TER General Board

You might want to cut back on your son's allowance.
2236707 3 Reviews 287 reads

And if he has time to hobby, he can damn well take the trash out and wash his own dishes.

I recently made an appointment to see a provider who hosts in her single family dwelling in a nice neighborhood. As I went to look up her address on Google map I clicked on street view and lo and behold there is my son's car sitting in her driveway in the google image. It is very distinctive so there is no mistake. I am a little perplexed, I probably should cancel and avoid any possible blowback right? but a part of me is wanting to see her more than ever. Is this deeply disturbing or just me thinking with my dick as usual? Any thoughts?

nom_de_plume662 reads

... do a MFM with your son and this provider. ;)

Seriously, I think your next move depends on your relationship with your son and whether you want him to know you hobby--if he doesn't already know. If he does, then we're back to the MFM idea.

He is worried about seeing the same gal that his son might have seen. Has nothing to do with hotel room or his ability or willingness to pay for one.

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
He is worried about seeing the same gal that his son might have seen. Has nothing to do with hotel room or his ability or willingness to pay for one.

I know lol. What are the chances that he looked at the exact same time as his kid being there... yeah.

Posted By: London Rayne
Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
He is worried about seeing the same gal that his son might have seen. Has nothing to do with hotel room or his ability or willingness to pay for one.

Google Street View don't work that way. No one ever said it was real time. The image could have been taken 6 months ago. Its not a streaming video.

this exact situation being posted on this board several times in the past few years. This is including the "he has a specialized car that can only be my sons". Almost word for word I bet.  

Hey, I could be wrong... must have been one interesting birds and the bees speech he gave the chip-off-the-old-block :D

How many "Dads" saw their "son's" car on Google Street View? Off hand, I recall at least two other postings by different handles (might have been more than two). I also recall myself falling for it both times.  

Do I win something for figuring this out?

*** I just searched and didn't find any posts like this. However I do remember very clearly this exact post at least twice from the past. Huh. Maybe I am not searching with the right keywords. I can't be the only one who remembers seeing this post before.

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
Google Street View don't work that way. No one ever said it was real time. The image could have been taken 6 months ago. Its not a streaming video.
-- Modified on 5/21/2015 7:31:46 PM

Are you just guessing from make or model or do you see the license plate? Google typically blurs the identifying info from the images.  

Per Google Maps:

What does Google have in place to ensure privacy and legal compliance?

Street View contains imagery which is no different than what you might see if you visited the property in real life. To help protect user privacy, we have developed cutting-edge face and license plate blurring technology that is applied to all Street View images, and provide easily accessible tools allowing users to request further blurring of any image that features the user, their family, their car or their home. Users can also request the removal of images that feature inappropriate content (for example: nudity or violence). To learn more, please visit the privacy section of our Street View site.

On a second thought, you can always ask your son how it went? Probably backchannel w/him...LOL Sorry dude, couldn't resist.

if it weirds you out, then why bother?

If you find it kind of tantalizing, then, enjoy.

But, if your son has that distinctive a car, others will also learn of his dalliances there.  Have the gal contact Google and get the image of the car blurred out if she can.

I know another provider who appeared in front of her house on Google images and she got it blurred.

Thanks for all the input! You folks helped me regain my perspective.  I guess it initially threw me off thinking there might be some moral dilemma (did I mention that this provider is of the milf variety?)but there is probably no conflict here except the remote chance of encounter with my son. Danger always seems to add a little thrill for me.
The car is only distinctive to me so there is no issue there.

Your son might want to start using some more discretion.  I too have a very noticeable car.  When I use it, I park 2-3 blocks away and NEVER in the driveway.  Don't know how you could relay this to him but subtle hints maybe?  On the other hand, maybe he doesn't give a shit.  BTW...I would have no problem seeing her.

More often than not contrary to popular opinion, a son is not a chip off the old block.
  The grumpy old dude's son could very well be a happy young lad with a Hooker GF.  
     Whether he knows his GF is a Hooker I'd give 50/50 to that possibility.  

Posted By: looking64
Your son might want to start using some more discretion.  I too have a very noticeable car.  When I use it, I park 2-3 blocks away and NEVER in the driveway.  Don't know how you could relay this to him but subtle hints maybe?  On the other hand, maybe he doesn't give a shit.  BTW...I would have no problem seeing her.  

I perfer appointments to be in the evening, Google dosen't collect images in the evening.

First, is do you actually ever mention to your son that you're aware of his activities?  If you mention it, he's going to possible ask how you are aware?

Second, what if, as someone else point out that he's actually dating her and he's not aware of her being a provider?  What then?  

Finally, what happens if you to happen to see each other driving near the location?  If this not an area you're typically in, then that small possibility exists.

And if he has time to hobby, he can damn well take the trash out and wash his own dishes.

If you see her, then you might skip a review just in case she's the only one he's ever seen.

If so, whether you see her or not, it might make future holidays a bit uncomfortable.  ;)

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