TER General Board

aragorn69 53 Reviews 3277 reads
1 / 35

It happened to me two nights ago. I was out to dinner with the family and my sister's family, as they were in town. I looked up and a provider I'd seen a few times walks in with a guy. We saw each other and shared a smile and a second one before I left.

I later sent her an email and said she looked good and I would've said hello but I didn't want to intrude on her date. She said the same but with me being with my family and her on a date she didn't want to intrude (and wasn't sure if it would be bad too). I appreciated that. It's not a big deal for me as I see people all the time that my SO doesn't know but for some guys it could be a real issue.  

For me it was nice to see her and I had an inner chuckle knowing that the night was going to be a good one for the guy she was with.  

Have you ever run across a provider/hobbyist when out with someone such as a SO or your family? Is it an issue for you? Did it go badly for you or was it nice to see them again?

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 10:18:50 AM

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 10:20:48 AM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1083 reads
2 / 35
girlfan1959 48 Reviews 880 reads
3 / 35

I ran into a provider once during the years she was working and then again after she retired. Just eye contact and smiling occurred, and that was perfect.

I fell in love with her all over again after the second time, and I am still mourning her retirement.

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 2:24:49 PM

russbbj 89 Reviews 1089 reads
4 / 35

I passed by her on the way up to the front desk of our hotel, she was walking toward the elevators. We met eyes smiled and kept walking.

Posted By: aragorn69
It happened to me two nights ago. I was out to dinner with the family and my sister's family, as they were in town. I looked up and a provider I'd seen a few times walks in with a guy. We saw each other and shared a smile and a second one before I left.  
 I later sent her an email and said she looked good and I would've said hello but I didn't want to intrude on her date. She said the same but with me being with my family and her on a date she didn't want to intrude (and wasn't sure if it would be bad too). I appreciated that. It's not a big deal for me as I see people all the time that my SO doesn't know but for some guys it could be a real issue.  
 For me it was nice to see her and I had an inner chuckle knowing that the night was going to be a good one for the guy she was with.  
 Have you ever run across a provider/hobbyist when out with someone such as a SO or your family? Is it an issue for you? Did it go badly for you or was it nice to see them again?  
 -- Modified on 9/1/2014 10:18:50 AM

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 10:20:48 AM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1193 reads
6 / 35

The first time was no big deal.  I was at a restaurant with my wife and as we were leaving she was arriving with a date.  We locked eyes for about 1/2 a second and that was it.  No harm, no foul.

The second was a bit more of a Maalox moment:

I was with a provider on Nantucket Island for a 3 night visit.  She is someone obviously I knew well and for a long time.  While there we happened to stroll by another provider we both knew fairly well.  The problem was this second provider was someone that I was introduced to by the first as part of a set of three-somes we participated in for some time just previously.

So, what's the problem you ask?

Well, the second provider dropped a note into my shirt pocket at the end of one of those encounters saying she would like to see me alone.  The first provider had kept all the financial arrangements and her contact info from me.  I decided to think with the small head and went for it, and we started to see each other pretty regularly for some pretty hot sessions.  In time we became quite an item.  

Of course the first provider eventually became aware of this.  She was someone from the green-eyed school of thought about such things so, while our relationship continued with only a bit of strain, she became quite estranged from the second provider, and both of them let me know what they thought of the other in no uncertain terms after this news leaked out.

Both of them passed by each other with nary a nod, so in that sense there was no donnybrook, but talk about awkward moments.

The second provider asked me why I don't take her out for long weekends too, so we ended up in the Hamptons shortly thereafter.

All of this occurred while I was married mind you so juggling became one of my resume additions.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1082 reads
7 / 35

On more than one occasion, I've been having an OTC dinner with a provider after a session, or on a date with a provider friend in a restaurant before curtain, and the woman I was with nodded towards another couple and commented EITHER that the guy was a client, followed by, "Don't look! Don't look!" OR commented that the woman was a PROVIDER--and again, "Don't look! Don't look!"

 Now, the first time this happened I thought nothing of it. The second time, with a different woman, it struck me as a coincidence. I can remember FOUR such incidents, none of them leading to anything else, and am beginning to think that it's a far more crowded world out there than I'd imagined.

lopaw 29 Reviews 894 reads
8 / 35

while I was with my SO. We made eye contact and nodded and went our separate ways. I was terrified thast one of them would approach me, but they were all very discrete. Thank goodness we were all on the same page.

aragorn69 53 Reviews 1043 reads
9 / 35

When it happened, what were you thinking? "This is going to end badly" or "Crap! This is going to cost me more money." Did the provider that you were with day anything to you about it?

Posted By: mrfisher
The first time was no big deal.  I was at a restaurant with my wife and as we were leaving she was arriving with a date.  We locked eyes for about 1/2 a second and that was it.  No harm, no foul.

The second was a bit more of a Maalox moment:

I was with a provider on Nantucket Island for a 3 night visit.  She is someone obviously I knew well and for a long time.  While there we happened to stroll by another provider we both knew fairly well.  The problem was this second provider was someone that I was introduced to by the first as part of a set of three-somes we participated in for some time just previously.

So, what's the problem you ask?

Well, the second provider dropped a note into my shirt pocket at the end of one of those encounters saying she would like to see me alone.  The first provider had kept all the financial arrangements and her contact info from me.  I decided to think with the small head and went for it, and we started to see each other pretty regularly for some pretty hot sessions.  In time we became quite an item.  

Of course the first provider eventually became aware of this.  She was someone from the green-eyed school of thought about such things so, while our relationship continued with only a bit of strain, she became quite estranged from the second provider, and both of them let me know what they thought of the other in no uncertain terms after this news leaked out.

Both of them passed by each other with nary a nod, so in that sense there was no donnybrook, but talk about awkward moments.

The second provider asked me why I don't take her out for long weekends too, so we ended up in the Hamptons shortly thereafter.

All of this occurred while I was married mind you so juggling became one of my resume additions.



hiddenhills 143 Reviews 1178 reads
10 / 35

Most recently in Las Vegas. I was leaving a restaurant at the Venetian and I saw a well known provider with a client. On other occasions I've seen them in Walmart and Neiman Marcus. I prefer not to acknowledge them as I respect their privacy. I think the general consensus is to just go about your business and not even approach or acknowledge each other.  

Posted By: aragorn69
It happened to me two nights ago. I was out to dinner with the family and my sister's family, as they were in town. I looked up and a provider I'd seen a few times walks in with a guy. We saw each other and shared a smile and a second one before I left.  
 I later sent her an email and said she looked good and I would've said hello but I didn't want to intrude on her date. She said the same but with me being with my family and her on a date she didn't want to intrude (and wasn't sure if it would be bad too). I appreciated that. It's not a big deal for me as I see people all the time that my SO doesn't know but for some guys it could be a real issue.  
 For me it was nice to see her and I had an inner chuckle knowing that the night was going to be a good one for the guy she was with.  
 Have you ever run across a provider/hobbyist when out with someone such as a SO or your family? Is it an issue for you? Did it go badly for you or was it nice to see them again?  
 -- Modified on 9/1/2014 10:18:50 AM

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 10:20:48 AM

1705218 10 Reviews 979 reads
11 / 35

I haven't been hobbying long and I have never had that experience, but I have asked several of my favorites what they would  would want me to do if they were with someone and I was alone. One of them said that unless she was with her live-in BF she would welcome me to stop and talk like old friends.

aragorn69 53 Reviews 893 reads
12 / 35

I live around Hartford and we have a lot of traveling ladies here. It seems to me that a lot of the times they stick close to the hotels and don't venture out unless they go out with a date.

I wonder if that's more a reflection on this area or if it's the same elsewhere. Maybe other areas have a better nightlife. Or maybe other areas have more ladies that live in the area and you are more likely to see them out. Maybe I just don't get out enough. Lol!

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 924 reads
14 / 35

One woman I know really doesn't like going out alone at all. I suppose she's okay getting groceries and such, but she once called me to take her to the Verizon store, because it was near a popular coffeehouse and a restaurant area. I wasn't any help with anything. While she tended to business I went out and got a latte. But she didn't like to be out in public alone. Nothing romantic with that "date" either.

And yes, there are parts of town where people of certain like minds frequent when they socialize. I know their privacy is a thing, but I'm sometimes amazed at the way some providers feel safe in very limited neighborhoods.

I think what you've observed in Hartford is fairly typical.

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 8:58:59 AM

Robxxx 66 Reviews 1174 reads
15 / 35

I do most of my hobbying in the San Francisco Bay area which is pretty big geographically , so not there. But I occasionally visit Reno which is a small city and I have crossed paths with a providers couple times.   But like most professionals they were very discrete.  We didn't even nod or smile. I respect their time "off the clock", and they respect my need for privacy.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 862 reads
17 / 35

I took a provider friend to one of my favorite restaurants in the area, which I had also shared
with another favorite.   We walked in and saw that my other fave was there with a gentleman companion.   We were seated fairly nearby...    

I was feeling a bit awkward about it but my other friend made a bit of a game of it,  making eye contact and occasionally a bit of flirting going back and forth....

my companion for the evening caught on and thought it was fun -  the other gent did not seem to notice...    if he did I hope he was not made uncomfortable in any way....

Lovely Lorena See my TER Reviews 1212 reads
18 / 35

dates etc.
Very common in Las Vegas amongst ladies (providers) and also, locals..
Its always nice to receive a text /email saying you looked great etc :-) :-)

Happy hobbying
xoxo Lovely Lorena aka Lorena De Leo

VOO-doo 1192 reads
19 / 35

I recognized him, but he didn't recognize me (I was wearing glasses, no makeup, and non-ho garb). He was trying to help a delivery man who'd fallen from his bicycle.

200710005 1126 reads
20 / 35

Purple helmet and British Racing Green foldable bike, with a Brooks saddle, perhaps? I'd have helped out too. :)

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 11:42:48 AM

VOO-doo 624 reads
21 / 35

Not sure...is this some sort of pop culture reference? If so please explain :)

This dude (client) was from Australia, or New Zealand, or someplace like that.

stevenst 10 Reviews 827 reads
22 / 35

My hats off to the older gentlement for being able to handle those situations well.  Im too much of a nerd (and too little cumulative life experience) to think my way out.

Boy, am I glad that im hobbying while im single

200710005 1048 reads
24 / 35

Sir R.G. Moss?

noagenosage 1035 reads
25 / 35

A bit ago I took a close friend of my son  to dinner and a concert at JFK.  Incidentally she is strikingly pretty, but she wanted to talk about their relationship, and we had a good conversation before the concert.   At the concert's intermission, I spotted a provider friend I had seen many times with a well-dressed guy, sitting second row center.  She sees me several rows back and shoots me a big smile and a wave when her date wasn't looking.  I reciprocated somewhat hesitatingly when I thought my son's GF wasn't looking, and the GF didn't notice either.  I thought it was gutsy on the part of my provider friend to risk a big save and smile, and I felt bad that I couldn't reciprocate in the same manner.  Just too risky.  Don't forget, the forest is full of wolves, and some of them know how to gossip.

impposter 49 Reviews 911 reads
26 / 35

I had made the intimate acquaintance of a cute lassie thru the pop-up window at one of the old NYC (Times Square) "Live Girls - Nude!" places.   A few days later, we were both parking our cars at a major NYC site.  There was eye contact and a trace of head-nod / smile but nothing else.  I was with people and she was with people.  And we both went our separate ways.

(Actually, I made the acquaintance of MANY lassies thru those peep-holes but I only bumped into one in public.)  

On the other hand, walking around NYC, Boston and other big cities, I would almost swear that I'm seeing providers all the time ... so many beautiful young women ... some of them MUST be doing more than just shopping or going to a show.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 896 reads
27 / 35

LOL! I'd always wink and smile if they weren't with an SO or family. I did have some say hi and since I was by myself that was ok. At least they didn't call me "Steph" they just said hi and asked how I was doing. No harm no foul.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 2:28:58 PM

aragorn69 53 Reviews 1003 reads
28 / 35

I ran into a lady that I hadn't seen yet at baggage claim one time. I checked her out on TER and online but I hadn't pulled the trigger yet. We were both alone, but I didn't approach her as that would've been rude since we'd never met before. Besides, what if it was someone who just looked like the escort...yikes!

skarphedin 891 reads
29 / 35
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 614 reads
30 / 35

I don't often run into anyone on my own. Once I was sitting in a waiting room and saw a woman I'd had a session with a few months prior. She was dressed down, and I wasn't sure it was her until another woman said something to her, and when she answered I recognized her voice. Maybe they're all around me all the time and I just can't recognize them unless they're in baby doll lingerie. Lol

Fridays117 27 Reviews 982 reads
31 / 35

With my wife.  She didn't realize I was with anyone and came up to me and said "Hi".  Luckily she was dressed like a LI soccer mom and had her kid with her.  My wife came over from grabbing some stuff off a shelf and said "Hi" to her and asked "Who is this?" of me.
Thinking quickly I explained the girl was the sister of one of the other parents of a kid on my son's pee wee soccer team.  We had met at the game last week.  Knowing my wife didn't care for the dude in question she would never ask him about his sister.  She bought it, we made pleasantries for a few minutes as I introduced her to my Wife.  Then she quickly excused herself and went on her way and we did on ours.  2 days later at the bar, the gal told me she was sorry she approached me but I told her no problem, it worked out.  And it did

Arovet 62 Reviews 1068 reads
32 / 35

This shouldn't be a "thing"....as others have responded, smile (subtly), nod, if you know her well (as in have seen several times) maybe send a "nice to have seen you, you look great" email and that's it.  No reason it needs to be weird.

WilliamOJobb 40 Reviews 1096 reads
33 / 35

It's happened several times to me.  The most recent at the airport.  We were both alone so no big deal.  Why, yes, as a matter of fact it was at Hobby Airport in Houston.

StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 776 reads
35 / 35

I've run into providers at hotels before and exchanged pleasantries.

At a M&G I ran into a man that works in my building in my day job. He didn't recognize me though because I look really frumpy in my uniform, and I don't normally wear make up or leave my hair down.

I recognized a dad at a scout pack meet as a gentleman I've seen once, but his boy is in a different den than mine. He text me later saying I look nice in tight jeans and that I was the hottest mom in the pack. lol

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