TER General Board

You are only a freak...regular_smile
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3969 reads

in a world that isn't ready for your amazing enlightenment, my dear S.

bisexualguy6790 reads

Question for the female providers-

How would you feel if one of your very masculine hobbyist clients occasionally (say once or twice every few months) enjoys
playing for the other team, meaning safe encounters with other horny hard masculine men, including oral sex and receiving covered greek?

Responses may include-

don't care
makes me wet :)
& can i watch, please?

1.  Don't limit the responses.  Others might range from "Can I join in?" to "Ewwww!".  All are valid.

2. Kudos to you for raising the topic.  It has been raised before, but as sensitive as most men (and some women) are about the topic, it is always nice to see the envelope pushed on here.  It is astounding to see the gap between how people perceive female bisexuality and male bisexulity.

CelticLass3380 reads

the 15 year is at his computer again with nothing to do. Fear not MSD, someone will hobble his winkie one of these days and he won't have the energy to pester everyone....

Doctor Gonzo7884 reads

Never did understand why some people are so fucking uptight about sexuality.
It's all that stupid sexual repression exemplified by RELIGION as practiced by Bible thumping social deviates.
Back in the days when Fear and Loathing referred to the dumbshits running the Nixon White House we had to deal with a bunch of you closet gaybashers running around the Watergate complex. And not a damned glass of chivas in sight!
Get the fuck off your stupid ass high horse and get in touch with your own femininininininttitty.

But there will always be blind-ass mutherfucking homophobic fudge eaters like you willing to foist their stupidity on the rest of us.

WTF is a twit like you doing on a socially uninhibited place like this anyway? Shouldn't you be washing Karl Rove's socks or something?

And to the original poster, I'd bet you a Ralph Steadman original painting of lizards and sagebrush you can find a number of top drawer ladies more than willing, able, and aroused by the notion. I give you the benefit of the doubt about safety. It's just that in this male-dominated (due to religious influence) society, its taking far longer for male bisexuality to be accepted by the mainstream as female bisexuality. One of these days, the 90% of the world that is too wrapped up in their own uptight repressed minds will implode, and we will finally get back to where we used to be. In a world where the PLEASURES of sexuality, are enjoyed, not endured.

Where's my drink?

 Hey Doc:
I hear what you're saying, and I agree! That being said, I detect more than a modicum of hostility in your post. Do you have other issues? I'm an agnostic and have never considered myself a "Bible thumping social diviate." I am not a gay basher, and much prefer Johnnie Walker Black to Chivas which is piss water as far as I'm concerned.

 That being said, I am not stupid, or on a high horse, and I have been told by many woman that I am one of the most sensitive men they have ever met, re: my feminine side.

 This is an open forum where everyone can express their views. Granted, there are some posts which may appear to be homophobic, but, you should not appoint yourself as a PC policeman.

 And what's with the profanity? We all use it as a noun or adjective, but you seem totally bent out of shape here.

 You may be right in assuming that some ladies would get off watching one man sucking another man's cock, but there again, that's your opinion. Perhaps some of the ladies would like to weigh in on this?

 As to your perception that the male dominated society is surpressing the acceptance of male bisexuality due to religious influence, I ain't buying it. I just believe that a majority of heterosexuals have a difficult time understanding the concept of alternate life styles. As a society, we are not all acceptive of sexual pratices that we find personally repugnant.

 To each his own. Lighten Up!

Doctor Gonzo2325 reads

I suppose the totally satirical effort didn't quite come come out that way for some.

No offenses were meant. I was a big fan of the late great Hunter S. Thompson.

Jack Daniels puts em all to shame anyway. Specially the 1904.

    Oops, I hit enter!

 I expected it was something like that! You are way too good of a member to go on a rant like that. I understand the explanation that your post was a posthumous memorial to the late great HST. He would have been proud of it.

 And, by the way, I apologize for denigrating your choice of poison. Chivas is good whisky and Jack Daniels and I have spent many a night together. Never had the 1904 vintage, but it's the best sour mash going. In a pinch, Dickel's ain't bad! Have a great Sunday!

It was a bit over the top considering the sensitivity of the topics and the fact that (unfortunately) many people may not know the great HST legacy.


PS - I am one of those freaks who loves watching a man play with another man.  There is a lot to be learned.

in a world that isn't ready for your amazing enlightenment, my dear S.

Doctor Gonzo3042 reads

Never did understand why some people are so fucking uptight about sexuality.
It's all that stupid sexual repression exemplified by RELIGION as practiced by Bible thumping social deviates.
Back in the days when Fear and Loathing referred to the dumbshits running the Nixon White House we had to deal with a bunch of you closet gaybashers running around the Watergate complex. And not a damned glass of chivas in sight!
Get the fuck off your stupid ass high horse and get in touch with your own femininininininttitty.

There will always be blind-ass mutherfucking homophobic fudge eaters like you willing to push their stupidity on the rest of us. WTF is a twit like you doing on a socially uninhibited place like this anyway? Shouldn't you be washing Karl Rove's socks or something? Better yet, how bout you go put an apple in your mouth and lay on a bed of rice, I'll have you served up at the next KKK meeting. With sweet pussy pie for dessert.

And to the original poster, I'd bet you a Ralph Steadman original painting of lizards and sagebrush you can find a number of top drawer ladies more than willing, able, and aroused by the notion. I give you the benefit of the doubt about safety. It's just that in this male-dominated (due to religious influence) society, its taking far longer for male bisexuality to be accepted by the mainstream as female bisexuality. One of these days, the 90% of the world that is too wrapped up in their own uptight repressed minds will implode, and we will finally get back to where we used to be. In a world where the PLEASURES of sexuality, are enjoyed, not endured.

Where's my drink?

LesbiHonest4674 reads

Really now? Do you trust that two guys together are going to be SAFE? I don't. So, without making any slurs, whatever freaky things you like to do with whomever, just be safe, ladies.

Lex Luethor3528 reads

I had "ewwwww" typed in and was about to post...and then... the unthinkable! I was gripped by an attack of restraint! Egads! What is happening to me?!

Thank goodness your use of "ewwww" brought me back to my senses.

Dr. Zachary Smith3677 reads

You are nothing but a Mealy-Mouthed Rogue and a Meandering Mental Midget.

You should have used mendacious in place of rogue to complete the theme. Oh, and what poster were you referring to. I'm a mental midget, so sometimes I lose the thread!

Dr. Zachary Smith2407 reads

the Nattering Neanderthal Ninny...now where did young William get off to?

The commander will kill me if I lost that sweet dear boy.

He probably wandered off with that Tin-Plated Tintinnabulation of a robot!  Oh dear...oh dear!!!

-- Modified on 2/26/2005 8:36:37 PM

 We all suffer small mental lapses from time to time before our rational thought processes prevail. It is difficult for those of us who are totally enamored of pussy to contemplate the fact that some hobbyists may be bisexual. "Ewwww" may have been my first response as well, but I'm a firm believer in "Whatever floats your boat!" It's just hard for us to identify with men who are BI. It was informative to learn that you suffer from occasional periods of restraint. You must have inherited that trait from your father. I usually just go full speed ahead and make an asshole out of myself, viv-a-vis my opinions! Lol.

However as a man I will remain content being
       "hopelessly heterosexual"

Good to see you posting.
Hope all is well.


"happily heterosexual and closet lesbo"

SweetTina4204 reads

It's a turn off to me. I wish not to see bisexual men. I can't be 100% sure of who is and who isn't but that's why I take extra precaution.


Closet lesbo but upfront Hetero

The less walls one has hindering our fun, the better!


providerXXX3314 reads

Here's my $0.02:

If you were a NEW client asking for a threesome session with you and a male friend, yes, I could participate and enjoy helping you have fun with your buddy. It would be a pure sexual session with no emotional involvement, similar to if you asked me to dress up as a teacher and do role-playing.

However, if you were an established client who I thought was straight, and you mentioned you are bisexual, then I would feel very uncomfortable.

In fact, I may or may not choose to see you any more as a client. It's hard to explain, but it would be weird wondering, as you were f**king me, if you were thinking about another guy (when before I'd assume you'd be thinking of me or another girl). Actually, on second thought, I believe I could still see you as a client, but I wouldn't feel as close emotionally to you (but then maybe that isn't important to you?).

On the civilian side, if I had any hint that a boyfriend of mine was leaning toward the bisexual side, I'd break up with him.

Now female bisexuality--a whole other ball game. That is erotic and hot. Been there, done that--really fun. :)

A well reviewed provider in LV specifically asks those that partake in this activity to not schedule with her.  It was recently discussed on the LV board...actually, beaten to death is probably a better description.

While your views are pretty much what I described in my point #2 and I still think the dichotomy of viewpoints dependent on gender is strange (to me, at least...from a psychological viewpoint), you expressed your views clearly and maturely and answered the guys question well.  Bravo.

It is interesting how different people's views on this are, which was perfectly show by your use of the word "hot" in this post when contrated to Ciara's use of "hot" in her post.  

Peace to all.

When I was a teen.. (AGGGGGGGGGGGGGES AGO! ) LOL... there was a book I read..For the life me I've no clue what the name was, nor, the author or the person that made this very poignant quote:

" If people love, instead of hate, what is the difference in who we love ? " - No freakin clue

Maybe a book enthusiast would know..

I suppose I could google it, But im too lazy today !

We all have our own preferences, likings, turn ons. While on my site, I reveal the REAL ME, but only in a personable sense. If I revealed the real me in a sexual sense, I'd live in never never land,sipping diet colas at my poolside while owning half of never never land :)

Do to quite a few people in "civvi" land knowing of my extra curricular activities, I don't want them to know how sinful I really am. Ha. Imagine that.. As if they don't already judge me anyhow. LOL. ah.. A good topic for a thread I guess.

RubTheClitty4MeBaby4513 reads

the thought of a man being with another man turns me off completely.  I would want to know upfront if a client is bi and has been seeing non-naturally born females. No offense to any other communities out there but that is how I feel. FYI, I do believe in gay/lesbian rights and some of my very good friends are gay. But, it doesn't mean I want to be right there in my very bed when they are making out.

I actually don't like females but love men so I have no problem w/ male bisexuality

I grew up worshipping david bowie

bisexualguy3348 reads

Oh I'd definitely be thinking about you.
I am 90percent straight, 10percent bi.
I see way more girls than guys, even
though girls cost, and the occasional guy
is free.  And I always play safe.

RubTheClitty4MeBaby4008 reads

is that you are either straight or bi. But I would need to know upfront as a provider (and if someone I was considering dating) what orientations a person has. I always want to be in control of my own destiny and whom I may spend it with.

john90213351 reads

I'm sorry if you're getting it on with another guy at all, your gay, 90/10, forget about it. Not that there's anything wrong with that if that's you. I personally don't understand your situation one bit but I have noticed that quite a few guy's here who see women provider's also dabble in the TS arena also. What's up with that? What do you look for in a woman? What do you look for in a man? One day your looking for that sexy redhead (Ciarra) with the nice breast, delicious leg's, etc. Then the next your looking for that construction worker looking guy with the stubbled beard and the hairy ass. Talk about variety,LOL.

I play with, honor, and worship other ladies sometimes. At a party last night, a client last week, my girlfriend now and then.  I play with, honor, and worship men often.  One cient three days per week,  three personal lovers.  The party last night.  My girlfriends fiance now and the.  

I LOVE men.  I LOVE women.  I LOVE regardless of gender.

By your logic I must be a lesbian.
I never knew.

Oh, yes... variety is quite nice.

john90213230 reads

I would say so if your playing with women also. Like I said not that there is anything wrong with that, whatever float's your boat. Does your girl friend know your playing with her fiance? If she does that's the kind of girl I need.

Someday maybe you will get over the need to label sexuality.  Maybe.  We do what we do, we like what we like.  Me = bisexual, even then and even still I seem to only date men.  (shrug)

Yes, my girlfriend actually picked me up from an on-line swingers site as a birthday present for her fiance.  She is one hell of a gal!

john90214230 reads

STOP! I'm just messing with ya. Whatever someone like's, or does, as long as it isn't hurting anyone else, I personally could care less, enjoy, enjoy. Your girlfriend's fiance sound's like one lucky SOB. Wish I had that kind of luck.

When you are with another female, why aren't you worried about her thinking of other women (or men), but you are concerned over who a bisexual guy will be thinking of ?

This makes no sense to me.  Why the double standard ?

I simply worry about how responsible folks are. As for bi-sexuals, I worry specifically about recent trends in the gay community of these combined crystalmeth/sex parties (presumably unprotected) - see recent headlines about NYC HIV case.

I can't tell from the reviews who is bi or not, but I definitely avoid providers with reviewers who have posted seeing TS's (I find that shit disturbing)...

The TS stuff is just weird.

  This is a good question. Unfortunately I can't offer you much of an insightful explanation. Woman look at things differently. While you and I might really enjoy watching two woman go down on each other, most woman don't seem to feel the same way about the reverse scenario. It's a conundrum to me also. Although I am totally heterosexual, I think that woman, being the creatures that they are, are less threatened by a man who may desire two woman at once, than a bisexual man and a woman combination. My last significant other who was seveteen years younger than me, gave me many indications that she was bisexual. Unfortunately, I chose to ignore them. Now, I am kicking myself in the ass, because I realized that she had several hot girl friends that she was doing. If I had been a little more perspicacious, I would have told her that I knew she liked woman, and that it was O.K. with me. I'm sure that if I had suggested that she bring her girl friend over for a threesome, she would have been thrilled. She was very liberated sexually. What an asshole I was, and what a lost opportunity! Live and learn. Hindsight is always 20/20. I've had threesomes before, but I know with her, it would have been the MAX! We were so sexually compatible, and a second woman would have just heightened the experience for both of us. Cie La Vie!

 As to your original question, "Horses For Courses." If you are ever with a total sexual being like NetMichelle, all bets are off. She is up for anything, and doesn't much care about who participates as long as it's fun for her. She loves men and woman equally, and, from what I can ascertain,threesomes are high on her list. Just my 2 cents!


Very HOT, very wet, can I watch??  And help!!!

In the past we have had a number of similar questions asked on the boards or in the chat rooms although I can’t recall specifically one about a bisexual male hobbyist.  

On the discussion boards we have had a number of threads over time that have brought forward the following insights.  

We have some male hobbyists who do not want to see any lady who has been reviewed by a client who has also seen a TS.  

We have some providers who don’t wish to see any client that has seen a TS.

We have some hobbyists that do not wish to see any ladies that they regard as being high volume.  

We have some providers who do not wish to see any clients that have seen any ladies that the providers thinks are high volume ladies.

Of course the definition of high volume varies greatly from person to person.

We have some ladies that do not wish to have black men as clients.

We have some ladies that do not wish to have white men as clients.

We have some men that do not wish to see black ladies.

We have some men who do not wish to see white ladies.

In the chat room we have had the following insights brought forward in various conversations.

Several men do not wish to see any ladies who have seen Hobbyist A whom they regard as a jackass because among his many crimes he allegedly enters the chat rooms under an alias and makes derogatory comments about the ladies.  

Several men do not wish to see either of the ladies that gave a freebie to Hobbyist B who often posts on the discussion boards using a group of family aliases that includes a father and a grandfather.  I am not sure what that is all about but it might have something to do with all of the high volume $100 apartment ladies that he sees or they consider him to be a jackass also.

The list above could be much longer for both the discussion board and the chat room.  

There are actually just two points to this rant.

If you expected that the opinions of the TER community would be significantly different (either more conservative or more liberal) than the general American adult population regarding your question then you are mistaken.

Whether you agree or disagree with the opinions of any of the people who made the above statements or the opinions voiced in response to your question it is unlikely that you will be able to change anyone’s opinion.  In fact trying to change somebody’s opinion on any of these matters is likely to be similar to trying to teach a pig to fly.  You will get frustrated and the pig will get pissed off.

Stumpy, my TER brother, just you think things would not get more complicated. I agree with you. I'm jumping into this mess because it's more fun to piss some people off verbally without worrying physical confrontation. Additionally, I reject all styles of physical confrontation. Different strokes for different folks. That's the way we live. Sometime we can have a intellectual debate in this fashion as long as we hold respect for freedom of speech. But there are always downside with anything we do, including freedom of speech.

aboutface3470 reads

and so are prostitutes and johns and anyone who has had sex with more than one person in their lives......  

  As a bisexual woman, this thread gets me very hot and bothered in a very good way, and in a very not good way.  First I would like to respond to the replies to this post and then address the original question.

  Bisexuality does exist; there are many people that are living proof, myself included. It is not a transition, we are not confused and we are not sluts (well, some of us are, but not because we are bi).  Why is there a "gay stigma" associated with bisexuality?  This is exactly why it is so hard for bisexuals, shunned by the heterosexual community as gay because we like the same sex, and shunned by the gay community because we have the heterosexual "priviledge" and (for us chicks) are still oppressed by the patriarchy because we like to be penetrated. (I'm not sure how bi men are shunned by gay community, please enlighten)  
  You don't ask straight clients about their sexual history, why is it different with bisexuals?  Isn't it fair to assume that anyone in the hobby has had a lot of partners, and has been exposed to various diseases at one point or another?  We don't ask guys if they have ever done bare back with anyone and if they ask about it, chances are they have already done it with someone else, no matter what they tell you.  Do you end the session right when they ask you that?  Basically, orientation has very little to do with people's sexual health responsibility.  If anything for homosexual behavior, it is the repression of a sexual orientation that leads them to unfavorable sexual conditions that they are unable to practice safer sex.  But I know a lot of heterosexuals who fit that discription due to lack of education.  And AIDS is not the "gay disease".
  I do not understand the double standard of fantasizing about opposite sex.  I thought most people feel more threatened when the person they are with fantasizes about a person of the same sex as they are, because they feel they don't measure up, where as if they fantasize about a person of the opposite sex as them, they just don't have the equipment, it's not in the same league.  Why are people obsessed with their partner leaving them for a person of the opposite sex that they are?  That fear exists in both heterosexual and homosexual communities.  But how on earth does it apply to the hobby?  It's not like we give each other any commitment by spending time with them.  Why does it matter if they are satisfied by a guy in between the times we see them?
  Something that is "disturbing" is threatening to your self, or something you just don't understand.  Some would say that paying for a woman's "time" is weird, but for us it's perfectly normal.  In every marginalized group it seems that someone has to be TOO weird for even them.  I guess the TS community is the hobby's black sheep.  Gotta have someone to look down on...
  While I really appreciate people putting the homophobic posters in "their place," as the satirical post points out, we most likely won't change people's minds, and I feel we certainly won't do it by being inflamatory back to a flamatory post.  The only possible chance we have is to educate people and hope that their more informed opinion will be one of tolerance.

  Ok, now finally to the FUN part!
I absolutely find the thought, picture, movie or in-person bodies of two men going at each other incredibly stimulating, and yes, it gets me very wet.  I would be very excited if another guy asked to bring his boy toy along with him.  Personally, I would ask if I could meet the one guy first, because being with two guys is physical-safety wise a little scarey, and I would want to make sure that he was nice guy.
  What I wonder, bisexualguy, is why you felt the need to emphasize that you and the guys you see are very masculine.  I guess, if you didn't specify that, the response on this board may have been even worse, because oh my god *gasp* how awful it is to go at it with a flaming effeminate homo!!  

bisexualguy2874 reads

Aboutface, I specified masculine because that is descriptive of me, and the kind of top men that I prefer to see every once in
a while.  I was interested in the response of providers to someone like myself.  I really don't care one way or the other about the responses (positive or negative) of the male hobbyists, the question wasn't directed to them.  I wouldn't be having with them in any case, as top or bottom.

Also, what area are you in aboutface?  Do have a web site or any reviews?

Thanks for your kind response.

and thank you for the grins through out your post, such as the "hot and bothered" but expecially "and we are not sluts (well, some of us are, but not because we are bi)"

I can't think of a single point you made where I don't want to say: ditto, ditto, ditto.  Thank you!

"The only possible chance we have is to educate people and hope that their more informed opinion will be one of tolerance."

Unfortunately these boards are not education focused.  A broad spectrum of beliefs are on here and we don't all come here for our education.  It is a shame to see how the "sex positive" communities cannot agree to equal rights for others... this happens between gay and bi, swingers and poly, BDSM and kink, and on and on and on.  How can the sex positive culture fluroush if they can't support one another?  Strengthen and educate... whith such a complex and sensitive subject... so many legal, social, cultural and religeous aspects...
At least this reaches all those who read it, now how to get your words to the rest of society LOL?!?

"Ok, now finally to the FUN part!"
Agreed again.  As to personal safety I prefer to work MFM as a duo with a gentleman I already know well.  It is a bit intimidating to consider playing privately with TWO unknown gents.  Physical safety, can't guarantee it with one friend, I fear that the odds are even worse with two.  Sad but true.

Personally I have nothing against it. Everyone has their little turn ons weither it be another man or a woman. I know I enjoy seeing a woman from time to time not just a man.
Me personally I could sit back and watch.. I see videos of that from time to time and it can be a turn on.. Dont ask why it just is..lol

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