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you have to ask? scary..(eom)
DoYaThink 5221 reads


philypedo5048 reads

I had sex with a 16 going on 17 year old Milf barprsotitute she has a cesection wich means she is a mom she told me her 16 year old boy friend knocked her up, so she has to work to feed and support his baby.

Like al Milfs that provide to support their babies, I see no diference in this case, I gave her money to support his baby, so in my mind I did not do anything wrong.

This happened outside the USA so don't be quick to judge.

Tough question.  In the scenario you've described, you're helping (in a sense) a mom support her child, yet you're also using an underage girl for prostitution -- the answer is, I don't know what the right thing is, but I bet you get about 20 ranting and raving lunatics who are so certain of their opinion they will give you a piece (if not most) or their minds....  MA

Sex with a minor is sex with a minor. The hobby is for consenting adults.
The key word being ADULTS!!!!!!

I'm not going to bore anyone with the moral issues. You know full well that it's wrong for an adult be with a minor so let's not go there.

But let's just look at the plain liability of the situation. If you engage in any kind of activity with a minor you will be held legally responsibly for anything that may happen to her.
I'm a musician and sometimes work with teenaged girls and I set very strict about them not coming to recording session unless they are accompanied by their parents or another adult gaurdian

Not mention an underaged girl could decide to black mail you by threatening to have you locked up for statutory rape.

Thats called RAPE in the US. Get a grip on reality.

Aphra3635 reads

Actually, that's not quite true.  The age of consent in the UK is 16, for example, and it differs in many other countries.

I suppose a simple view would be to apply the law of the country concerned.  Taking sex out of the equation, here's a different example.  Say I have an 18 year old son.  He's of legal age to drink alcohol in the UK but not in the US.  If he were to take a trip to the US, should he be entitled to flout US law because his home law is different, or should he be compelled to abide by US law?  The answer is obvious, it's just that it's somewhat more uncomfortable in the poster's situation, precisely because the law in the foreign country is more lax, and he's free to do what at home would be a criminal act.    

So, I suppose it comes down to looking in the mirror and living with yourself.  Even without the prostitution factor, to western sensibilities consensual sex between a 16 year old girl and an adult male (20-,30-,40-something or more) remains paedophilic in nature if not in fact, notwithstanding any cultural or legal differences.  If the poster was comfortable with his decision, he wouldn't be asking the question.


Some of you might be interested in this chart of the age of consent in other countries...it also has the ages of consent for every state too

I'm not commenting on the OP's morality but I think a lot of you will be surprised at what the law actually is everywhere

Some countries have the age set at 12 for what they call a "not honest" woman(Prostitute) so apparently it does make a difference whether or not the girl is a provider or not in some countries(the example given was from Argentina)

Also I should mention according to that site in the same place...it is not just if the girl is a provider is it legal...the other exception is "any woman who presents a long date defloration"  I'd think that covers the OP if the girl in his story had a C-section scar as he says(I guess that means if you take a 12 year old's virginity then off to jail but if you can prove she is a provider or if she has had sex before then it's legal)

BTW No I am not advocating this...No I'm not saying it's right...No I'm not now and never have had sex with anyone under 18 myself even when I was that age...No I don't have the inclination to try an underage girl myself

I hope that covers anything from anyone who thinks I have some hidden motive for presenting this information...I only looked it up in the first place because so many people were saying the age of consent was 18 in most places and that didn't sound right to me...even in the USA more states have it at 16 than 18 according to that chart

New Mexico...USA...17 for MF but 13 for both MM and FF

Practically everywhere else it's either the same or higher for same sex partners

Suppose she was 13yo and got pregnant by her boyfriend and had a baby.  Do you think it's OK to have sex with a 13yo just becuase she has a child?

In the US, it would be different from state to state but if the law in a particular state defines the age as 17 or above then sex with a 16yo would be rape of a child. I may be wrong but I doubt the law removes protection of a minor just because she has a child.

I could say more but I think you already know the answer to your question - you're just trying to rationalize what you did.

-- Modified on 3/20/2005 6:57:50 AM

You have already answered this question.  Morals can be individual-based and societial-based.  You obviously don't feel it was immoral; to you it wasn't.  You feel you did the right, moral thing.  I'm not going to pass judgement on your act - and I suspect you already know what most of the answers are going to be anyway.

Personal opinion... not a great idea for two reasons: legal reasons and sexual maturity.. teenagers usually don't know what they're getting into where sex is concerned (there are exceptions, but as a general rule that stands).

From a logical point of view though:
Nearly all pre-industrial cultures (including our own) wed girls as young as 12 and they were mothers just as soon as they were able.  This was what was considered normal, albeit for practical reasons: pre-industrial cultures had such short life spans that getting a baby out was the #1 priority.

However, morality is one of those things that a culture defines for itself, and cultures that did wed girls that young didn't consider it immoral.  I've never quite been able to understand why ours does, simply from a "sequence of events" perspective - how we came to establish 18 as the age of consent, I mean.  I suppose that's just due to lack of research though.  Personally, the idea of doing an underage girl to me is repulsive, so in this case, I very much hold to our culture's concept of consentual sex.

What I'm trying to say is that it's not as clear as "she's underage, it's wrong."  You have to judge your own morals and weigh which morals you feel are more important against those you feel are less.  Was helping a teenage mother more important than your perception of robbing the cradle.. well, that's up to you and how you define your morality.

At the end of the day, that's ALWAYS the case - about any issue.  How you act is your responsibility, and no law will ever relieve you of it.

-- Modified on 3/20/2005 8:44:24 AM

You admit to having sex with someone who is a child by any accepted definition of the term.  There's a reason developed countries have set the age of majority at 18 or higher.  Are you willing to tell me the country you were in allows, by law, 16 year olds to have sex with adults?  Name the country and specify the law please.  And if your conscience wasn't bugging you ("in my mind I did not do anything wrong") why are you even posting this question?  My advice, leave this board and do not return.  All we need is a major investigation by prosecutors looking into child sex trafficking.

Landem3241 reads

Other than with regard to the consumption of alcohol (where our legislatures, in their infinite stupidity, have decided that an 18 year old is old enough to vote, to drive, or to die for his country, but not old enough to have a glass of wine with dinner) where is the age of majority greater than 18?

the age of majority in certain countries.  I sure will feel better the next time I F*ck a 16 year old.  And by the way, any criminal lawyers on this board might want to comment on the extraterritorial effect of any pertinent US laws.

-- Modified on 3/20/2005 12:14:25 PM

The point in having age limits, whether it's for sex, driving , drinking, voting or movie ratings, is to define an age when most people would be able to make a responsible decision about what they are doing and its consequences.

Do you think this 16 YO barprostitute was able to make a responsible decision about having sex?

It is a felony.....  Do you really think you can hold her responsible?  The law wont ,you are exposing yourself to such liability both legal and financial.  Bad Move..reguardless of the moral argument.

although I hate child molestation

how old are you?
I have had 18yr old clients losing their virginity to me

did she look and act that age?
I do females that look like they are 26 and they act like it too where some guys I know act like they never got past 15 mentally

What did you two do?
I have had some clients who paid my full price to see me naked and then massage them

I still don't think you are completely innocent and you don't have to answer the last question here but you know if you are guilty or innocent.

I hope you had everything covered so she doesn't have another problem or two and I hope you gave her a decent amount...baby stuff and rent adds up

I am unaware of many (in fact, none) value systems that declare the hobby to be moral.  Period.

You want to get into gradations?  Fine.

Me?  I'd have little problem being with a younger girl.  In fact, I was with a 16 yr old once.  I truly didn't know it at the time, so back off.  But having thought a lot about this, I decided that I can live with this - especially if it involves a "pro".  My problem is getting around the morality of ANY hobbyist activity to begin with.

If y'all want to get into our obligations as human beings to rescue abused minors, I'm all ears.  Be sure to include your personal efforts in this regard if you want to judge me harshly.

aboutface3789 reads

Absolutely, since when IS the hobby "moral."  Don't say that it is just two consenting adults, because often it involves adultery, as one or both of the involved parties is married, and it is casual, which is also a no-no.  That being said, I have no problem with these aspects of the hobby.

Pedophilia is based on cultural norms, which are not what "really" should be, but what we think should be.  To say that a female who is 16 cannot make up mind that she does or does not want to have sex is rather absurd to me.  I had sex with a 15 year old (I was 20, so it was illegal, so there!) and YES she wanted it!  That being said, unfortunately there are many situations where the female's will is misinterpreted.  

I do doubt the circumstances though.  I do feel compassion for this girl, because she is forced to work to feed her baby.  It is not the particular line of work that I feel bad about, but the fact that she cannot live her life "normally" because of an immature boyfriend who probably told her all the lies so typical that girls believe due to a significant dirth in the sex ed department.  But that is another rant.

Btw, maybe I should post my final paper that I am planning to write on pedophilia.  The board may get a kick out of it.

-- Modified on 3/21/2005 2:28:25 AM

It's called inceptivism.

But I do realize it's one of the more remote ones and in the most  extreme minority (that is, if I die, it's extinct,) but I thought I'd inform you.

It's good to believe your donation goes for something good, but something's wrong here if it's the donation that makes you feel worthwhile about the encounter.  

Ask yourself if you would have felt better if the sex with her had been both consensual and **free**.  If not, despite what you say, in your mind, you did something wrong.

Never have an encounter for money that you wouldn't want to have for free.  It's not healthy for your own psychology.      

-- Modified on 3/22/2005 7:48:00 PM

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