TER General Board

Yes everyone, I am in my office today
netmichelle See my TER Reviews 3992 reads

Crusing down the California coast first class on Amtrak Surfliner, tasting regional wines and cheese in the parlor car, and napping in my private bedroom in my hideaway bed while I watch the wild flowers in bloom and the surf crash against the rocks. If your emails/Pms/smoke signals don't get answered today, I may have to fire myself, and go back on vacation. Rum Runner please?

Good God! I would so do incall on a train. Look guys, you book a two hour appt., and the train say takes 4 hours to get somewhere, you score! WHERE AM I GOING TO HIDE? Hehe. There are so many places to boink here. My head is spinning with computing the variables.

How do you ladies (and men) handle cancellations? I had a client scheduled today for 11 a.m. we spoke around 7 a.m. to confirm. Everything was great. He then left a message on my voicemail cancelling the appointment at 10:30 a.m. I was only slightly annoyed, because I knew I could book someone else with short notice. However, there have been times when I have had to decline several requests for a particular time only to have the original client cancel on me. Then I'm annoyed, because I've spent over an hour getting ready for our date.  He called back a few hours later requesting to reschedule. I politely declined saying I will not reschedule, because he failed to give sufficient cancellation notice. He said, without apology I should add,  "I gave half an hour." Please keep in mind that this person does not work or have a family, so I know there were not employment/family obligations.

The point isn't really the cancellation. I know providers and clients alike have to cancel at the last minute all the time. It's part of the business. The point is I felt this person didn't respect my time or even offer an apology. Do you fine ladies and gents give second chances?

When 50% of my reservations cancelled, I adopted a prepay policy for first time clients the next time I tour in Philly, at that city only.  They are still throwing Roma tomatoes at me on this one, marketing 101 briefs, hate e-mails, nasty PMs (that is when you know you must be really good...lol) and complaining that I am not local, too expensive, ugly/fat/old, yada-yada.

I commented on the cancellations on their board,and all the deranged crack cats started hissing. Too bad, I love the city, and am going to get a small loft there for my other work,. I ended up having a good time, but I won't go through that again, not from people I never met. I am a professional tongue and baton twirling cocksucker, not a restaurant reservation.  

policy, it will become more accepted as the norm. As with anything else, those who comply are usually the better clients.

I have found those who give me the screening info right off the bat are better clients and we have a better time than those who didn't and I had to pull teeth to get it.

Those who accept your deposit-first, or prepay policy are already WANTING to see YOU and you both will have a better time for it. Just as 'for sale' ads might read 'serious people only need call or apply' - so this too, shows that they are serious in getting to meet you.

In the event that I take a couple of trips, this will be my policy also as I don't have the time or the money to 'waste' on others who don't respect peoples' time.

As for the "professional tongue and baton twirling cocksucker"..LOL..I hope you made t-shirts. I want one! LOL You're too funny..

"To appeal to the crowd"

Yes, I am in the process of making t-shirts: "NetMichelle National Tour" (rock style with tour dates on back, classic black, I am serious on this one) Female condoms, (thinking of this one) and a calendar for this year, and next. (This year is done, and is given out only to the sexy people who sexed me or will shortly, next year calendar is still in design). I was thinking for Christmas: nice warm fleece bedroom slippers for the guys with "Net" on the left and "Michelle" on the right.

I am so gald you didn't go for gross michelle, although the take would be higher!

All things being equal.

Sniff sniff. I wasnt offered a calendar. Does that mean that I wasnt sexy?

Hey, there you are. I was beginning to think you lost your computer while on tour. PMed you and filled out your form but never heard back. Glad to see you are still shaking it!

Crusing down the California coast first class on Amtrak Surfliner, tasting regional wines and cheese in the parlor car, and napping in my private bedroom in my hideaway bed while I watch the wild flowers in bloom and the surf crash against the rocks. If your emails/Pms/smoke signals don't get answered today, I may have to fire myself, and go back on vacation. Rum Runner please?

Good God! I would so do incall on a train. Look guys, you book a two hour appt., and the train say takes 4 hours to get somewhere, you score! WHERE AM I GOING TO HIDE? Hehe. There are so many places to boink here. My head is spinning with computing the variables.

Or do the VIA rail across Canada! Toronto to Vancouver

But please make sure that there is a Do Not Disturb sign this time!? LoL (Wink wink)

Yeah, I saw the housekeeper later next day. She was glaring at me. Must have been too loud again.

freesam4040 reads

I encouraged you to come to DC before the 14th (smile).  Philly is a gritty city.   Having grown up in the big river city the other end of that state, I am actually a little suprised that they are only throwing tomatoes. Remember Frank Rizzo ran that city and in some respects, nothing really changed since then.

I read your post and the ensueing flames on the Philly' board. Better you concentrate your "professional tongue and baton twirling" prowess on the more appreciative men & women here in SoCal.
BTW- You really MUst have T shirts done up!


-- Modified on 5/4/2004 5:21:56 PM

there are only a few legitimate reasons to cancel 30 minutes before the appointment time and they are; Car accident, being arrested and in jail, death of family member or loved one, suddenly becoming violently or deathly ill and in the hospital, or you are dead yourself, in which case to get a last minute cancellation would be just kind of creepy.

Anything else shows blatant disrespect to me and my time, and I choose not to spend time with those type of people. In which case, you were probably better off having the jerk cancel last minute, then spend any time with him at all. Just my opinion

-- Modified on 5/4/2004 11:03:53 AM

MistressM3241 reads

and occasionally gets paged for emergency surgery. I let that one slide too. The fact that he is a pediatric surgeon specializing in oncology kind of helps though. How can I say no to that?


Hello IW,

I know, that we all hate cancellations, but I've realized, that's part of the business. I do have to give this guy a little credit, for being polite enough to cancel. What bothers me more, is the No Shows, No Calls, which seems to happen when traveling! Now, that what really pisses me off!

I can't tell you to give this guy another chance, as this is up to you. But, I would probably give him another chance and that would be it. Now, a no show, no call Never gets another chance from me! Kindness goes along way with me.  

Now, pass me a toke! ;) LOL
Take Care Sweetie,

you tend to take more chances, and personal priciples and pride give way, when business is slow.  So the answer to your question depends on the day to day reality of the time.

feel your pain on this one. I just think it would be nice if the gents realized how much preparation, both mental and physical we girls go through to ready ourselves for an appointment.
I'm not saying the gents don't have some prep...but I've had clients show up in sweats or shorts, they've probably showered, but that's about the extent of the prep they have to do.
So for me there's shower and shaving all the parts...every gentlemen gets a freshly shaved and showered me when they come by...this may happen several times a day and that's a lot of time. I have very thick curly hair and the process of washing and conditioning alone takes about 15 minutes. Then theres the moisturizing, hairstyling, makeup, choosing an outfit, freshening up the mani/pedi.
Then there is cleaning the incall, changing sheets, washing floors, emptying garbage etc so that my clients are comfy and there are no nasty reminders that anyone but them has ever even been to my incall...I'm a professional virgin you know ;) lol.
I have gotten to the point where I can complete this whole process in about an hour....but that's working very quickly and efficiently. All this doesn't include the mental prep which varies by client and activity.
Sorry, I got a little off track...my point is that 30 minutes notice after a same day confirmation would get me steamed. Whether I saw that person again would depend on a number of factors...Have I seen this person before? Did I like him? Has he done this to me before?
If we'd seen each other and this wasn't his habit...I'd reschedule him after letting him know that from now on I really need him to be more respectful of my time.
If I hadn't seen him before and there wasn't a good excuse, I don't see myself rescheduling.
If I hadn't seen him before and he had a great and believable excuse, I probably would reschedule with a warning that it's not 3 strikes you're out, it's two.
I'm happy to say that I have never had to reschedule a client ...the reason for this is my clients take priority over other things in my life...since this is my job.
I realize that not everyone prioritizes the way I do, but if I did have to cancel on someone I would give them as much notice as humanly possible, and I expect the same consideration. I don't think it's too much to ask. As for no-call/no-shows, I will never reschedule with them either. No excuse for that. xxx Octavia.

I have experienced over a dozen no-shows in the past year and a half, and have always given second (or more) chances. The reason is very simple - I have spent the time to select the provider I would like to see. I've read her reviews, seen her pictures, and e-mailed back and forth with her, so I have a strong desire to see her.

Having said that, however, I have found that a lady who no-shows me the first time will no-show me the next time (I did find one exception to that rule.) Since logic would dictate that second chances will not work out, I have stopped giving them.

I don't get upset about the no-shows, realizing they are a part of this business that will never go away. And the room service ladies enjoy getting the flowers!

I think it's fair to give the prospective client a second chance to see you if he had to cancel at the last minute since you might not always know what's going on in his world.  If it's a regular who cancels at the last minute, I've got no opinion since you will know what kind of relationship you have with that client (is he a good client, etc).  If the client has a pattern of last minute cancellations, I can understand stop seeing him since I would be pissed if someone kept cancelling on me, repeatedly.

One question I do have is this:  do you have a formal policy on cancellation notification?  If so, did you inform him of that up front and did he cancel within that timeframe?  If you don't have a policy, maybe you should adopt one?  Just a thought.

If a prospective client is informed of your cancelation policy and fails to cancel within that timeframe, I can understand no desire to give him a second chance.

Just my 2 cents.  :)


ChrissyStone6841 reads

Yes, it's frustrating to get dressed up and then there is a cancellation. He definitely should have apologized for cancelling at the last minute.

However, I probably would have rescheduled with him (unless of course he was rude on the phone). I usually give clients the benefit of the doubt that there was a compelling reason to cancel.

I also give no-shows the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it's because I'm lucky with those--they're very rare--maybe one since January.

Even with the no-shows, I email them and say I'm sorry I missed seeing them that day. Either they never write back, or I get a very apologetic reply back and a request to reschedule (which I do--they have always showed up the second time and everything was fine.)

Sometimes I read posts where the girls have a lot of cancellations and no-shows. I probably wouldn't be as accomodating then, however.

freesam3616 reads

Under the circumstances, you are entirely justified in telling the bozo no second chances with you.  He had neither grace nor a watch (smile).  Thinking a half hour was suffcient, unless there was indeed some personal or work obligation that arose (not here per your post) leads any reasonable mind the to conclusion that you were right about your perceptions in his lack of regard for your time and justified in saying thanks, but no thanks.  I hope I get to Chicago soon so we can meet. If you get to DC, let me know.

I've had one outcall no-show.  I gave them a second chance later with an incall appointment.  It turned out ok.  I've had two incall "no-shows"  Both stood me up and didn't answer the phone on the second phone call I was supposed to give after I got close to their area to get more specific directions.  One I gave a second chance and that turned out great and we had several good appointments after that.  The second I didn't give another chance.  For me, I suppose it just depends.  I am probably much less inclined to give a second chance now when I get a "no-show" and no phone call at all.  A cancellation with an apology will probably get a second chance.  I canceled once with an apology, and the lady graciously gave me a second chance when I called the next day and we had a nice time.  I do understand that people's time is valuable.  I don't like it when a lady makes me wait for even only 15 minutes.  So I can understand if a person gave no second chances on "no-shows" and even on cancellations.  I should also point out that most of my appointments are set up only a few hours ahead of time.  If you schedule something days ahead, I'd think that obviously the time should be taken seriously.

Arizona Angel4467 reads

If the guy really just annoys you don't see him it isn't fair to you or him to force yourself to go through with a session you don't want to be involved in...

Hear Hear!

It's hard enough to do a regular business deal with someone you don't want to be around.  Must be excruciating to bone someone you dislike...

That "whoever comes through the door" part of the ladies profession is really a tough one.

Unless the providers you see are equipped with "bones".

n00by3478 reads

when you make an appointment, ask the client to call a few hours before and confirm everything is 'go'.
After all, maybe he's a newbie and just got scared.

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