TER General Board

Yep. You can't . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 387 reads

Remain anonymous if you're giving your TER username to a provider to make appointment, so no P411 for me either.

Here's something I've encountered a few times lately......  

I ask potential clients to let me know if they've used a different name and/or contact info with their references (so that I'm not asking Strap-on Sally about Dave Smith from Tulsa when she actually knows him as Dan from OKC) to help avoid confusion.  

Likewise, I tell those I've met that I'm happy to provide a reference, but if they're going to use a different name and/or contact  (than what I have for them) with these other ladies, to please give me a heads-up.  

So.........Several times in the past few months there have been situations where someone either shared with me the "alias" he's been using with other providers, or another lady requested a reference for a client:  and the name the other lady/ladies were given is actually a REAL PERSON yet NOT the individual in question.  
And it wasn't a coincidence.  

Being possessed of a curious nature, I've asked some of these gentlemen about it.  In one case, he actually said, "that's my brother in law and I never liked him anyway" so he didn't care if anything bad came of his using the BIL's name for hobbying.  

With another, the identity being used was that of a former boss who "screws everyone, so it suits him"..... ok, I admit to chuckling but....... ;-)

None of these men were using the fake identity to pass screening.  They were all good clients with excellent references & zero blacklists.   They just took on these names as their "hobby name" for personal amusement, I suppose.  
My point is they could have easily been "Joe Cephous"  or any made-up name.

Personally, this practice makes me uncomfortable.    

What's YOUR opinion?  

Is deliberately using someone else's name as a hobby-name crossing a line?  

Do you consider it to be the same as using a fictitious name?    

Or does it depend on whether there's any true malicious intent?

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
Here's something I've encountered a few times lately......  
 I ask potential clients to let me know if they've used a different name and/or contact info with their references (so that I'm not asking Strap-on Sally about Dave Smith from Tulsa when she actually knows him as Dan from OKC) to help avoid confusion.    
 Likewise, I tell those I've met that I'm happy to provide a reference, but if they're going to use a different name and/or contact  (than what I have for them) with these other ladies, to please give me a heads-up.    
 So.........Several times in the past few months there have been situations where someone either shared with me the "alias" he's been using with other providers, or another lady requested a reference for a client:  and the name the other lady/ladies were given is actually a REAL PERSON yet NOT the individual in question.    
 And it wasn't a coincidence.  
 Being possessed of a curious nature, I've asked some of these gentlemen about it.  In one case, he actually said, "that's my brother in law and I never liked him anyway" so he didn't care if anything bad came of his using the BIL's name for hobbying.  
 With another, the identity being used was that of a former boss who "screws everyone, so it suits him"..... ok, I admit to chuckling but....... ;-)  
 None of these men were using the fake identity to pass screening.  They were all good clients with excellent references & zero blacklists.   They just took on these names as their "hobby name" for personal amusement, I suppose.    
 My point is they could have easily been "Joe Cephous"  or any made-up name.  
 Personally, this practice makes me uncomfortable.    
 What's YOUR opinion?  
 Is deliberately using someone else's name as a hobby-name crossing a line?  
 Do you consider it to be the same as using a fictitious name?    
 Or does it depend on whether there's any true malicious intent?

My username is a combination of my ex-wife's birth year, and the name of a guy in high school I didn't like. He was a whimpering, spoiled kid. He once tried to grab some food off my tray in the cafeteria, and I stabbed him in the hand with my fork.

Personally that would rub me the wrong way. I don't see the point of it really and don't particularly care for keyboard bullies.

As you point out, this could cause trouble, maybe serious trouble, for the person whose name is used.  It won't matter then whether the perpetrator meant to do harm or was just making a little joke.

Not cool at all.

I choose my handle based on a movie character without thinking that someone may actually have that name. Are you implying that we should google any alias/handle we choose to make sure no one actually has that name?  

I certainly have no malicious intent toward any real Harley Sullivans.  Just like Deb, I'm sure, doesn't have any malicious intent towards any real Debra Hollanders.  

The likelyhood that our stage names will actually cause the real person harm is, in my opinion, very small.

... What I picked up from the OP was that some were using the names of real people known to them. That would definitely cross a line. Movie characters and the like, that's another thing altogether, in my mind (such as it is!).

Not to mention that if it ever came back to the hobbyist -- which is perhaps not too unexpected but not certain -- I would think they may face some type of identify theft charge or be subject to some type of slander suit.

All in all it's just a bad idea.

Posted By: theoldcavalier
As you point out, this could cause trouble, maybe serious trouble, for the person whose name is used.  It won't matter then whether the perpetrator meant to do harm or was just making a little joke.  
 Not cool at all.

It seems so pointless to need more than one simple name to be known by, unless trying to hide a less than great reputation.  

I'm MasterZen, always have been, and probably will never change.  

As for using the identity of another person to commit a crime.... I suspect LE would love to add "Identity Theft" to the list of counts should one get busted.  

Is anonymity, or multiple layers of anonymity worth the additional risk, and the damage you might do to another? I think not. In this case, stupidity is the issue as intent to cause harm to another (and avoid harm yourself) is the clear intent.

first name, my cell phone number and two or three ref's.  If that's not good enough, then I pass on the provider.  There's no one I have ever wanted to see bad enough to compromise my privacy.  Consequently, I NEVER use my TER username, or any other alias, when talking to providers or booking appointments.  

Remain anonymous if you're giving your TER username to a provider to make appointment, so no P411 for me either.

and can choose to see you or not. Someone using another person's name is a way to work around a lady's screening that requires a last name like I do. I don't find that maneuver amusing at all. Yours I can respect and we can bow out, no hard feelings unless he tries to "convince" me  over and over to see him without what I need to move forward.

Steph xoxo

....of course her last name wasn't real...
Of course we could all google that person and come up with a different person.
I think we all know by now we can't trust that.
My real name googles to a murderer in England.
Before that it used to google to an artist in New York.

So do any other providers use their real first names?
Probably makes it easier right - when they call you out by name in the heat of passion?

the then-current President of the US. I got the address right (1600 PA Ave.) but I couldn't remember the zip code. They gave me the room anyway.  

In case you're wondering, the zip+4 is: 20500-0004.

Posted By: impposter
the then-current President of the US. I got the address right (1600 PA Ave.) but I couldn't remember the zip code. They gave me the room anyway.  
 In case you're wondering, the zip+4 is: 20500-0004.

They should only be using their own RL information for screening. You indicated that they did.

However you then said they were giving your name as a reference with different information. I do not understand why they would do that except: up to no good (in many forms), he wants to be more private with info (and if he used P411 etc he already got screened with RL information) and just wants a little less known of where he's from, or he could be using alias handles to leave nasty (or more truthful) reviews.  

In what context are they using someone else's identity? You are bouncing around a little with saying they give their proper RL info for screening but then use a fake name to another provider (who then calls you for the reference)... then you indicate that they do give real info for screening to all but use a hobby name.... So what exactly do you mean?

As far as what you are asking, about the guy using handles of RL people ... what are you saying? Is this a board handle or using a differing name on a P411 account for screening?

Is he giving someone else's handle or his own? Using someone else's handle or account is a huge red flag.

Is it a Ter handle where they can pick their own handle? If so, who cares if he does it as a joke. Have you seen most of the handles here? lol. As long as his screening information is his own and he is using his own accounts...

If he uses both his regular handle and an alias handle for reviews, I am on the fence with that one. There are many good reasons why a guy will use an alias to review. There are also some bad reasons. I would honestly keep that to myself unless he is BSC and a danger. I will give an alias handle a reference. I will not disclose their other handle.  

Plenty of guys go through the screening process properly and then want to be referred to as a different first name. As long as he doesn't lie on the screening to me, I don't care after that what nick name he wants to be called. lol.

Here is something to consider: So these guys were great with you, gave you the real information. Now what if he is using fake name for screening with others, how would you know if he is BL'd by someone else? You wouldn't because I doubt you keep tabs on him and any fake name being used when you get that call for a reference. Do you go look that fake name up first before saying anything to make sure he isn't listed somewhere? How would you know if he has other fake names?

I just say " I know him as ---- and he has seen me --- times. He has been prompt and great to me etc." That's what I say if a guy wants a reference under a different first name or whatever. Then she can know he uses a different name and decide what she wants to do.

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
Here's something I've encountered a few times lately......  
 I ask potential clients to let me know if they've used a different name and/or contact info with their references (so that I'm not asking Strap-on Sally about Dave Smith from Tulsa when she actually knows him as Dan from OKC) to help avoid confusion.    
 Likewise, I tell those I've met that I'm happy to provide a reference, but if they're going to use a different name and/or contact  (than what I have for them) with these other ladies, to please give me a heads-up.    
 So.........Several times in the past few months there have been situations where someone either shared with me the "alias" he's been using with other providers, or another lady requested a reference for a client:  and the name the other lady/ladies were given is actually a REAL PERSON yet NOT the individual in question.    
 And it wasn't a coincidence.  
 Being possessed of a curious nature, I've asked some of these gentlemen about it.  In one case, he actually said, "that's my brother in law and I never liked him anyway" so he didn't care if anything bad came of his using the BIL's name for hobbying.  
 With another, the identity being used was that of a former boss who "screws everyone, so it suits him"..... ok, I admit to chuckling but....... ;-)  
 None of these men were using the fake identity to pass screening.  They were all good clients with excellent references & zero blacklists.   They just took on these names as their "hobby name" for personal amusement, I suppose.    
 My point is they could have easily been "Joe Cephous"  or any made-up name.  
 Personally, this practice makes me uncomfortable.    
 What's YOUR opinion?  
 Is deliberately using someone else's name as a hobby-name crossing a line?  
 Do you consider it to be the same as using a fictitious name?    
 Or does it depend on whether there's any true malicious intent?

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
They should only be using their own RL information for screening. You indicated that they did.
I do require real full names, but I didn't actually mention that in my post.
Posted By: AlexandraMilw

 However you then said they were giving your name as a reference with different information. I do not understand why they would do that except: up to no good (in many forms), he wants to be more private with info (and if he used P411 etc he already got screened with RL information) and just wants a little less known of where he's from, or he could be using alias handles to leave nasty (or more truthful) reviews.
Yes, I see someone then he goes on to give my name as a reference to someone else.  MANY clients do not give out their real names unless it is REQUIRED by the provider.  
So if a client wants to see someone who doesn't ask for real-world info, he might well use a fake name.    
Why? Just for privacy, really, as none of the guys who I've known who do this (and there are even a couple on this thread lol) have wound up earning a bad rep later on when using a fake name. Yet.  ;-)
I acknowledge it could happen but hell.... I've had guys who gave their real names to ladies who've asked for a reference from me, who later wound up blacklisted under his real name.  And I've found, through using provider resources, that guys claiming to be newbies who ask to be screened via employer info etc..... actually have multiple fake names under which they're blacklisted.

But my post isn't about any of that. :-)

Posted By: AlexandraMilw

 In what context are they using someone else's identity? You are bouncing around a little with saying they give their proper RL info for screening but then use a fake name to another provider (who then calls you for the reference)... then you indicate that they do give real info for screening to all but use a hobby name.... So what exactly do you mean?  
No bouncing, and I thought I was quite clear.  YES, they give ME their real name for screening.  
Yet, when screening with someone later on, they use another name (which would be a fake name or "hobby name" for HIM) that happens to belong to someone he personally knows.      
I did not write  that they give THEIR OWN  "real info for screening to all".  :-)
Posted By: AlexandraMilw

 As far as what you are asking, about the guy using handles of RL people ... what are you saying? Is this a board handle or using a differing name on a P411 account for screening?
Again, I really thought I was clear but obviously I wasn't.  I apologize.  

Example: Client's real name is Bob White.  That is how I screened him; I checked his ID when we met so I know it's really him.  He then wants to see Suzy Squirter, who does not require real names.  He decides to use his brother-in-law's REAL NAME as his "hobby name" with Suzy.   His brother-in-law's name is Joe Black.   So Suzy requests a reference for Joe Black but with contact info matching Bob White's.  

This has nothing to do with handles on TER, P411 or any other site, nor anything to do with reviews.

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
 Here is something to consider: So these guys were great with you, gave you the real information. Now what if he is using fake name for screening with others, how would you know if he is BL'd by someone else? You wouldn't because I doubt you keep tabs on him and any fake name being used when you get that call for a reference. Do you go look that fake name up first before saying anything to make sure he isn't listed somewhere? How would you know if he has other fake names?
I'm not addressing any of that publicly, as it has nothing to do with my post or my questions therein. ;-)

If you're truly curious, please ask me privately.

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
  I just say " I know him as ---- and he has seen me --- times. He has been prompt and great to me etc." That's what I say if a guy wants a reference under a different first name or whatever. Then she can know he uses a different name and decide what she wants to do.
Personally, I do not share a client's personal information with other providers without first receiving his permission to do so.   I'll let them know that although the contact info matches, I know him by a different name but I do NOT volunteer his name.  
And honestly, I can't recall anyone coming back to me and asking for that real name.  They were satisfied that I verified having met someone with the same contact info and could provide a thumbs-up on that individual.  ;-)

To me, there was 2 different ways of taking it. I see a few misunderstood as well. Now that you said that the other provider was not asking for RL name from him, it makes much more sense.

I think you should do what makes you comfortable. I do not care if he gives a fake name for a reference check if the other provider didn't ask for his RL info. In fact, he doesn't even necessarily need to if the other provider accepts a P411 or other screening site, which some ladies are just fine with that and references (as do I).  All that matters is that I have seen the guy and he was ok to me. At the end of the day, that is what the other provider wants to know, if he is ok to see. Of course he should let you know before hand that he is asking for a reference from you and is using ---- name. That should be common sense on his part lol.

I think it's funny when later on they can't remember what their name is that they told me or others.

My questions were something to think about, not to be answered. It was concerning if a guy was up to no good and outright lying to another provider if she had asked for his real name etc. Since that is not the case, it doesn't apply.

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
Posted By: AlexandraMilw
They should only be using their own RL information for screening. You indicated that they did.
I do require real full names, but I didn't actually mention that in my post.
Posted By: AlexandraMilw
  However you then said they were giving your name as a reference with different information. I do not understand why they would do that except: up to no good (in many forms), he wants to be more private with info (and if he used P411 etc he already got screened with RL information) and just wants a little less known of where he's from, or he could be using alias handles to leave nasty (or more truthful) reviews.
Yes, I see someone then he goes on to give my name as a reference to someone else.  MANY clients do not give out their real names unless it is REQUIRED by the provider.    
 So if a client wants to see someone who doesn't ask for real-world info, he might well use a fake name.    
 Why? Just for privacy, really, as none of the guys who I've known who do this (and there are even a couple on this thread lol) have wound up earning a bad rep later on when using a fake name. Yet.  ;-)  
 I acknowledge it could happen but hell.... I've had guys who gave their real names to ladies who've asked for a reference from me, who later wound up blacklisted under his real name.  And I've found, through using provider resources, that guys claiming to be newbies who ask to be screened via employer info etc..... actually have multiple fake names under which they're blacklisted.  
 But my post isn't about any of that. :-)
Posted By: AlexandraMilw
  In what context are they using someone else's identity? You are bouncing around a little with saying they give their proper RL info for screening but then use a fake name to another provider (who then calls you for the reference)... then you indicate that they do give real info for screening to all but use a hobby name.... So what exactly do you mean?  
No bouncing, and I thought I was quite clear.  YES, they give ME their real name for screening.    
 Yet, when screening with someone later on, they use another name (which would be a fake name or "hobby name" for HIM) that happens to belong to someone he personally knows.      
 I did not write  that they give THEIR OWN  "real info for screening to all".  :-)
Posted By: AlexandraMilw
  As far as what you are asking, about the guy using handles of RL people ... what are you saying? Is this a board handle or using a differing name on a P411 account for screening?
Again, I really thought I was clear but obviously I wasn't.  I apologize.  
 Example: Client's real name is Bob White.  That is how I screened him; I checked his ID when we met so I know it's really him.  He then wants to see Suzy Squirter, who does not require real names.  He decides to use his brother-in-law's REAL NAME as his "hobby name" with Suzy.   His brother-in-law's name is Joe Black.   So Suzy requests a reference for Joe Black but with contact info matching Bob White's.  
 This has nothing to do with handles on TER, P411 or any other site, nor anything to do with reviews.
Posted By: AlexandraMilw
  Here is something to consider: So these guys were great with you, gave you the real information. Now what if he is using fake name for screening with others, how would you know if he is BL'd by someone else? You wouldn't because I doubt you keep tabs on him and any fake name being used when you get that call for a reference. Do you go look that fake name up first before saying anything to make sure he isn't listed somewhere? How would you know if he has other fake names?
I'm not addressing any of that publicly, as it has nothing to do with my post or my questions therein. ;-)  
 If you're truly curious, please ask me privately.
Posted By: AlexandraMilw
   I just say " I know him as ---- and he has seen me --- times. He has been prompt and great to me etc." That's what I say if a guy wants a reference under a different first name or whatever. Then she can know he uses a different name and decide what she wants to do.
Personally, I do not share a client's personal information with other providers without first receiving his permission to do so.   I'll let them know that although the contact info matches, I know him by a different name but I do NOT volunteer his name.    
 And honestly, I can't recall anyone coming back to me and asking for that real name.  They were satisfied that I verified having met someone with the same contact info and could provide a thumbs-up on that individual.  ;-)

And yes I'm uncomfortable with it big time. As far a it being a name of someone they know and don't like, I consider it a window into their passive aggressive side. And a passive aggressive personality can act out that tendency on a lady in the biz without hesitation. It's an assholish move to say the least.

Steph xoxo

if I were a provider, I'd probably decline to see anyone I felt or knew was lining to get through the screening.

This entire fantasy, for me, is based on trust ... and that  
bridges the gap to reality. And that's when the fun begins

Lots of people have the same name.  If they ever got arrested they would be booked under their real names.  So really it is kind of a nothing burger which hobby name they use.

John_Laroche259 reads

I have:
-a real name, that I only rarely give to a provider that I have not yet met. She has to be very highly reviewed/well established. I don't have P411
-a pseudonym that I give to providers, bookers, other escort websites that ask for a name but don't check ID.
-my TER handle as well as a handle for other sites
-my TER alias

Once I've gotten to know a girl I might SHARE RL names and then let her know which name I'm using if I need her as a reference.

Obviously it crosses a line when you're using a new name to hide past BLs or bad deeds.

Using a friend's, co-worker's or in-law's name? LOL. If I were starting over, I'd probably find someone who looked sort of like me just in case she googled his name and found a LinkedIn profile.  

who they actually knew. And from your two examples, that's what it sounds like to me or else why do it. Besides, if somehow something happened where it got back to said BIL or former boss and they described the person who "lifted" their identity, they could be outed or worse. Just bad form.

I use p411 for all appointment requests so every new provider sees the same alias and I don't provide last name, except for yours truly of course.

I am sure that the following is not fool proof and sometimes I can be caught a fool.....I try very hard not to be, though.
If I find  someone is trying to 'pull the wool over my head' (an old saying, i know. lol) I just don't want to participate.  
I am reference friendly but would only give a reference for the name/handle and actual person I met. Who knows what people will do under different personas?  
Providers screen for a reason. A very good reason and if the client wants to be safe then we need to be safe.  
A good time can't be had if a provider is suspicious of the person with whom she is being intimate . She'll be watching her back the whole time you are with her instead of attending to the important business at hand, which is your pleasure.
Ok, so to conclude, let's not play games until we close the door of my play-den. :0

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
Here's something I've encountered a few times lately......  
 I ask potential clients to let me know if they've used a different name and/or contact info with their references (so that I'm not asking Strap-on Sally about Dave Smith from Tulsa when she actually knows him as Dan from OKC) to help avoid confusion.    
 Likewise, I tell those I've met that I'm happy to provide a reference, but if they're going to use a different name and/or contact  (than what I have for them) with these other ladies, to please give me a heads-up.    
 So.........Several times in the past few months there have been situations where someone either shared with me the "alias" he's been using with other providers, or another lady requested a reference for a client:  and the name the other lady/ladies were given is actually a REAL PERSON yet NOT the individual in question.    
 And it wasn't a coincidence.  
 Being possessed of a curious nature, I've asked some of these gentlemen about it.  In one case, he actually said, "that's my brother in law and I never liked him anyway" so he didn't care if anything bad came of his using the BIL's name for hobbying.  
 With another, the identity being used was that of a former boss who "screws everyone, so it suits him"..... ok, I admit to chuckling but....... ;-)  
 None of these men were using the fake identity to pass screening.  They were all good clients with excellent references & zero blacklists.   They just took on these names as their "hobby name" for personal amusement, I suppose.    
 My point is they could have easily been "Joe Cephous"  or any made-up name.  
 Personally, this practice makes me uncomfortable.    
 What's YOUR opinion?  
 Is deliberately using someone else's name as a hobby-name crossing a line?  
 Do you consider it to be the same as using a fictitious name?    
 Or does it depend on whether there's any true malicious intent?

When you say, "If you're going to use another name, be sure to tell me first."

If someone wants to play an identity switcharoo, I'm not getting in the middle of it!  I'd never accept or give a reference with different credentials!  (Also... Things like this are why some references are worth more than others.)

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