TER General Board

Yes, let's not forget the worms
fanoftheo 4337 reads
1 / 98

This makes no sense to me so maybe some of you guys who are so critical of a lady's true age can explain this to me?

I thought the hobby was about seeing women we were attracted to (OK, who in real life would not even look at us twice.....LOL), have some fun with them and then leave (or have them leave as the case may be).

When did a lady's age become so important?

Some women lie about their age.....always have, probably always will. Others do not care and list themselves by their true age. WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?

Maybe I am oversimplfying things here but if I'm interested in seeing someone, I look at the lady's profile, her website, maybe read a few reviews, ask a few guys who have seen her some backchannel questions and then make my decision whether to try and see her or not.  

To be critical of a lady and what you think her true age might be is simply ridiculous and shows that you have some anger towards that lady for some reason.  

Anyone care to explain their reasons for caring about a lady's age so much?

* Edited because I can't seem to spell anything correctly today*

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 3:47:40 PM

MasterZen 33 Reviews 2495 reads
2 / 98

and need to relive their youth. Not criticizing, just sayin'. I hate getting older too.

I just love women... all ages, sizes, etc.. All are sexy in their own way, and I choose as I choose. Why are some sexier to me? Who knows, who cares. It just IS.

Fridays117 27 Reviews 2194 reads
3 / 98

But if she is hot, tight and has skills, who cares her age, well as long as she's not like my grandma's age.  I've seen gals as old as 53 and as young as 21.  The middle aged 29 - 45 yr old ones have been the best.  The young ones lack experience while the 50 some things don't look so hot.  As with everything else, moderation rules.

GaGambler 2792 reads
4 / 98

Unless of course the woman in question has lied to me about her age, and not by just a couple of years, in that case I won't be too terribly happy.

If you like old broads, that's fine by me, and it puts you in the majority here. Personally, I am very rarely attracted to women much over thirty. What I fail to understand is that if old broads are so popular (which they are) why do so many women lie about their age?

FWIW I don't really care how old a woman really is, but I care a lot about how old she looks, and the two do seem to go hand in hand. Very few women can keep the same skin tone, muscle tone, or fight gravity for more than thirty something years. There are the exceptions, but they are the exceptions not the rule.

BTW I don't care for "fat" either, but we can save that discussion for another thread. lol

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 2289 reads
5 / 98

Personally speaking.... I have a few rules I live by.. If she is legal age, I get a boner seeing her pics, she has good reputation, and I can afford her, I will fuck her.  I am not obsessed with how old she is. That being said, those are the rules personal to me..  

Some guys won't pay for someone whom they can bed in civvie life w/o dropping envelope. I don't blame them if they only want to fuck someone between 18-25 yrs of age who hasn't popped 3 kids.  

Hobby is personal in nature, and to each is own

GaGambler 1916 reads
6 / 98

the reason "I" am not doing them is because I don't find them attractive. There are countless "cougar bars" where the women outnumber the men two to one, and many if not most of these women are "on the prowl" I am just flat not interested in these kind of women. Most of them have huge amounts of baggage, teen aged or college aged kids, ex husbands, etc and physically they just don't do it for me. THAT's why I don't see old broads, but you are welcome to my share.

OSP 26 Reviews 2229 reads
7 / 98

Why in hades would I waste money on women my own age? I'm attracted to women who's tits,and labia, don't drag on the ground. So fucking what.

If I were to actually "dress" as my status associates with, I could have ANY superficial women I wanted. Within reasonable age parameters,closer to mine,that is.

Back to my festivities

hbyist+truth=;( 2334 reads
8 / 98

That women over 30 or 35 have no business hooking mainly because they are not attracted to them. Those would be the guys who generally dis any guy who does find older women attractive. I keep saying this, if a lady who is (fill in the age) and who has a (fill in the body type) can earn money fucking guys, what the heck does it matter? Pick who you find sexy and hire it.

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 2185 reads
9 / 98

Who thinks this was written by a lady in disguise?

What's the whole story?

I personally think age is irrelevant.. I know 21 year olds who have traveled the world.
I know 40 year olds who look 30.
I know 35 year olds who look 25.
I know 60 year olds who act like my friends from high school.

Some men want to know everything about us.
Some men could care less what our working name is.

I don't know if there is an exact logic behind any of it.

Were all different.

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 1985 reads
10 / 98

That's the problem with today..

Some 17 year olds are more body worn out than some 45 year olds.

I don't think age should matter so much as long as you body doesn't show otherwise.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 2369 reads
11 / 98

And neither does alcohol, drug and smoking.....BTW..

Latter is more devastating...

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 2343 reads
12 / 98

Age is no indication of how many kids by any stretch of the imagination. Some 40 year olds look lot better than 18-25 year olds.  

I prefer over 25. They have a better attitude and carry on convo

inicky46 61 Reviews 2307 reads
13 / 98

I've been with providers whose stated age is from 18 to 45.  For me it's all about how hot she looks and what her vibe is.  But I don't like to be lied to.  Being off by two or three years is no big deal, but 5 or more and looking it? You won't be seeing me twice.  Same goes for weight.

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 3:09:39 PM

GaGambler 2178 reads
14 / 98

You are right about the mentality of both men and women alike. but this is a more physical issue than mental for the guys that prefer younger women.

Personally if I could find a fifty year old who looked twenty five, that would be my perfect woman, but there just aren't enough women like that to go around, so I will have sex with 20 something's and have friendships with the forty plus crowd.

But it does seem like the OP is projecting his own feelings where it comes "anger" It seems like a lot more guys get angry defending their choice to see older women than there are guys getting angry who don't share that taste in women. The only time I get upset is when I am looking forward to seeing a hard body in her twenties and end up with a saggy forty year old answering the door when I show up. Yes, that gets' me a bit upset, but that doesn't make me angry at forty year olds, it makes me mad at liars and cheats.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 2077 reads
15 / 98

i think its the facy that a lot of providers have pictures that are old so they misrepresent themselves and when the door opens...Surprise!....it might be the same lady in her pics but they were taken 10 years ago and 25 pounds have appeared.

palomamontecarlo See my TER Reviews 2288 reads
16 / 98
Blowing Chunks 2038 reads
17 / 98

There are no shortage of civvy girls in their late 30s who want to spend time with me, either as friends or to hook up. I don't need to compensate them for their time.  

Having that said, I'd still see a hot provider in her late 30s if she had taken very good care of herself. Problem is, there are just as many PYT for the same donation.  

I've never dated a girl significantly older than me though in my civvy life so it could be that I just don't know what it's like to date a girl who is much much older me.  Then again, I don't think I want to date a girl who is close to her 60s unless she is truly special, due to the plethora of civvy choices

Blowing Chunks 2181 reads
18 / 98

Probability of a girl younger than 25.1 having a kid is significantly smaller than a girl over 25.1. This is why you need to do some research and find out the real facts to back your claims, don't just make shit up or pull them out of your ass.  


0603450onThe 2294 reads
19 / 98

Forgot to add LOL...

Women are 'multi-layered'. It takes a very shallow and narrow mind to only judge the 'beauty' of a woman without the capacity of being able to 'see' anything else beyond that. I 'feel' for those individuals. And they come around more often than you think unfortunately.  

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 11:59:46 AM

GaGambler 2228 reads
20 / 98

and while it's possible for a woman of forty to still look 25, It's nowhere near as likely.but what do you really expect for our village idiot?

inicky46 61 Reviews 2473 reads
21 / 98

It's not my thing but lots of guys like older women.  Guys in their 20s and 30s, looking for women north of 50.  I know a woman in her mid 50s who meets guys on dating sites and her page makes it clear she's only looking to meet men between 50 and 60 years old.  Even so, she gets lots of guys in their 30s begging her to see them anyway.

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 3:15:54 PM

puzzylikker 1776 reads
22 / 98

Well not everybody is a real stud like you. And some people actually prefer the company of a fine woman closer in age to themselves. To each their own.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 3122 reads
23 / 98

do not look if you can not take it! You have been warned! You gotta be tough to hang with the Old Dogs on this board! Grrr....  ;)

Sharon Stone

Elle MacPherson

Christie Brinkley

Sofia Milos

Cheryl Tiegs

Peggy Lipton

Sela Ward

Heather Locklear

Halle Berry

Carol Alt


Helena Christenson

Salma Hayek

Jennifer Aniston

Gina Gershon

Demi Moore


Diane Lane

2labman 26 Reviews 2190 reads
25 / 98
GaGambler 2248 reads
26 / 98

Personally I am just not attracted to women anywhere near my own age, but I don't try to convince those who do to do otherwise. We all have choices in who we see, but we have no choice in who we are attracted to. Zero, zilch. You can't just make a conscious choice and wake up one morning and say to yourself, "From now on I am going to be attracted to ________" any more than a gay person can choose to be straight.

and it doesn't take much of a stud to pick up middle aged women in a bar full of them all looking for action. If you have all of your teeth and even most of your hair, you are considered a catch.

If I were such a stud, I would be able to get all the hot twenty somethings I wanted for the price of a couple of drinks, but alas I can't but for the price of  really good bottle of wine, I can rent a hot twenty something for an hour or so.

GaGambler 2129 reads
27 / 98

fungus is one of those posters.

It would be kind of fun to throw pimp and fungus into a pit of words and see if either of them was capable of crawling out. I bet you neither of them would even come close.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 2331 reads
28 / 98

our board trolls and village idiots make a sane person....lol

russbbj 89 Reviews 2271 reads
29 / 98

But what will disappoint me, and make what otherwise would have been a great session, is if a lady lies about her age or otherwise lies about her appearance. If a lady is honest about herself and gives a fair representation of herself I'm happy. I understand completely that some ladies need to blur their faces in their photos, but the photos should be representative of what she currently looks like.

Back before I swore off of BP girls (unless they have positive reviews in here), I called a girl off of a BP ad and her photo (blurred face) was a white girl with brunette hair and a girl of another race showed up at my door (she did have brunette hair). This girl was very pretty with a nice body, but I was perturbed about her misrepresentation and so I asked her to leave. I'm not a racist, I've been with ladies of quite a few different races but if she lies or otherwise deceives me before we even meet then the mood is ruined before it starts.

So to answer your statement: To be critical of a lady and what you think her true age might be is simply ridiculous and shows that you have some anger towards that lady for some reason.  

It may not be anger towards a lady for some reason but it may be that a guy is pissed about being deceived

BigBlkBear 10 Reviews 2359 reads
30 / 98

I think Jennifer Aniston looks better now than when she was on Friends.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 2607 reads
31 / 98

Plenty of us ladies have issues with age as well.  

Posted By: fanoftheo
This makes no sense to me so maybe some of you guys who are so critical of a lady's true age can explain this to me?  
 I thought the hobby was about seeing women we were attracted to (OK, who in real life would not even look at us twice.....LOL), have some fun with them and then leave (or have them leave as the case may be).  
 When did a lady's age become so important?  
 Some women lie about their age.....always have, probably always will. Others do not care and list themselves by their true age. WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?  
 Maybe I am oversimplfying things here but if I'm interested in seeing someone, I look at the lady's profile, her website, maybe read a few reviews, ask a few guys who have seen her some backchannel questions and then make my decision whether to try and see her or not.  
 To be critical of a lady and what you think her true age might be is simply ridiculous and shows that you have some anger towards that lady for some reason.  
 Anyone care to explain their reasons for caring about a lady's age so much?  
 * Edited because I can't seem to spell anything correctly today*  

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 3:47:40 PM

Dr Who revived 2282 reads
32 / 98

Aren't they dead?

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Plenty of us ladies have issues with age as well.  
Posted By: fanoftheo
This makes no sense to me so maybe some of you guys who are so critical of a lady's true age can explain this to me?  
  I thought the hobby was about seeing women we were attracted to (OK, who in real life would not even look at us twice.....LOL), have some fun with them and then leave (or have them leave as the case may be).  
  When did a lady's age become so important?  
  Some women lie about their age.....always have, probably always will. Others do not care and list themselves by their true age. WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?  
  Maybe I am oversimplfying things here but if I'm interested in seeing someone, I look at the lady's profile, her website, maybe read a few reviews, ask a few guys who have seen her some backchannel questions and then make my decision whether to try and see her or not.    
  To be critical of a lady and what you think her true age might be is simply ridiculous and shows that you have some anger towards that lady for some reason.    
  Anyone care to explain their reasons for caring about a lady's age so much?  
  * Edited because I can't seem to spell anything correctly today*  
 -- Modified on 4/6/2014 3:47:40 PM

0603450onThe 2104 reads
33 / 98

ass over any other age when I first became single. Now, I'm nowhere close to 'north of your #' but it was crazy indeed. I was like WTF is going on LOL. No one would believe my age as it was, but it was fun to tell them nonetheless. While I thought it would've scared them off, little did I know it would have the 'reverse' effect.....made them want to hump my leg even more hahaha LOL. Was fun for sure and I'll leave it that. Like danglin' a bone in front of a puppy dog hahaha.

0603450onThe 2401 reads
34 / 98

I may have another 'dedication' for someone special here with his 'age' hangups. LOL

Back_In_Black 2134 reads
35 / 98

ugly is ugly , and  cottage cheese is not cool .......... now go eat your to thin.... lol

Posted By: TaylorSteele
Forgot to add LOL...  
 Women are 'multi-layered'. It takes a very shallow and narrow mind to only judge the 'beauty' of a woman without the capacity of being able to 'see' anything else beyond that. I 'feel' for those individuals. And they come around more often than you think unfortunately.  

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 11:59:46 AM

0603450onThe 1787 reads
36 / 98

EXPAND your mind a bit. At least don't continuously knock women my age or the gentlemen who like to see us. Shut it and be done.  

But then again, you haven't met a...............Girl Like Me (listen to the lyrics very carefully LOL)
so what do you expect LOL.

Smile ;

fanoftheo 2100 reads
37 / 98
0603450onThe 2296 reads
38 / 98

kidding. This winter was brutal, wasn't able to train like I usually do. I'm so outta shape it's crazy LOL. Gotta get my ass in gear, but yes I am eating. Promise. Thanks Daddy.  

But yes, ALL women are beautiful in 'someone's' eyes. Maybe not yours, but someone's. Now cut it.  

(at least your somewhat 'sweet' now...is it spring or something?)


russbbj 89 Reviews 2299 reads
39 / 98

Heather Locklear has stated publically that she's aware how good sperm is for the complexion (you can't buy a better facial cream). Wow, giving Heather Locklear a facial, hmmm. You'll have to excuse me, I'll have to spank my monkey, bad monkey, to that image.

GaGambler 2065 reads
40 / 98

When a guy who likes older women speaks his mind, he is simply being "open minded" when a man who prefers younger women does the same he is accused of "knocking" older women, being negative, or being angry. Why the double standard?

russbbj 89 Reviews 2074 reads
41 / 98
0603450onThe 1765 reads
42 / 98

Didn't skim anything. Don't you even try to deny it.

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 2:07:17 PM

fanoftheo 2273 reads
43 / 98

And your backhanded comment about me having "a bit too much estrogen running through my veins" just goes to show everyone here who did not already know about you that you simply cannot respond without some name calling / anger / derogatory comment when you don't like a question or comment.

Seems to me YOU are the one with the anger issues. Or maybe you have a control issue? Or maybe you're angry because you can't control others?

But hey, if that all works for you and makes you happy, have at it. I have better things to do with my time than argue with you.....like watch my grass grow.

You see, I don't need to resort to your tactics of attempting public humiliation just because I disagree with someone. I'm open for an honest discussion anytime, but why waste the bandwidth here? PM me if you'd like to continue attempting to draw me into a fight with you. I think you'll find me more than a formidable opponent.

Blowing Chunks 2038 reads
44 / 98

If she's older than me,  that'll be a turn off...

But if it turns out she's 17 and faked IDed her way into the escort biz, it'll freak me out quite a bit. Last thing I want is a possibility of getting caught doing a minor.

fanoftheo 2504 reads
45 / 98
Chauncey Gardner 1894 reads
46 / 98

The only thing that's ridiculous here is calling someone else's opinion ridiculous.  If a gent is of a mind to see ladies of a certain age that's his choice--and his money--and you need not agree or disagree.  Similarly if said gent feels strongly that a lady should represent her age accurately then he has chosen to further limit the women he will see. Should you have any doubt as to whether said gent has a right to maintain that inclination please see the 2nd sentence above.

  This is about choosing a partner for P4P so said gent may employ any set of criteria he wishes whether you "like" it or not.  When you come across someone discriminating by age with regard to employment or a home purchase feel free to get back to me.

GaGambler 2447 reads
47 / 98

and you are even worse under your "real" handle. That's how I was sure that you are a man and not a woman.

I haven't posted an angry word on this entire thread, nor do I plan to, you OTOH seem to be quite angry. Why is that?

and you are hardly a formidable opponent, you barely register on the Tardwell scale.

Don't bother PMng me, I will tell you the same thing I told Rod, anything you have to say to me you can say right here. I am not afraid of the light of day, are you?

MasterZen 33 Reviews 2211 reads
48 / 98

upper limit. Or maybe it isn't even age, but maturity. No absolutes, but too young can equate to immature.

Blowing Chunks 2217 reads
49 / 98
GaGambler 1612 reads
50 / 98

Ask Steph, or Robin, or many of the other older women who have a sense of humor here.

Now BSC, yes I knock that everyday here, and I don't see that changing.

FWIW if you were 25 and as BSC are you are most of the time here, I would still be knocking you. Do you think I knock Rod for being black, or AF for being Indian, or pimpathy for being whatever the fuck he is?  Of course not, on an internet board you are judged by your words, and that's all the ammunition I need.

and it's you who is constantly angry, I am having fun. At your expense sometimes I will grant you, but that's why I am not the one getting angry.

Pimpathy 2114 reads
51 / 98

Although I wouldn't say that they would be getting any older.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 3061 reads
52 / 98

Posted By: Drunken Asian
more like decomposing I guess.  
I for one plan on decomposing gracefully.

0603450onThe 1745 reads
53 / 98

But you do have the wrong chica. I don't have an angry bone in my bod when it comes to this place LOL...a bit passionate when I write? Absolutely, that I am on any platform. But never anger, don't confuse the two. Unless of course you're staring at me thru the screen when I write...that would be kinda creepy lol. But yes, a sense of humor I do have, you just don't understand itr, that's all, must be an 'age' thing. You just classify it as BSC to appease yourself as usual. But if I'm BSC to you, that works for me there hotstuff. You don't want to know how I classify you and your writing lol. I'll keep that to myself. I don't feel the need to spell it out publicly like you do daily LOL. I actually don't 'get off' like that.  

Did you like my song dedication to you then?


-- Modified on 4/6/2014 3:26:04 PM

GaGambler 2406 reads
54 / 98
Fridays117 27 Reviews 2585 reads
55 / 98

Yes, my lower limit is 21, but prefer over 23 for maturity.  As for upper limits, well, as long as they look and feel good and it doesn't "feel weird" I guess my upper is negotiable.

Blowing Chunks 2504 reads
56 / 98


it could be in people that are still alive too. :

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1877 reads
57 / 98

from the Shit Parade # 3

fanoftheo 2351 reads
58 / 98

Like I said before to another board bully who challenged me, I am not afraid of you and have dealt with the likes of you before.

So you can try to scare me with claiming you know what my "real" handle is.....I really couldn't care less what you think you know.

Even if you know what my real handle is, so what? Who cares?

You can try all the bullying tactics you wish, they still won't work and you're just angry that you can't control me or the situation.

Shame though, I thought you had more "hubris" than that.....guess I was wrong

fanoftheo 2381 reads
59 / 98

I never questioned anyones choices about who they see.

I have my likes, you have yours and so on.  

I have no issues with the choices others make on who to see.

But again I ask......why are some guys so critical of a woman's age?  

See who you want? Sure, isn't that what this hobby is about?

But why whine about a lady's true age, whatever it may be?

bonordonor 2097 reads
60 / 98

with a guy's age, but understand where the safe, easy money is. And I thank them for that every day, well, at least a couple times a week.

Dr Who revived 2118 reads
62 / 98

What do you care?

But you do and all you've done today is whine about many posters here.

Need some cheese?
Posted By: fanoftheo
I never questioned anyones choices about who they see.  
 I have my likes, you have yours and so on.  
 I have no issues with the choices others make on who to see.  
 But again I ask......why are some guys so critical of a woman's age?  
 See who you want? Sure, isn't that what this hobby is about?  
 But why whine about a lady's true age, whatever it may be?

inicky46 61 Reviews 2225 reads
63 / 98

All Chauncy said was, "There's no disputing matters of taste." Did you really intend to argue with that

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 2143 reads
64 / 98

Is variety.

Except for repeat sessions, the main reason I'm here is that I want to experience different types of women, so I make it a habit to select each NEW escort based on how she differs from the previous one. So, I've seen women of various age ranges, that being the different.

I tend to avoid the age range of those who were so young when 9/11 happened that the event didn't register. That puts the starting point at about 22 or 23. That's young. After seeing a 23-year-old lady, I often want someone more mature the next time. I've had the best chemistry the past couple of years with women in the 30-36 age range. I don't consider that old by any means, but mature enough to be sensible and serious as well as fun, wild, and playful. So I've been doing repeats with them, mixed with excursions into other areas.

Of course, age isn't the ONLY variable, but in terms of what we both have experienced in life, it's a big factor.

So, too young is not really attractive. I guess there would be some cutoff point where I would say, "No, I don't want to have a session with someone THAT old," but I had a couple of GREAT sessions with a woman well into her 50's. She was, however, a very unusual person to find in the shadowed world. Not many with her background in ANY age group.

fanoftheo 2087 reads
65 / 98

It's obvious by the many, many, many times you post here that you have a very high opinion of yourself.

NEWSFLASH: Believe it or not, other people know things, have opinions, etc. and are not in the wrong.

I asked a question.....in what world, other than yours, does that equal whining?

Nice attempt to twist things to fit your agenda.....but that shit doesn't work on me.

Maybe you should go pick on someone who values what you have to say.....I am obviously not in that group.

fanoftheo 2057 reads
66 / 98

Did you bother to read my response to him?

To each his own when it comes to whom to see, with that I have no issue whatsoever so no, I am not arguing that point at all. Everyone has their preferences may it be blondes, brunettes, tall, short, thin, fat, etc.

I am simply curious as to WHY some guys are hung up on a lady's age, nothing more, nothing less, no criticism, just curious.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 2113 reads
67 / 98

Posted By: bonordonor
with a guy's age, but understand where the safe, easy money is. And I thank them for that every day, well, at least a couple times a week.

GaGambler 2321 reads
68 / 98

You made an OP using this alias and then made a post on the same thread using your "real" handle. I of course am not going to out you once again as that's against TER rules, but you are a serious mangina under both your alias and your real handle.

and why do all of you manginas claim that the rest of us are angry? I am way too busy laughing at you and those like you to ever be angry. Now please grow some brains, not to mention some balls and come back when you are better prepared for a battle of wits.

doinchurchwork 2528 reads
69 / 98

No need to explain, this pretty much covers it.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Posted By: bonordonor
with a guy's age, but understand where the safe, easy money is. And I thank them for that every day, well, at least a couple times a week.

Dr Who revived 2177 reads
70 / 98

That's all you do.... It's really pathetic!

Posted By: fanoftheo
It's obvious by the many, many, many times you post here that you have a very high opinion of yourself.  
 NEWSFLASH: Believe it or not, other people know things, have opinions, etc. and are not in the wrong.  
 I asked a question.....in what world, other than yours, does that equal whining?  
 Nice attempt to twist things to fit your agenda.....but that shit doesn't work on me.  
 Maybe you should go pick on someone who values what you have to say.....I am obviously not in that group.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 2776 reads
71 / 98

For me in particular, this is a VERY interesting list of names. I could suggest a couple more, but won't. This serves well to make the point.

You'll probably get a few fiery feedbacks (sorry, Master, I'm really into alliteration today) regarding this list: the magic of Hollywood cosmetics, and who knows what else.
Posted By: MasterZen
do not look if you can not take it! You have been warned! You gotta be tough to hang with the Old Dogs on this board! Grrr....  ;)  
 Sharon Stone  
 Elle MacPherson  
 Christie Brinkley  
 Sofia Milos  
 Cheryl Tiegs  
 Peggy Lipton  
 Sela Ward  
 Heather Locklear  
 Halle Berry  
 Carol Alt  
 Helena Christenson  
 Salma Hayek  
 Jennifer Aniston  
 Gina Gershon  
 Demi Moore  
 Diane Lane  

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 2159 reads
72 / 98

It doesn't really make them any sexier (IMHO), even though lots of guys like long hair and fancy long nails.

Blowing Chunks 2092 reads
73 / 98

even though he's dead, because the blood accumulates and fuels his penis.  I'm not sure how true this is because I read it from an online news feed somewhere.  

I'm kinda grossed and saddened at the same time talking about dead people actually. lo

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1674 reads
74 / 98

and started posting again. Taylor just wasn't around then, lol.

You still have a low tolerance for what you perceive to be fktard type posts.

You have been nothing but nice to me in the last year or so. Of course I try to stay out of your line of fire too! and I REALLY think before posting here because the GDB is still like the wild wild west just not as wild as before.

and not as wild as that expat place I can't mention here. Lordy it has to be WILD there with a certain loud mouth drunk being a mod. ;-) Best male melt downs here were his-whew!

Steph (one of the old broads)

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 2702 reads
75 / 98

Some years might produce a higher quality person than others. Different values; different tastes in music, food, etc.; and depending on the man's age, women born in some years might gel better. Compatible dynamics might or might not result from their upbringing and life experiences. Some people seem just born on unfortunately off years. Some grew up in a boring atmosphere. Some whole decades are amazing, others pretty dry. I feel lucky to have been young in a particularly dynamic time. And I sort of pity the more recent high school grads of the past three, four years. I can't see how they can enjoy life or even understand what's possible in life. But they no doubt think they're the best vintage ever.

I find women born in the 70's very exciting. I can easily relate to their outlook. Women born in the 80's, I feel, often forget to enjoy themselves. But a man born in a different decade than I was might have the exact opposite preferences.

Interesting question. Puts another dimension on nature/nurture kinds of arguments. Few deny we're all products of the age we live in. To a large extent at least.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 2697 reads
76 / 98

looks wise. I highly doubt Halle Berry could be bedded so easily by 99% of the guys here, well maybe 98%, WHY she's beautiful has a rocking bod and her SOs are really HOT. SHE can choose who SHE wants. Same with a lot of over 40 really beautiful women. They can and are really picky in the lovers dept.

Not all ladies of a certain age have droopy breasts and big floppy va jay jays, lol. And not all ladies of a certain can be bedded by every guy in their age group. Nope not in the civvie world. Not by a long shot.

I will admit that women of a certain age are viewed differently so they better have their shit together. Point in case...

A cute as hell mid 20's or collage age gal has one or two too many at a popular watering hole, most people (in my southern accent) would say oh, bless her little heart she can't hold her liquor yet...An old broad who has had way too many is not viewed the same way, she's the old drunk broad making an ass out of her self-bless her old raggedy ass heart!  

Just sayin


-- Modified on 4/6/2014 11:06:27 PM

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 2215 reads
77 / 98

misrepresenting??  Just because women lie about their age all the time??
Well, men lie about money all the time.
So, who cares if clients put the wrong amount in the envelope - they are just continuing their quaint lying ways, bless their hearts.  If a 40 yr old lady chops 10 years off, then I guess a guy can put $300 in the envelope instead of $400, right?

Look, nobody cares if there is a little fudging, as long as you look like your photos, and, if you don't show your face in them, that you at least look close to your stated age.

But blatently misrepresenting is not cool.  Guys pay too much for that kind of game playing.
Ladies should "own" their age as, yes, women of all ages are beautiful.  But if they don't, then they shoud expect to have guys ding them in reviews for this, and rightfully so.

Isn't this all pretty obvious stuff?  I used to hate the word Mangina when I started here, but starting a thread defending the concept of ladies misrepresenting themselves?? I'm starting to come around to it..

AnotherDonJohn 1880 reads
78 / 98

...Take my share and keep the TER change ( the delta between what they say they are and what age they really are).  
It's a nice OP to send out the milf/GILF bat signal. Interested parties have taken note, I'm sure.  

A more reasonable question is why do older women need to lie about their age and catch men unaware? ...
Posted By: GaGambler
the reason "I" am not doing them is because I don't find them attractive. There are countless "cougar bars" where the women outnumber the men two to one, and many if not most of these women are "on the prowl" I am just flat not interested in these kind of women. Most of them have huge amounts of baggage, teen aged or college aged kids, ex husbands, etc and physically they just don't do it for me. THAT's why I don't see old broads, but you are welcome to my share.

AnotherDonJohn 2218 reads
79 / 98

It's good to be back;)

Posted By: GaGambler
You made an OP using this alias and then made a post on the same thread using your "real" handle. I of course am not going to out you once again as that's against TER rules, but you are a serious mangina under both your alias and your real handle.

and why do all of you manginas claim that the rest of us are angry? I am way too busy laughing at you and those like you to ever be angry. Now please grow some brains, not to mention some balls and come back when you are better prepared for a battle of wits.

AnotherDonJohn 2200 reads
80 / 98

When's the next ball? ;)

Posted By: TaylorSteele
But you do have the wrong chica. I don't have an angry bone in my bod when it comes to this place LOL...a bit passionate when I write? Absolutely, that I am on any platform. But never anger, don't confuse the two. Unless of course you're staring at me thru the screen when I write...that would be kinda creepy lol. But yes, a sense of humor I do have, you just don't understand itr, that's all, must be an 'age' thing. You just classify it as BSC to appease yourself as usual. But if I'm BSC to you, that works for me there hotstuff. You don't want to know how I classify you and your writing lol. I'll keep that to myself. I don't feel the need to spell it out publicly like you do daily LOL. I actually don't 'get off' like that.    
 Did you like my song dedication to you then?  

-- Modified on 4/6/2014 3:26:04 PM

fanoftheo 2649 reads
81 / 98

A quick search of the Newbie board going back 3000 days turned up no posts by me using this alias or my real handle. And isn't doing what you claim against TER policy?

Keep trying to deflect your insecurities onto the rest of us......and while youre at it, since you continually espouse your abilities here, go back to the bars and pick up someone your own age....or are you afraid to be with a woman who actually has a brain?

That's probably it....you have trouble dealing with anyone who mentally challenges you.....you have control issues dude.
Posted By: GaGambler
You made an OP using this alias and then made a post on the same thread using your "real" handle. I of course am not going to out you once again as that's against TER rules, but you are a serious mangina under both your alias and your real handle.

and why do all of you manginas claim that the rest of us are angry? I am way too busy laughing at you and those like you to ever be angry. Now please grow some brains, not to mention some balls and come back when you are better prepared for a battle of wits.

fanoftheo 2171 reads
82 / 98

Being called out as a prolific poster with nothing of value to say hit a bit too close to home for ya?

You call it whining.....I noticed you never really answered my question which is typical for your kind. You just keep on the attack without ever answering anything.

So I will ask you again, how does what I posted equal whining? I asked a question, plain and simple.

Make sure you again add adjectives like "pathetic" or "mangina" to your response....name calling, while typical for your kind, says a whole lot more about you as a person than it does me.

Lastly, of course if you don't like what I'm saying, you can exercise your right to not read and/or respond to it, but my guess would be your ego is too big to allow that.

Like I said, you're trying to twist things here doesn't work on me....I've seen many people on other boards who are much better at it then you.....and it didn't work for them either.

fanoftheo 2332 reads
83 / 98

If a woman, as you and others here mentioned, intentionally misrepresents herself (using old photos, etc.), then she should be called out on it. Please show me where I defended a woman doing something like that?

But why is a guy hung up on the age of a woman? THAT is my question, nothing more, nothing less.

Sometimes I wonder if people can actually read a post without trying to "read between the lines" and assert their own interpretations.

My question was not ambiguous.....why are some guys hung up an a woman's age?

Thanks to those in this thread who answered a simple question with a direct answer.

To those who tried to "read between the lines", you really need to get a life.....there was no hidden meaning in my question....SHEESH!!!

-- Modified on 4/7/2014 8:12:46 AM

0603450onThe 1710 reads
84 / 98

And yes, as a matter of fact, I have a very important Gala to attend next month that I am very excited about. But I need to warn you it's 500 a plate. So I'm quite certain you're capable of doing the math yourself. And I'm also quite certain it wouldn't be your cup of tea. It's more of a 'matters of the heart' kind of thing.

Good to have you back ADJ.  


MasterZen 33 Reviews 1478 reads
86 / 98

lower aggression, experience... and more. Not universal, but probabilities. Safety is an offshoot of all these things.  

And remember, we can choose an age we are attracted too, so can the gals.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1608 reads
87 / 98

And the "loud mouth drunk" is a pussycat, most of the time, although he does still melt down on occasion.

inicky46 61 Reviews 2060 reads
88 / 98

You seemed to be criticizing him but were actually agreeing with him and didn't know it because you misunderstood his Latin phrase.  Claro?

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1975 reads
89 / 98

the thing is that choice is personal; for both you and the provider. There is no entitlement to any explanation, or any courtesy for that matter. It doesn't have to be fair, and it isn't.  

Now... if a lady does not specifically communicate her assumptions to you, how might you conclude that she has made those assumptions? Next time it happens, just consider the possibility that what you believe she has assumed, she has not. Consider that she has assumed the opposite. From that vantage, does your reaction change?

You can choose your reactions and responses to others and to circumstances. Why not choose one that moves you forward and improves you, and your opinion of others?

AnotherDonJohn 1489 reads
90 / 98

for most, I would guess Cinco de mayo...in this case I'm going to go with Mother's Day or Memorial Day for the Rtw's of the world.  

Nice to be "back." Haha.
Posted By: TaylorSteele
And yes, as a matter of fact, I have a very important Gala to attend next month that I am very excited about. But I need to warn you it's 500 a plate. So I'm quite certain you're capable of doing the math yourself. And I'm also quite certain it wouldn't be your cup of tea. It's more of a 'matters of the heart' kind of thing.  
 Good to have you back ADJ.  

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1903 reads
91 / 98

and I paraphrase:

Ladies lie about their age.  WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL!
It's all about attractiveness, so why do guys care about age?

You clearly ARE minimizing misrepresentation by ladies.  Nobody is misunderstanding you, you put it all in caps for goodness sake. I happen to think it's important that people represent themselves accurately.  This is the contention of most guys.  This is far and away the biggest criticism about "age."  For the most part, guys are very respectful of ladies on TER, I've never seen a reply to an ad or a reply to a post by a lady that was an ad hominem criticism of her looks.  Now once pissing matches start on other subjects, then adjectives may get thrown in,  but by and large I think guys are very repectful here to ladies about their looks.  This, despite the obvious rule of nature that, on a purely physical level youth is more attractive.  Are you denying this??  Don't you think 90% of people would agree they were more attractive when they were young (even if they have aged well and still look good)?  So it really seems to me like you are just trying to stir things up.

Dr Who revived 2206 reads
92 / 98

Couldn't keep your posting on the Newbie board straight either  LOL

So I assume you deleted some post here "calling out CPA"?  Nope...just more confusion by you.

Keep up the whine...the cheese should be there shortly.

If you stop digging now...nah, you'll just keep on digging  ;)
Posted By: fanoftheo
Being called out as a prolific poster with nothing of value to say hit a bit too close to home for ya?  
 You call it whining.....I noticed you never really answered my question which is typical for your kind. You just keep on the attack without ever answering anything.  
 So I will ask you again, how does what I posted equal whining? I asked a question, plain and simple.  
 Make sure you again add adjectives like "pathetic" or "mangina" to your response....name calling, while typical for your kind, says a whole lot more about you as a person than it does me.  
 Lastly, of course if you don't like what I'm saying, you can exercise your right to not read and/or respond to it, but my guess would be your ego is too big to allow that.  
 Like I said, you're trying to twist things here doesn't work on me....I've seen many people on other boards who are much better at it then you.....and it didn't work for them either.

0603450onThe 1591 reads
93 / 98

sign me up lol. But I think not. Cute guesses nonetheless.

fanoftheo 2260 reads
94 / 98

Did you even bother looking or are you just taking someone elses word for it?

There's nothing there posted by me using this alias or any other handle.  

You just don't want to acknowledge the facts because that would expose you for the board bully you are trying to be....guess what?....too late.

Keep digging.....you belittle yourself with every attempt at discrediting me.....I can do this as long as you want to.....I have the truth and you're the one making shit up.

Why not go and try to find someone else to intimidate.....you simply don't get it....it isn't working on me.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1619 reads
95 / 98

And he COULD be sweet here...until he imploded (quite a lot)! ;-)

GaGambler 2066 reads
96 / 98

People sometimes thing that I go looking for manginas to pick on. That couldn't be further from the truth, there just seems to be no end to these guys that are willing to excuse any amount of bad behavior from a woman.

They absolutely BEG to be called out for the manginas that they are. The OP is definitely a great example of this.

hbyist+truth=;( 1600 reads
97 / 98

They lie and tell you you're good in bed, they lie and tell you they love seeing you etc. etc. You want the truth from hookers, you and possibly 90% of the rest probably would not be able to handle the truth.  

So what you're really saying is there are things they can lie about but not their age or weight just what they think about the tricks they see?

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 2473 reads
98 / 98

Posted By: ChgoCPA
Couldn't keep your posting on the Newbie board straight either  LOL  
 So I assume you deleted some post here "calling out CPA"?  Nope...just more confusion by you.  
 Keep up the whine...the cheese should be there shortly.  
 If you stop digging now...nah, you'll just keep on digging  ;)  
Posted By: fanoftheo
Being called out as a prolific poster with nothing of value to say hit a bit too close to home for ya?  
  You call it whining.....I noticed you never really answered my question which is typical for your kind. You just keep on the attack without ever answering anything.  
  So I will ask you again, how does what I posted equal whining? I asked a question, plain and simple.  
  Make sure you again add adjectives like "pathetic" or "mangina" to your response....name calling, while typical for your kind, says a whole lot more about you as a person than it does me.  
  Lastly, of course if you don't like what I'm saying, you can exercise your right to not read and/or respond to it, but my guess would be your ego is too big to allow that.  
  Like I said, you're trying to twist things here doesn't work on me....I've seen many people on other boards who are much better at it then you.....and it didn't work for them either.

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