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You won't hang out with here because she had her breasts augmented?
Inquisitive_gent 485 reads

How fucking shallow are you?


This is mostly a question for the girls. Since I first saw, then touched, then interacted with breast implants they have been my kryptonite. I don't know what it is, they just turn me off, strictly in a physical-stimulus way. I have had one amazing girlfriend in the civvy world that had implants, I loved her mind, so I stayed. But her bosoms? Ah!

But, there was always an internal convo to try to deal with the situation. I know, weird, right? I just love the feel, look and stimulus of natural breasts. In this endeavor we are involved in, what is the proper etiquette to say, thanks, you seem wonderful, but no thanks? I travel for work and sometimes I post ISO posts. I always feel guilt when I have to decide wether to see someone with implants.... although my last two dates, were with women with implants. I had to give it one last shot, and nope: still doesn't do it for me.

The reason I ask, is because recently I had a friend, well, acquaintance of mine I met as part of my work (print model/dancer) get implants. We liked each other so we occasionally hooked up. We're both single, whatever. I can't do it anymore. They're like, huge and rock hard. The problem is that they were absolutely perfect before: gorgeous 34 C's. Now she's asking me why I won't hang out anymore. I just can't. How do you let the silicone down easy?

Posted By: wetweasel2010
 This is mostly a question for the girls. Since I first saw, then touched, then interacted with breast implants they have been my kryptonite. I don't know what it is, they just turn me off, strictly in a physical-stimulus way. I have had one amazing girlfriend in the civvy world that had implants, I loved her mind, so I stayed. But her bosoms? Ah!  
 But, there was always an internal convo to try to deal with the situation. I know, weird, right? I just love the feel, look and stimulus of natural breasts. In this endeavor we are involved in, what is the proper etiquette to say, thanks, you seem wonderful, but no thanks? I travel for work and sometimes I post ISO posts. I always feel guilt when I have to decide wether to see someone with implants.... although my last two dates, were with women with implants. I had to give it one last shot, and nope: still doesn't do it for me.  
 The reason I ask, is because recently I had a friend, well, acquaintance of mine I met as part of my work (print model/dancer) get implants. We liked each other so we occasionally hooked up. We're both single, whatever. I can't do it anymore. They're like, huge and rock hard. The problem is that they were absolutely perfect before: gorgeous 34 C's. Now she's asking me why I won't hang out anymore. I just can't. How do you let the silicone down easy?

Thanks for your honesty.  

Posted By: DateJessicaK
Posted By: wetweasel2010
  This is mostly a question for the girls. Since I first saw, then touched, then interacted with breast implants they have been my kryptonite. I don't know what it is, they just turn me off, strictly in a physical-stimulus way. I have had one amazing girlfriend in the civvy world that had implants, I loved her mind, so I stayed. But her bosoms? Ah!  
  But, there was always an internal convo to try to deal with the situation. I know, weird, right? I just love the feel, look and stimulus of natural breasts. In this endeavor we are involved in, what is the proper etiquette to say, thanks, you seem wonderful, but no thanks? I travel for work and sometimes I post ISO posts. I always feel guilt when I have to decide wether to see someone with implants.... although my last two dates, were with women with implants. I had to give it one last shot, and nope: still doesn't do it for me.  
  The reason I ask, is because recently I had a friend, well, acquaintance of mine I met as part of my work (print model/dancer) get implants. We liked each other so we occasionally hooked up. We're both single, whatever. I can't do it anymore. They're like, huge and rock hard. The problem is that they were absolutely perfect before: gorgeous 34 C's. Now she's asking me why I won't hang out anymore. I just can't. How do you let the silicone down easy?

It's not being shallow. She's still a wonderful person and we will hang out; just sad because I'm not into the new Bazookas. It's her choice, of course. My deal is, how do I tell her I'm not that into her any more physically? There's a divide, and although for me both aspects are important, implants are just... yuck. Unnatural...

Posted By: Inquisitive_gent
How fucking shallow are you?

Just let her know that although her enhancements make her feel great, you are a "natural" guy and that it takes something away from your experience.  

I know how you feel as I can't deal with uncircumcised penises, as in I will not BBBJ one. They are not disgusting, it is just something I can't put my mouth on bare. So I get where you're coming from.

Don't give up.  Not all implants are created equal!!!

I used to feel exactly as you did.  I couldn't stand implants.  Then I had a string of experiences with a few different ladies all with stellar boob jobs.  The first took me completely by surprise. I didn't know and I couldn't tell.  They were very proportionate and felt amazing.  I told her as much and she replied "best 10k I ever spent" or something close to that (don't remember the exact dollar figure she quoted).  I was shocked.  I'm seeing a girl now who has an amazing pair and I love them.  They feel very natural and they look good on her too.  As you can probably tell for me...I don't like the excessive modifications.  I like the stealth shit.  I want to be fooled :-). If it looks or feels fake...it's as you said...kryptonite.

As for your fwb...not sure....I'm usually an honesty is the best policy type.  But, woman and body image is one area to tread very carefully.  For me, it would depend on how well I knew her and what long term goal was in mind.  In your sitch, sounds like she already knows something's up...so...probably not much you can do to save things now unless you have a change of heart(on).  Just try to imagine how you'd feel if she suddenly stopped fucking you and told you it was because your dick was too small and you just don't turn her on anymore.  How would you like to hear that message? Not sure there is a good way to share that...You're essentially saying she isn't attractive to you (don't let me put words into your mouth).  That's a harsh message even smothered in the sweetest "sugar".  Further, it's not like she will go have em removed if you say you don't like them.  

If I were looking to maintain a friendship...I'd probably tell her a version of the truth.  "I still love you as my friend...but I don't want to hook up anymore.  I know that's probably very hard to hear..but I want to be honest with you.  I'll give you some space and if you decide we can still be friends, I will really like that.  I'll wait for you to reach out to me."  I wouldn't tell her it's about her boob job.  She's made her choice and out of respect, I wouldn't comment on it. That will only cause her more grief, IMO.  Then, you gotta follow through.  You can't fuck her anymore....even if she indicates that she wants too.  You'd just be playing mind games with her.  If you don't think you can do that, you can't be her friend.  Go with option #2...

If this is more about ending it completely and doing it in a respectful/non-cruel way..."I had a lot of good times with you but I've realized I'm looking for something different in my life.  I apologize as I know this is probably hurtful to you.  That is not my intent.  For both of us, I think it best if we make this a clean break."  Concise, to-the-point.  This is a "less is more" situation.  

You're not going to avoid hurt feelings in either case...but...no need to add fuel to the fire.  If she asks why, stick to the script.  Don't invent reasons on the spot...that's how things go from bad to worse.  

I'll probably get pounded on for that reply...but oh well...my 2 cents anyway.  Best of luck.  


Posted By: wetweasel2010
This is mostly a question for the girls. Since I first saw, then touched, then interacted with breast implants they have been my kryptonite. I don't know what it is, they just turn me off, strictly in a physical-stimulus way. I have had one amazing girlfriend in the civvy world that had implants, I loved her mind, so I stayed. But her bosoms? Ah!  
 But, there was always an internal convo to try to deal with the situation. I know, weird, right? I just love the feel, look and stimulus of natural breasts. In this endeavor we are involved in, what is the proper etiquette to say, thanks, you seem wonderful, but no thanks? I travel for work and sometimes I post ISO posts. I always feel guilt when I have to decide wether to see someone with implants.... although my last two dates, were with women with implants. I had to give it one last shot, and nope: still doesn't do it for me.  
 The reason I ask, is because recently I had a friend, well, acquaintance of mine I met as part of my work (print model/dancer) get implants. We liked each other so we occasionally hooked up. We're both single, whatever. I can't do it anymore. They're like, huge and rock hard. The problem is that they were absolutely perfect before: gorgeous 34 C's. Now she's asking me why I won't hang out anymore. I just can't. How do you let the silicone down easy?

Hey Secret11,

Thanks for spending the time, and for your response. And you're right, it is a touchy subject with women, I understand that. I lived in Argentina (BA) for a while and it seems that most young women had implants as soon as they could afford them. I never understood that; natural is so much more appealing and arousing in an intimate encounter.

Well, for me at least. I don't dabble in this realm often, but when I do, I do my research. And... often times girls that are obviously with it and have things in order and I like, have augmented breasts. Interesting. Perhaps I'm in the minority, and that's cool. But I never want to tell anyone, "well, I don't like implants so thanks but no thanks." I try to abide by the Golden Rule; if images were reversed, I would not enjoy hearing that,

So don't sweat it. I am sure the ladies with implants have come across this at least once and if not, if they are professional enough would just accept it and eagerly meet the next john.

As to how to ask...well maybe ask are you natural or augmented? I mean it is not a sexual activity but some might delete anyway. Hope you find your delicious natural cushiony boobs soon....;).

I have implants and don't find your request/aversion at all negative, you like what you like.

HandleWithCare332 reads

Provider profiles (TER, P411 etc.) mention if breasts are augmented/enhanced.  So it should be easy to avoid providers with implants if you really want to do that. Then you won't need to "let the silicone down easy".

Personally I prefer natural breasts, no matter what the size, but I don't mind implants if they're natural looking and feeling. Some are, but many aren't. Some are too big for the woman's build and just look weird to me.

and it's also not uncommon for TER profiles to be wrong on this, because that is based on what the first reviewer indicated - and a lady could have got implants after that time, or the first reviewer might have just been wrong.

So, since I strongly prefer natural breasts, if I still have a doubt after seeing her P411 ad, website, and TER profile, I'll look to see if reviewers mention this, and I have even PM'd reviewers with this question.

HardCrotch472 reads

Although I have been pleasantly surprised on occasion its a 1 in 100 ratio. I hate the feel of a rock hard boob or looking at them and they look back all wonky eyed. Worse even, is when it feels like an orange stuffed into a sock. I'll go for a perky A before an enhanced D any day.  

Good luc

I also prefer natural breasts (strongly). When the subject comes up, I tell friends/others I prefer natural but it comes down to the whole package.  

You like whatcha like. I'd honest with her as gently as possible. Just acknowledge it's not like you want to feel that way and in fact you regret it as it's shallow, but you can't help it.  

Look at most women's ads on dating sites -- they often want 'tall guys' and/or 'with tats/bad boy vibe'

We're in the fantasy realm here. Go for it.

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