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You beat me to it (your comment).
DT_lover 188 Reviews 600 reads

$4000 sorted out, a few hundred more in her hands, and a wad over a half inch think uncounted.  

Not bad for 4 days work.

I remember breaking over the $100/week mark when I was 21.

This isn't the first time I've seen or heard of something like that. Now I know the true meaning of "Cold Feet"..... I wonder, really how many guys leave their socks on and why?

What john would see a hooker while there was a photographer in the room?

Hpy, With a blush and a laugh I recall when I lost my virginity a very long time ago. I'm 82 now. During that fateful day, I was in such a hurry, I didn't take off my socks. About 5 strokes and3 minutes later, I left in a hurry with a big smile and the vivid memory of the event.

I don't know if this finding also applies to males, but warm feet do = more orgasims for females. At least the Dutch think so.

If your feet never touch the floor, you cannot get STDs.  

Also, if you wear black dress socks, you cannot get busted

Some people leave their socks on to hide the track marks between their toes.

cuppajoe673 reads

We'll she had her boots on!  In bed!  Apparently, her mother didn't teach her anything.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...of kinky mofo leaves his socks on?

For example she could deposit 5k a year and make no withdraw. Or play blackjack and only report the winnings. Laundering money Is easy also she has her mom house so she could get a safe there.

about  an escort who is NOT portrayed as a victim being FORCED to work as a sex worker, or in trouble with  the law/drugs, or conflicted about her profession?

i know there have been articles, books, movies that don't portray escorts this way but they're few and far between.  

An expose on me would be: here she is! She works a normal job, has friends, has family, and is about as well adjusted as the average person (dare I say more so). When she feels like paying an extra chunk of student loans or taking a nice trip, she sees gentleman callers and she likes it. GASP! She has never done drugs and gets drunk off 3 glasses of wine...She pays taxes!  

SHE is responsible for the moral decay of society.

/end scene.

Me: Blah blah blah

My mom replies: Dry, cynical, rye sense of humor, cracks SEVERAL jokes, and said she always had a stinking suspicion all along.....  laughing BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!


(Guess not every hooker is so lucky, eh? But.... we aren't all cry-babies  lol)



Edited for spell check :-P

-- Modified on 1/25/2015 12:12:28 PM

underage girls or drug trafficking pimps but we know society puts everyone in the same plle  

btw, if prostitution was legal, or at least escorting, how many providers(%) would come out of the closet so to speak?

Posted By: YourMysteryDate
An expose on me would be: here she is! She works a normal job, has friends, has family, and is about as well adjusted as the average person (dare I say more so). When she feels like paying an extra chunk of student loans or taking a nice trip, she sees gentleman callers and she likes it. GASP! She has never done drugs and gets drunk off 3 glasses of wine...She pays taxes!  
 SHE is responsible for the moral decay of society.  
 /end scene.

Incorrect, the law does not discriminate when people break the law. Whether "Baby" is a male pimp, or a female assistant. The law would be applied the same to either individual, this is known as equality.  

Posted By: earthshined
underage girls or drug trafficking pimps but we know society puts everyone in the same plle  
 btw, if prostitution was legal, or at least escorting, how many providers(%) would come out of the closet so to speak?  
Posted By: YourMysteryDate
An expose on me would be: here she is! She works a normal job, has friends, has family, and is about as well adjusted as the average person (dare I say more so). When she feels like paying an extra chunk of student loans or taking a nice trip, she sees gentleman callers and she likes it. GASP! She has never done drugs and gets drunk off 3 glasses of wine...She pays taxes!    
  SHE is responsible for the moral decay of society.  
  /end scene.

GaGambler700 reads

There will most likely be a stigma to this business forever, even if they ultimately repeal the laws making it a criminal offense.

For the record, I spend a LOT of time in countries where it is completely legal, and while some women are open about it with their families many still hide it. I think it will be a very long time before anything is done in this country to change the law. The first thing that needs to happen is for public opinion to change and until hookers and johns stand up to be counted, just like gays had to do to, there will be no groundswell of public support to do anything about it.

While I know a few escorts whose families know what they do, (some are totally supportive and some have been disowned) most keep it in the closet, and it is because the stigma, not the legality.

Stripping is perfectly legal in most areas, and I also know a lot of strippers who won't tell their families what they do. "Waitressing at Chili's" seemed to be a common job description they used though.

... and the majority of us accept this, along with the stigma that can be attached.

Posted By: GaGambler
There will most likely be a stigma to this business forever, even if they ultimately repeal the laws making it a criminal offense.

For the record, I spend a LOT of time in countries where it is completely legal, and while some women are open about it with their families many still hide it. I think it will be a very long time before anything is done in this country to change the law. The first thing that needs to happen is for public opinion to change and until hookers and johns stand up to be counted, just like gays had to do to, there will be no groundswell of public support to do anything about it.

"as well adjusted as the average person (dare I say more)."

Yes Norah, in your case, IMO you can certainly CAN dare to say "more."  :o)

You exude true class and a wonderful, warm self possession that is second to none.

Lucky to have had you contribute to my personal decay.  I always get a smile on my face when I think of the almost magical times I spent with you..

Sooo...YouWanna719 reads

It's just that when something like that is posted here, the lady is beat down for "lying".

The only thing I'm questioning is the veracity of this aricle. I do that any time a piece sounds like feminist mumbo jumbo. What's the message here... life is keeping this young woman down?

This entire outlook is written for people who want to sit around feeling sorry for themselves, pathetic.

Sooo...YouWanna642 reads

I am really starting to question the validity of some of your claims to be tricks. Someone would have to think you're smart enough to pay you enough along the way... Right?

You know what I think the point of this article is? "Oh, look. I am different". Part of the over sharing that permeates our society and nothing more. Though I am not surprised that our resident rape sympathizer has found another woman "pathetic".

I was trying to find some context to your response.  

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
You see them all the time. It's just that when something like that is posted here, the lady is beat down for "lying".
This article(if it's true) is written with the intent for the reader to sympathize with the young lady whom has made her own choices in life. Brilliant concept, give some one the ability to make their own choice. Then feel sorry for their ability to make a choice may not be in their best interest.

Sooo...YouWanna661 reads

And second of all, your blanket assessment (no basis in reality needed) still has nothing to do with what I said

I had to confirm my suspicion that it was nonsense. Sure, the events could of transpired. The people in the article have created their own reality, no one else has made their choices for them, they have.

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
And second of all, your blanket assessment (no basis in reality needed) still has nothing to do with what I said.  

Sooo...YouWanna566 reads

If you want to be one of those people who thinks a woman is stupid no matter what, then I guess that's your business. But don't make it mine by spouting it on a comment I made saying that this exact situation happens every time a woman comes on here and asserts that she is NOT a victim and is doing just fine

they are predictably biased towards the young females "trapped " in the business.

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
It's just that when something like that is posted here, the lady is beat down for "lying".

Sooo...YouWanna634 reads

Or would it be a waste of time? Serious question, lol, given what the boards seem to be working with the last few days.

She has a multicultural doll collection.  

The photos featured in this article are comical. The article itself(I didn't read it) is fake.

GaGambler512 reads

We have Pimples, Mtdew, Fungus et al on our side.

Which side has the heaviest cross to bear??? lol

Every once in a while I find myself on the same side of an argument with JCA/Pimples, which makes me seriously reconsider my position on the issue.

Sooo...YouWanna546 reads

I only pity out of love for the few, not the hate of many!

GaGambler648 reads

So why all the accusations of "woman hater" when it's plain for anyone to see that I do a lot more bashing of male idiots than the female variety?

I mean it's not like I cut female idiots any slack either, but haven't you ladies been fighting for equal rights for all these years? You have to take the good with the bad if you expect to be treated equally.

Sooo...YouWanna773 reads

Even I am not going to psycho-analyze some of these fuckers. It would take all freaking day.  

That being said, I think we all know what's out there...

Now...where do I collect my winnings?

And if you tell me I have to go to Vegas and save Nick...not going to happen!  Had he done it the way it was prescribed he wouldn't be hanging upside down now...would he?

Posted By: GaGambler
So why all the accusations of "woman hater" when it's plain for anyone to see that I do a lot more bashing of male idiots than the female variety?

I mean it's not like I cut female idiots any slack either, but haven't you ladies been fighting for equal rights for all these years? You have to take the good with the bad if you expect to be treated equally.

She's got about $4 grand on that bed and in her hands. I'd say that's not bad for 4 days work at age 21.

I don't think I made that in a month, before taxes , when I was 21

$4000 sorted out, a few hundred more in her hands, and a wad over a half inch think uncounted.  

Not bad for 4 days work.

I remember breaking over the $100/week mark when I was 21.

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