TER General Board

You know me so well, TGL! Prior to hooking, I was flipping burgers. But I couldn't cut it in the
Jordo 8 Reviews 2740 reads
1 / 70

Just need to vent a little bit, I saw an ad that a lady who I have seen a number of times was coming to NYC, so I sent her an email requesting an appointment at such & such time date etc, also included some info about or past meeting.Didnt hear anything so I sent a follow up email about a week latter, still haven't heard anything. Yes I am a big boy and have been doing this for a long time, I understand the ladies have the right to pick and choice who they see and totally accept that but I would hope that the person could send a quick email saying sorry not interested especially since we have already meet before. Maybe I am just getting old and expect more from people!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1021 reads
2 / 70

Don't let it get you down.

Lots of fishes in the sea.

ucguass 18 Reviews 837 reads
4 / 70

It hurts the same regardless of age, but as has been said, plenty of fish in the sea!  

It's not a very difficult task to find a better looking escort who fucks better :)

numpty88 14 Reviews 667 reads
5 / 70

Meaning could your emails to her have been caught by her spam filter?  If you used TER Private Mail or went through P411 then it's possible her email is down (dropped phone, spilled drink on laptop, etc) and she needs time to recover everything - only way to know is if she's still posting.

If she's still posting, and you used a third party to contact her, then it's possible you're a client of lesser interest to her.  It happens, but sucks

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 948 reads
6 / 70

If you had seen her a number of times you certainly should  have her number.  
   Why not call, if she doesn't answer leave a message.  
  If her number has changed and she's a TER provider with unlisted phone why not try a TER PM ?  

    If you haven't seen her lately you might not be in her email  contact list.
   I have thirty thousand unopened emails and I'm not famous.  
   I'd erase them all but there might be one Gal not in my contact list I'd like to see.
 If she gets huffy when I didn't know she contacted me I don't want to see her anyway.  
   Chances are I won't wade through my maze of unopened emails anytime soon.  
      There could many  legitimate reasons why she hasn't contacted you without "you"  being part of the equation.
Posted By: Jordo
Just need to vent a little bit, I saw an ad that a lady who I have seen a number of times was coming to NYC, so I sent her an email requesting an appointment at such & such time date etc, also included some info about or past meeting.Didnt hear anything so I sent a follow up email about a week latter, still haven't heard anything. Yes I am a big boy and have been doing this for a long time, I understand the ladies have the right to pick and choice who they see and totally accept that but I would hope that the person could send a quick email saying sorry not interested especially since we have already meet before. Maybe I am just getting old and expect more from people!

ramc75 14 Reviews 718 reads
7 / 70

the crazy part was the day before my requested date time (I had sent my request two weeks out and my follow up one week out, heard nothing) I get an email saying "Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow." WTF?!?! I replied back "Sorry girl but when I didn't hear back from you I assumed it was a no go and made other plans." She actually got mad at me?!?! Again WTF? This is a crazy game sometimes and I guess thats what makes it interesting.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1103 reads
8 / 70

99.9% of the time when I've responded to someone with more or less a "thanks, but no thanks," they've refused to accept it with no further incident. Typically, the prospective/former client will flood our inboxes with "but whyyyyyy?" interrogations, repeated attempts to convince (or bribe) us to see them, or just go flat-out apeshit on us (everything from "you're ugly anyway" to "get AIDS and die you fucking whore"). Some will even take it a step further by posting defamatory comments on message boards or authoring a fake, retaliatory review. Others may go so far as to out us in our personal lives. Having personally experienced every single one of those negative repercussions, I can tell you that sometimes we're just too damn scared to offer a "courtesy response."  

In a perfect world, a lady could politely decline a date request and the guy could go on his merry way. Unfortunately, the crybabies and crazies have made that damn near impossible.  

-- Modified on 5/11/2015 5:37:12 PM

-- Modified on 5/11/2015 5:37:54 PM

Newto1000 988 reads
9 / 70

Your point is well taken but if it is a touring lady why can't you just say "sorry but my calendar is completely booked".  I highly doubt that guys will get unnerved by that response.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 954 reads
10 / 70

Posted By: Newto1000
Your point is well taken but if it is a touring lady why can't you just say "sorry but my calendar is completely booked".  I highly doubt that guys will get unnerved by that response.
The only problem with that answer is that if she continues to actively advertise her visit after that response, he's going to know she's lying.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 976 reads
11 / 70

I can't count how many bs emails I actually take the time to try and respond to, just to not hear back from them with even a simple "Thank you for responding, but that's not going to work." Or, "Fk off." I mean, if you're going to email a hooker have the common sense to check your damn email again before a week. If someone takes 2 days to respond back to me, odds of seeing them are very slim

jeffdogger 9 Reviews 713 reads
12 / 70

"metric fuckton" into conversation at work tomorrow.

dakine18 803 reads
13 / 70

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: Newto1000
Your point is well taken but if it is a touring lady why can't you just say "sorry but my calendar is completely booked".  I highly doubt that guys will get unnerved by that response.
 The only problem with that answer is that if she continues to actively advertise her visit after that response, he's going to know she's lying.

Newto1000 842 reads
14 / 70

Makes sense but not responding to someone you have seen before is rude and thanks, but no thanks, gives folks a strong dose of paranoia.  So, there has got to be a creative way of declining an appointment that doesn't drive both parties nuts.

lopaw 29 Reviews 913 reads
16 / 70

....and it seems to be getting worse. Just put them on your own DNS list and move on.  

Nuff said.

RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 863 reads
17 / 70

In all seriousness, don't you subject yourself to the same type of harassment if you ignore him? I would think that would stoke him even more.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 672 reads
18 / 70
rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 875 reads
19 / 70

You say you saw her a number of times yet you also say you included some info about or (I assume you mean 'our') past meeting.  You say meeting in the singular which suggests there was just one?  Also, to remind her of the meeting also suggests just one.  Is this right.  Was it just one meeting?   Doesn't change the fact that I think the professional thing to do is get back in touch with you even if it's to say she can't make it.  If she says it like a woman and you take it like a man that should be the norm.

Dickthebruiser 790 reads
20 / 70

WTF. Aren't you the least bit embarrassed about whining on a fuck board about a hooker being rude to you. Like TT said, there are  any number of reasons they don't want to initiate contact.

AlyssaHille See my TER Reviews 845 reads
22 / 70

Moving forward it really helps to remember that money is printed and identical, but no one person can be copied. If you like your Provider, please cherish her.  
It's amazing how much you can get from ANY woman by just being kind to her...  

Good service, good price and good rapport in one person- is not easy to find in any business.
If you are looking to get referrals, be invited back and stay off the Blacklists, please behave yourselves and treat your Providers well.

I also hit ignore..
*Smart girls don't want to fight with clients on the no see list- it's just easier to block than get into a back and forth over why he sucks... and honestly what would it solve?
and it's not a matter of common courtesy, there is a real threat that comes with bruising a man's ego. Just don't do it...
Sorry, but smart clients should avoid batty Providers, too...  
Silence is smart and necessary. Let's keep it real..

TheGeneralLee 926 reads
23 / 70

If these women were business people they'd be working in a position of responsibility.

Easy for them to disregard any level of courtesy hiding behind their masks.

Blowing Chunks 681 reads
24 / 70
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 802 reads
25 / 70

Posted By: RespectfullyYours
In all seriousness, don't you subject yourself to the same type of harassment if you ignore him? I would think that would stoke him even more.
I typically don't go with the ignoring route (if I do, it's usually because the guy obviously didn't bother to read my shit so I'm not going to bother repeating myself), so I don't have a whole lot of statistical data on that. All I know is that in my experience, most dudes don't take rejection from hookers with much grace so I can understand why some ladies may opt for the radio silence option. I'm not advocating for one method over the other, it's just one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" things.

dakine18 819 reads
27 / 70

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
If these women were business people they'd be working in a position of responsibility.  
 Easy for them to disregard any level of courtesy hiding behind their masks.

JimGaffigansHotPocket 782 reads
28 / 70

fast paced world of fast food service. I was rude to the customers. I constantly fell asleep on the job. After I was fired for the fifth consecutive time in three years, I started spreading my legs for cash. This is the EASIEST job ever!

Wow, TheGeneralLee. You sure do have us ho's pegged!

(You jackass...)
Posted By: TheGeneralLee
If these women were business people they'd be working in a position of responsibility.  
 Easy for them to disregard any level of courtesy hiding behind their masks.
-- Modified on 5/11/2015 8:38:54 PM

ontheprowl14 18 Reviews 707 reads
29 / 70

putting yourself in the other's shoes can go a very long way... and it applies to both sides of this conversation.

Posted By: Jordo
Just need to vent a little bit, I saw an ad that a lady who I have seen a number of times was coming to NYC, so I sent her an email requesting an appointment at such & such time date etc, also included some info about or past meeting.Didnt hear anything so I sent a follow up email about a week latter, still haven't heard anything. Yes I am a big boy and have been doing this for a long time, I understand the ladies have the right to pick and choice who they see and totally accept that but I would hope that the person could send a quick email saying sorry not interested especially since we have already meet before. Maybe I am just getting old and expect more from people!

mojojo 1 Reviews 820 reads
30 / 70

Oh, she sent you a message, loud and clear. The thing I've learned over the years is to take a hint without wondering why. Time to find a new sacred hunting ground.

TheGovernor 110 Reviews 655 reads
31 / 70

The 1 or 2 times I have not heard back, I just have moved on. I know I am a gentleman in this hobby, I treat the ladies with respect, and never bad mouth anyone, and finally I never haggle about qty of roses!  Despite this, I accept the fact that in the end, it is the ladies who decide!  I realize what I am about to say may come across as arrogant:  " I refuse to beg or plead, when there are so many other options available! Like most commodities, supply and demand rule; this great hobby is no exception!  Finally, when it is easier to arrange a civvy date, vs an escort, it is definitely time to move on!"

inicky46 61 Reviews 789 reads
32 / 70

I will not beg to pay for pussy.
GaG says a friend of his invented it but my guess is it's old than that.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 753 reads
33 / 70

Some ladies have thier quirks. Some refuse to respond to one lined emails and it is stated on thier web site that this is in effect.

    You must put yourself in her shoes. Does she do her own booking and screening?

even in this condition, and work is slowed alot, EVEN with work being slow my last hotel trip , I had 38 incoming and outgoing calls total by end shift on my work cell phone alone.  

That wasnt counting date request inquiries on datecheck .com, preferred411.com, personal messages on the erotic review, text messages , emails, and then those that actually use the appt form .  

         You proberly are angry but not considering the amount of emails texts calls ect this lady can recieve in one shift!  


I have heard many ladies state they kinda hate those emails that simply say : " hi around today?"''''



They prefer you actually check there schedule and say hi angel are you available three pm tuesday for an hour date?



when your managing your own bookings and lets just say shooting for 2 daTES PER DAY FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH, ....


 And many of us will get bookings weeks or week in advance. I know i book and recieve booking from up to 2 weeks out even longer.


so lets now dothe math thats 60 people your havin a back n forth with wether it be pms, email or phone, on ANY given month.


if she is on tour then gadzooks, she is havin to also cover air fair food and hotels, and needing way more than 2 dates a day to break even for certain!


               my suggestion is this. Read her etiquette page see how this ladies brain operates. I have seen many ladies that cannot stay organized by overloads of one lined emails.  

imagine opening your email and 38 emails ?

     when work is picked up for me my inbox can have anywhere from 30-50 emails daily in it. with out fail.


in fact just today I recieved an email from one guy whom has seen my posts and thinks i am great and plans on seeing me one day....that was it.

mind you i recognized his email and this guy has emailed me alot in past, yet no appt.  

so i send a polite thank you! short and sweet.


I recieve personal messages daily on the erotic review and alot is not for appt booking but I must be friendly and respond and hope to meet em in future......


you may have to hear from a provider our side of the story and how easy it is to only have time to manage to email and talk to the 2 customers you have booked that day.


I know i met with 2 people yesterday. One was a personal friend, and one was a client for an hour appt. Then I went out and ran errands and was not at my desk, not checkin my work cell phone either until today.


picture the lady has 2 appts a day booked that whole week, sometimes you gotta realize realistically how much can you take on, if its not in your favor to respond to every call or text and your booked for the week, well it is sometimes wise to delete all the overflow of calls texts and emails ........


I have done that many time, responding to 50 people to inform them your NOT avl. it is tiring and yes it would be polite but it is not nessecary.


if they dont hear back, they can call some one else, and then re contact you in future.


I had gotten busy for a week and my voicemails on work phone went up to 50 or so voicemails that week. Do you know how tiring it would have been to sit down and return all those calls, just to inform people I am busy?


I wouldnt have gotten done what i had needed to get done either.


                      This job is not our entire lives. dont take it personal.  

just contact some one else that is similiar in looks and price. dont even give it a second thought, she didnt respond that means she is busy , dont take it personal.


I delete voicemails and emails all the time if there are too many and I am booked for few days.  


I have found calling and emailing appt requests back a week or more later when i do have time to sit back down and work on schedule, most times they forget they called you or are just annoyed you took so long.





and for me i get so many calls text emails ect.  

I cant respond to them all same day or even same week. so i am forced to delete the old ones when I cant keep up.


they will either contact me back again, OR not.......


common courtesy on your end is keep it movin find another provider, then try her again next tour, she is obviously booked and busy . I wouldnt say its bein rude.

its just a business where for me,

i have to be rational about how much i can humanly take on, whilst still makin sure i take care of myself.


some of my emails and voicemails and texts do and will get deleted if i am swamped. If I honeslty made a point to return every call and email even to inform when not avl.

well i would need to have a catheder and not get up from my desk 24/7.

but its just not easy bein popular you know?  


i would say your too clingy and need to have like 5 atf hookers on speed dial, i think your takin it too serious and bein like touchy. she obvi is booked and busy . trust me sittin down to email every one you CANT meet with when your wicked swamped .  

hey if other ladies got time like that and energy go fuckin for it, i dont

zguy8 2 Reviews 699 reads
34 / 70

Happy you found the time to post it.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 707 reads
35 / 70
lopaw 29 Reviews 633 reads
36 / 70

Sorry, but many of us in the real world have jobs where we get up to 100 emails a day too that we are expected to respond to. That's an excuse, and a lousy one.  

I have my own suggestion: that those incapable of keeping up with emails or those that randomly choose to ignore some put a LARGE disclaimer on their ads & website saying that they don't have the means, capacity (or in many cases the courtesy) to promptly or routinely answer emails, so prospective inquirerers are aware that they only have a 50-50 chance of getting a reply. At least that way hobbyists would go in knowing the odds.

So if you are in over your head in handing email or are just a rude inconsiderate bitch, then at least state so. Its only fair to your unsuspecting public.

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 650 reads
37 / 70

I would take this as a "not interested", and would move forward accordingly.

dakine18 704 reads
38 / 70
hbyist+truth=;( 605 reads
39 / 70

Your email went to her spam box OR since she has seen you before, she no longer wants to again. And other than the back and forth after you ask why, she defers to radio silence.

hbyist+truth=;( 989 reads
40 / 70

As TT said no matter what a hooker says, there is that one word most of us hate...WHY???

I have used this...I don't feel we are a good fit. And that opened a can of giant ass worms .I have no idea what could appease a trick that thinks he is entitled to see us because he has a sweaty hand full of cash.  

Even if he has been seen before and walks away with the feeling the hooker loved it...that only possibly means she did a great JOB but in reality, she was not feeling it at all and does not want to repeat.  

So guys, give us hookers some replies we can use when a hooker does not want to see you. And then once you have received one of them. please leave it at that and quit badgering.

Newto1000 668 reads
41 / 70

No, not really you fucking moron, especially since 95% of hooker pages say:  dislike-rude men.

Arovet 62 Reviews 861 reads
42 / 70

but life is way too short to devote any angst to this shit. You need to Bobby McFerrin your way through this pastime or you'll make yourself nuts.

mollyerikson See my TER Reviews 771 reads
43 / 70


Posted By: Tobi Telford
99.9% of the time when I've responded to someone with more or less a "thanks, but no thanks," they've refused to accept it with no further incident. Typically, the prospective/former client will flood our inboxes with "but whyyyyyy?" interrogations, repeated attempts to convince (or bribe) us to see them, or just go flat-out apeshit on us (everything from "you're ugly anyway" to "get AIDS and die you fucking whore"). Some will even take it a step further by posting defamatory comments on message boards or authoring a fake, retaliatory review. Others may go so far as to out us in our personal lives. Having personally experienced every single one of those negative repercussions, I can tell you that sometimes we're just too damn scared to offer a "courtesy response."  
 In a perfect world, a lady could politely decline a date request and the guy could go on his merry way. Unfortunately, the crybabies and crazies have made that damn near impossible.  
 -- Modified on 5/11/2015 5:37:12 PM

-- Modified on 5/11/2015 5:37:54 PM

hbyist+truth=;( 664 reads
44 / 70

The johns who can't/won't take no for an answer. We have no idea what shitstorm will rain down if we do give a reason, any reason.  

So instead of saying hookers are rude if they don't reply, how about being part of the solution and suggesting some replies for when a hooker does not want to see a john.

I will start...

I am sorry however I feel we w are not a good match

I am happy you had  great time with me, however I would prefer not to see you again

And now help us out when the tricks who refuse to take that for an answer and wants more details as to the  why and then becomes and insulting turd when she tells him the truth.

If you can suggest the golden answer then and only then would it be rude to not reply to a guy requesting an appointment

hbyist+truth=;( 662 reads
45 / 70

I have not been a rude bitch and replied with an answer to a request only to be insulted for my trouble. I now will give the no go and then block that email address.

lopaw 29 Reviews 680 reads
46 / 70

No. I don't read her posts.

At least you did make the effort to respond, unfortunately only to have it be a waste of time. But you DID answer it. Props to you for doing something that so many can't be bothered with, even if it literally takes 30 seconds to do. Perhaps you subsequently may have to block email addy's from people that can't accept your response, but it sounds like at least you will attempt to make an initial response. Based on the posts from you that I have read here on the forums, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that if I were to email you and ask you a simple and innocuous question that you would be courteous enough to answer me promptly, especially given the type of question that I usually have to ask. It just seems to be the type of person that you are

inicky46 61 Reviews 724 reads
47 / 70

and she was talking about some of the shit she went though with guys just today.  I don't doubt it does get old dealing with the pushy, the rude, the clueless and the just plan sociopathic in Trick Land.
That is why gentlemen such as you, I and Bob_Sugar are so prized by the ladies.

TheGovernor 110 Reviews 644 reads
48 / 70

It's time to move on!

Posted By: Jordo
Just need to vent a little bit, I saw an ad that a lady who I have seen a number of times was coming to NYC, so I sent her an email requesting an appointment at such & such time date etc, also included some info about or past meeting.Didnt hear anything so I sent a follow up email about a week latter, still haven't heard anything. Yes I am a big boy and have been doing this for a long time, I understand the ladies have the right to pick and choice who they see and totally accept that but I would hope that the person could send a quick email saying sorry not interested especially since we have already meet before. Maybe I am just getting old and expect more from people!

hey mikey 8 Reviews 580 reads
49 / 70

And a fine expression it is!

hbyist+truth=;( 805 reads
50 / 70

I will say that I immediately delete without answering any email that has inappropriate language that might get me in trouble. That is pretty much standard.

inicky46 61 Reviews 748 reads
51 / 70

I had a two-day date with a civvy that included one hell of a lot of fucking.  And a dinner date with a hooker that included great food and conversation and no sex.  Go figya.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 634 reads
52 / 70

she is not his wife, she doesnt owe him or any one an explanation.

                   the sense of entitlement sometimes boggles my mind.  

these ladies meet with you for an hour to please you, they dont owe you any explanation for not responding. Just call some one else. done deal. How are you fixated on one gal so bad it is creepy. maybe thats why she deleted his emails. weird.  

I delete emails and texts all the time, A disclaimer is not nessecary. i do not owe any customer a reason why nor do i owe them an explanation as to why or how i run my business end of things. As you can see I been in top ten for my city over 4 years.  

                         you owe no one explanation for every godam move you make.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 738 reads
53 / 70

you dont wanna see em any ways. totally.

                                       I delete overflow of voicemails and texts and emails when the inbox gets flooded.  

            90 percent of them are no longer still looking if you wait too long. I personally if i want an appt or two that very afternoon. To sit and emai;l 40 old emails from 2 weeks ago.

you will end up sittin there for hours and not gettin an appt for the day. and alot of annoyed guys for contacted them weeks later.

better to delete old emails voicemails and texts that too much time has passed. Respond to the most recent ones,  


thats what i do. but again my goal is not to be a people pleaser and gain alot of friends, My goal is usually to make money to go out and spend on whatever it is i gotta do that day.


               callin back the old numbers, trsut me you will piss the guys off, and by time you call em all bcak if its been a time lapse, trust me they aint gonna be avl that afternoon, you could sit and spend hours returning all old emails and calls from 9 days ago,

after a few hours, you will just find none of em are still lookin for your ass 9 days later, and now you just soent 4 hours on line and on the phone all because you felt it nessecary to be polite, and give a polite return call, 9 daYS LATER.


 none those guys are gonna still be lookin for you by then.

                for me i d prefer to not attempt to be miss politically correct . i will sit down and delete each and every email text and voicemail that is too old. Then just deal with the new ones i am havin call that day.


thats how i done it since 202 and it apparently works i am one the highest reviewed for my city for 4 years, dont get any complaints.


                    to each thier own, one the great things of being an entropeneur and running your OWN business, you do what works best for you. not the next person.


            i dont attract the anal retentive crowd. i am more the wild rocker artist type and i attract the kinda laid back, clientelle with alotta patience.


             if you wanna suzy business secretary lady that is all by the book and organized good , i am not her.  

those uptight business minded smarty pants chics usually suck in bed too,  


one saying i love.



tons of guys calls and emails gets deleted by me, i grab for the most recent inquiries cuz my goal is to get an appt fast and then go off to spend it on whatever errands and activities i have in  mind for thAT DAY.


                i know for today i gotta go back to staples and find my flash drive. maybe go for mani and pedi. not sure. that will be after i take a call and get the money to do it...



just call her again, i am sure i am not the only one that refuses to call the old numbers.


its more of a back oage girl thing, we just dont call the old numbers, and the guys from back page that crowd too, they simply dont pre book, they call when they see your ad is up done deal.  

you call those dudes back a day or two later your gettin screamed at!


the ter guys are the only ones i see that book in advance and are ok with calls or emails back to discuss booking days or weeks later even if your were too busy.


but a disclaimer? i think those web sites with a million explANATIONS FOR WHY YOU DO THIS AND WHY YOU DO THAT,  

 i get a head ache jjuust lookin at all thier rules and discaimers, its like wow, your givin a bj seriously. get over it. not that serious.

i am not puttin up a disclaimer nor explanation for all my business practice on my web site, they are comin to me to have fun not to see some old lady with millions of rules and bs to read through before you can get a bj. the anal retentive route is simply not my bag. i chose this job cuz its easy! i dont wanna complicate something that needs not be complicated.


if others run thier business in an anal retentive ocd manner good for them, thats not my style!

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 611 reads
54 / 70

i think you got the right attitude. thats the kinda guys i like. i mean i cant get all clients that think same as me, but I like the way you think. its like, this is supposed to fun, its not sorporate.
its not like the place for anal retentiveness. It just seems a waste of energy, to me its like he is going into the mosh pit and then crying people are windmilling each other.

its like half the ladies are on drugs dude .

no offense. but get a hold yourself son.

            not puttin down all escorts but i mean i bet 70 percent ladies you met were fuct up . and he is all bent out shape an email gets lost in the mix. the ones that act the most anal retentive and organized are proberly the biggest fuck ups too i bet.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 980 reads
56 / 70

former client for that matter an explanation.

a man who is showing signs of a feeling of entitilement that we owe him a explanation for every move we godam make.

  I dont like those kindsa clients any ways, and luckily since I am so outspoken and forth right i tend to scare them off.

the day i feel the need to explain myself to my clients, i dont owe em an explanation, i can diapear and not return one godam call or email for a week or a month if i so choose. and i do. all the time!

when you start beliveing that these guys actually care , and feeling you need to explain yourself all the time,  

   most of em 99 percent dont wanna hear it, they dont need your kunty disclaimer with ten million thousand rules and details on why your doin it this way aND WHY THAT WAY.


 your fuckin guys for money les not make it into something confusing, they aint gonna read half your web sites either, having the disclaimer on my cell phone and my web site stating:

                               " I recieve an overwhelming response when i post. " I may not get back to you for 2 weeks.

if your only looking for same day then simply state in your message " hi angel, looking for an appt between 1 and 4 pm only, if you cannot get back to me in that time frame angel then please do not call me back next day or days later."


trust me i did the whole disclaimer to explain no i cant call back 40 clients in a day and i do have days after i post 40 call. many a times!

                          I did the whole lengthy explanation before and basically no one read it, it is more likely they will hang up on the voicemail message if there a twenty min long disclaimer "explaining yourself" in detail .

they dont give a fuck, just do it the way you wanna do it, done deal.


maybe one or two expect to hear back same day and asap. the other 99 percent know we cant keep up with every one like that. and if we have a life like at all why would u wanna?


if one or two cant go find another lady in your place for the afternoon, they are weirdos any way, i dont want clients that are obsessed with me , thats creepy/.  

i want clients that can see i am busy and can replace me in 5 seconds with any the other hundred that charge, perfrom and look similiar to me in boston.


after all i am not your girlfiend, we aint gettin married i am blowin you or fuckin you for some cash, dont get all possesive and psycho. try to call me next week then if i dont return the call.


the funniest is wehn you dont callem back and then they call or text 4 more times in a row same day.


you will see like 5 or 6 texts from same number, its like um wow. its funny. you gotta laugh at em.  





                           i like tobi's resaponse....

   and i agree. if your not responding because they cancel alot, or freaked you out, lets just say that is your reason, which i do all the time, i had one guy he keeps changin times, textin me, he actualy texted me tryin to have coinversation with me via text about when my due date is and all kindsa personaL STUFF, I WAS LIKE WOW, ITS 8 AT NIGHT

 i am enjoyin a tv show. in a zone, and this random client i never met thinks i wanna play texties back n forth in my time off about my personal life.  


i wont eer respond to his calls or texts again, I cant bebothered by huigh maintenence nosy annoying fuck heads.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 760 reads
57 / 70

that as well.

i mean you shouldnt need that email. no response is just the same as saying your busy, you didnt get the email. some these guys make alotta demands over dumb shit.
        get over it, call some one else .

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 666 reads
58 / 70

you should hear his stories this guy knows more escorts than any client i ever met .

                                             he could care less cuz he has like twenty ladies personal mobile numbers.

try and do like mr fisher, be a real man and enjoy the ladies but dpnt get annoyed if one flakes by not giving you the "proper decline appt email request." you had envisioned, oh my fuckin gawd.

so annoying,

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 664 reads
60 / 70

complain they are still single, and then preach to escorts about how many other nice jobs they could do instead for money.

then they act all conservative. I am like then why arent you meeting business exec ladies with normal careers at fanuael hall? why are you only goin around tryin to turn hooker friends into your housewives then preachin to em and actin all conservative.

i know one guy like that he makes fun of older ladies that hook calls em ugly and sad and says you dont wanna end up like them, I showed him pics of some the top 100 ladies in thier forties. I said look its not all sad and down trodden, Some ladies in thier forties and fifties are actualy still pretty and they arent battle worn pigs in the least.

                         my thing that i cant believe is the guys that only try n date escorts then try and preach to the escorts how they are better than that and blah b;lah. its like dude go sit at dfanuel hall and find a fuckin non workin girl to rant too.

hbyist+truth=;( 676 reads
61 / 70

Posted By: lopaw
No. I don't read her posts.  
 At least you did make the effort to respond, unfortunately only to have it be a waste of time. But you DID answer it. Props to you for doing something that so many can't be bothered with, even if it literally takes 30 seconds to do. Perhaps you subsequently may have to block email addy's from people that can't accept your response, but it sounds like at least you will attempt to make an initial response. Based on the posts from you that I have read here on the forums, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that if I were to email you and ask you a simple and innocuous question that you would be courteous enough to answer me promptly, especially given the type of question that I usually have to ask. It just seems to be the type of person that you are.  

harborview 10 Reviews 725 reads
63 / 70

but let's say she didn't get enough pre-bookings to make it worth her while.  So it's not that she's dissing you...   but she did not reply to either of your request messages (BTW, did you subject line "Like to see you again in NYC" so she doesn't even need to open to know what it's about.    

I admittedly have mixed feelings.  A simple, "not going to work out this time. Sorry" would be so much better than radio silence.

GaGambler 647 reads
64 / 70

I can see how the not knowing could drive some men nuts. It really is a no win situation for the ladies. If you respond, you open yourself up for months worth of conversation about "why". If you don't respond, you are just a "rude bitch"

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 764 reads
65 / 70

I totally have had to do a mass delete . I was in position on my end where I had to get appts and for that actual day. and by a certain time.  

in event i have over 50 voicemails over 50 emails and texts all that have accumulated during a week off or so.

I totally have HAD to do this and mysurvival was the main thing at hand in my brain at the time, not being courteous and going to soend my first 4 hours of the day, which is what it can take or more.


to send a polite be it emails , pms, datecheck, texts, appt forms,  

i honeslty have like had no choice but to do mass deletes many a times, it just wasnt something i had time to do and i had needed to try and actually get appts for that actual day.........................


calling back or emailing people that contacted you a week ago. almost always results in, the fact they are no longer seeking you by then, and nine out ten times your now catching them off guard , they wont even remeber they had contacted you most the times in myexperience it is to my best interest to not cold call if too much time has passed...





same goes for email it can be several hours to send that poluite response just to be kosher, and by then i couldve had my appts done and be off to where i may need to be due to normal life commitments i also have to go too.



it really depends but i think assuming the person is rude for not returning and email isnt very fair.


i am most certainly well mammered and cater to my clients and treat them very weel. but i just cant always keep up with all the calls .


i had a few weeks ago i took a week off I checked voicemail 2 times and over 50 voicemails that week.


knowing there will be more calling next week, I didnt call all these gents back. I wrote all the voicemails down, had lages and oages of names n numbers to call back................................







BUT the thing is i was knee deep in personal life things i had to tend too that come first, before escorting....................................................



I did listen to the voicemails . I COULD have sat down and returned all the calls maybe 9 -14 days later when ready to sit down and tend to business and screening and dealings again.







but i chose to delete all thos voicemails and start fresh upon my retunr .







i have plenty of custmers whom never once have claimed It is rude they simply try me back the following week, that is my green light it is now ok to call em back. i have gotten ripped a new one many a times for cold calling, its usually not positive experience for me to sit down and cold call all my old voicemals if a week or more has passed.  


i dont think assuming they are beiing rude is a good method, i d say wait a week and contact them again then see what happens,  


it isnt realastic to think that when we are too busy to check emails , that we will interupt what we are busy trying to do to tend to work emails. work is one thing real life is for me a priority and i have priorities that come in before work.


for me there is a constant overwhelming response on a daily basis, at some point i have to ick and choose my battles, and ignore the phone and go do stuff i have to do,

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 822 reads
66 / 70

of a hooker is also i feel a tad rude and outlandish.

   I know for years i used only back page. This is how most ladies on back oage run thier business. Doesnt make em rude it just how business ends of things work in that avenue of advertising style.


   I would get ready take a pic and post. Work phone would be on. Take as many or as little calls as i wish,  

Then work phone got shut off and i went back to my world until next ad post.



i never once would begin my shift with listening to the voicemails left over from my last advertisemtn posting wether a week ago, a day ago 2 weeks ago, ...


I would post when ready to start my shift and respond to the new calls that came in only that very minute those very hours.  


emails and texts would all be deleted and i would use phone only and guys that leave voicemails only.


and each ad would recieve approximately 50 plus calls emails texts maybe close to 100 sometimes.......



and sometimes I would post and only take one call . then shut my work cell off and go enjoy my life and day, cook , talk n text with friends, excercize, talk to family, go to other jobs if you do that.


if i had sat down and attempted to give a courtesy email or call to every inquiry, to inform them that i am not available, I would then not have a personal life the amount of inquiries i can recieve from one back page ad.

it could and has taken 9 or more hours to work on responding.  

like i said my last hotel run and this is me fat and prego, not on my a game for sure, that was slow for me,  


my last hotel run was 38 incoming and outgoing calls in 8 hours from one post.



you have no idea the amount of calls and emails this lady may be getting she is not under any way or circumstances obliged to give courtesy calls to inform you she is not working right now and contact her next week.


she nor any escort on the pkanet is under any obligation to give courtesy emails when they are not working and busy just to inform you they are busy,  


its up to you as the john to realize that and contact some one else that is similiar in looks and rates which should be easy enough .


in event you didnt hear back you need find a replacement, then try reconnecting with her the following week.


silence does not equate rude ness it may just equate like myself she is swamped and she isnt available, radio silence does by no means equate i DO NOT LIKE SOME ONE OR WISH TO MEET IT MEANS I AM DOIN ME, NOW YOU GO DO YOU, I AM FUCKIN BUSY, YOU CAN CALL ME NEXT WEEK OR THE NEXT DAY OR WHATEVER.



 he is having this ballsy sense of entitlement no hooker owes you any explanation for why she didnt email your ass back. not even close, just email her again in a few days, and get over it,

lucky for me none my clients get pissy when they dont hear back.

they try callin or emailin me again....i dont get guys that are whiny little bitches like that,

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 716 reads
67 / 70

busy , i am not gonna stop my persona life to attempt to respond to 50 emails just to inform every one that i am busy.

then what i am busy doing, doesnt get done because i am spending hours emailing people just to inform them i am not available.  

it wouldnt make any sense for me to do that or try, and the amount calls and emails i get if too much tme passed it is smoart to post a new ad and tend to the more the recent calls not ones from weeks or week ago.

it workes well for me and i dont see how that is rude, too bad if they are so sensitive they needa courtesy cal. too bad for them,  

i have some clients i have known and still see me for 8 years now and i never hear them complain,  

so i am not changing my routine now over a few whiny little boys,

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 588 reads
68 / 70

requests, It isnt even humanly or physicaly possible. and its not in my favor to attemot it so i dont, if i take off for a week or two then theres hundreds of emails and voicemails and texts.

it is in my best interest to do a mass delete and then start fresh and tend to the new calls that i recieve same day.

I been in the game a while and know what i am doing, my first ads for escorting were in boston phoenix and craigs in 02.

many a provider and many a hobbyist frown upon cold calling and calling back old numbers. You myfriend are the one being rude and not grasping how it works, a very large portion of clients and hookers operate on this work ethic you dont cold call. same goes for emails , if too much time has lapsed you dont go emails all these old date requests from ages ago.  


and to assume the lady has time to send polite "hi sorry I am not available right now but thank you for contactng me."

technically if she isnt working and not availabl;e, you are now demanding she email and call you when not working,? awfully entitled . shitty attitude for the client and rude of client if you ask me, not the lady,  


and dead silence also can mean yes that she rather not see you and yes contacting a guy to say you dont like him is not gonna over well which is why she was silent, if that was the case.

DerDer 660 reads
69 / 70

Ever since my appointment with her, which went smoothly, she never asked to see me again. Only well-wishes, like she assumed I was only interested in the one time. It took a week until she decided to answer my txt/email about a 2nd date.  I simply wanted to see her again because I had a great time. She told me that she was afraid maybe I was going to fall for her, but I told her I was only interested in her as a provider and that yes, I did like/am attracted to her of course, however, I didn't realize she had those fears about me, as that's not the vibe I was trying to give. She did see me again, but I could tell something was a bit off this time. She's a talker and we talked a lot on our dates. I shared a lot about myself with her, more than I was comfortable telling a provider. But I felt like she was never telling me something, and whatever it was, she didn't want me to know, because she hated it when I asked her what her feelings towards me were. I agreed to keep the relationship just client-escort, but she had to be honest with me before I could see her again. Now I've learned, she must have not liked me as much as I did her, because she decided over email after the 2nd date that we would no longer see each other. I was so sad, thinking it was me that was the reason. I was always nice, clean, on time, had donation... I'm still not sure why she didn't want to see me anymore. Was it something I did/said? Something about me? She wouldn't tell.

She has since dropped communication with me. It's been a while. I still haven't gotten over it. I was just so happy I found a provider who I liked, and at first, she seemed like she liked me too (but that could've been acting). I tried to reach out to her and tell her I was sorry for scaring her away and what I could've done differently to not break her trust. Unfortunately, it seems like it was all for nothing. I feel rejected. I started having negative thoughts about myself as well. The whole experience left me confused, upset and disappointed.  

There's nothing I can do about it, except to move on

xeno.evil 8 Reviews 608 reads
70 / 70

InFuckingDeed.  I'm amazed by the amount of entitlement demonstrated by men in this (well, any)  community.  How they think that if they don't get immediate satisfaction, they are somehow being wronged by someone.  They don't understand other human beings' agency or humanity.  I am thankful for the providers I've seen and had so much fun with, and doubly thankful that they (you) can field the BS from jerks and still be amazing, empowered providers with me without getting jaded towards me or other men who are appreciative of your struggle and work.

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