TER General Board

Yes I think they do....
sassysinfullady See my TER Reviews 4143 reads
1 / 10

I wonder if guys get off when they call for you to come to the hotel and you call the hotel and nobody is even in the room or no guest by that name. At the time you should meet them and you have checked things out and of course you don't go. ARE they sitting there getting there rocks off thinking you are on the way to a hotel that they are not even there? SHAME on the guys who play that game.

PacketInspector 3119 reads
2 / 10

This is a technique often promoted here on TER to be used with ROBs. Wasteing their time seems like an excellent thing to do. On the other hand, since it is recognized as a spiteful thing to do... the question would be: why would this be done to a legitimate provider.

Is there anyone you've pissed off recently?

The technique could easily be hijacked by anyone with an ax to grind... anyone who thinks the hobby is bad, for example.

Your hypothetical question yields only hypothetical answers, I'm afraid.

Octavia Sunset 3194 reads
3 / 10

This just happened to me for the first time, thank goodness I had the forethought to call him as I was leaving the house to go to the appointment. We talked for quite some time on the phone beforehand, and he semed okay, but not super communicative. That's what made me tell him that I would call him when I was getting ready to leave.
He gave me the number of the hotel in which he was staying and the room number 350. When I called to tell him I was on my way, I got the main desk and asked for his room and was told that there was no room 350. And no, I didn't mishear him, I repeated the number back to him as I wrote it down.
I have never been accused of ripping any one off, because I've never done it. I have been nothing but above board and honest about what I provide, as well as my expectations for the clients I see.
There are guys that call who have no intention of making an appointment and are just trying to engage a provider in free phone sex. I call those guys "masturbators", and I've gotten pretty good at recognizing them when they call, within the first 60 seconds of a conversation.
There are guys, in my belief, who do get some sort of satisfaction from sending a provider to an address that doesn't exist. I call these guys "power trippers". I think it's a power/control/passive aggressive issue that they have.
There's really nothing we can do to stop them since there will always be assholes. But there are ways that we can avoid wasting too much time with them. Use your head girls and remember, karma is a bitch and what goes around, comes around.

From a Provider 2372 reads
4 / 10

I tend to go on gut instincts usually, and have rarely been wrong -- nothing dangerous, but it makes me more cautious and other gentlemen pay the price as I must now demand more info, etc.

I never make same day appts -- they are the ones who tend to be the flakiest!  And,like others, I also find men over 40 to be the best company and most reliable.  And, if they include their business email and all pertinent info -- physical description, full name, business name, date, time, place, etc in the request, it's usually a sure thing and a great time!!

Dionisios 22 Reviews 2369 reads
6 / 10

the obvious answer is yes, some guys do.  You live in a metropolitan area with at least a couple of million people.  Enough that every personality type is represented.

I think stilltryin is wrong when he says screening will eliminate the problem.  I don't know what you do or don't do now, but the toughest screening in the world can only reduce the frequency of these incidents.

I'm afraid all I can do is to offer my sympathy.  I doubt these bozos read this board, and in any case they're not likely to change on account of anything I might say.

bobb3950 8 Reviews 4165 reads
8 / 10

Sorry this happened to you Sassy;
It's a sad fact that there are a lot of immature jerks that associate with the hobby.
Better screening and research will not always weed these guys out.
The good news is that while these guys exist, the vast majority of guys in this community are decent, considerate, nice guys.
Just be glad that the worst he did was not show up.
This same type could have been a "nut job" with a more dangerous agenda.

You are a sweet lady with a good reputation. I hope this doesn't happen to you and others often, however, I'm afraid it does. When it does, just remember to dwell on what a great lady he missed.

just my opinion...

Octavia Sunset 3121 reads
10 / 10

He already wasted her time and didn't bother to call with an explanation. Why should she take more of her valuable time to try and track him down and find out why he sent her on a wild goose chase? He obviously doesn't care....it's in her best interest to move on.

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