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You have never heard of the stranger?red_smile
TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 317 reads

Sit on you left hand until it get numb.
Last time I tried that I jizzed on my tv.

What do you do with a body covered in tats?
I don't get skulls, or deamons:..
Just feathers, and flowers.  
They still are weirded out.

The women at the tatoo parlor think I'm a joke. Yet other women think I'm a maniac for allowing this type of pain..
Who should I date?
I need someone to tell me what to do

So if you want to scare a lady then get bunch of tattoos which creates the impression that you are a violent gang member and no woman will want to be near you!
Buy a book of how to look or how to behave in order for women (adult workers or regular women) to think it  is worth it or it is safe to date you!  
The desire for women to interact with men depend on the way those act/ talk/ behave (polite/respectful or rude/disrespectful) or look (showered/ shaved/ wearing clean nice clothes, smelling nice)! And another thing: intelligent men are a big turn on for women. Intelectual aspect sometimes keeps a relationship together!
 Look at yourself (appearance and behavior) before you start judging women or wonder why women run away from you, or why adult workers give you bad attitude. Maybe it is your fault for that bad attitude or maybe it is a safety issue involved (such as talking sexual stuff on the phone with an adult worker in a state where you can get arrested for just talking about it such as Massachusetts) or it is a reason that adult workers deny a second date with you!
Another reason (besides scary tattoos) would be your weight. Fat guy on top of 130 pounds adult worker cause broken ribs for that adult worker!  
If there is something wrong with some of you guys such as the fact that you rushing yourself and women to meet you or  to get  a lot of work done in short time (in case you as boss have women employee women working for you ), or you being selfish and cheap in case of adult worker - client situation!
By the way I am retired adult worker so I don't really care if I scare clients away by saying what I said! I am not looking to get any clients! I am enjoying saying straight forward what I think despite the fact this is the men's world and women don't seems to really count!  
Being adult worker in a man's world is been very stressful on a psychological level ; it was also risky, disappointing and depressing !!!! So I am glad it is over!!!! I am settling for 9 to 5 regular job I have these days . It is not bad at all ! So much peace of mind!
Pretty cool that I have my own office too! I like my life these days a lot!  
I am also liked by others and I like myself!!!!!

-- Modified on 4/18/2015 4:05:48 PM

You should spend more time with her.  Well, considering your attitude, maybe not.

I trust that this is a fairly remedial position you hold?

She's a nice woman who just can't be around men...so if you have a position in a room with no men, I know she'd appreciate that.

Also, does your company have health benefits?

Posted By: browneyes_
So if you want to scare a lady then get bunch of tattoos which creates the impression that you are a violent gang member and no woman will want to be near you!  
 Buy a book of how to look or how to behave in order for women (adult workers or regular women) to think it  is worth it or it is safe to date you!  
 The desire for women to interact with men depend on the way those act/ talk/ behave (polite/respectful or rude/disrespectful) or look (showered/ shaved/ wearing clean nice clothes, smelling nice)! And another thing: intelligent men are a big turn on for women. Intelectual aspect sometimes keeps a relationship together!  
  Look at yourself (appearance and behavior) before you start judging women or wonder why women run away from you, or why adult workers give you bad attitude. Maybe it is your fault for that bad attitude or maybe it is a safety issue involved (such as talking sexual stuff on the phone with an adult worker in a state where you can get arrested for just talking about it such as Massachusetts) or it is a reason that adult workers deny a second date with you!  
 Another reason (besides scary tattoos) would be your weight. Fat guy on top of 130 pounds adult worker cause broken ribs for that adult worker!  
 If there is something wrong with some of you guys such as the fact that you rushing yourself and women to meet you or  to get  a lot of work done in short time (in case you as boss have women employee women working for you ), or you being selfish and cheap in case of adult worker - client situation!  
 By the way I am retired adult worker so I don't really care if I scare clients away by saying what I said! I am not looking to get any clients! I am enjoying saying straight forward what I think despite the fact this is the men's world and women don't seems to really count!  
 Being adult worker in a man's world is been very stressful on a psychological level ; it was also risky, disappointing and depressing !!!! So I am glad it is over!!!! I am settling for 9 to 5 regular job I have these days . It is not bad at all ! So much peace of mind!  
 Pretty cool that I have my own office too! I like my life these days a lot!  
 I am also liked by others and I like myself!!!!!  

-- Modified on 4/18/2015 4:05:48 PM

I have a Japonese style of tattoo that only covers the parts that are covered by regular clothing.
i would like to think the right type of person wouldn't be afraid of a tree, flowers, and a confused looking peacock.
Yet many are. I never thought getting a sleeve would turn so many off:(

I wish people weren't so weird

I like in a big city 20 min from Boston, ma. Id say 98 percent people have tats round here. My dad even had a huge shamrock he did himself on his leg and he ran with a very well to do crowd of professionals that al own yachts and spend all thier free time at the local yacht club........Have wives big houses ect.  Most certainly not thugs or trash or ghetto fabulous people. FAR FROM IT, .

        Is it because your in a small country town or something? i know in Boston the lajority people you meet from business professionals to family men to police officers even! Tats are so not a concern of people nor does any one even notice them or give a second glance to a person with tats, Maybe you need to move to Boston? No one is up tight bout ink that i have met around here. Not even the people my father was friends with whom most certainly were not thugs or in rock bands or anything, They were mainly guys with all good jobs big houses a wife and kids, good jobs, the kindsa guys that wear dockers and boating shoes all summer, I d classify as white , upper class, boston irish people.  

   I mean I guess you may be in a small town or something, Boston is filled with inked up people and from all classes. Its not just a gang banger thing alot of well to do upper class people have them too around here they do any ways,  


I am not very well traveled so I cannot compare!   I been on trips on air planes only 3 times in  my 35 years. ......

    One trip to disney at age 5  
and 2 trips to las vegas.  

So  I guess i dont know alot about how other cities and states may be, !!!

That was the idea of the thread....
Instead. I can see the hatred in the people here. It makes me sick.
I'm going to be your worst nightmare .....
You fickle people will learn tolerance if I have to get kicked off the board.

Actually I dont think tats are seen as a gang memeber or criminals thing, Id say more than half the local police dept in my city have ink.............
               the young ones and the ones in thier 50's .    I dont think many people assume your in a gang if you have tats

It will be tough if you crazy guy's ever split and go your own ways but I'm sure you will be able to keep in touch.

I'd think at some point the OP might be looking for some strange.

Posted By: balljointnut
It will be tough if you crazy guy's ever split and go your own ways but I'm sure you will be able to keep in touch.

Sit on you left hand until it get numb.
Last time I tried that I jizzed on my tv.

Angel loves rowdy boys with ink, though she's in Boston and preggo at the moment.  But I'm sure there are many who could care less.  After all, you are paying them well to like everything about you.
Even Daddy has a bit of ink so I guess it runs in the family.

That is very wrong thinking for some of you to decide to pay someone (adult workers) to like being with you! Guess what: women who are getting paid by you will pretend they like you! You buying lies and fantasies and live in a fantasy world!
 If you are fat, mean, aggressive, selfish women will not like you!
I am so glad my husband do not think the way some of you think !
He is so different than my clients used to be. I forgot to mention I retired from adult industry and I am so glad I did. There are so may things wrong with some of you guys, the way you look, the way you think, the way you view women in adult industry!

-- Modified on 4/18/2015 4:33:58 PM

That said. You are not completely wrong. Many of the men in this world are nasty, fat and sick. But not all of us, any more than all hookers are man hating bitches or trafficked. See what happens when you stereotype?

Posted By: browneyes_
That is very wrong thinking for some of you to decide to pay someone (adult workers) to like being with you! Guess what: women who are getting paid by you will pretend they like you! You buying lies and fantasies and live in a fantasy world!  
  If you are fat, mean, aggressive, selfish women will not like you!  
 I am so glad my husband do not think the way some of you think !  
 He is so different than my clients used to be. I forgot to mention I retired from adult industry and I am so glad I did. There are so may things wrong with some of you guys, the way you look, the way you think, the way you view women in adult industry!

-- Modified on 4/18/2015 4:33:58 PM

If not...you missed a great opportunity  LOL

You have a husband?  I assume he's a stick, passive and a doormat?

Posted By: browneyes_
That is very wrong thinking for some of you to decide to pay someone (adult workers) to like being with you! Guess what: women who are getting paid by you will pretend they like you! You buying lies and fantasies and live in a fantasy world!  
  If you are fat, mean, aggressive, selfish women will not like you!  
 I am so glad my husband do not think the way some of you think !  
 He is so different than my clients used to be. I forgot to mention I retired from adult industry and I am so glad I did. There are so may things wrong with some of you guys, the way you look, the way you think, the way you view women in adult industry!

-- Modified on 4/18/2015 4:33:58 PM

I'm paying to get my world rocked, and for the illusion of them liking me for 2-3 hours.

Some do, perhaps some don't, but I'm not delusional enough to think that they all like me. I'm confident from most ladies reactions that I'm a good client, but that doesn't mean that they like me.

I was wondering if someone wondered why I got all of those tattoos.
A real question I appreciate...
Do my tattoos mean something? No.
It's just a tattoo. It's also a test.
To see who cares, and who doesn't. Faker wimps.. Like most here will talk shit..
A weak attempt to insult me.  
It only shows their own fear, and intolerance. I condem these types.
I'll be here to be made fun of. This exposing their fear, and intolerance.
Poeoe like that disgust me. So get a view..
Do you see.. His way? Or the highway?

This is the way i look at it.  

   alot the guys, well, they have a nice lady wofe or girlfriend at home they CARE about.  

I fully grasp they are SOMETIMES only here to divulge the abuse and activities they cannot get fulfilled at home. I am not some one they love, I am not some one they care about if i am all beat up and sore and tired after..........Many proberly would never fuck thier wife like that at home! {because they care about her eom}

                 You can charge alot and get alot material gain or further yourself with this job, But it is not a place where we can demand to be respected or treated with love and kindness and rainbows and flowers and cotton candy......The reality is alot the guys are coming to the escort to abuse and be rough and maybe even mentally fuck with to feel powerful. Sometimes even........


               The fact you knew to get out and have anger towward your old johns makes sense.  
           It isnt for every one and I think about 70 percent of women if they been through or lived through half the things i have theyd be curled up in a ball rockin themselves back n forth in a psych ward some where unable to function........


    Every one escorts for different reasons but for the guys, we gotta realize, they aint all nice, they aint all here to be genrous polite gents like I mention I seek in the ads.  

                    But its the price you pay if you wanna be a rpovider. You cant expect them to be sweet kind genrous respectful. Thats not reality,  

of course thier are many that are in fact awsome clients and they make this job worth it, but i mean lets call a spade a spade, escorts will be subjected to a certain amount of verbal mental abuse from johns,  

If you cant take it then you do what you did and you fucking RUN! and get the fuck out.  

                 and if some are elite courtesians and all is eaches n cream all day long 24/7 and every john has 500 for them with gifts, well thats super, i havent seen it that way and that hasnt been my experience, either.  


one crazy thing was a guy swearing up n down he just got out shower last week, I am massagin him before we begin gfe, and all i smell is shitty dirty ass.  

guy is swearin he just got out shower. I put the guy on his belly and am like whoa! what in the fuck!

and the guy is saying i really want you to rim me.


                                That was an exampke of the random passive agressive like bs we deal with, Its like hard for me to belive you dont know your shit bum when you present yourself to me for an appt. but this is an example of the abuse we endure. god i could tell you stories.

I am like laid up partially. Godam gave up on tyin my dam shoe laces even startin bout 2 weeks ago, Cant reach em!

            I had offers, This one good lookin tattooed guy from my neighborhood bumped into me and offered his companionship to me {again we hooked up quite a few times by now!}

he also is single like me and he has kids so   maybe once i get my energy back i will take him up on the offer.

right now a have a TEENY window of oppurtunity to get things done each day so i have to seriously monitor what I soend that energy on.  

my goal for this week is to make it to the nail salon and the tan salon and take pics and post an an ad and try n do at least ONE easy appt.or 2, .................i gotta still try n get SOME rent into my landlord , no rest for the fuckin wicked. not in my life.

whores dont get maternity leave dammit, wish they did.

and just the guy to introduce you to her, with a song, of course:

maybe you should change your handle to the flowerboyofcullin  lol

Most women like intelligence...you don't ever exhibit that.

I guess the gals can pretend to be freaked out over some tattoos...but trust me, it's your lack of intelligence.

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
What do you do with a body covered in tats?  
 I don't get skulls, or deamons:..  
 Just feathers, and flowers.  
 They still are weirded out.  
 The women at the tatoo parlor think I'm a joke. Yet other women think I'm a maniac for allowing this type of pain..  
 Who should I date?  
 I need someone to tell me what to do

VOO-doo519 reads

You will automatically weed out all the superficial girls (unless, they're superficial in that they really love tats).

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
What do you do with a body covered in tats?  
 I don't get skulls, or deamons:..  
 Just feathers, and flowers.  
 They still are weirded out.  
 The women at the tatoo parlor think I'm a joke. Yet other women think I'm a maniac for allowing this type of pain..  
 Who should I date?  
 I need someone to tell me what to do

I don't have any tattoos. But I do have a big rash on my ass that flares up into an image of the Blessed Virgin from time to time! And believe me, THAT drives the ladies WILD!!!

Considerthis630 reads

-- Modified on 4/19/2015 6:22:49 AM

-- Modified on 4/19/2015 6:24:29 AM

-- Modified on 4/19/2015 6:29:28 AM

Then my post must have been reported, because it is now gone.

Never weirded me out I was drawn to it and found it very sexy. Or maybe it is the type of tribal wild heart spiritied folks that lean to getting such an ancient old traditional as adroning ones body with art work. It certainly is tribal, ancient, has been around for decades upon decades .

   Maybe its not so much the actual tats but the types of individuals that choose to express themselves in this way , its a certain kind of person, usually artist , free spirits, ect. Kindred spirits. It may not even be the ink that gets me the type of human soul that is drawn to getting inked up i am attracted too.  

    I dont know any women that dislike ink. Or havean issue with it. The only women i seen at tattoo parlors were tattoo artist themselves or married to thr owner the shop and also covered in ink themselves, I got ink done at fat roms in jp, paul booths last rites in ny, and I never seen people in these shops that judged folks for getting ink, In fact just the opposite mostly body art enthusiasts and painters and artist............I had a few friends in Boston that ran shops and quite a few tattoo artist friends, both males and females, never seen any one skof at some one with ink or too much ink for that matter.


              I am surprised people have an issue with it, I nevr have any one mention my ink.  

it is concealed most the time though since I only have ink on my back. So i suppose for some one with neck, arm leg tats it may be judged more often, I wear short sleeves and dont have my ink visable unless its like a night out event or the beach, For goin to say supermarket or any errands on a daily bassis i dont have or show my ink so i guess i am never subjected to that happeneing.  

I suppose i have to be honest i dont think I d want tats that are always visable as in arms legs neck. I guess i do like having the option to keep my ink hidden when out and about.

It is nice to know someone understands,
thank you for not throwing daggers at me.

You hit the nail on the head with visible tattoos.
Some people? It just makes them so angry.

I don't come from a place where big tattoos are okay.
So I'm taking a lot of heat for doing it.
It's nice to know there are people out there who are okay with it

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