TER General Board

YES!!! . . . . . The providers I see . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 580 reads

should have hair on their heads, nowhere else.  Nothing turns me off more than hirsuteness.  

emsjhs20095404 reads

mine is large tattoos.  can't understand why any woman would ruin Gods' creation with ink

Posted By: emsjhs2009
mine is large tattoos.  can't understand why any woman would ruin Gods' creation with ink

Posted By: sasha2cute
LMAO.This hooker loves me she trashing and posting about me..This hooker trying to make dollar like rest of hookers.Pay to play.No free sessions.

-- Modified on 3/17/2017 6:53:40 AM

ROGM494 reads

Nothing worse for me than a provider having a bad attitude. She doesn't have to be gorgeous. Although I'm not going to complain. A bad attitude from a provider gorgeous or not is a deal breaker for me.  

GaGambler831 reads

Fat, old. ugly, Or as I would say when in Latin America "No gordas, no Viejas, no feas"

I am not a big fan of ink, but some women wear it well and it's hardly a deal breaker for me.

back to reasons to DEFINITELY say no. Lousy attitude. ridiculous asking price, obvious ice queen are also way at the top of a very long list

....more and more there is not one thing.
I just read the web site and look at the photos and I'm either attracted to her or not.
I can't quantify why.
There's just a certain sumpin sumpin!

I for one plan to continue to "ruin" my body with ink.

I also LOVE tattoos, a form of beautiful artistic expression.

Posted By: LikeTearsInRain
....more and more there is not one thing.  
 I just read the web site and look at the photos and I'm either attracted to her or not.  
 I can't quantify why.  
 There's just a certain sumpin sumpin!

A Pusher is a criterion for which the better the provider satisfies it, the better I like it.  For example, Appearance is a Pusher.  

Blockers are potential knock-out items.  If a provider doesn't meet any one if these, I won't see her.  Blockers for me include price (I have a budget), location (she has to be someplace where I can get to her), safety, kissing, "fit", non smoker (or at least there's no hint of smoke smell), over 25 (and beyond 25 age is a Pusher), and others but that should give you the idea that there isn't just one thing that could make me say "no thanks".

Also, if I say "yuck" to myself in my head when I see their pictures.

should have hair on their heads, nowhere else.  Nothing turns me off more than hirsuteness.  

in the end it always boils down to at least one thing.

rawmeat511 reads

Ink looks like hell. Most of it looks like a 5 year old traced it out of a coloring book. Also it gets worse with age faded and out of shape.I also think it looks bad on men too.

Posted By: MasterZen
in the end it always boils down to at least one thing.

but everyone seems t have costed over that one... you'd think that would be a universal necessity right?

Wish we could - wouldn't it be so much easier if TER had an AIDS check box?  So as a practical thing - not a one thing you can use to determine whether you are going to book someone or not....

Also be nice if she''s not out on bond for a felony raising money for her lawyer.  And big pimps - be sort of nice if you didn't get robbed and kidnapped and driven around the state to various ATMs to empty my accounts.  Possibly I missed something on the list of things I absolutely don't want.. but yes, disease is on that list along with, for example, dealing with actual sex traffickers....

In my case I look at the pics. They either speak to me or don't. If they don't, I move without asking myself why...

Or do you honestly think that your opinion is the only possible way anyone could see such things?  LOL!  

I honestly can't understand why ink would distract anyone to the point of considering a woman's beauty "ruined".    

Neither opinion is right or wrong.... they're just opinions.  The only thing I believe is "wrong" is to be wholly intolerant of someone else's.  But again.... that's just my opinion.  :-)


Some people find my attitude and outspokenness to be a deal-breaker, while others find both very appealing.  

There's an audience for every type of provider,  including the BSC, the total bitches, and even drama queens.  ;-)

Posted By: emsjhs2009

can't understand why any woman would ruin Gods' creation with ink
I don't have a blanket opinion on tats. Some look good, some don't. Depends on the woman and the tattoo I guess.

"Ruin God's creation." Okay. I'm curious, do you feel the same about implants, botox, makeup, hair removal, etc? This is your opinion and you're obviously free to have it and express it, I'm just wondering how far it goes.

To answer the question in your subject line, no; there's not one thing. There are many things that can become an automatic no. But I don't look at it that way. I look at it like everyone is a maybe until something just says yes about a lady. It's almost like an intuition or something. I don't always listen to it. I think it's been wrong once. Maybe she was having an off day, LoL!

Is there such a thing?  LOL!    

It's like saying too blonde, too petite, too pretty..... it's very subjective. ;-)

Perhaps you meant women taller than yourself?  

Also, please realize that MANY tall women are self-conscious about their height.  They wear flats and even slouch because they've been subjected to those who regard taller-than-average women as less feminine and/or less desirable.  

As a tall woman, I can't tell you how many times, once I've stood up next to a man who happens to be my own height or shorter that he has remarked, "wow, you're a BIG girl!"    and he then starts glancing around uncomfortably, mentally searching for a way to escape.  Sigh....    

There's nothing wrong with having a preferred physical type, be it short/average, petite, hefty, whatever.  But that doesn't make any woman who doesn't fit that type "too" anything.    Just "too" whatever for YOU.  

Ok, getting off my soapbox now.  (which I totally don't need, btw) LOL.

I can only recall being with one gal significantly taller than me. She was about 6'. I'm 5'7".  
It was kind of fun to hug her.

No reviews.

Bad reviews.  

Drama on the boards.

One ‘no show’ review.

Above my one hour limit.

Business only return email.

Abrasive personality on the boards.

Any type of upsell.

Not honoring a grandfather.

Unable to accommodate my specific needs.


Discrepancies in ad.  

Her incall a block from my house.  

But I don't mind tats. All but one of my lifetime atfs had tats.

Skyfyre337 reads

That would be being overweight. Don't care about age, race, look... but being overweight is definitely a deal-breaker.

I'm not a huge fan of tattoos, but I can live with it on the arm or the leg. On the chest or stomach is a deal breaker. I'm not really attracted to short haircuts, or small breasts, but if there's one thing that definitely makes me say no it's not shaving. I don't play in bushes.

-- Modified on 3/15/2017 7:01:56 PM

Hmmm, let's see. National Basketball Association

doing me a favor by seeing me. I want to fuck a friend  
frequently and passionately ... I want to want to see her again.  

a gorgeous but pleasant friend
a horny dirty girl that's insatiable
an anal queen
a sultry mistress  
aaaah.... the list could go on

-- Modified on 3/15/2017 9:09:23 PM

While everyone has a right to decorate (or defile, your choice of perspective) their own body, I must say that large scale tattoos on a woman's chest are a definite turnoff for me.

The last GF had 4 tats and one on her chest, but it was small and placed so that it was covered unless she was naked. And having a nipple ring myself, I'm not adverse to body mods -- just a large area of her chest being covered is a definite cause for pause.

Posted By: emsjhs2009
mine is large tattoos.  can't understand why any woman would ruin Gods' creation with ink

I'm very funny about one thing (and probably a lot more, too), but I have an absolute iron-clad rule:  I will not even look at a lady who doesn't have a picture on her webpage in which she is smiling.  I've seen enough prunes in my life and an ornery smile is the gatekeeper for me.

FBSM408 reads

If she gives one whitelist for every 5-15 reviews, to me that says the reviewers haven't seen her more than once and she is just stingy with them. Some providers even have a reference policy where they will only give one reference per appointment. That's too stingy for me.

Seeing "I prefer seeing men over the age of 35(or some other number)"

I'm 31 so that eliminates me. I know it's a preference and not a requirement and technically I could still them, but why would I pay to see a provider that really does not want to see me?

(Not here to argue if listing an age preference is fair, just saying, I probably wouldn't see a provider that listed such preference)

And even if it says "smokes but not during session" I still smell the smoke, and have gone home coughing as if I was puffing away for hours. I have never smoked, but for whatever reason, just a hint of it sends my lungs into shock.

Oh yeah, I remember seeing an ad for a provider, a couple of years ago,  who stated in her ad that  if you don't have a cock bigger than 7 inches, don't bother her.
Leaves me out.

Yes fat shaming women makes you look like a real winner.

She's HOT!  Do you have her TER number?

Very attractive face, round full thighs, confident in-control expression, very full body. From the picture, she'd be great. It all depends on chemistry, but she looks like a really sexy lady

-- Modified on 3/16/2017 5:01:34 PM

If "she" had a penis that would be a big no for me.

My deal killer is a "CBJ".

No use going any further !  Gal could be a total 10 in looks, personality, you name it....but a CBJ ----Nope !

I can't understand why a provider doesn't laugh at my writing, " All the best, J.Christ" in every hotel bible I find ... Geez!

Posted By: emsjhs2009
mine is large tattoos.  can't understand why any woman would ruin Gods' creation with ink

Thanks for the chuckle.  

Actually, many providers are religious in a personal way. I kind of like that. It makes me appreciate their humanity.  

I did an overnight with a gal at a resort town one Saturday night. Sunday she was up early and said she'd be right back. I was sleepy, so just nodded off again. Shortly she returned. She had attended mass in the church next door. Relieved of her religious obligation, we made royal love.

Posted By: mrfisher
Actually, many providers are religious in a personal way. I kind of like that. It makes me appreciate their humanity.
I like that too. One of my favorite providers years ago went to mass regularly; another I never knew about specifically, but I know she was still close to her big Catholic family. (And *very* concerned about discretion, as you might imagine.) And more recently I was looking at a provider's ad, which included several pictures apparently taken at home, and felt more attracted to her when I saw a bunch of little plaques in the background with angels and inspirational quotes and the like. Kitschy you might say, but an appealing human touch, and a reminder that we're all more than what we do for a living.

In all seriousness, though, my big ones are under the age of 21, not my type physically, my age or older than me, above the average price for the area, and if I've already seen her, doubling her price.  

She had no idea of the Biblical reference. She had seen it on another gal and thought it stood for "sex, sex, sex.  

Close enough. 8o)

chef1275333 reads

Well done tattoos are more likely to make me call a sexy lady as long as she's up for the other things I prefer.

More than one bad review, taller than 5'7, weighs more than 120 and the automatic deal breaker is they are pure Caucasian. In my experience (and I'm white) usually no good between the sheets.

One of the biggest complaints I've heard from clients is a dog or cat at the lady's incall. If it's out of the way and not a distraction, I don't see any issues, but people have allergies, there could be unpleasant smells, worrying about getting pet hair on you, jumping all over you or on the bed when the action is happening, etc. One gentleman told me that a lady he saw wouldn't let him use the bathroom or shower when he visited her because her dog was locked in there-I can definitely see how that would be annoying.

Rates are a factor by necessity. I'm on a tight budget, so there are providers whose time I can't afford, however much I might like to see them. Or I *could* see them but that would be it for the year. That's not a reflection on the provider or her services, of course, just an economic reality.

I like to get a GFE-ish vibe when I'm checking out a provider. If I read things like no kissing, no DATY, that's probably not the girl for me. Also if I keep reading comments like "She didn't seem that into it" ... I'm way past the age when finding an orifice willing to take Mr. Happy in was the height of my ambition. It's a lot more fun for me when my partner in crime seems to be enjoying the caper as well.

I think somebody mentioned drama and general bad behavior on the boards. That puts me off too, but there doesn't seem to be as much of that now as there used to be.

Since the OP mentioned tats, they aren't my personal style and I wouldn't get one even if I were younger, but I'm learning to appreciate artistic and well-executed ones on other people. I think at this point I'm more intrigued than put off by a provider with lots of good body art. The stuff that looks like prison tattoos, no, not so much.  :-D

As for appearance, I've enjoyed a lot of different kinds of bodies. Hell, as old as I am, I've *been* a few different bodies. I have my preferences but they are fairly broad and open to exceptions. I'm not so turned on, though, by--I was about to say Playboy bunny types, but that's showing my age, isn't it? The Dallas Cowboys cheerleader look? Well, you know what I mean, that almost doll-like perfection with the pneumatic breasts and flawless blond hair. I can admire that, but my actual lust is more likely to be aroused by someone darker, or rounder, or broad-hipped and small-breasted, or nerdy-looking, or just kind of quirky.

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