM

...and you're under no obligation to buy.  I had an experience like this recently.  Even if you're a regular, she's taken no oath that obligates her to treat you any differently than some guy who falls through her door for the first time/only time.  Common sense and good business practice would dictate otherwise, but in a free-market system everyone is entitled to make stupid business decisions.  The only "correct" price for her services is what she thinks it's worth, and what someone is willing to pay.  In this context, there's no point in trying to reason with her.  Give her a call in a month/six weeks, if you think she's worth it. Obviously, you think she's worth it because you've seen her a number of times.  The rub is you don't think she's worth it at the price point SHE wants.  Wait a while. She may re-think her pricing strategy and you may end up with the price you want, or close to it.

Ci Ci2749 reads

I've always tried to give my regulars a break, but if it's a new client, then my website donations apply.


SirPrize1765 reads

She is free to ask whatever she wants. You are free to pay it or not.

Suggest you see someone else since it will never be the same with her again. One or the other of you will always resent whatever you pay.

BeantownJim1965 reads

Well, after she left the agency we talked about it she said $300 for one hour, $550 for two hours. So I saw her two times for $300, now she is asking for $500 for one hour, thats the problem. I told her I will pay her $300, if she changes her mind she can email me. The main problem is I dont think she is worth $500, I think there are better girls out there for that price. Maybe she is under the wrong impression that I really really like her and I will pay whatever she asks.

Thanks for your replies.

adomer2959 reads

Maybe she's getting wealthy enough where she can be selective.

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