TER General Board

You mean you can't?!? (EOM)
Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 466 reads


Do any of you think smashing urinals is a good idea?  Personally, I never thought of them as a symbol of male oppression.

Forgive me if this comes across as inflammatory and I'm just misunderstanding the situation, honestly it's not my intention:

What on earth is the purpose of this? What does it achieve? So some dude in some building now has to go into a stall to take a piss. So?

Seems to me there are better ways to smash the patriarchy than smashing the porcelain.

While I certainly am a huge advocate for women using their voice when oppressed and angry about a particular issue be it sexism or something else, I do agree there has to be a higher purpose to whatever action is taken in protest. Smashing of urinals just seems to be a cathartic way to let out frustration but I fail to see the results driven purpose in this.

Sitara Devi

I'm sure others, both men and women have been to a popular public event like a ball game or concert or some such when during the break there were lines to get into the toilets. The lines were often longer for the women's rather than the men's. I've been told by women that they spend more time doing what women do other than pee. Fix hair, make up etc. I could see this be a "cause" for the ladies to pursue. MORE STALLS  for them. But WTK does smashing urinals accomplish

I'm getting mixed messages on this.  
It's either:

1) Bitches be crazy
2) Women have officially run out of real problems.

So which message are they sending?

Hang on I gotta pee.  Awww damn!!!!

That's the last straw.  I encourage all my facist/oppressionist brothers in arms to leave toilet seats up everywhere as a retaliatory strike.

Let's not take this sitting down!  Literally!

all over hells half acre and not clean it up. He can sit in my stale pee and then walk it all over the rest of his house too for good measure.

There are certainly more important symbols of male domination than the ability to pee standing up.   Don't they understand the it balances out by the fact that God, in her infinite wisdom, made erections point upward so when a guy pees with a hard on he sprays it in his own face?

It would be ironic if the facilities manager for that building, who has to clean up that mess, was a woman.

Although why these crazies want to be forced to watch men peeing is beyond me

If they are breaking urinals, it them forces men to sit, point the penis down so the piss goes in the toilet and not around the toilet seat with some even ending up on the floor.  

I must admit mens restrooms smell decidedly more "pissy" than womens. Experienced that when the ladies line  was half way around the block and I really needed to go.

How many guys sit down to pee in a toilet?  Almost none.  We pee into them standing up and most of us are such pigs we don't even put the seat up first, so you girls are sitting in our pee.  Or, if we do put the seat up we don't put it down again.  Then, when you get up in the middle of the night and sit down to pee, your poor ass plops down on cold porcelain or you just fall in.
What this actually proves is you are not only a woman but have never lived with a man.  It took my ex years to train me in proper toilet seat deployment.

VOO-doo510 reads

When a guy leaves the toilet seat up, and then, late at night, has to return to the toilet to sh**...does he curse like a woman does "when [his] poor ass plops down on cold porcelain or [he] just fall[s] in"

Unless knowledge of toilet seats and urinals is your thing. :)

VOO-doo475 reads

But, these are matters about which I had a decidedly one-sided and uninformed point of view. Now I have been enlightened.

Why are bidets and bidet attachments for toilets so rarely found in American culture?  Why is using a quarter roll of toilet paper effectively smearing and spreading the mess preferable to 20 - 40 seconds of a stream of water rinsing one far more hygienically and with zero effort or discomfort?

  I'm not saying for common "public" facilities for obvious reasons. But for private/household use they can be had for as little as $40 and can be installed by a tool-phobic chimpanzee in less than 5 minutes. A single  bargain brand roll of TP can easily last a single user well over a month with the addition of one of these, and they'll be infinitely cleaner for doing so.


-- Modified on 4/18/2015 8:46:26 AM

I put the seat down before I sit down. There may have been the rare occasion that I have forgot to, when awaking while inebriated and fell in. There is also the possibility while awaking inebriated that I forgot to lift the lid, before urinating on it. Now I really couldn't recall for sure, because I would have been half asleep and intoxicated.

When sober I have no issues when operating a toilet... Ladies who "fall in" need to be re-toilet trained.

No I have not lived with a man and never intend to. I hate living with another person. I will date but keep separate residences. And no way am i sitting in some dudes stale piss. The guys I know have more manners coming into my place and not dripping piss on my floor and areas on the toilet. It is lazy and rude. If they stand and make a mess, they have the manner s to clean it up. I actaully tell them...if you stand to pee, please clean up any urine that is NOT in the toilet. They do.

I have been trained by the best. But prefer to live alone as well.

Maybe the women there aren't as sloppy?

Nah...I've heard from many women over the years that they'd much rather go into a guys john to "do their business".

I still miss the troughs that were common at Joe Louis and the Chicago Stadium  LOL

Posted By: xyz23
...buildings the ladies room was always the worst to clean up.

VOO-doo502 reads

It's because the line is shorter. If a chick is so desperate that she's hopping into the men's line, she has urgent needs that temporarily blind her to the smell. Phew!!!

I'd take a woman's bathroom over a man's, any day. Dressing rooms are another story.

I know that there are some gals here who honestly believe theirs doesn't....but for those of "us" who have lived with women know the ugly truth  LOL

Oh...and women fart too...and it smells.

What's a dressing room?  ;)

Posted By: VOO-doo
It's because the line is shorter. If a chick is so desperate that she's hopping into the men's line, she has urgent needs that temporarily blind her to the smell. Phew!!!  
 I'd take a woman's bathroom over a man's, any day. Dressing rooms are another story.

VOO-doo487 reads

But in my experience, men's bathrooms DO smell worse. The explanation I have heard is that they  miss the seat.  

By dressing rooms, I'm talking about those at retail stores. Women treat those like a laundry hamper or even a dumpster. I heard that the men leave behind much less detritus. Kind of like an F5 tornado vs. a breezy day.

If a guy is hitting a seat...he just needs more practice.

So that's what those rooms are for.  Goes to show how much time I spend in them LOL

Posted By: VOO-doo
But in my experience, men's bathrooms DO smell worse. The explanation I have heard is that they  miss the seat.  
 By dressing rooms, I'm talking about those at retail stores. Women treat those like a laundry hamper or even a dumpster. I heard that the men leave behind much less detritus. Kind of like an F5 tornado vs. a breezy day.

In my case it doesn't matter because I actually clean up after myself.  I bring sponges and Mr.Clean to all outcalls.


Posted By: inicky46
In my case it doesn't matter because I actually clean up after myself.  I bring sponges and Mr.Clean to all outcalls.

And the stench was overwhelming but peeing my pants would be highly uncomfortable, so I block my nose until I am done and bolt .

-- Modified on 4/17/2015 6:55:04 PM

every mens room I have been in due to long ass lines waiting for the ladies has stunk to high heaven BECAUSE the urine that lands on the floor and walls has had a chance for the bacteria to get at it. Fresh urine is sterile and unless you are sick is not as rancid as stale urine left to the elements.

But most of "us" have come to expect this from you.


Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
every mens room I have been in due to long ass lines waiting for the ladies has stunk to high heaven BECAUSE the urine that lands on the floor and walls has had a chance for the bacteria to get at it. Fresh urine is sterile and unless you are sick is not as rancid as stale urine left to the elements.  

That was possibly the studipest post I have read on TER.
Breaking a urinal forces a man to sit and pee???
Please tell me that was a joke.  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
If they are breaking urinals, it them forces men to sit, point the penis down so the piss goes in the toilet and not around the toilet seat with some even ending up on the floor.  
 I must admit mens restrooms smell decidedly more "pissy" than womens. Experienced that when the ladies line  was half way around the block and I really needed to go.

I said IF, I was not advocating it was smart or right. The premise behind the smashing is not something I care about or support.  

I gave my perspective that focused on the act of sitting would hopefully reduce the amount of urine on and around a toilet that others might have to stand in or sit on. And if there were no urinals...men would have to sit or find the nearest tree.

...Boy I'm glad cows don't fly!

Heard that somewhere when I was a kid.

...a valve or some such closing off during sex so pee doesn't get out and semen does. Anyway I know it's difficult to pee when I have an erection. Usually end up waiting until it goes down. However I can walk and chew gum at the same time so I'm not completely uncoordinated.

When it happens I'm not actively thrusting, I assume it's a matter of control... and I am one hundred percent certain it's pee.

Do you consider intercourse, the only kind of sex.

There are (or were perhaps) female urinals at one time, but they fell into disuse on account of indifference to the devices.

Now it would be one thing if THE MAN had taken these away, but I don't think that's the case.

In any case, these radical sledgehammer wielders had better keep an eye on their bidets.  Think blow back, baby.

Mr_Mind380 reads

I think this is nutty behavior, but I am also not buying the story. Is this a parody?

But we can still leave the toilet seats up, right?  You can never be too careful...
Besides, most us guys do that anyway.


Posted By: inicky46
I'll plead guilty to being gullible on this one.

VOO-doo461 reads

Although, maybe co-ed bathrooms would make ladies speed it the fuck up in there...and thus, would make the lines shorter. Maybe.

I don't have anything against urinals, but I don't understand the need for them. Why can't guys just pee in the toilet

This is why mens rooms can handle more men than women's rooms can handle women and is why the lines are shorter.

VOO-doo700 reads

And, that's why this board is so great. I might have lived my whole life without understanding the need for and superiority of urinals over toilets.

So the next dude or dudette as the case may be ends up having to sit on your pee, of course and unless the guy lifted the seat, which is not a forgone conclusion.  Also even if the guy does lift the seat, he'll forget to lower it and we all know how gals feel about that, don't we?

Guys:  Whenever you do have to tinkle over at a gal's place, or even your own place if a gal is visiting you, sit down to pee for heaven's sake.  Don't go grossing out the gal.

Is that so fucking hard to do???????????????????????????

His manners are impeccable.  I think if he wants to sit down to avoid "spatteridge" at a gals place, then he doesn't HAVE to wipe off the pee.



MR. Fisher seems to have more manners than all the rest put together. So you can now settle down.

I just don't don't like dirty men pissing on my toilet seat and on the floor.

-- Modified on 4/17/2015 8:19:18 PM

You have no clue.

Stick to your prescribed medication.  It's painfully obvious when you are trying to self medicate!

How can you look at yourself in a mirror?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
 I just don't don't like dirty men pissing on my toilet seat and on the floor.  

-- Modified on 4/17/2015 8:19:18 PM

How you live with yourself is a mystery of the universe.

Ask Dr Oz to up your depression meds!

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
MR. Fisher seems to have more manners than all the rest put together. So you can now settle down.

and her exhortation for guys to wipe up their pee if they insist on standing rather than sitting is not unreasonable, and in any case I didn't see it as directed at me in the first place.

And I have no qualms about being referred to as a dirty old man in the first place.  I am 62 after all.

Nevertheless, thank you Stephanie for your loyalty.  It means everything to me.  By the way, everyone who has seen Norman's book* (prominently displayed on my bay window's sill) has loved it.

*How to Act Like a Man:  Photos of a cute little doggie showing us guys what the gals expect of us.  

And I wasn't yelling at you, just being emphatic and the dirty was this...if they are pissing on my seat and floor and NOT cleaning it up they are DIRTY. It takes common sense which for a few here is NOT common, to understand.

Not on the toilet or around the toilet and for Gods sake use tp to catch those drips. I have had guys take off their trousers and then their underwear to the stench of piss that has soaked into their underwear from NOT wiping the drop off their dick.  

Stand right over the darn thing and point your dick down into it. Why would a guy stand two paces back and hope his stream gets in? That is how piss gets all over the floor in front of the toilet bowl. And yes I have seen plenty of men pee.

-- Modified on 4/17/2015 8:20:40 PM

I, on the other hand, am a pig who actually does clean up after himself. You would love me. LOL!

I am well aware that men are pigs, just some are less piggish than others. I think you are way to old for me but i might at the very least tolerate you.

That said, I am not remotely like 99.9% of guys my age. Believe it or don't.

And hookers have told you this? Well they really are doing their JOB awfully well. I guess I have higher standards. Unless you look like this, you're not even in the running .

-- Modified on 4/17/2015 8:36:35 PM

I've met him so I can vouch.

We met in fact at my marriage to Bev, er Morgan Fairchild, yeah, it was Morgan I think.

Oh, by the way, people have told Inicky and me that we look like identical twins, only my dick is a bit longer.

But not attractive.  
And, honestly, i don't look like "him" and don't want to.  If that's your male ideal you're welcome to it. I'm happy. You? I'm not so sure.

And is realizing that her career here is on the downside.

With no other skills or source of income...it's not a happy time in LA.

Posted By: inicky46
But not attractive.    
 And, honestly, i don't look like "him" and don't want to.  If that's your male ideal you're welcome to it. I'm happy. You? I'm not so sure.

Tell you that you are old...and you are, I am angry? I am very happy and the other truth is I do get paid to fuck old and unattractive. A fact.    

To elucidate, if a guy is older than I would date in real life, he is "old" and if he is not someone I would find attractive in real life, he is then unattractive. My guys are very nice people and some are great fun, just old and unattractive from a "does it turn me on" POV. Clearly I am here to make money and not find a BF. So looks and age are not a concern. However when I do tell my truth, it seems to rankle a few who possibly take it personally.

-- Modified on 4/18/2015 9:25:34 AM

that required a snarky response?  You thought I was serious?  Sheesh!
Actually, I do think I'm rather good looking, and because of my excellent conditioning and grooming most people think I'm 10 to 15 years younger than I am.  If I'm not your type, I really don't care because we will never meet.
Just generally, h+t, I think I've been fairly supportive of your views and haven't gotten into any tiffs with you I can recall. But I will observe that, despite your protestations to the contrary on this thread, your posts of late seem angrier and more disdainful than ever when discussing the men you see.  I have no idea what's going on in your life but hope things improve soon and it affects your attitude regarding half of humanity.  The half that pays your bills.

I'm sure that with some more government assistance, some LINK cards and some begging, all of her future dreams will be fulfilled  ;)

BTW...she's not a young kid anymore.  Sure hope she's got another plan...or not.

Posted By: inicky46
that required a snarky response?  You thought I was serious?  Sheesh!  
 Actually, I do think I'm rather good looking, and because of my excellent conditioning and grooming most people think I'm 10 to 15 years younger than I am.  If I'm not your type, I really don't care because we will never meet.  
 Just generally, h+t, I think I've been fairly supportive of your views and haven't gotten into any tiffs with you I can recall. But I will observe that, despite your protestations to the contrary on this thread, your posts of late seem angrier and more disdainful than ever when discussing the men you see.  I have no idea what's going on in your life but hope things improve soon and it affects your attitude regarding half of humanity.  The half that pays your bills.

You like being a snarky ass, you said so somewhere on this page. I thought you'd see my retorts as something similar...I guess not...oh well.  

Because I say the guys I see are old and unattractive that is disdainful? I have also said the men I see are great people and I enjoy their company but  not necessarily the sex. Did you not see those comments?  

Where is your thick monger skin Nick? Don't you worry yourself about my attitude. I have a "board presence" and an "in person presence" and the guys that hire me for a duration that I ALLOW access to the various services I offer in exchange for a FEE are treated just fine.  

BTW half of humanity has nothing to do with my bills, the few who have been screened and deemed decent do, and these men are treated as I would want to be treated if the tables were turned. The rest, well I treat them as I see fit given the general tone.  

Clearly you were serious because you had to add  this....I do think I'm rather good looking, and because of my excellent conditioning and grooming most people think I'm 10 to 15 years younger than I am....or are you joking here too?

-- Modified on 4/18/2015 7:42:07 PM

These pictures, taken of my and my Tica de Jour, recently in the Pacific in Jaco, Costa Rica.
As to the rest, it reeks of pot=kettle=black.

Never mind that we don't see eye to eye Nick. What transpires between me and my guys is as anonymous to you as what transpires between you and your dates. I am sure we conduct ourselves well or you'd be jerking off a lot and I would not have that extra money

Why claim that you do this when you otherwise claim to screen so well?

Maybe get an AA degree and find a job

Skyfyre511 reads

As someone who believes in equality and fairness I say it is time women DESERVES to have urinals in their bathroom as well and not just men.

Afterall women should also have the right to pee standing up and not having to squat down right? LOL

And a separate bathroom for each gender since men cannot seem to piss in a toilet but on it and around it as well. So I do not advocate smashing urinals, I am for more of them.

We laughed, and laughed until we figured out the toilet paper was in the stalls.
I had shit all over my butt cheeks that night..

Thanks for the memory.

PS: Your mother is hobbyist+truth and now she will never again let you in her home.

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