TER General Board

You are an idiot!
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 736 reads

That pretty much sums it up.


So I was at B&N today and I saw an interesting book.  

The Marshmallow Test.  Picked it up, started reading and was hooked so I bought it.  Your welcome B&N:)

This book sums up 99% of Providers PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Here is the test:

In these studies, a child was offered a choice between one small reward provided immediately or two small rewards if they waited for a short period, approximately 15 minutes, during which the tester left the room and then returned. (The reward was sometimes a marshmallow, but often a cookie or a pretzel.) In follow-up studies, the researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the preferred rewards tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores, educational attainment,body mass index (BMI), and other life measures.

I posit that 90% of Providers would fail the test:(

I mean let's be serious Providers are all about instant gratification.  How can they not be?  Mind you I am not complain' because RT would not exist if Providers were able to pass the test.  

So I hope all you Providers get an F. (preferably and F-)

I simply put this out there so that you Providers may better understand yourselves.  Hey look I am helper.

Interesting note about the original Marshmallow test back in the 70's at Stanford:

In over 600 children who took part in the experiment, a minority ate the marshmallow IMMEDIATELY.  

This sums up Providers to a T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1  

Discuss amongst yourselves.


P.S.  As a professional NERD I would love to conduct a study that compares the ACT/SAT scores of Providers and Non-Providers.  Damn, that would be a great academic study.

Senator.Blutarsky1023 reads

Would you jump on this now... or wait if you could have two later?  

Oh... I think your premise about the gals is a little flawed... But then you knew that and are just instigating trouble.

How about explaining why you are so certain that providers are all about instant gratification?  Where did that come from?

fuck her. Oh, that's right! Because of the Ebola scare, ridge ain't fucking his wife. Why?  I guess she must have been fucking the late Mr. Duncan.

You are apparently new here (although your gameless and naive posts remind me very much of a former member).  So what you are ignorant of is that ridge (or maybe it was Udo, another troll, I am too lazy to check) wrote about wanting to dress a hooker up in his wife's wedding dress and fuck her.  I was playing off that, as anyone but a noob would have known.
Look, dumbass, I've noticed your clueless posting on this and other boards here.  You're getting into fights with all kinds of people, acting as if you know shit that you actually don't. So a word to the un-wise. Take a few steps back and lurk for a while and see if you can figure things out before you make a fool of yourself again.
You're welcome.
PS: I'm not the only one to have referred to RT's "wedding dress fetish," 'tard.

-- modifiedOn 10/26/2014 10:15:58 AM

-- modifiedOn 10/26/2014 10:16:34 AM

GaGambler865 reads

Do you need any more clues bigdumbass?

Come on, fess up. You are just fucking with us and trying to make a late run for SPOTY, right? No one can be as dumb as you act, it has to be a put on, isn't it?

bigguy30851 reads

If you post comments on here and make a fool of yourself.
Then you will get the same responses!
Also I have been on this site for a while now, so get over it.

Your posts are so ponderously stupid and your come-backs are so lame I assumed you were a clueless noob. My sincere apologies.

GaGambler560 reads

Have you seen his moronic posts on P&R?  I think he was sent here by DA so neither one of our picks for SPOTY will win. He is giving Fungy a serious run for his, well actually "my" money over there. He is even stealing some of Fungy's material, can you imagine anyone dumb enough to do that?

Oh, for the record, and for anyone else with an IQ above room temperature, you are right about RT, but of course YOU already knew that, didn't you? lmao

bigguy30716 reads

GaGambler if you want to kiss inicky46 ass, so bad.  
Just go get yourself a room, so the both of you can be alone.
If not shut up and mind your business!
The so called joke was not funny.
I know it's hard for someone like you to understand.
Since your head is so far up his ass.

GaGambler743 reads

You are just here for the SPOTY competition, aren't you?

Did DA put you up to this to ruin for both of us? I knew I couldn't trust that slant eyed fucker. lmao

It's "ON" now! all of the hidden dragons are going to wake up now.. crouching tigers too.

Panthera12608 reads

There is always a replacement for stupid. One goes, another comes.

And you still haven't figured out how to put an EOM at the end of your subject line, have you, bigdouche? The board thanks you for wasting everyone's time

You're an alias with no reviews.  And no testosterone.  And no game.  Have you ever been with hooker?  Hell, it's clear you're a 17-year-old kid on his mom's iPad.  Boy, when she finds out what you've been doing there'll be no Ding Dongs in your lunchbox.

And, as a fellow Liberal, I have a huge problem with them.  Even though I agree with much of what the new tool says, the way he handles himself there is just as pathetic as his miserable efforts on this thread.  And I really, really hate it when my views are so badly represented.
Where's Laffy when you need him! LOL!
PS: I absolutely refuse to descend into the P&R cesspool any more, so I'll just have to accept bigdummy's lame posts there.  Just one more reason to not even lurk there.

GaGambler749 reads

It's not my fault that all the biggest morons, idiots and just plain BSC posters on that board happen to be from your side of the aisle. Well with the notable exception of Pimples/JCA of course, but on your side you have BirdBrain, Fungus, TrannyBoy, FatBoy, this new dumbass and the list goes on and on.

As a sometimes sensible guy, have you ever considered switching to the side that doesn't have quite so many SPOTY candidates? lmao

At the moment I can dredge up Needledick and follow me (who I like in certain respects, but politically is dumb as a post).  I just don't want to waste my remaining brain cells recalling the handles of so many idiots on a board I no longer post on.
But bigclown is both stupid and has no game at all.  As you'll see above, I have now determined he's TSTTT, so I will not respond to his lame retort below.
Just as annoying, he's too dumb to put an EOM at the end of a subject line when there's no message below it. What a 'Tard.
PS: I'll bet he doesn't even know what TSTTT means and thinks it's just the sound of air being let out of a tire. ROFLMAO!

-- modifiedOn 10/26/2014 1:23:38 PM

GaGambler692 reads

and feel like pulling the wings off of flies. That's about all the entertainment he can provide, but I will admit he is making a strong, albeit late, run at SPOTY.

Just because you need to wear one, doesn't necessarily mean you can't get your ass kicked in a level four bio-suite.

Being told by this guy that I'm not very bright.  And I'm pretty sure he's smarter than you

But you really should cut down on the carbs

bigguy30567 reads

You all want to act like this is your site and it's not!  
I will keep posting comments, even when you and your male girlfriends want to attack me.
So you do what you want, I don't give a fuck.
I will keep making my comments and if you don't like it too bad.
The providers on here, have more heart than you male bitches.
They don't need people defending them, like you so call males.
Just go find a provider and have some fun with her, if you can rememer that you clowns are supposed to be men!

you are a weak-assed, mentally-challenged, pussy-assed, douche-canoe. Not to mention a virgin. It was really, really mean of me to abuse a mentally-challenged, teen-ager who's never been inside a real vagina.  I apologize for attacking someone so defenseless and useless.  Please stop posting here.  I am seriously afraid you may harm yourself.

-- Modified on 10/26/2014 11:10:05 PM

bigguy30660 reads

You cannot handle it and I am into woman, not men.
I see you need your boy friends to kiss it, to make you feel good about yourself.  
Then you try and act like a tough guy? Lol
Also don't worry I will be around on this site for a while,.  
So you will see plenty of comments by me.
You and your boyfriends cannot intimidate me

there are lots of sticks here that need a piñata like you

Panthera12649 reads

on the P&R board? I thought all his moronic posts were just here and didn't think he could out dumb himself.

His basic points were valid but they were poorly written and not backed up with any facts.  Then he replied to almost everyone who commented but I declined to read any of them.

Sooo...YouWanna847 reads

I am so glad that my clients are real men.  

And it's hardly instant gratification. The poor girls have to wait at least 15 minutes before grabbing your money and taking a bleach bath.

Good for you.

I see on your site that you prefer the clueless dudes that you see to leave their money in an old sock.

That is priceless  ;)

Maybe soon you'll be able to afford a dresser?

Posted By: Sooo...YouWanna
I am so glad that my clients are real men.  
 And it's hardly instant gratification. The poor girls have to wait at least 15 minutes before grabbing your money and taking a bleach bath.

JackDunphy736 reads

This hooker must have the biggest feet in the world.

And you came on here and projected your intellectual inferiority on to providers. It's a pattern, I've noticed. From nerd to nerd, stop being so transparent (hint: wedding dress fetish). Or you can divorce your wife and find someone dumber than you? Lots of options, but first, work on better material and ways to channel your frustrations. Peace.

I'm confused....how do you figure that providers are all about instant gratification? I'm pretty sure as a child, I would have passed that test with flying colors.....I was the child who would get a peppermint patty for desert and take tiny bites from it all night to make it last, while my brother would eat his in three bites...I was the child who walked dogs for 0.50 per dog per 30 min, saving up enough in three months to purchase my own gerbil, cage, food, etc....nope, was never about instant gratification...always worked for what I wanted, and know that patience is a virtue that will carry one far in life.  

SAT scores were okay (although ACT scores were very high), about to earn my Bachelor's this Spring with a 3.77 GPA (and continue onto my Masters), my BMI is 18.5.....well, you get the point.  

I think those who may have failed that particular test, or who seek instant gratification, cannot be grouped into a box, and it is dependent on an individuals personality. There are plenty of people who are not providers who have the same complex....think about all the gents who show up to an appointment and the lady who answers the door is not the one he saw in the picture...but he still stays (aka, instant gratification, instead of waiting until later or a different day to find someone who is a real portrayal of their pictures:)  

Posted By: Ridgetucky
So I was at B&N today and I saw an interesting book.    
 The Marshmallow Test.  Picked it up, started reading and was hooked so I bought it.  Your welcome B&N:)  
 This book sums up 99% of Providers PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!1  
 Here is the test:  
 In these studies, a child was offered a choice between one small reward provided immediately or two small rewards if they waited for a short period, approximately 15 minutes, during which the tester left the room and then returned. (The reward was sometimes a marshmallow, but often a cookie or a pretzel.) In follow-up studies, the researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the preferred rewards tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores, educational attainment,body mass index (BMI), and other life measures.  
 I posit that 90% of Providers would fail the test:(  
 I mean let's be serious Providers are all about instant gratification.  How can they not be?  Mind you I am not complain' because RT would not exist if Providers were able to pass the test.    
 So I hope all you Providers get an F. (preferably and F-)  
 I simply put this out there so that you Providers may better understand yourselves.  Hey look I am helper.  
 Interesting note about the original Marshmallow test back in the 70's at Stanford:  
 In over 600 children who took part in the experiment, a minority ate the marshmallow IMMEDIATELY.  
 This sums up Providers to a T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1    
 Discuss amongst yourselves.  
 P.S.  As a professional NERD I would love to conduct a study that compares the ACT/SAT scores of Providers and Non-Providers.  Damn, that would be a great academic study.

JackDunphy723 reads

They are about instant payment.  

And, btw, I think the marshmallow represents the johns ball sack. With that as a given, the smarter hooker would wait the extra 15 minutes.

I mean really Ridge, would you dive right into the dudes package if you were a broad? The younger dopey, art school types don't give a fk. They are up for anything, anytime. Up the shitter? No problem. Standing, upside down 69 with video rolling? Hell yeah.

But these older, smarter girls in the biz are different. They need anal prep time (preferably measured in days, not hours) and need to be fed every 3 to 4 hours. And their "Pamper Me" page? It gets updated weekly.  

So it depends what group of hooker you want to compare to the general population with the SAT scores. Art school types? Forget about it. They need to take their shirt off to count to two.

But these older, wiser, hookers (with the exception of the gals who stalk the NB) would kick the masses ass on those type tests.

-- Modified on 10/26/2014 1:07:20 AM

Posted By: Ridgetucky

 I posit that 90% of Providers would fail the test:(  
That doesn't make any sense to me.  Providers do a ton of up-front work before meeting anyone, from arranging incalls, finding clothing, makeup, etc.... they advertise, and work out all the time so as to look good for their amorous visitors.

Very little of that would be done by someone who fails the marshmallow test.  Possibly providers on the very bottom rung would fail, but none of the ones I have ever seen... they were very practical and knew how to maximize long-term reward.

Now clients calling for last minute appointments for providers they know little about, they are probably failing the marshmallow test, because they are looking for gratification now instead of planning out a much better experience later.

Ridgeschmucky sees Backpage skanks, not the women of TER.  So of course his ho's fail the marshmallow test.  Then he comes here to complain about it, only proving what a dummy he is.

-- modifiedOn 10/26/2014 11:18:55 AM

This is a stupid test and a stupid book directed solely at stupid people.

BMI and intelligence!

Stephen Hawkins comes to mind. If this is not enough, take look at all accomplished scientists and their BMI.

GaGambler815 reads

I bet he had you in mind when thinking about stupid people, well you and our new friend bigdumbass.

You better step up your game Fungy, you've got some serious new competition for SPOTY. It's not just a two moron race anymore. So please say something stupid for the nice people here. I know you've got it in you. lmao

"Stephen Hawkins?" You really are a moron.  

Posted By: anonymousfun
This is a stupid test and a stupid book directed solely at stupid people.  
 BMI and intelligence!  
 Stephen Hawkins comes to mind. If this is not enough, take look at all accomplished scientists and their BMI.

Stephen Hawking no "s."

Posted By: anonymousfun
This is a stupid test and a stupid book directed solely at stupid people.  
 BMI and intelligence!  
 Stephen Hawkins comes to mind. If this is not enough, take look at all accomplished scientists and their BMI.

I mean, when you crap on someone by citing someone brilliant and can't even spell his name right, you have reached official brain donor status

I know from personal experience it takes months to get my business restarted every time I go into retirement or on an exclusive arrangement and take down my website.  So putting up a website and reintroducing myself to the boards only to sit around a month or two to wait for my first client wouldn't be instant gratification to me.  Just saying.  

Posted By: Ridgetucky
So I was at B&N today and I saw an interesting book.    
 The Marshmallow Test.  Picked it up, started reading and was hooked so I bought it.  Your welcome B&N:)  
 This book sums up 99% of Providers PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!1  
 Here is the test:  
 In these studies, a child was offered a choice between one small reward provided immediately or two small rewards if they waited for a short period, approximately 15 minutes, during which the tester left the room and then returned. (The reward was sometimes a marshmallow, but often a cookie or a pretzel.) In follow-up studies, the researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the preferred rewards tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores, educational attainment,body mass index (BMI), and other life measures.  
 I posit that 90% of Providers would fail the test:(  
 I mean let's be serious Providers are all about instant gratification.  How can they not be?  Mind you I am not complain' because RT would not exist if Providers were able to pass the test.    
 So I hope all you Providers get an F. (preferably and F-)  
 I simply put this out there so that you Providers may better understand yourselves.  Hey look I am helper.  
 Interesting note about the original Marshmallow test back in the 70's at Stanford:  
 In over 600 children who took part in the experiment, a minority ate the marshmallow IMMEDIATELY.  
 This sums up Providers to a T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1    
 Discuss amongst yourselves.  
 P.S.  As a professional NERD I would love to conduct a study that compares the ACT/SAT scores of Providers and Non-Providers.  Damn, that would be a great academic study.

That pretty much sums it up.


GaGambler587 reads

Not that he isn't an idiot, we all know that. lol

It's just that he is a Troll as well, so I don't know if simply calling him an idiot really captures the true essence of RT.

Now bigdumbass, yes that word sums him up perfectly as he is definitely one dimensional. RT OTOH needs two words to sum him up, "idiot troll" lmao

wrps07617 reads

I saw it when I was in college. Many of the folks who fooled around having sex too much never graduated. Those ones who waited until the weekend or after they graduated from college were much more successful. It is a lot easier to get an college education without kids than with kids.

Posted By: Ridgetucky
So I was at B&N today and I saw an interesting book.    
 The Marshmallow Test.  Picked it up, started reading and was hooked so I bought it.  Your welcome B&N:)  
 This book sums up 99% of Providers PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!1  
 Here is the test:  
 In these studies, a child was offered a choice between one small reward provided immediately or two small rewards if they waited for a short period, approximately 15 minutes, during which the tester left the room and then returned. (The reward was sometimes a marshmallow, but often a cookie or a pretzel.) In follow-up studies, the researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the preferred rewards tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores, educational attainment,body mass index (BMI), and other life measures.  
 I posit that 90% of Providers would fail the test:(  
 I mean let's be serious Providers are all about instant gratification.  How can they not be?  Mind you I am not complain' because RT would not exist if Providers were able to pass the test.    
 So I hope all you Providers get an F. (preferably and F-)  
 I simply put this out there so that you Providers may better understand yourselves.  Hey look I am helper.  
 Interesting note about the original Marshmallow test back in the 70's at Stanford:  
 In over 600 children who took part in the experiment, a minority ate the marshmallow IMMEDIATELY.  
 This sums up Providers to a T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1    
 Discuss amongst yourselves.  
 P.S.  As a professional NERD I would love to conduct a study that compares the ACT/SAT scores of Providers and Non-Providers.  Damn, that would be a great academic study.

Posted By: wrps07
I saw it when I was in college. Many of the folks who fooled around having sex too much never graduated. Those ones who waited until the weekend or after they graduated from college were much more successful. It is a lot easier to get an college education without kids than with kids.
You mean to tell me that college kids who were more interested in sex and partying did worse than those who stayed in and studied? Revolutionary

And that suggests that as kids they would have passed the marshmallow test.

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