TER General Board

You obviously haven't stayed at a KOA recently -e0m-teeth_smile
LoboGris 3 Reviews 271 reads


It has occurred to me that over the course of my time on this board (BTW you're welcome)

I have read several posts/threads about Providers who have borrowed money from Hobbyists.  

But it occurred to me that NOT ONE Hobbyist has ever asked for nor received a "freebie" from a Provider.  If you have please let me know ASAP:)

Some of these woman have the audacity, gall, (insert your negative adjective of choice here) to ask for $$$$ but I bet my right arm that if a Hobbyist ever asked those same women "hey help me out by giving me an hour for free" they would blacklist his ass faster than a South Carolina cop would shoot a Black guy in the back.

Now prove me wrong MOFOS!!!!

RT Out

My sessions don't include being degraded for an hour, you'll have to find someone that puts up with that. Happy hunting Mr. one armed bandit!

the thing about me is know what Providers want and it ain't a nice board persona.

Here's a hint - it's $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Why ask if I'm not interested?

Posted By: Ridgetucky
the thing about me is know what Providers want and it ain't a nice board persona.  
 Here's a hint - it's $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  

I know of guys who do get it free.  Not all the time but occasionally.  I have myself.  And no hooker has ever asked me to loan her money.  Once, a couple of years ago, a gal I knew asked me to advance her some money for a session we had planned.  I did it because I knew that she knew several people in our community and would never blacken her name by welshing on me.  She didn't.  I haven't done it since.
So keep on living in your nasty little world.  MOFO.

Summers can be brutal here and the ones who stay behind tend to help each other out over the years. It works best that way because you not only have a captive audience but one that appreciates that you get it! When you're stressed out is when you need it the most. Believe me, it's good karma to make someone's day better. Taking that weight off for an hour is nothing when you do what I do. I have never asked to borrow, abundance flows when I need it. Sometimes running low means you need to slow down and reflect.

So RT, when can I pick up that extra arm. Summer's approaching and I could really use an extra hand! Don't worry, you'll be known as my right hand man!

Posted By: inicky46
I know of guys who do get it free.  Not all the time but occasionally.  I have myself.  And no hooker has ever asked me to loan her money.  Once, a couple of years ago, a gal I knew asked me to advance her some money for a session we had planned.  I did it because I knew that she knew several people in our community and would never blacken her name by welshing on me.  She didn't.  I haven't done it since.  
 So keep on living in your nasty little world.  MOFO.
-- Modified on 4/23/2015 4:46:40 PM

You are wrong.  As seems to often be the case.

I have never asked for a free date, but at times when a lady could tell I needed one I was given a free one.

I also know cases where ladies have loaned/given money to guys.

I have helped out several when they were in need. It all worked and gained some friends.


Skyfyre488 reads

As Jesus Christ I am all-knowing about everything and I can tell you that is true. All those hobbyists get free sex all the time because they're all in their 30s, tall, handsome, ripped and very well-hung... LOL

Yeah right

And who on this thread, even came close to saying all the time or even most of the time? You sound like a bitter provider or a client who has never received it once and wants to!! Lol. It's ok girl or bro, it's not all it's cracked up to be. You're not missing anything.

Funny how you missed an important word in OldTravs subject line. Smh. Alright, my GD board quota is over. Don't want no mods eyeing me!  

Oh, one last thing JC. What they do with your body homie? Hey, I just want to know ;) Was that last question over  your head maybe? Lol. It's ok if it is.

Posted By: Skyfyre
As Jesus Christ I am all-knowing about everything and I can tell you that is true. All those hobbyists get free sex all the time because they're all in their 30s, tall, handsome, ripped and very well-hung... LOL  
 Yeah right!  

Seriously they do. Take my word for what it's worth but they do. Is it often or the norm, hell no but neither is your or anyone's claim that providers ask clients to "borrow" money. Can I see it happening, sure, just like the freebies surely occur as well. Neither one is the majority or anywhere close to it.

So why the post? Nevermind. Carry On junkie.

And really, no client has ever ASKED for a freebie from a provider? LOL. When did this "occur" to you exactly? You actually need someone to inform you of this in a message to you so you will know or believe?!! Really! Lmao. Man alive, that statement is as about as true as all black men are criminals and all cops are evil OR all ter board members are sane!

Hector Mofo Black - Yes. Mofo is my real middle name :) Damn proud of it too!

I never asked for free time but i have gotten it..

Sometimes people help eachother just out of human nature.
Most do it for the happiness they receive from themselves.
It's quite selfish actually.  
Those who feel that way should help the Homeless in North Korea, and just see his escort again.

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
Sometimes people help eachother just out of human nature.  
 Most do it for the happiness they receive from themselves.  
 It's quite selfish actually.  
 Those who feel that way should help the Homeless in North Korea, and just see his escort again.

Not for nothing.  
The only way is a PO box.

Posted By: perfectstorm
Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
Sometimes people help eachother just out of human nature.  
  Most do it for the happiness they receive from themselves.  
  It's quite selfish actually.    
  Those who feel that way should help the Homeless in North Korea, and just see his escort again.

Yes siree, happened to me...also. recently.  Couldn't believe it since it has been my experience most of these women feel they are owed a source of income no matter what.  Prostitutes like to sloth live when not receiving their gift. just my h o

Most of the time it becomes an evergreen loan.

Worse than loaning it to comparative strangers is loaning it to family/friends.

I've had gals ask to see me as things are "slow"...and that I tend to do to help them out.  But it's never a loan situation....simply a session that I may not have done otherwise.

It's less fun getting fucked over by friends/family who never intend to pay it back  LOL

As for asking for a freebie...not interested.  Generally that's a very expensive freebie  ;)

Posted By: Ridgetucky
It has occurred to me that over the course of my time on this board (BTW you're welcome)  
 I have read several posts/threads about Providers who have borrowed money from Hobbyists.    
 But it occurred to me that NOT ONE Hobbyist has ever asked for nor received a "freebie" from a Provider.  If you have please let me know ASAP:)  
 Some of these woman have the audacity, gall, (insert your negative adjective of choice here) to ask for $$$$ but I bet my right arm that if a Hobbyist ever asked those same women "hey help me out by giving me an hour for free" they would blacklist his ass faster than a South Carolina cop would shoot a Black guy in the back.  
 Now prove me wrong MOFOS!!!!  
 RT Out

No one believed me when I told them it was happening this episode. What can I say, I know how to get the spoilers lol. Did you cry?  

Anyways, I have never asked for a loan or whatnot. I have helped a select few and not just with loans (for unrelated, small expenses), but I have helped do some car repairs with my own hands, dropped off and picked up at a hospital because of tests and inability to drive self after, invited a few to sporting events with free tickets I got..... I have no interest in freebies, whether for my benefit or others. There is always other little things you can do though. I figure if I needed help in some sort of way, I'd want help. I extend that to others, hobby or not. Just got to be sure not to get screwed by it

I hope your wife/girlfriend or more than likely your momma was watching Greys tonight. I know you ain't sayin you were watching it. Hey, if so, I won't clown you. I watch Greys. Even though it's time for the show to die slow. Hey, kinda like you on ter, how about that! Anyway, I miss Christina :(. Lol. Serious stuff.  I hated her for the longest time but fell in love eventually. I really do have a tv broken heart when I think of it. If Derek is indeed dead, no biggie. His character died a long time ago. However, I still would like to lay hands on you for even typing this message because I'm three weeks behind and did look forward to not knowing anything about it. All good, I'll still watch when I have the next desire to. Whatever. If you ever try to spoil a Game of Thrones ep, we going to have issues broham. Serious issues!!!!!! That's where I draw the line!!

ROGM437 reads

I've helped out my ATF when she needed money. I got no problem with that. She's really good to me. When I give her money I expect no payment back from her. She's good about giving me a great discount when we play. It's just like having a regular girlfriend. On a recent session, I just paid 20 dollars for the motel room. She didn't want any money for the session. We went out for dinner and I drove her home.

Sounds more like you're taking advantage of someone who's not all there. I know you delight in bragging but quite frankly it's disgusting.  

Posted By: ROGM
I've helped out my ATF when she needed money. I got no problem with that. She's really good to me. When I give her money I expect no payment back from her. She's good about giving me a great discount when we play. It's just like having a regular girlfriend. On a recent session, I just paid 20 dollars for the motel room. She didn't want any money for the session. We went out for dinner and I drove her home.  

ROGM703 reads

Posted By: anavictoria
 Sounds more like you're taking advantage of someone who's not all there. I know you delight in bragging but quite frankly it's disgusting.  
Posted By: ROGM
I've helped out my ATF when she needed money. I got no problem with that. She's really good to me. When I give her money I expect no payment back from her. She's good about giving me a great discount when we play. It's just like having a regular girlfriend. On a recent session, I just paid 20 dollars for the motel room. She didn't want any money for the session. We went out for dinner and I drove her home.  
I don't care what your opinion is. I'm just answering the poster's question.

$20, where'd you meet, at a KOA? Did you at least bring a clean sleeping bag?

Yeah you're a prince, you are.

Hieronymus520 reads

I'm afraid to ask where you took this lovely lady to dinner! Burger King? Wow, two Whoppers in one evening! Too much to behold. Get some class!

Posted By: ROGM
I've helped out my ATF when she needed money. I got no problem with that. She's really good to me. When I give her money I expect no payment back from her. She's good about giving me a great discount when we play. It's just like having a regular girlfriend. On a recent session, I just paid 20 dollars for the motel room. She didn't want any money for the session. We went out for dinner and I drove her home.  

and I always decline. I HAVE simply given money to help out a friend I know well who is in need. If I give it freely, I can't be disappointed or complain later, n'est-ce pas?

Quite frankly, in each instance that I have given money I have been more than reimbursed with repayment, services or time. Without asking.  

Sometimes intelligent kindness pays greater dividends than a usurious promissory note. Gains are not always green.

..This has been my policy as well.  If I'm asked to lend money and I want to help the individual out, my response is "if you really need it, I'll give it to you, consider it a gift".  When the "giftee" protests and says "I'll pay you back"  as many do, my response is "you can donate it to charity if you want to."  

Often my gift has yielded good times, making it a good investment.  In one case a few years back, a woman (provider) needed a car.  I gave her a good used car as a gift.  There was no quid pro quo on my part.  The next time I saw her she informed me that time with her was now OTC.  I had many great times with her over a long period of time.

Posted By: MasterZen
and I always decline. I HAVE simply given money to help out a friend I know well who is in need. If I give it freely, I can't be disappointed or complain later, n'est-ce pas?  
 Quite frankly, in each instance that I have given money I have been more than reimbursed with repayment, services or time. Without asking.  
 Sometimes intelligent kindness pays greater dividends than a usurious promissory note. Gains are not always green.

Many years ago I was in Phoenix for a conference.

This was long before the days of the interenet,,,I got the name of a lady from a friend and I called her.

We talked on the phone for at least an hour ( she kept the conversation going, not me,,,but I did enjoy it ) and made plans to see each other the next night.

Later that same night I called an agency from the yellow pages after drinking too much,,,,and she came and ripped me off. Boy,,,that sobered me up quickly.

I called the first lady back ( can't remember her name ) and started telling her about my ordeal. She said she would like to come and keep me company. She came over, helped me to shower and go to bed,,,,I really was in no shape for sex.

When I woke up she was sleeping right beside me. I got up, went to the lobby, goy coffee, juice, bagels and brought them back to my room.

She woke up ,,we ate,,,, then she made love to me. Wouldn't take any money,,( didn't have much to give )

And she said I hope the rest of your trip is fruitful,,,,

A few months later I was going back to Arizona and called her. Number was disconnected...

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