TER General Board

You already have one. It's called the Reviewers only board.
skarphedin 2627 reads
1 / 82

The reason being that a high entry reduces the value of participation for those who are less committed/interested in the process. And, that a higher level of interest/commitment = higher quality.  

I think TER is a believer in the theory, hence the monthly fee and relative tedium of the review process.  

But it seems on its face not to work.  

I can think of two possibilities: 1) The theory is BS or 2) the point of TER is not what we think it is or originally was...

I opt for #2.  

It seems to me that allowing escorts to participate changed the purpose of TER from a review site for clients to a social forum whose purpose is obtaining the esteem of escorts...  

Thus, the 10/10's and WK's and anti-alias (anti-alias-alias!) sentiments...  

What I am saying is that the regulated captured the regular or the gotdamn'd hookers screwed everything up!  

I feel as though our very own Woody Allen, RidgeTucky Tremendous, momentarily possessed me and made me write this post.

89Springer 791 reads
2 / 82

But when did TER go from being a review site to a forum in which providers could participate? I don't know the history, so I don't know what, if anything, changed.

JohnyComeAlready 826 reads
3 / 82
WildJimmy! 794 reads
4 / 82
Heathergfe See my TER Reviews 1104 reads
5 / 82

You guys should have spelled it out clearer before. I thought you all were just really mean people or a bunch of 14 year old boys. I didn't know you were chasing the ladies participation away on purpose. I see the trend of ladies refusing to participate on this board. I thought the joke was on you (not the OP in particular, just the bullies in general) but I guess the joke was on us. Well it is working. Little by little the ladies are jumping ship. You all could have sped it up by letting us know that you really do want to turn this into some Lord of the Fly's boys club.  
I feel so stupid now. Maybe TER can open up a "boys only" board that you guys can play on. Then this board can be a coed discussion board for those who want to be nice to each other. That might work. Then the ladies would not have to be subjected to the vile hatred and you guys could have a place to type freely without us hookers screwing everything up.

JackDunphy 732 reads
7 / 82

Do you have before and after numbers for us to compare? Or did you just make that up?

Where do you see "hatred"? I certainly don't hate anyone here. Maybe you do?

Is it the freedom of speech that bothers you?  

Or do you believe that some hookers that want to indoctrinate the boards here shouldn't receive any push back?

Dr Who revived 763 reads
9 / 82

I'd pull up links to your same post (essentially) from some other gals from years ago.

In case you haven't noticed there's plenty of gals who fling it pretty damn good too.

I prefer to call this foreplay.
Posted By: Heathergfe
You guys should have spelled it out clearer before. I thought you all were just really mean people or a bunch of 14 year old boys. I didn't know you were chasing the ladies participation away on purpose. I see the trend of ladies refusing to participate on this board. I thought the joke was on you (not the OP in particular, just the bullies in general) but I guess the joke was on us. Well it is working. Little by little the ladies are jumping ship. You all could have sped it up by letting us know that you really do want to turn this into some Lord of the Fly's boys club.  
 I feel so stupid now. Maybe TER can open up a "boys only" board that you guys can play on. Then this board can be a coed discussion board for those who want to be nice to each other. That might work. Then the ladies would not have to be subjected to the vile hatred and you guys could have a place to type freely without us hookers screwing everything up.

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 873 reads
10 / 82

the whole point of the damn site was by men for men.  Don't know if anyone knows the history but it was brilliant!!!!!!  

The purpose was in the power of the Internet to create a community for like minded men to exchange truthful information for purposes of enjoying this lifestyle.  Truthful information means just that truthful information.  

Now you clearly have guys catering to the women.  Thus, defeating the purpose of the site.  But in a way it backfired on the women who R trying to game the system.  There is no way in hell I would take a date with a gal with all 10/10 reviews.  That is just complete bullshit right there!!!!!!!

You have women who on their contact forms want to know you TER handle.  Why?  To many reasons for me to articulate here but let's just say once they know that they know they can do "manipulation".  Notice how many chicks here claim they won't date Ridgetucky.  More than one way to play that game honey.  Note:  My name ain't Ridgetucky and I have many references so stick that up you A--.

In reality this is a virtual version of the high school lunchroom.  You take 10 guys hanging out at a table.  Once a pretty girl(s) show up there will be 1/2 of those guys that immediately start acting "cool" "nice" "fake" "trying to put other guys down"  "telling BS lies" "flatter the girl with compliments" "etc".  

The other half is just looking like when the fuck did these guys show up.  It's life man - shit happens

WildJimmy! 723 reads
11 / 82

I check out their ads and think about what it's going to be like when I call them up and go do them. Then it's fun to talk to them and them not knowing yet that pretty soon they'll be sucking my cock and I'll be pulling down their panties and getting them all wet so I can poke it into their pussy. Talking to them is better than talking about them.

mtdewking2015 783 reads
12 / 82

So high mileage Mobile 1 oil cost more than the oil at the dollar store what does the same thing.

JohnyComeAlready 768 reads
13 / 82

but don't you want to know if $1000 an hour Suzy Homewrecker, is the same gal down at the corner of 69th and Y giving $10 blow n goes?

mtdewking2015 728 reads
14 / 82
Arovet 62 Reviews 903 reads
15 / 82

along with everyone else. It's a diversion, nothing more, and tainted reviews don't bother me, it's easy enough to back channel around that nonsense. Douchebags, dickheads, BSC hookers, providers that are frankly smarter than I am, egomaniacal ass clowns, barely coherent idiots, and of course good folks that are just having fun, it all goes in the mix and makes for a delicious cocktail of human fuckery on these here boards. But I think I can guess what would happen to the boards if the providers were booted off:

mtdewking2015 658 reads
18 / 82

She would have to give 100 blow jobs to equal a home reck i have a 8 lb hammer i use to reck the home

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 688 reads
19 / 82
mtdewking2015 730 reads
20 / 82

But there 4 possible female names for the 30 top posters and 4 female names for sure for the 3 month.

WildJimmy! 766 reads
21 / 82

I want the real thing.

-- Modified on 1/17/2015 8:38:44 PM

russbbj 89 Reviews 667 reads
22 / 82
Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 761 reads
23 / 82

Love the simple honesty, just laying it out there.
Confession: I like having girls around too.  Girls are fun.

inicky46 61 Reviews 835 reads
24 / 82

then we can have a boyz club sausage fest.  What fucking fun! Not!
I love how you are wrong pretty much 100% of the time.
Go away.

inicky46 61 Reviews 757 reads
25 / 82
JackDunphy 635 reads
26 / 82

seek to ban any hooker. There isn't a single gal here I would want kicked off the island. Or guy for that matter.

Now can the same be said about the girls? LOL

A dopey young gal recently posted on the S&P that some people should be banished, based I guess on how SHE defined the word "troll." How silly and immature. Diversity is the flavor of life.  

Don't like what someone has to say? Lucky for you, TER gave you several options:

1. Respond  
2. Don't click on there post
3. Use the ignore feature if you must.

But kicking guys off a site that was built for guys and stifling free speech in the process?  

Nah, I'll pass. That's what communists and radical Islamists are all about and who the fk wants to be like them

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 717 reads
27 / 82

In fact, the first moderator of the General Discussion board, way back in 2000, was "GirlNextDoor."

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 781 reads
28 / 82

(I believe), and providers were always welcome on the forums (except for the "reviewers only" forum) and providers even served as moderators (see my post lower in the thread) and even staff.

JackDunphy 624 reads
31 / 82

Was it for this little gem, trashing all the guys?:

"You guys should have spelled it out clearer before. I thought you all were just really mean people or a bunch of 14 year old boys."  


Or was it this piece of brilliance:
"Maybe TER can open up a "boys only" board that you guys can play on."

Ummmm...they already did Russ. It's called the R.O. (Reviewers only board) Its been around for years too.


Wait. This must be it. Yep, I finally found what part of her post made you rock out:

"I feel so stupid now."

Moral of the story?

Read before you rock, Rusty.

-- Modified on 1/18/2015 1:08:16 AM

hey mikey 8 Reviews 727 reads
32 / 82

Although I was never very active here (because at one point I was very active and moderated a competing board elsewhere), I have been a member here since at least 2002 and on other hobby boards since 1998/99.  I recently returned to the hobby, and since doing so I have been amazed at the attitude change here.  There was a time when the guys here tried to be nice to these ladies, who, frankly, in a non-P4P world should likely not give most of us the time of day. It seems to me that the fact that these ladies want to enjoy being here means that the guys here should TRY to make them feel welcome.  While we all recognize that board trolls exist, it seems to me that we all should try hard not to be one of them.  Maybe the difference is that when this all began it was quiet and hidden, but has evolved along with the internet into the mainstream? Whatever the reason, would we really want to belong to a club that would have ONLY us punters as members?

hey mikey 8 Reviews 683 reads
33 / 82

While I don't disagree with you, I get tired of people using "free speech" as their excuse to be mean to people.  Free speech is something we have against our government.  Free speech is also far from absolute.  Our rights to free speech ends where another persons nose begins.  In general, why is it hard to be nice the escorts who participate here?  A sausage fest without female participation would be damn boring.  Plus, most escorts provide valuable advice and insight into most topics if we take the time to listen.  Hell, I had a lady I met with this week go over my wish list with me and tell me to move one escort higher because she had met her in person and that she was incredible.  (This lady is now at the top of my list!)

mojojo 1 Reviews 789 reads
34 / 82

At first I thought you were talking about the higher session prices as compared to years past. That the ladies have raised their rates to attract a better client, and keep the riff raff, for the most part, at bay. But then when I start reading the body of your text, you seem to be talking about reviews, forum participation, and monthly fees. I'm not sure where to go, so I'll take a wild guess.

First of all, it didn't cost me anything to join. I can participate, and should I choose, write reviews for free. Secondly, my hobby philosophy has changed over the years. My current philosophy is to never give a lady any personal information. That includes matching my fake email name to my fake forum handle. To me, that's personal information. No lady will ever know who I am. If she refuses to see me because of that, I'm very happy to know that information. She is a lady who is not concerned about my comfort. I will move on faster than it takes an email to move through cyberspace. Since I don't give out that information, should I choose to write a review, it will be totally anonymous. You'll be getting an honest account of what happened. But that's not going to do you any good. As you can tell, I'm extremely selective with whom I choose to play. Therefore, my sessions almost always, run in the 10 range, with some scattered 9s. If I wrote reviews, many of you would think me a shill. Because of that, my review writing philosophy has changed too. In my time I've written hundreds of reviews. They were honest to a fault. But I'm currently choosing to not write any because of guys like you. Guys who think that my reviews are bogus because they're all great reviews. You can't comprehend that I only see great ladies.  

Lastly, there are a number of knuckleheads on this forum, as there are in any given walk of life. I certainly hope the ladies ignore those knuckleheads and keep on participating. In this hobby, a lady's perspective is huge. It helps me with the huge learning curve of the hobby. A learning curve that is ever changing. A learning curve that is different from location to location. A learning curve that is different, based on the sexuality of each different lady. Plus, many of the ladies are highly intelligent, with great senses of humor, especially about sexuality. I deem their participation extremely important, and mandatory. I would leave too if they weren't allowed to share their unique perspective. With all that being said, the most important aspect of a lady's participation is that it gives me insight into their personality. These forums, and the information contained therein, are a huge screening tool if you're adept at reading in between the lines. I know exactly who to see, and who to avoid, without ever looking at a picture. Without ever reading a review. Without ever looking at an ad. All I want to know from her reviews is that she's experienced, and doesn't wear a hidden microphone. Ladies, please, keep on joining in. If you deem someone a knucklehead, simply skip over their posts. Do not give them a voice.

skarphedin 858 reads
35 / 82

Which is, a "review site" will necessarily be corrupted if the those sought to be regulated (the escorts) are allowed to participate. The regulated will capture the regulator.  

TER is useless as a "review" site. It is a place where the esteem of the escorts is paramount to most... And, they will do whatever they can to get it...  

Witness, Russ...

skarphedin 815 reads
36 / 82

1) Congrats at being a longtime member?!!?!?

2) So, you want this to be somewhere you can chit chat and fake flirt with and suck up to women who would be offended if you spoke to them in public?  

Wait, that is responsive, just in the way of proving my point. Sorry.  

3) Yes. I have no problem with it and would like to be a member of a club that is exclusively punters... Why not? What is wrong with Bs'ing with the guys? What is wrong with getting the real scoop on escorts? Because my point is, that is they only way you are going to get the real scoop.  

Oh wait, I forgot that there is only TER in the whole of these our internets and if escorts aren't allowed here they will have nowhere to go on the entirety of everywhere and we will never speak to ladies again and have to live in a "sausage fest" for the eternities!!!!!  

I want an effective review site. This is not that. I do not want escorts to be mistreated or yelled at and I do not want to spend the rest of my life without women. But you haven't addressed the issue at all: how does one have a workable review site if the escorts are allowed to influence and participate?

skarphedin 635 reads
38 / 82

She said nothing of value and just lashed out at some imaginary post she read in place of mine.  

She wasn't even eloquent.  

Your sucking up is pathetic enough and makes me cringe and sad when I am not involved but it really pisses me off when you try and use me as an excuse to do it...  

If you are going to throw me under the bus for some fake flirting and ass kissing with an escort, at least make sure she actually P0wned me...

Damn it man, they will still blow you if you don't act pathetic

skarphedin 831 reads
40 / 82

nothing but all men's clubs around. That would suck. But you know that is not the case and not a fair response. TER is not the only forum on the internet... And it is not the last bastion or last best hope against the vile and hateful exclusion of escorts from message boards!!!!  

The point issue is, can a review site maintain its integrity as a review site if the escorts are allowed to participate.  

Not, should you be doomed to talk to only men on the internet.  

Not, should women be excluded from participation on message boards.  

And, the PM/backchannel system is actually evidence in favor of my argument. It is a shadow TER where escorts are not allowed and thus is truthful.

skarphedin 629 reads
41 / 82

What you think is the issue is not the issue.  

I do not want to stop you from talking to escorts over the internet.  

I do not want you to stop having sex with escorts.  

The open review aspect of TER does not work. I say it is because escorts are allowed to participate.  

Try responding to that and not imaginary parades of horribles.

skarphedin 715 reads
43 / 82
mtdewking2015 509 reads
44 / 82
skarphedin 735 reads
45 / 82

Why do we have to use backchannel?  

Where did I say I am opposed to escorts being on message boards?  

I like to talk to escorts too! That is why I am here.  

THAT WAS MY POINT! One has to sacrifice the integrity of the review process to allow escorts to participate.  

And you agree with me.  

Jesus Fuck

skarphedin 632 reads
46 / 82
skarphedin 629 reads
48 / 82

You understand my general point. Some escorts use the concept to weed out undesirable clients. TER tries to use it to weed out BS and unserious reviewers but it does not work. Why?  

I say because escorts are allowed to participate. This causes the point of TER to not be objective reviews useful to punters but obtaining the esteem of escorts...  

Thus, the high burden of entry actually cuts out those who are interested in anything but sucking up and auditioning for escorts...  

PS. There is a very high cost of entry: the review process is tedius and the blowback can be extreme.  

Where did I ever talk about SILENCING THE HOOKERS FOR ALL TIME!!!@@!@!

skarphedin 756 reads
49 / 82

I think that can only be obtained if escorts are not allowed to participate IN THAT ONE FORUM/WEBSITE!  

I like messageboards where hookers participate. I post here.  

I do not want to only talk to men for the rest of eternity.  

I do not want escorts to be pushed off the internet.  

I am just glad RT understands me.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 694 reads
50 / 82

I will grant you that a higher price generally follows a younger, prettier, and more shapely lass, but not necessarily one who will please more than a gal without all those attributes.

In fact, I've had the experience of seeing a gal who thinks her looks alone were enough and was not willing to do the hard work of performing.  

On to the other question, I like the fact that the providers participate in TER.  It is a great way to find good providers, and if it weren't for them being here, I'm not too sure that this place would even be around.

Katie_krush See my TER Reviews 656 reads
51 / 82

Posted By: Ridgetucky
the whole point of the damn site was by men for men.  Don't know if anyone knows the history but it was brilliant!!!!!!    
 The purpose was in the power of the Internet to create a community for like minded men to exchange truthful information for purposes of enjoying this lifestyle.  Truthful information means just that truthful information.    
 Now you clearly have guys catering to the women.  Thus, defeating the purpose of the site.  But in a way it backfired on the women who R trying to game the system.  There is no way in hell I would take a date with a gal with all 10/10 reviews.  That is just complete bullshit right there!!!!!!!  
 You have women who on their contact forms want to know you TER handle.  Why?  To many reasons for me to articulate here but let's just say once they know that they know they can do "manipulation".  Notice how many chicks here claim they won't date Ridgetucky.  More than one way to play that game honey.  Note:  My name ain't Ridgetucky and I have many references so stick that up you A--.  
 In reality this is a virtual version of the high school lunchroom.  You take 10 guys hanging out at a table.  Once a pretty girl(s) show up there will be 1/2 of those guys that immediately start acting "cool" "nice" "fake" "trying to put other guys down"  "telling BS lies" "flatter the girl with compliments" "etc".    
 The other half is just looking like when the fuck did these guys show up.  It's life man - shit happens.  
-- Modified on 1/18/2015 7:43:58 AM

dakine18 736 reads
52 / 82
Skinny_Minnie:-) 642 reads
54 / 82
russbbj 89 Reviews 633 reads
55 / 82

First, my amusement at what I took as sarcasm was not throwing you under the bus in any way, shape or form. I've not always been the best at recognizing sarcasm, or not.

Heather has in the past had some humorous remarks, and so when I read this particular post I read it from that perspective, keep in mind that I cannot read tone of voice.  

I mean, just look at some of the things said, "I feel so stupid now. Maybe TER can open up a "boys only" board that you guys can play on". I'm quite confident that she knows there is a Reviewers only board.  

Or, "Then this board can be a coed discussion board for those who want to be nice to each other. That might work". Reality is, that this board will always be coed, and there will never be a forum where anonymous people are always going to be nice to each other. When someone is hiding behind a handle and a computer screen they tend to be less nice than if they were in person. I'm confident that Heather is mature enough to understand this.

So from my perspective last night, knowing that she has a sarcastic sense of humor and the fact that I was posting under the influence, I took it as sarcasm thus the (lol). Now that I read your response, and reread her post I can see your perspective. Perhaps Heather will chime in and clear things up.

My post was not an attempt to throw you under the bus, it was not directed at you at all. You can call me anything you want, White Knight, Suck Up, Mangina, pathetic, I really don't care what you think about me. You are absolutely right, they will blow me regardless. Perhaps you'll be so gracious to tell me what POwned me means? I'll understand if you're too pissed to bother to explain, but I'd be interested in knowing for future reference.

During my marriage my ex misinterpreted my responses or remarks many times, especially in the written form, in fact after one completely senseless fight I told her I would never again carry on a conversation with her via text message. And this is from someone who knew me very well. What this tells me, is that I'm not always effective in expressing myself, specifically with the written word. In my professional life, the vast majority of my written communication are technical reports and because of the way my mind works I'm very good and very effective at those reports. I typically ask an Administrative Assistant to proof read and wordsmith my important written non technical communication. I recognize it's a weakness and this is another reason why I participate in here a lot, to work on that weakness. In my 51 years, I've become more adept at verbal communication than written communication but mostly because I can interpret tone of voice, voice inflection and the immediate context.  

I'm not sorry for my post, nor my interpretation of Heather's post as sarcasm. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. Perhaps I should not POI, but I don't see myself quitting drinking, so. Again, I assure you my post was not an attack on you, directly or indirectly. If I have something to say to you, I'll say it, whether I think you'll like it or not, because I really don't care what you think of me, I have nothing to gain or lose either way.

Do I compliment some women in here? Yes, but a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, a great ass is a great ass. Is that sucking up, probably but I haven't seen a woman that posts in here, yet. So to say or imply that I'm doing so to gain favor makes no sense.

Isn't it great that we don't all think alike? I think so.

hey mikey 8 Reviews 864 reads
56 / 82

To answer you:

1)  Again, I was never terribly active here... not enough time.  I was always far more active on a review site in England as well as on a competing US site from just about the day it began as I was a national moderator there as well as the moderator for a couple of state boards.

2)  Not really, I want a place that is civil and decent -- to the ladies and the other punters.  I speak to plenty of women in public. I speak with escorts here and elsewhere to keep my private life completely separate.  The problem is that some guys seem to think that this is the real world... and it's not.

3) There is a board here for reviewers only.  There are also backchannel opportunities here and elsewhere for this.  OR, you could do what I do and join a private club... but, again, I would never have these conversations there.  I tend to get more of the "real scoop" on escorts by talking with them when we meet than I do from other guys anyway.  Before we meet I am able to see their photos, read their writings. and get a pretty good idea what they are like as long as they have 5 or more recent reviews.  You won't get the real scoop listening to trolls who have their own hatred and axes to grind about a woman either.  But, I agree with you, I want this to be an effective review site also.  And while it's not exact, and one need to throw-out the extreme reviews at both ends of the spectrum, in general I think it's safe to say that a lady with 20 or more reviews who rates 9.5./9.5 is likely FAR better than a lady who rates 6.5/6.5... even is that lady has a few 10/10 reviews from paid-off or influenced reviewers.  Likewise, if that 9.5/9,5 lady has one review of 6/6, I will generally ignore it also.  

False reviews go both ways.  Just like some guys are influenced to write 10/10 fake reviews, some punters use a potential bad review to influence escorts to do a bit more than they are comfortable with under implied threat of an unfairly bad review.  Both of these things are wrong.

I guess my answer is that the ladies should be able to participate fully in this main forum without somehow improperly influencing the reviews we write.  They are two different things.


-- Modified on 1/18/2015 4:15:06 AM

-- Modified on 1/18/2015 4:15:45 AM

russbbj 89 Reviews 954 reads
57 / 82

Moral of the story?  
Read before you rock, Rusty.

That comment could be spot on. As I explained in my response to shark, my response while POI'ing last night was from the perspective that Heather's post was heavy with sarcasm. After reading both your's and shark's response and I've had a few cups of coffee I can see another perspective.

As I stated to shark, I'm not sorry for my perspective, it was funny to me at the time.

Think what you will of me, I couldn't really give a rat's ass, it does not change my life.

A for instance that I should read on a little further is Robbins post the other day about her provider friend and her awful experience. I wrote a very long response immediately after reading it, I was very disturbed and concerned about the whole story and rightfully so if it was a true story. And then after reading other's responses, it became apparent to me that it was likely a fabricated story, and honestly I want to believe that it was. But if that story was true, I stand by each and every word that I wrote.

As I attempted to convey in my response to shark, I'm not one to disguise my emotions or feelings, if I've got something to say to someone, I say it. In fact, my perspective should have been apparent as I preceded the "you rock" with a "lol" which should indicate that I found humor in what she said

VOO-doo 704 reads
58 / 82

Are endemic to ANY review site.  

I can’t really see how TER is different from any review site, in terms of the you-scratch-my-back-I’ll-scratch-yours mentality concerning discounts (and special favors).  

I do agree with you that Whitelist referrals are a complete farce. They encourage a client to review more highly in order to get a referral; they encourage a girl to give a stamp of approval to a client who might not be be deserving, in order to avoid backlash. I don’t personally see what it adds to the purpose of a review site and I don’t find them useful, except as a supplementary affirmation of info already provided during screening.

Last month, a restaurant I go to quite a bit asked me to write a yelp review as a favor…then gave me a gift card for Xmas. I do like the place, and that’s what I said in my review…I just didn’t mention that the entrees can either rock or flop and that I’ve had a few flops. If I was writing a review of another place, or hadn’t received the gift (or, if the bartenders and owner were not so personable and welcoming) I might have included that…

Aside from TER, I do think that people are rarely motivated to review when they have a good experience…it’s when they’ve had a bad experience that they want to go online and complain, whether their viewpoint is valid or not. On TER, there is a nucleus of guys who enjoy writing reviews, a few clients who will write one when his ATF requests it and/or offers a discount etc. There are a few outliers who’ll only post a negative review to warn others away, or vent.  

Take my restaurant. My review was ‘bought’ and ‘inflated’ a bit. I other rave reviews, and thought that some people sounded WAY too impressed by little things common in upscale places. However, I read other negative reviews by people who could barely string a sentence together, and who were honestly offended/confused by routine courtesies, such as the waitress pouring a sample of wine for the person who’d ordered it. Very few reviews I read were well-written, well-informed, balanced, and accurate.

When I’m choosing a place to eat, I go by look/feel of the place, how welcoming the staff seems, the menu, the wine list, and in some cases, the name. I will NOT EVER look at reviews or base my choices upon something said by someone I don’t even know!! How silly would THAT be :-) And I def won't complain if I listen to reviews (or another person) and I go and hate the place. Everybody has different taste, that's just the nature of the beast

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 683 reads
59 / 82

But I tend to think the inclusion of women here is huge net plus, with any downside on the integrity of reviews being minimal.  The biggest downside to any review system is retaliation.  And in this biz which is so personal, that would be hard to avoid even if ladies were excluded here.  Only way to completely avoid that is to not allow ladies to even SEE reviews at all.  But honestly, while this would achieve the result of completely protecting guys - it wouldn't be fair to the ladies, as they'd then not be able to identify the bogus reviews that are put up to hurt their business.  And of course, in actuality it might be impossible to successfully ban ladies from seeing reviews anyway - as these are just too critical to their business, so they will, one way or another, figure out who reviewed them well and who did not.

But there is one place in TER that exclusion of ladies could be helpful (at times anyway) - the Newbie Board.  There really is a conflict of interest there, as many ladies so often don't give good "big picture" advice to newbs, but rather are trying to steer guys to see things in a way that aligns with how they choose to operate.  And newbs are so excited to have a sexy lady answering their questions, and seemingly THE authorities on questions related to the biz, that it's very easy for them to miss the self-interested aspects of some of the replies.  Perhaps there could be a newbie board just for guys, and one just for ladies too.  Of course then, in addition to filtering-out the self-interested stuff, you'd also be eliminating a lot of helpful comments too.  So there really is no perfect solution.  It comes down to making sure that the more self-interested replies get countered by those with a more balanced perspective.  And of course, some of the worst advice can come from some nutty guys who occasionally show up over there, so they need to be strongly countered too.

skarphedin 720 reads
60 / 82

"I guess my answer is that the ladies should be able to participate fully in this main forum without somehow improperly influencing the reviews we write.  They are two different things. "

That is impossible.  

That is my point.  

is there any place where that happens?  

I am just saying that it is impossible to have a useful review site if the ladies participate.  

it is not impossible to have a cool discussion board if the ladies participate.  

I am not in any way shape or manner opposed to women posting or participating in forums.  

I just think that their participation is incompatible with an effective review site.

skarphedin 737 reads
61 / 82
skarphedin 623 reads
63 / 82

My response to your first para may sound harsh but I think it is true: review sites are not for the escorts benefit.  

And I agree that it is impossible to stop escorts from seeing their reviews... But, the point is the harder it is for escorts to retaliate, the less fear of punishment will influence reviews. There would still be problems with reviews, of course. But that is the biggest problem with the review process...  

100% agree with your second paragraph. I think TER could/should moderate the escorts more on the Newbie board.

hotplants 726 reads
64 / 82

Posted By: skarphedin
I think that can only be obtained if escorts are not allowed to participate IN THAT ONE FORUM/WEBSITE!  
 I like messageboards where hookers participate. I post here.  
 I do not want to only talk to men for the rest of eternity.  
 I do not want escorts to be pushed off the internet.  
 I am just glad RT understands me.

skarphedin 577 reads
65 / 82

"Take my restaurant. My review was ‘bought’ and ‘inflated’ a bit."

"When I’m choosing a place to eat, I go by look/feel of the place, how welcoming the staff seems, the menu, the wine list, and in some cases, the name. I will NOT EVER look at reviews or base my choices upon something said by someone I don’t even know!! How silly would THAT be :-) And I def won't complain if I listen to reviews (or another person) and I go and hate the place. Everybody has different taste, that's just the nature of the beast."

I know you said these issues are endemic and that is true. But, the extent is really the issue. I do not think a review site for escorts can ever be totally objective. But that is just saying people are fallible.  

The more one allows the regulated (restaurants, escorts, dentists) access to the process the more the regulator gets captured. As you point out, it is in a sense inevitable, but why not even try?  

Yelp is terrible for an infinite number of reasons... But imagine how bad it would be if getting a table at a restaurant was as big a pain as it is getting to meet escorts and that the restaurant industry set up a nationwide blacklist that the reviewers couldn't access or participate in?  

Escorts aren't terribly concerned with the unfair blacklistings. Just as I am not terribly concerned with unfair reviews.  

How useful would the blacklist sites be if the punters had access to them like escorts have access to TER?

russbbj 89 Reviews 1019 reads
67 / 82

I too participate in back channel, and I also throw out the extremes on numerical ratings.  

In fact, I put very little weight on numerical ratings, except for all very low. I recognize that numerical ratings are subjective. It's been my experience reading reviews that some guys will give low numbers to women who don't participate in greek, and I'm not interested in greek. So if I went just by numbers I'd eliminate a potentially great time. Also, I'm aware that some guys only like blondes, and maybe she colored her hair since her photos were taken. Some guys don't like tattoos and even though the lady clearly posts on her ad site that she's photoshopped her tattoos so as to protect her identity, some of these guys don't bother to fully read the lady's site.  

I read the lady's reviews, if the vast majority of her reviews say she seems to enjoy giving head, then I know we'll get along well regardless of what her numbers are. Also, there are some ladies who rate very high in looks and performance who don't do bbbj, that simply won't work for me. I lose my erection within minutes of putting a condom on, so seeing ladies that don't do bbbj would be a waste of time and money for me.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 797 reads
68 / 82

No problem - no offense taken.
Just seems like there isn't a great answer regarding the retaliation issue.
If a guy gives a lower score than others - even if not a bad review, the lady might choose not to see him again.  That is part of the the cost of this being such a personal business though, as opposed to something like a restaurant.  Of course, she could do much more than this and blacklist him.  Hard to see what the solution is to this, other than guys building-up a strong enough reputation that they can successfully withstand one lady on a mission to harm him (kinda like ladies being able to withstand a few outlier bad reviews out of many great ones).  Don't think there is anything TER can really do - as they can't really be adjudicators for all the fights between guys and gals.  Hopefully the crazy people are crazy to enough people that they end up destroying their own reputations.

russbbj 89 Reviews 727 reads
69 / 82

Would you be so kind to explain POwned, just for my edification? You can do it via pm if you wish. I get the owned, but I can't place the P.

nom_de_plume 772 reads
70 / 82

From what I've seen, newbie providers benefit a lot from input from other providers.

And I've also seen good input from providers on newbie hobbyist questions.  There's abuse of the rules all over TER Land.  Why single out the Newbie board to exclude providers just because some of them occasionally abuse it?

One solution would be to have all posts on the Newbie board moderated--to avoid abuse of it by both providers and hobbyists and ensure a welcoming and helpful environment there for newbies.  But as you said, there is no perfect solution.
Posted By: Jstgttnstrtd
But there is one place in TER that exclusion of ladies could be helpful (at times anyway) - the Newbie Board.  There really is a conflict of interest there, as many ladies so often don't give good "big picture" advice to newbs, but rather are trying to steer guys to see things in a way that aligns with how they choose to operate.  And newbs are so excited to have a sexy lady answering their questions, and seemingly THE authorities on questions related to the biz, that it's very easy for them to miss the self-interested aspects of some of the replies.  Perhaps there could be a newbie board just for guys, and one just for ladies too.  Of course then, in addition to filtering-out the self-interested stuff, you'd also be eliminating a lot of helpful comments too.  So there really is no perfect solution.  It comes down to making sure that the more self-interested replies get countered by those with a more balanced perspective.  And of course, some of the worst advice can come from some nutty guys who occasionally show up over there, so they need to be strongly countered too.

russbbj 89 Reviews 737 reads
71 / 82
skarphedin 605 reads
72 / 82
skarphedin 710 reads
73 / 82

The escorts aren't overly concerned (to say the least) about allowing punters access to and the ability to modify blacklists.  

Why is that?  

I think it is because the escorts get it much more than the punters.  

They know that the usefulness of the blacklists will decline the more the punters are allowed access to it.  

In fact, once the blacklists became known to the punters, their usefulness began to decline...

hotplants 720 reads
74 / 82

There is also a RO board===no providers allowed. You have the option of writing reviews under 1 alias, posting on boards under a 2nd alias and giving one, both, or neither alias to an escort when you schedule a session.  You can even delaying the timing of when you post a review.  

If the integrity of reviews is being compromised,  it’s not because TER allows escorts to participate on discussion boards

russbbj 89 Reviews 656 reads
75 / 82
Arovet 62 Reviews 711 reads
76 / 82

would have very little trouble finding white knight leakers and do the same thing they do now on a "no escorts allowed" site, so it doesn't much matter, does it?

And your are right, you did not specifically mention the message boards, so for that my apologies.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 532 reads
77 / 82

same concerns in what I wrote - as currently, I probably wouldn't recommend different Newbie boards for providers and clients, because you would be throwing out the "good" along with the "bad."  It was just something that came to mind as an interesting concept to address a downside (at times) of ladies being on TER (and honestly, there really aren't many downsides to me - so this one stands out a bit).  That said, the idea would have some benefits, so I'd be interested in others thoughts.  Also, your idea about moderation could possibly help (but that could be percieved as censorship too - so many would object to that - as would I if one of my posts fell victim, lol!)

VOO-doo 662 reads
79 / 82

Reviews are generally NOT accurate, no matter what the venue, and who they allow to participate. Unfair negative reviews are a part of any review site, as are inflated good reviews.  

So in my opinion, TER isn't 'broken'...it's just functioning as a normal review site. Nothing would change if they banned escorts from having accounts. Unless the reviews were private and only accessible by a select few. But even then, I'm sure that backroom deals would be made. Gossip is endemic to this industry and nothing stays a secret for very long

Why whine? Establish your own criteria, and make choices accordingly. Reviews should always be taken with a grain of salt.

skarphedin 792 reads
80 / 82

Neither of us thinks highly of review sites.  

You seem to think them very close to, if not totally useless.  

I agree about TER's review system.

But, I think that private and difficult to gain entry to review sites can be very useful.  

I have been in a few in the past and I think they worked very well.  

Both restaurant and escort review sites.  

There was almost no gaming of the system by the reviewed, and by the end they did know about it, because members were kicked out.  

But I can't prove that they even existed and even so, other than that I agree with you in general.  

I think an "exclusive" blacklist would be very useful to providers. But, one that let any old escort in would be useless... Especially one that let the punters in...

truu1 77 Reviews 787 reads
82 / 82

We all read reviews that aren't real/slanted/fake. You have to factor that into the equation.  Guys like to go along to get along so if the lady they saw had all 9's he's much more likely to repeat that rating thinking well it must be them not the actual service. We all have glossed over some of the worst parts and highlighted the better parts. Its human nature.  The biggest problem with this, from the client end of this, is that it inflates the rates hurting the clients and top end providers.  If the rules for posts those rating where forced on the reviewer it may change their rating. Some how.

7.In order to keep our performance ratings consistent, we set up the following system: An escort provider is only eligible to earn up to a 7, unless she is willing to perform one or some of the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, and Anal Sex, or More than One Guy. For each of these services that are offered, her potential max score is raised by one point, with 10 as an absolute maximum.

Those are the rules. Personally I don't think that Really Bi and More than One guy should enter the equation at all. 99% of reviews really don't know if either are true and they are freebies for the ladies. Sure she's really bi, yet she's never been reviewed in a threesome. Not that I'm looking for them, I've only read 1 review for a BGB date. Again its unprovable for the most part. We as reviewers are taking her word for that and thus it shouldn't be factored in. Only provable things.  But someone that only offers cbj may well provide a fantastic service and it might be mind blowing and actually be worth a 10.  

It isn't worth the hassle to argue about reviews that are fake or untruthful there really isn't a way to prove it. Each reviewer should be honest, but if there are brides going on its in their best interest not to be truthful.  

When I see 10's, I don't read the review first, I check the reviewers other ratings. If they are all 9's and 10's I'm suspicious. Yeah maybe he sees all 9's and 10's only. Congratulations. He's got an incredible eye for picking the best of the best.  

When you see 10/10 the dude writes four lines and ends with something that blames himself for some failing, he's probably not being truthful

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