TER General Board

Yes it is tacky. The again I gave a gift once....
cspatz 67 Reviews 279 reads

....meatloaf and mashed pototoes made by yours truley. She loved it.

-- Modified on 6/20/2015 3:46:50 PM

So I regularly browse other provider profiles, and one thing I've been noticing is that a lot of them have "wish lists" posted on their websites.  Now, I love presents just as much as the next girl.  And if a client is feeling particularly generous, I'd much rather receive something that I actually want than something a random saleslady at Bloomingdale's picked out for him.  

But hobbyists, do you find wish lists to be a bit of a turn off? Have any of you ever purchased a provider anything off of hers?  

And providers, if you have a wish list, how often do you receive anything from it? And is it full of practical things or is it mostly extravagant items that are just wishful thinking?

Inquiring minds want to know ;)

I have brought gifts for ladies before. And it's always nice to know what she likes or wants.

-- Modified on 6/20/2015 9:43:05 AM

GaGambler580 reads

It's by no means enough for me to pass on every provider that has one, but when a woman is charging a LOT more than my lawyer, to put up a wish list on how to give her even MORE seems a bit tacky to me.

I will concede that it does help to ensure you don't get a bunch of crap you don't want, but it's still a bit tacky now that you ask.

BTW I have noticed that it does seem to be the higher priced ladies that have these "wish lists" that you talk about. Maybe they feel it adds to the fantasy of being actual GF's? and for all I know, maybe they are right? There are a lot of guys right here on TER who we know have deluded themselves into thinking the hooker they pay on a regular basis, deep down is going to fall in love with them. Who are we to piss on their parade of self delusion?

It's almost funny that a provider who charges $300+ an hour has a need to list every high-end "look at me" item on her wish list. It's like saying, "I wouldn't buy this shit with my money, but you're a sucker and I really, really want it ... Daddy." I can almost guess the list most of the time. Now where is the fun it that?

Posted By: GaGambler
It's by no means enough for me to pass on every provider that has one, but when a woman is charging a LOT more than my lawyer, to put up a wish list on how to give her even MORE seems a bit tacky to me.  
 I will concede that it does help to ensure you don't get a bunch of crap you don't want, but it's still a bit tacky now that you ask.  
 BTW I have noticed that it does seem to be the higher priced ladies that have these "wish lists" that you talk about. Maybe they feel it adds to the fantasy of being actual GF's? and for all I know, maybe they are right? There are a lot of guys right here on TER who we know have deluded themselves into thinking the hooker they pay on a regular basis, deep down is going to fall in love with them. Who are we to piss on their parade of self delusion?
-- Modified on 6/20/2015 11:07:11 AM

I had to chuckle at her moxie for that one.  Aim high baby!

I had made a wish list once myself when I was younger.  Number one on the list was to find that damn genie lamp that had Barbara Eden in it.  I'd wish for her to make her tongue super long so that she could jerk my cock with it from across the room.    :-

GaGambler351 reads

I wished, (pretty much my only wish) to have as many women as I could possibly fuck available to me anytime I wanted.  

Damn, thanks  to the hobby, some wishes do come true. lol

While I don't always "gift" a lady, especially on the first date. I find the gift list handy after I repeat. I prefer give a gift card from, say,Victoria Secret and let the lady choose what she would like.

and have considered buying a gift for a regular or my ATF, but usually I just opt out for a tip.

Posted By: THEAvaStClaire
So I regularly browse other provider profiles, and one thing I've been noticing is that a lot of them have "wish lists" posted on their websites.  Now, I love presents just as much as the next girl.  And if a client is feeling particularly generous, I'd much rather receive something that I actually want than something a random saleslady at Bloomingdale's picked out for him.  
 But hobbyists, do you find wish lists to be a bit of a turn off? Have any of you ever purchased a provider anything off of hers?  
 And providers, if you have a wish list, how often do you receive anything from it? And is it full of practical things or is it mostly extravagant items that are just wishful thinking?  
 Inquiring minds want to know ;)

Sometimes they just want to have an idea of what you like because a lot of these men travel on business and like to pick Me up gifts in other cities. Also, I have clients who gift if we haven't seen one another in some time. And yes, I think it does add to the GF fantasy; I think it's cute. No complaints here.

I put them in the same category as extended warranties: it ain't for me, but if it makes you feel better to buy one, go for it.

I've seen a number of ladies who have a "wish list" on their website and I've seen a larger number without.  It's not really something I worry about.  

I have on a few occasions purchased a gift or two for a lady I've seen on several occasions.  I'll use my own determination as to what I actually purchase based on her likes, or perhaps something I think she would enjoy.  But I don't feel obligated to do so because she has one.

Some wish lists that I have seen tell a great deal about the provider.  A "session related" list (sex toys/bondage gear/lingerie etc) tells me something about you.  A non session related list (wines, perfumes, etc.) also tells me something about you.  Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing depends upon what your market is.  If you are really very girlie, very glam - that's one market.  If you are seriously sex positive/adventurous - that's another market.  Obviously, there are other markets as well.

I don't view it as offputting.  I am perfectly capable of saying no.  It does give me an idea of where you are coming from.

I have, in fact, gotten things off a "session related" Amazon wish list for a few providers that involved sessions with a more PSE flair to them.  However, in all cases, this involved providers that I have seen several times.  


-- Modified on 6/20/2015 11:17:46 AM

Instead of a list, why not just have a link to a page that says gimmie! gimmie! gimmie!

Why not? Because that isn't even close to the same thing.  

 A wish list is just that.  It's a list of things you wish you had.  It isn't a shopping list, it isn't a list of demands, and it isn't a requirement. It is simply a helpful guide for the type of gentleman who may want to show his appreciation beyond the required donation. It says a lot about what you think about providers in general if you feel that, on principal, none of them deserve to be spoiled occasionally with things that they actually want.  

And regardless of your opinion on the matter, you could certainly learn a thing or two about class from some of the other men who have posted on this thread. If you don't like wish lists, ignore them.  But you know what's really tacky?  Feeling the need to rudely dismiss all of the providers who offer them as greedy.

I really was on the fence when I started this thread, but having read some of your responses, I think I'm inclined to find wish lists more helpful than tacky.  

Instead of thinking about them as a way to buy a provider's affection, or as a way for providers to suck as much money out of their clients as possible... Why not look at it like a thank you card, but sexier?  Haven't you ever sent a gift basket, or some other token of your appreciation to someone you've worked with who went above and beyond? Or tipped a fantastic server in a restaurant more than the expected 15-20%?

It's just another way of showing your appreciation for someone who may be doing a job, but is doing an amazing job at it. You certainly don't HAVE to buy a provider anything, or even tip them for that matter, but I don't think that it's tacky for a provider to offer a little guidance should you decide to.

ETA: I accidentally posted this in the wrong place in the thread. My point's the same, though lol

-- Modified on 6/20/2015 1:33:18 PM

GaGambler556 reads

and I don't lose any sleep over it when women do post a wish list. I will ad one caveat that the more extravagant her wish list is, the tackier I find it. I honestly don't find a list of let's say, what chocolates, wines, books etc that she prefers a bit tacky. OTOH listing  items made by Gucci, Versace or BMW, yes I find that a bit tacky. lol

Or any other lady that I pay her requested rate to spend time with. :-D  

For me it's a waste of information I will never use. Feel free to post a wish list if you desire. The question was asked and I answered it!

We can't have a bell curve of classy guys without someone on the far left :-)

to refuse to treat a provider like a real girlfriend? If I had the time to cater to a providers wish list, I probably wouldn't be seeing them to begin with.

I show plenty of class by not sending a ridiculous amount of emails, washing my ass before I arrive, paying the requested rate which is  usually more than what a session is worth(but that's my choice), and leaving once my time is up.  

I'm not singling out any ladies in this thread, however the amount of pretention some of the ladies show around here is disgusting. Like I said before, ladies should market themselves to the best of their ability, but when someone isn't buying your particular brand of BS... Keep it moving.

I can't speak for everyone but my wish list (really its just a 4 sentence paragraph) was created because I was often asked what kind of things I enjoy. Don't judge the Provider for having one, more than likely multiple Clients asked what was (we) preferred and rather then send 1000 emails about it, Providers have streamlined the process and put the information directly on their site.

It isn't the Ladies fault! Who doesn't like a present :)

-- Modified on 6/20/2015 1:17:58 PM

I'm sure they will still be sending 1000 emails even after reading your wish list.

....I let my satisfaction be known by booking another session asap.

On occasion I've used them to purchase a small gift for an escort. I get a more surprised "oh my you read my website" than the reaction to the gift. If I do it on a first date, it's always a nice icebreaker.

All you have to remember only one thing.

"As long someone exercising their freedom does not affect anyone else’s right exercise anyone else’s freedom, nothing should concern you

Why should anyone would be concerned about someone else’s behaviors, if it doesn’t affect them

-- Modified on 6/20/2015 12:13:42 PM

-- Modified on 6/20/2015 12:16:10 PM

-- Modified on 6/20/2015 12:21:52 PM

Posted By: HidingBehindMyAlias
 -- Modified on 6/20/2015 12:13:42 PM  
 -- Modified on 6/20/2015 12:16:10 PM

-- Modified on 6/20/2015 12:21:52 PM

I have viewed some wish lists as well.  Some of them are absurd others are very practical.  I have purchased practical gifts from a wish list too and let me tell ya, from my experience, the idea of giving a random gift livens up the session exponentially!  


I have always thought it curious that a gent would buy  lady a gift on his first visit. Until he walks in the the door he has no idea if the session will be great, good, ok or damn let me out of here!

 For ladies I see regularly I usually leave a tip and ignore the wish list.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
He's going to look silly returning a gift

It was shortly after my wife and I separated and I started out in this game.

Took a lady out to dinner and to Victoria's Secret where I bought her a sexy nightgown.

The saleslady showed her a new perfume VC was introducing.

She loved it, but I didn't get it for her.

Then she showed me an absolutely sensational evening ... and afterward, she hung out for a couple of hours of OTC fun and laughter while we solved all of each other's problems.

The next day, I went back and bought the perfume to give to her on our next date.

Sadly, I got a message from her saying she was getting married and retiring - the next date never occurred - and I stuck the VC perfume in a drawer.

Then ... my ex came over one day to pick up some more of her stuff .. and, of course, she found it.

It was "AH HAH - now I know why you left me".

Fortunately, it was late November, and I sent it to her for a Christmas present. She laughed at how she had misinterpreted things.

I'm just such a sly fox.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
He's going to look silly returning a gift

of a couple, i enjoy buying gifts for the ladies we see, especially if i learn more about them over time, it makes ME happy that i can give them something they will like, or that they might not buy for themselves, i like the personal touch.  (hubby said i enjoy shopping more for them than i do him) LOL

And no, I never have purchased anything for a provider off of her wish list but if I ever did, I wouldn't have to ask I suppose. A lot of these women get admirers who want to purchase things for them and do. Hey, it's that gent right to want to. I personally don't see things that way but I'm not going to dog another man for wanting to nor a provider for having such a list on her site. Now if one ever asked me why I didn't purchase something from her list with a negative tone (lol), well then, it would surely be met with a smile and a dash. Lol.

To each their own. I don't understand the men who have an issue with it being listed nor any other women who don't list such. It's just getting too damn serious with all of this and taking this to a level it doesn't need to be. IMO. I've never heard of or seen someone saying something had to be purchased off of it for one to get an appointment or return appointments if desired.

I never had an entire page dedicated to a wish list, but my first website did make a mention of a few of my fave wines, stores, etc. MANY guys brought me wine, which I adored. I think having an entire page set out for only that purpose with links to exact stores can be a bit off putting to some, but other men are happy to know what NOT to get at least. Personally, gift cards are the BEST gift IMO. I would never accept things like sex toys or lingerie, because I am not exactly going to be able to wear/use those things with anyone else. That's more of a gift for the client than myself, which I will happily wear or use with ONLY him, but it won't be going home with me.

....meatloaf and mashed pototoes made by yours truley. She loved it.

-- Modified on 6/20/2015 3:46:50 PM

I realized it was darned helpful.

 The only provider I have bought gifts for is my ATF, who I have been seeing for almost a year and half now. I was creative for her birthday, and then Christmas, and a few other times, but then she put up an Amazon wish list.  

I have made use of that list a few times when my own creativity was lacking. I still get her things not on her list when I am inspired and I fully intend to be creative for her birthday, but it is nice than if I want to get her something and can't think of something on my own - her list is there.

RokkKrinn487 reads

There are a few providers whom I see regularly, and I do value the relationships I have with them, and I like to show it in some other way besides Mr. Envelope.  So I do give them gifts--but almost never stuff from the Wishlist.  That seems tawdry, and kind of a "check the box" sort of thing.

The gifts I give to my favorite ladies are generally very personalized, things that I know they'll like, based on what they've told me about their likes and dislikes.  My instincts have rarely steered me wrong--the ladies in question always appreciate the extra thoughtfulness (and Yeah, that appreciation does sometimes manifest in the ladies providing "extras" or OTC time--but that's not why I do it--I do it because I genuinely enjoy seeing the look on their face when they open the wrapping paper).

And it cuts both ways; several providers have given me gifts from time to time also.  It's not just an "I give, they take," kind of deal.

It's amazing what happens when you treat people fairly and let them know that you hold them in high regard.  It's almost as if you get back what you put out there or something...

-- Modified on 6/21/2015 3:15:39 AM

....stuff that I already have, other things that match my taste but don't have yet and are "reasonably priced", and things want but can't bring myself to get it/wishful thinking items like an almost 6k pair of Christian Louboutin  ('Daffodile Strass' in blue is $5,995 to be exact lol).  
I don't find them tacky mainly because if the guy(s) wants to buy it for her then hey it's their money and more power to em'.

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