TER General Board

Yes, If we are going to be completely serious for a moment
GaGambler 1172 reads

then yes, men can be bisexual and being bi sexual is completely different than being "men only" but I do stand by my point that bisexual men are "seen" as gay whereas it's perfectly acceptable for a woman to simply be "bi curious"

and yes, although I am as open minded as it's possible for a straight guy to be where it comes to gays. I have to confess my stomach involuntarily turns just a bit when I see two men do so much as kiss, much less have sex together. As I said, just like gay people I can't help this reaction, It's just the way I am hard wired.

BTW I get almost the same reaction watching old and or unattractive people swapping spit as well, even if it is heterosexual. What can I say? I am a pig. oink oink

bigguy304622 reads

If you or a hobbyist you see, also fucks TS providers.  
It would be helpful, if you would let other hobbyist like myself that don't see TS providers know before booking a date with you.
I understand people have the right to do, what they want in this hobby and it's their personal choice.
So I also have the right as a straight man, not to see providers that do these types of dates.
This is my own personal right and choice too

HardCrotch1218 reads

But it that don't mean it's gonna happen brotherman. You might as well ask them if they ever did BBFS. You can't be sure if you are getting the truth and nuttin but

So figure out how to do your ho'-m-work.  Don't expect girls to do disclaimers and reveal this stuff. C'mon, man.

cashorcredit1261 reads

Although I disagree with their sexual preference and find it disgusting, there's no way in hell I'd turn down pussy because a escort fucked someone I didn't approve of.  

Your best bet is to get a provider to fall in love with you.. wife them up then you can control who they fuck.

No, I can’t control who they fuck but I sure can decide who I will fuck in P4P. Isn’t it the beauty of P4P?

bigguy301437 reads

Also I get people on here, have different views.  
It's about my choice and playing safe.  
I love this hobby, but will not take any unnecessary chances either.

for many reasons.  

A crack addict and a street walker comes to mind but there are many others I would not touch with a barge pol

cashorcredit1141 reads

Assuming it's good pussy there are three things no man should ever turn down.

Food, Pussy and Money!!

1) Prison food (worked there, not served there).
2) Horrible stew-like sludge in the Rif Mountains of Morocco.  It was so bad when a friend of mine went back there and was offered it again he told them, "I don't eat food."  Since he was a crazy druggy hippie, they believed him.

cashorcredit961 reads

There's nothing worse than some shitty food that just tears your frigging guts up lol.  


-- Modified on 10/20/2014 10:47:02 AM

ChiTownHeaux1449 reads

see tall, short, anorexic thin, bbw, AA, Latin, Asian, Greek, yellow, purple, and any other one I missed full list then give to you so you may decide to see us or not. Yea buddy! Good luck with that. Even if we were to ask them for our own reasons (whatever they would be) you swear people are going to be 100% honest and give the run down of what they do or not do and who they put it in and where.  

What we care about is that they are safe, clean, respectful, and pay our rate. Who else they see in or out of the hobby is not your business nor mine. Grow up and acknowledge the risks of being an adult and playing with others otherwise don't play and go in the the damn corner.  

By the way this topic has been discussed over and over and over. Search for the other threads.

bigguy30891 reads

I have the right to my opinions and you do too!  
If you ChiTownHeaux like to fuck TS and woman, that is your choice.  
It's not about growing up smart guy, it's my choice.  
So some providers, I know agree with me.

Make any choice you want to make and do what you wish.

Others have the right to do the same.

I bet, you wouldn’t fuck every that walks through the door and who can pay your rate.

included his original post to help you remember his plea:

Posted By: bigguy30
If you or a hobbyist you see, also fucks TS providers.  
 It would be helpful, if you would let other hobbyist like myself that don't see TS providers know before booking a date with you.  
 I understand people have the right to do, what they want in this hobby and it's their personal choice.  
 So I also have the right as a straight man, not to see providers that do these types of dates.  
 This is my own personal right and choice too.  

While the OP may have the freedom to choose who he wishes to see, that does not make it his right to see who he chooses. By claiming he has the right to see providers who do not consort with trans-gender persons, his exercise of that right, by necessity, creates a corresponding obligation on the other party. So if that right exists, it must be equally true that providers have an obligation to disclose fully their sexual practices as well as those of their clients. The absurdity of such a notion makes claiming a non-existing right equally absurd.  

Let’s not forget that this is an illegal enterprise. The only “right” that exists is the one to remain silent if caught. I suggest the OP begin exercising that right and do his own homework as Steph and others have stated.

asking ladies to be up front. WTF? He should ask all of men we've seen to come clean and see how far that gets him.

Think for a second, I'm "trying" to be respectful by telling a guy who I somehow know "doesn't see TS providers", when he never even brings it up.

Imagine the guy does, but does not review, and I say "I have no problem with guys who see TS, in case that may bother you." I've now told him there is something possibly wrong about his choice in providers.

Am I offering a sexy work up to our appointment? No. I'm putting a negative thought into his head before he comes to fully enjoy his time with me.

Theoretically, the OP is asking us to take action based on an assumption. Unless the OP simply forgot to put in, "If a guy asks you if you see TS, or guys who see TS," he has asked us to magically know who sees who - even if they don't review those people. Automatic set up for failure. The guy either will change his mind because I possibly see guys who see TS, or he will change his mind because I insulted him or one of his friends.

Business isn't always perfect, but we exercise it the best we can, and hopefully as safe as we can. But we all know we are exposing ourselves to multiple partners, most of whom don't talk about their other sexual encounters. (There is missing info even outside of P4P). But we are running a business, so the end result is what is in the bank and how we are getting to that result as safely as we can. It's a business. The business has the responsibility to run in such a way that it caters to the general public without jeopardizing client confidence, and also making a good income. It's the client's responsibility to research the product.

I would think, especially here, that client privacy is much more important, as long as the business is running as safely as possible.

#throws up hands #rolls eyes #walks away

-- Modified on 10/20/2014 2:43:04 PM

ChiTownHeaux1610 reads

FYI I am a provider and I do not and will not ask for a list of who my clients have phucked and then contact those ladies and see who they phucked. In fact I already think asking for references is TMI but I do that for references, you know safety. To ask any past, current, or future client because being with a TS is considered "risky" is going way too far. Sure one may ask, but will these down low guys tell the truth? HIGHLY doubt it. What your asking for is ridiculous anyone telling you that everyone they've been with has not is lying to you wake up dude.  

If you are THAT scared stay in your bed and do not phuck girls who could possibly could be phucking guys who also phuck chicks with dicks. IMO people are in this hobby to do what they can not do in the open and they have a right to do who they want without being questioned by a provider.

Just look at some of the top 10 or 100 in any major city LOTS of them are TS ladies. You think that is a coincidence? You saying these TS ladies engage in needle sharing and blah blah blah is soooo tired. It is the same as saying all escorts are on drugs, have pimps, and/or are not doing this out of their own free will.

Posted By: bigguy30
If you or a hobbyist you see, also fucks TS providers.  
 It would be helpful, if you would let other hobbyist like myself that don't see TS providers know before booking a date with you.  
 I understand people have the right to do, what they want in this hobby and it's their personal choice.  
 So I also have the right as a straight man, not to see providers that do these types of dates.  
 This is my own personal right and choice too.
As Suzie Wong (Nancy Kwan) says to Robert Lomax (William Holden) in The World of Suzie Wong, "You be my first time." Lomax didn't believe it ... but Susie did

I don't always keep up with EVERYONE else my clients have seen. I do check on things from time to time with some. And here's yet another thing for you to ponder. Some guys here have two handles. One for reviewing GGs and one for reviewing TS gals. I'm sure that will totally blow your mind.

If it bugs you, make sure you have VIP and cross reference. YOU do YOUR homework and don't ASSume we have to tell you about who've seen. I have my feelings on this but they are MINE. And I'm not bashing you for how you feel about the whole TS thing, just don't put any additional responsibility on the ladies here.



-- Modified on 10/19/2014 5:28:47 PM

Steph, I know the world series is upon us but I didn't realize that there were that many switch hitters in existence.  Perhaps you should be a contributing journalist for Courtesans Quarterly and write an article concerning this and what to look for.  I am sure other providers would really like to know.

want to have her own board on TER which was fktarded. She wanted anyone who wanted to be a part of that board to have to be approved for membership. I wonder *who* was going to do the approving? :-0

BTW, can you read your PMs? I sent you a few over the last few months.



-- Modified on 10/20/2014 9:35:18 AM

bigguy301141 reads

I agree about the research part and not putting everyything on the providers.
Also I am not bashing anybody choice with this question.
It's my personal choice and with works for me.
So it's nothing wrong with asking a provider and doing the research too.

We just said the question is pointless because the answer is meaningless.  She will tell you what you want to hear.

To me, it seemed like he is putting the responsibility on us to tell him.

If he asks if I would, sure. My answer would be yes. If he asks if I have, my answer would be I don't know. Otherwise, I feel like I'm giving out too much info and feel invasive. If he insists I explain, I will simply consider we aren't a good match. Too invasive.

He can see if there are any reviews from a guy who has also seen a TS.

Me, I'll be happy to give an accurate answer. WAAAY back in the day I had some racist rednecks ask me if I had ever seen black men before. See if a WHITE man asks that question we all knew WHY.

Some were so stupid they didn't even know I was making fun of them when I batted my eyes and amped up my southern accent and said something like, "Oh my goodness that would just terrify me too much. I'm not sure my vagina would ever be the same again. Oh my, please don't bring that up again you know how much *they* want us white women I have to never make eye contact with black men because I might be put under some kind of spell."

The dumb ass thought I was being serious. Who was I to tell him any differently at that point? I did giggle when he went down on me though. At the end of our apt though he did tell me how relieved he was though because when he viewed my pics, I wasn't sure I was *really* white with my curly hair, and skin tone. He did go on my personal never see again list though. I find it VERY difficult to put a guy's dick in my mouth or va jay jay if I just plain don't like him.

Steph xox

Are you asking that each woman you see provide you with a résumé of all her previous clients? Because even if there are no TS in the apparent circle of her friends, there might be a few bisexuals who, IMO and for the health reasons, seem every bit as iffy.

And, as far as that goes, I might like to see their lists myself, because I'm bothered by knowing that the women I have such rich and tender moments with also suck off jerks, assholes, idiots and the like. There are a few creatures lumbering around whose ATFs I'd really like to steer clear of. But, alas, the cursed old world just doesn't seem to work that way. Wish there was a world repairman who we could call to ferret out these quirks and set things right, but I suppose who I have to share my paid lady friends with would be towards the bottom of his list of what to fix.

Spam in God's mailbox. That's about as far as your hopes and prayers in this area will get.

It's not appropriate discussion prior so once you find yourself with her…

"Before we get started ummm…"

bigguy301150 reads

It's a question that can be ask before the date or researched on here with her reviews.  
Also some providers mention it, in their ads.  
So a person does not always have to ask her, since she is up front with other hobbyist.
I will say it again, it's not bashing anybody or a attack on those who disagree with me.
This is my own personal choice period.

Everyone they've had sex with, and try to get everyone they've had sex with.

Who I have sex with ain't none of your business.

Ig is know fact intrvaneous drug use and sharing needles is common among TS so, if you are into it, rest have right to know.

Railing against bareback is routine on these boards, this is worse than BBFS.  

If your hiding then you are being deceptive and it has nothing to do with any damn list.  

No one is saying to you, who you cannot and can see. At the same time, if your are engaging in risky practice, hobbyists have right to know and make their own choices.

Fortunately, I have plenty of options where I play.

That's not too much to ask, is it?  I'm sure lots of girls would be happy to provide it.

Especially in this profession. The only person I have BB'd with was a fiancé, who ended up cheating on me BBacking other girls years ago, which showed me that I shouldn't have even BB'd with him. So my list would be 1 person.

Regarding trannies, sorry, I don't sit and conduct an interview to see if some guy has seen trannies. As we all probably know, lots of guys have multiple review handles where they review transvestites, (or even simply different lists so other girls can't see.) I doubt a guy would tell me - but then again, I alls don't ask because 1. I know I will be using protection, and 2. I have absolutely nothing against guys who see trannies.

I get PM's from guys asking if I would see them if they saw a transvestite - which I know isn't them asking me for a date - it's to find out if I allow my guys to see them. I simply answer their question truthfully - yes, I would. Why? I'd see one myself if I could, just to see what it's like. I have no problem.

Now, bareback is another story. If I know for certain a guy is doing that - well - if I know, I can't do that. That scares me more than anything.

-- Modified on 10/20/2014 8:15:23 AM

Only with you, that one time in the back of the camaro… you called me Sheba, I was on molly… it was beautiful. Still have the welts. Only bbfs time everz…me swearz.

Posted By: inicky46
That's not too much to ask, is it?  I'm sure lots of girls would be happy to provide it.

bigguy301045 reads

So you also answer the question already, just by your comment.
We disagree and that's fine.
I know one thing, my list would not include any TS on it!

bigguy301150 reads

Courtney I never mention a list or history at all.  
So what needed to get out in the open?  
I don't fuck or see providers that fuck hobbyist who see TS.
The thing that gets me is, you just brought up your bbfs history to someone else and was not defensive about it.
So it's just proves my point, it's nothing wrong with asking a question to make yourself safer in this hobby.

See, this is the kind of shit I'm talking about. Discretion is a two-way street, bro, and you have no "personal right" to any knowledge of who I've fucked (nor who they've fucked). That's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read on here.

bigguy30958 reads

I see why you and others keep going back to this statement. It's a way not to answer a direct question.
Do you see TS or hobbyist that see them, yes or no?  
So why do I need to know your history for that question?

-- Modified on 10/20/2014 2:30:25 PM

But I don't associate with transphobic/homophobic dipshits anyway, so it's a moot point.  

You do realize that severe revulsion to non-heteronormativity is often indicative of insecurities about one's own sexuality, right? Maybe you ought to do some introspection. Just saying.

I'm sure there was probably a coherent thought somewhere in that mess but damned if I can find it!

Posted By: Tobi Telford
But I don't associate with transphobic/homophobic dipshits anyway, so it's a moot point.  
 You do realize that severe revulsion to non-heteronormativity is often indicative of insecurities about one's own sexuality, right? Maybe you ought to do some introspection. Just saying.

To tell you anything. And you are just as likely to "catch" something from a straight hooker who fucks a straight man.  

If a trick such as yourself asks me questions of that nature, I am going to do one thing...protect my livelihood and tell you what you want to hear

its none of your business dude.  Who she's been with is her choice and her business.  Your personal choice is to not see TS providers and thats it.  She has 0 obligation to tell you diddly squat.  If you dont like it find another hobby.  Discretion is a two-way street.  She owes you absolutely nothing.  Besides Im still trying to figure out how as a "Straight man" seeing a woman who has seen a TS lady impacts your sexual desires.  I dont get that.  If I see a provider and she has been with a TS lady, how does that make me not straight?  Im a little baffled as to why this bothers you.  In summary you do have the right to not go on these types of dates, however you do not have the right to know the sexual partners of a provider and news flash my friend you probably have already banged the same whole as a TS lady.  Let that stew for a moment.  ;-)

bigguy301160 reads

It's my choice and I have no problem with people that make other choices from me.  
Also when a person calls a TS a lady, it's clear they don't know what they are talking about either.
You or any other hobbyist that sees a TS, is fucking and sucking another man.  
So again that is your choice and not mine.
I don't get where you think, this bothers me and we can only change biology so much.
Thanks for the laugh and don't assume or take my choice that personal my man. LO

Please enlighten me how I changed the subject?  The subject is you not wanting to date women who have seen a TS woman, yes they're called women.  Show some manners.  And how its none of your business.  Period.  Second I was simply wondering why this is an issue for you, and my opinion on the "subject"  I think its pretty clear that it bothers you.  And your aversion to it is quite clear to me and everyone else.  I dont take things personal I was simply curious and you have immediately become defensive and mask it with humor.  Very clever.  So who's taking it personal?  You or me?  

Posted By: bigguy30
It's my choice and I have no problem with people that make other choices from me.    
 Also when a person calls a TS a lady, it's clear they don't know what they are talking about either.  
 You or any other hobbyist that sees a TS, is fucking and sucking another man.  
 So again that is your choice and not mine.  
 I don't get where you think, this bothers me and we can only change biology so much.  
 Thanks for the laugh and don't assume or take my choice that personal my man. LOL  

bigguy301337 reads

Also I will say it again, calling a TS lady is crazy.  
So you can do what you want and I will do the same.
It's called choice and we disagree.

deals with safety. How about this then, should all hookers be wary of any guy, I mean a guy is a guy. If a trans guy is a risk, so is everything that has a dick and the hormones to back it. Should hookers wear hazmat suits to see any guy?

No, the risk is shared equally with all PEOPLE and how they hobby. You might have screwed a lady that had BB sex with a half dozen of her clients, how does that make you feel? It would make me feel equally as grossed out BUT as long as I use protection, it is all I can do.

he feels, for some reason, they're more likely to carry STDs.  I doubt that's true but perhaps someone is familiar with research on the matter.  I hope it's not that he's so skeeved out by trannies that he doesn't want to touch anyone who's dealt with one.

bigguy301001 reads

It's my choice and that's it.  Why keep making a issue out of it?
So people acting like it's a attack on them, are the ones with the problem.  
Thanks for the laughs and it's not that serious people. LOL

So don't run that "people assume" shit by me, biggie.  Or does staying "safe" mean you're not concerned with a tranny being likely to carry STDs but are afraid "she" will mug you with her purse.
PS: You seem to be getting somewhat pissy with your replies now.  Get a grip.  You came to this board with what most people think was a stupid question.  This is what happens.  Deal with it.

Re: It's not cold or about control, just making the smart move!....  
Posted 10/20/2014 at 7:25:59 AM
Also I get people on here, have different views.  
It's about my choice and playing safe.    
I love this hobby, but will not take any unnecessary chances either.  

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He's a complete idiot and, of course, doesn't know it. He asks for honest answers but won't give any.
The truth is obvious by now.  The thought of kissing a woman who's sucked a tranny dick grosses him out, plus he's afraid of STDs.
The fact that she sucks other guys' dicks seems not to bother him.
The fact that trannies are no more likely to carry STDs than any other provider seems to difficult a concept for him to wrap his pea brain around
So he responds to every post (except mine) with inane blather, blames everyone for being mean and can't figure out how to put EOM at the end of his subject-line-only posts.
What a tool.

His purpose was to slam and judge because any smart trick will not even entertain the issue of asking a hooker what type of guys she has seen, TS or otherwise. None of their damn business. The fact that he refuses to answer any questions is telling.

This could be true, but I havent saw anything that would prove TS providers contract more diseases than normal providers or vice-versa.  Sure gay men, unfortunately, have that stigma, but TS ladies arent fully in that circle.  So Im not sure what the issue is.  Which is something Im trying to ask.

Posted By: inicky46
he feels, for some reason, they're more likely to carry STDs.  I doubt that's true but perhaps someone is familiar with research on the matter.  I hope it's not that he's so skeeved out by trannies that he doesn't want to touch anyone who's dealt with one.

ChiTownHeaux1250 reads

You tell me who has your wife slept with or who is she currently sleeping with! It better not be a yellow, orange, purple, ogre or small brained man like you! Absolutely, ridiculous!  

Go ahead ask, your answers will not be 100% foolproof because you asked.  Even doing research you can never be sure 100% that someone you bed has never been with someone who has been with a TS lady. Here and civvie world people are entitled to keep shit to themselves.

I lick twat sometimes too, does that bother you? So a guy has a TS session and then wants to see me. OK, I'll never know unless he tells me. He might be bi too, great, how am I going to know? Providers don't have a checklist when screening regarding sexual history, although that would be interesting! All we can do is assume our risks and use precautions. You don't want to catch anything and neither do I. End of discussion. Happy Humping!

bigtool doesn't use it at all, and SexyJaye7 (with whom I agree on everything else) puts it in the wrong place. If you're only going to post in the subject line, please put an EOM after the subject, in the same line.  That keeps people from needlessly clicking on the message, opening it and finding nothing there.
This has been a public service message.  Thank you.

The STD risk is about the same ether way. And you have no right to that info. Quit being dumb.

You're just being stupid. It isn't being gay or TS that ups the STD risk it is the sex acts preformed. Anal sex has a higher degree of risk than oral or vaginal sex. I promise you no provider who has done this any length of time has seen clients who have done anal. Many providers have done anal themselves. Besides see the sexual exposure chart above. We all are high risk sex partners. That is why we need to wear a wet suit.

Disease, revulsion towards gay/bisexual individuals, what really is your issue?

Because disease knows no sexual preference and if you read here long enough you will realize that BBing is common. And you can't catch gay or bisexual, so care to share what your aversion is?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Disease, revulsion towards gay/bisexual individuals, what really is your issue?  
 Because disease knows no sexual preference and if you read here long enough you will realize that BBing is common. And you can't catch gay or bisexual, so care to share what your aversion is?

JackDunphy1405 reads

I guess it would my preference for escorts I am interested in not to fk TS but I have never lost an ounce of sleep over it.  

And for anyone that would think they could possibly know the truth anyway is fkin delusional which is just another reason I don't concern myself with it.  

I am MUCH more concerned with how professional she is how hot she is and how much into the session she is.

bigguy301465 reads

I have said it was a choice for me and understand other hobbyist don't agree with me.  
We all don't have to agree on this topic.  I love pussy period and I see some of you that go both ways, have a hard time with the comment.
This is your problem, not mine.

We understand that its your choice.  Let me break it down for you.  Why is it your choice.  Why?

Got it! You can be as evasive as you want, or you can examine your preconceptions and school yourself.

bigguy301088 reads

So all of the name calling is showing, your own insecure issues.  
I keep saying we don't have to agree on this topic.
You like dick and pussy, I enjoy pussy only got it!  LOL

-- Modified on 10/20/2014 9:15:38 AM

There is more PC bullshit and ball less posts on this thread.

Go both ways or go fuck a monkey if you like.  

All being said, others have the right to choose and not see someone who see TS’s. May be there providers on this thread do but I know dozens of providers who don’t.  

How do I know? Had in depth conversation with the ones I have seen and see regularly. How do I know they are not lying? I can tell the difference between someone bull shitting versus who is telling the truth. So can most.

There are people who do most anything for money including eating scorpions on a reality show and there who won’t do certain things of all the money in this world and it is called person beliefs and choice.

A choice, well what made it a choice, what about it turns you off? You opened the door and now you don;t want to answer a simple question? Up to you but you do realize that that we can and will make our own assumptions as to why you don't like it...maybe you are a closet gay and that is your fear.

And you want a hooker to be honest and risk losing money, the very best of luck with that if you can't be honest as to your reasons why, since YOU started the thread.

-- Modified on 10/20/2014 10:33:22 AM

Then, when I replied to someone else that I thought you were concerned about STDs you got on my case for making "assumptions."  When I then pointed out your "safety" concerns and that it was reasonable to assume STDs were the issue, you refused to reply.  I've asked the question again twice now.  So answer it.  Or we'll be forced to assume you're afraid TSs are more likely to carry diseases.  scoed has already pointed out this is not correct and I know him well enough to know he's well informed on such issues.

All you give is empty answers and vague comments about choices you make and blah blah.  You have said nothing and have answered nothing.  And I will no longer participate in this flame session which Im pretty sure was meant for that exact purpose because you explain yourself in no way shape or form.  Happy hobbying.

bigguy301274 reads

So again people disagree with each other, it's nothing new.  
I don't know why you are so defensive, do what you want and I will do what I want in this hobby.

every client we've seen and everyone he's seen and maybe all those that a TS has seen, the list is just too long and we don't owe you that. And when you said we should be up front...that seems to be what you mean.

There's no 100% here just YOU do your research, ok?

I'm really trying hard not to say TSTTT here...

-- Modified on 10/20/2014 12:09:43 PM

bigguy301240 reads

Wow I already mention about the research thing several times and agreed with you earlier!

AFICIONADO131284 reads

I will only see ladies the regularly meet clients that are 10+ inches because of some infomercial that came on at 3am that stated studies has shown this could help increase my size. LOL

That has got to be the dumbest and most ignorant request I have ever read.
1. Do you really think anyone will talk about prior partners?
2. What the hell difference could it possibly make?

bigguy301162 reads

Do you see TS or hobbyists that date them.  
I don't need a personal history from you or want one.
It's a simple yes or no answer.
The reaction from those that do are clear, they don't really want to answer a question like that one.
So let me attack and make shit up, about the comment.lol
Some do and I don't and it's that simple.

Sooo...YouWanna1061 reads

That will solve everyone's problem. Your childish misunderstanding of how the world works, and our having to suffer through your company.  

Realistically, we have all probably seen someone who has seen a TS girl, or another girl that sees a guy like that, or doubled with a TS, or breaths the same air as a TS... You're not going to get away from the sex industry involving sex, so just wrap it up and let it go or get out.  

50% of what men pay me for is rocking their world, the other 50% is to STFU about it. I will never know all of their business, and I will certainly never disclose that to some rando. What  my sex life involves is 100% none of your business. If you want to stick your nose in someone's sex life, get yourself a real girlfriend who doesn't mind that you obsess over the guys or girls that came first, and will allow you to personally vet every partner she's ever had. Otherwise, sorry. You're the one being a delusional dumb dumb. Not the people of the board.

bigguy30992 reads

I guess you can't read either and the only one assuming is you!  
So I never said that, but I see you are going to keep trying to twist my words. Lol

bigguy301197 reads

So that is your problem and afraid of what?
I had the guts to ask the question and not hide from it.
So come up with another stupid question.lol

If you think I"m going to search this entire train wreck you started, NFW.

Sooo...YouWanna985 reads

That you don't want to see providers that see TSs or hobbyists that see them, and you for whatever reason think that we need to disclose that just like you we fuck other people.  

It's not our fault that you fail to understand that not only is that not going to happen, but we are sure as hell not going to coddle you and say we have any obligation to deal with your whining or ignorance. It's not that we don't get your point, we read it loud and clear. We just think you're fuckin delusional if you think that this is a realistic expectation. It's your right to fuck whoever you want, yes, but don't think for a second that your request could possibly be carried out.  

Like I said, if you care that much, go out and get a real girlfriend. Have her provide a list of past partners, call them up and interrogate them. I'm sure she'd get a good laugh just like the rest of us before walking away from your crazy controlling ass.

My impression after reading the entire thing is you posted this to slam TS and those who see them.

Here's the real deal which I hope prevents you from trying to book any of us...we possibly all have, by some connection and the way we all sleep around, have had some contact with a TS or someone who has seen one. I for one am not remotely bothered.  So that should have you running for the hills. At least I hope so, so hope you are happy and stay the fuck away from us all?  

You, on the other hand, are far worse with your intolerance, and there was no need to even post this bullshit. You really expect a hooker to announce to you who she sees?  You are more of a threat than any TS seeing john.

Hookers have every right not to see a right asshole so how about you announcing that in your intro email? We deserve to know before being alone with you.

bigguy30992 reads

Some people are defensive and others get where I am coming from too.  
The ones twisting my words, will keep on fucking or seeing TS hobbyist.
It's called choice and everybody has the right to do, what they want in this hobby.  
I just perfer to stay away from the TS part of the hobby.  
If some of you have a problem with my comments, get over it.
We all have the right to choose for ourselves and this is right for me.

-- Modified on 10/20/2014 7:57:47 PM

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