TER General Board

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 479 reads

Pretty much what you've described. Sometimes I think it means white-collar as opposed to blue-collar.
Ladies probably use this phrase to make sure only respectful people contact her, but as your friend said, people with a lot of money can also be assholes, and I have recently seen some wonderful blue-collar men.

I just want someone who knows how to treat me nicely, respectfully, and with tenderness. I don't care what your social status is or what your bank account looks like, as long as you can pay my fee and meet the above criteria, you'll be welcomed with love and adoration. I will say, however, that I like to have some things in common with my dates, so life experience, education, travel, etc will all help towards that. At least have something interesting to talk about. I have found myself on an occasional date back in the early days with an "upscale" client whose interests were in golf, business, and things like that, but whose travel experience might have consisted of going to Jamaica on a cruise once. In such cases, I have found myself not to have a whole lot in common with them. Nice fellas, but just not a lot in common.

Someone mentioned elite\upscale clients on my local board. I'm curious as to what the ladies consider that to be. Money? Education? Class? Style?  I don't think it would just be money. I know a nationally ranked provider and she has more than once told me that guys with a lot of money often times are assholes. (her words not mine).

Upscale clients to me would be someone well dressed, educated, pleasant personality, above average job. Elite clients would be all of that plus, lots and lots of $$$.

Anyhow, what are your thoughts?

A lot of ladies may say that they prefer "Upscale clients". I believe what they are really saying is that they want that "perfect client". Namely, the gentleman who initially contacts her in an appropriate and respectful way, articulates a specific date and time to meet, does NOT ever quibble over rates or required screening, does not contact the lady prior to the appointmenet (unless to re-confirm the date, shows up on time to the start of the session, is freshly groomed and appropriately dressed, and immediately places the donation down at the START of the session. Then during the session he engages with you in activities that you are BOTH comfortable doing (and if you are not comfortable with something and tell him to stop he immediately does so), and NEVER NEVER presses you to partake in servies you do not wish to perform. Then when the session is over, the man is respectful that his time has come to an end and leaves without having to be asked.

After the session, the perfect client then treats the lady like "a whore". She was in essence, not to be crude, a meaningless fuck. While one quick thank you to her for the session is not inappropriate, the lady is NOT to be bothered again. You don't text her, e-mail her, PM her, call her. Your time with her is over and the lady is not here at this point to entertain your bordem. The next time you contact the lady is when you are ready to inquire about setting up an appointment and thus the cycle begins again.

By using the words "upscale client", the lady is hopeful that she will attract many hobbyists as clients who completely understand how the entire process works.

You nailed it but please include...40 and over, respectful, world traveler, someone who wants more then an hour/1 and done, etc, intelligent and genuine..................

Upscale clients to me would be someone well dressed, educated, pleasant personality, above average job. Elite clients would be all of that plus, lots and lots of $$$.

Pretty much what you've described. Sometimes I think it means white-collar as opposed to blue-collar.
Ladies probably use this phrase to make sure only respectful people contact her, but as your friend said, people with a lot of money can also be assholes, and I have recently seen some wonderful blue-collar men.

I just want someone who knows how to treat me nicely, respectfully, and with tenderness. I don't care what your social status is or what your bank account looks like, as long as you can pay my fee and meet the above criteria, you'll be welcomed with love and adoration. I will say, however, that I like to have some things in common with my dates, so life experience, education, travel, etc will all help towards that. At least have something interesting to talk about. I have found myself on an occasional date back in the early days with an "upscale" client whose interests were in golf, business, and things like that, but whose travel experience might have consisted of going to Jamaica on a cruise once. In such cases, I have found myself not to have a whole lot in common with them. Nice fellas, but just not a lot in common.

spell for the level of education he "claims" to have. It also suggests guys with taste who are not going to meet you at a Laquinta or low end motel or make you meet them at a gas station. Guys who don't focus only on the number of pops, but the entire experience. A guy who is selective with the companions he seeks, and won't just put his d*ck in anything because she is hot.  I am sure it is going to be different to everyone, but that's what I consider upscale...hot never hurts either. :)

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 5:30:07 AM

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 5:32:34 AM

classist? Could it put people off unnecessarily? I'm ok describing myself in certain ways, but I think I would prefer to leave my door open also to men who don't consider themselves "upscale".

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 1:33:55 PM

Showing up sparkling clean, from the shower to the car. Being respectful and treating the lady like a queen. Dressed in clean clothes and showing appreciation for her services. And more importantly, bringing the proper donation required.

Sure all the other crap sounds nice, but does it really matter?

but not necessarily "upscale." I highly doubt a guy who does all that is going to have any trouble getting tons of providers to see him lol. Many ladies use those terms to ward off idiots, but when it comes down to it I doubt those same ladies would turn down a guy who was not dressed in Versace.

Mr Salty274 reads

most of those guys in designer threads, are the biggest jerks to walk the earth. Money does not buy class. Upscale requires class.

One that doesn't have dingleberries, hanging from the hair of his ass-hole!!

Most of these "Upscale" Wall Steet guys think their sh*t doesn't stink, so they usually don't wash their ass :D

I like a guy who plays golf. They are involved in charity work .He can be either CEO VP etc  well traveled well versed is self confident a GENTLEMAN at all times and has many friends is of importance to his community busy on weekends and stays active in all aspects of his life. Well respected by all loved by his family stays active not a couch potato , can be athletic ( should be ) or at least fit . I tend to be drawn to well educated polite men who  have a multitude of interests in his own life. Many even retire at a younger age but others continue to work and stay active past 60 and I like this too.

serpius340 reads


I LOVE to play golf. I try to play at least 3 times a week.

I may not be a CEO, but I do volunteer in a few charities that are close to my heart.

Unfortunately, I am not the fit type... I eat way too many M & Ms .

I am not going to retire... until at least 70... my Father who is now 82 is still on the school board after all of those years and still active in his community. I am attempting to follow my father's footsteps.


Posted By: Angela_Petite2
I like a guy who plays golf. They are involved in charity work .He can be either CEO VP etc  well traveled well versed is self confident a GENTLEMAN at all times and has many friends is of importance to his community busy on weekends and stays active in all aspects of his life. Well respected by all loved by his family stays active not a couch potato , can be athletic ( should be ) or at least fit . I tend to be drawn to well educated polite men who  have a multitude of interests in his own life. Many even retire at a younger age but others continue to work and stay active past 60 and I like this too.

Hi Serpius,

I heard some good things about you . We have a mutual friend in Ohio ;) I think we may have to
exersize those M&M's into a more delicious . Not every guys is  CEO who has the best qualities of
an upscale elite man .  But they are in the mix few and far between .

cock-up258 reads

Sorry guys you can NOT rival on this one... ;-)

Posted By: HarlandSanders
Someone mentioned elite\upscale clients on my local board. I'm curious as to what the ladies consider that to be. Money? Education? Class? Style?  I don't think it would just be money. I know a nationally ranked provider and she has more than once told me that guys with a lot of money often times are assholes. (her words not mine).

Upscale clients to me would be someone well dressed, educated, pleasant personality, above average job. Elite clients would be all of that plus, lots and lots of $$$.

Anyhow, what are your thoughts?

I am seldom well dressed, often I am in jeans and a T-shirt. I am not well educated. I had to attend a special school for kids that got expelled from school to even get my high school diploma. No Ivy league schooling here. And technically at this time I am unemployed do to heath reasons. I am not always well mannered.

I am not over forty. I don't travel and only left this country once when I was eight and only went to Tijuana for a few hours. I am limited in how long I can book to two hours or less, so no longer dates. When I was employed I was getting my hands dirty, so I am blue collar

I can't spell or write. I am not well spoken. I have never stayed in a hotel nicer than La Quinta as I hate to waist money. In fact most of the time when I travel alone I sleep in my truck. It is a good thing I mostly do incall. I see Backpage ladies (not exclusively) that aren't always model material. In fact all my favorites are Backpage ladies. I drive older cars and not a Maserati.

I don't play golf. I am not the most confidant man on the planet by a long shot. I do not feel that I am all that important in my community. I am not athletic, handsome, or even fit. I am a fat, ugly man. I am not a great lay. I do not feel comfortable in upscale restaurants or the like. I am not well read. I am not cultured. I have never been to a ballet or a symphony. I have more than once been seen eating a hamburger with a homeless guy at McDonald's enjoying his company.

I am not upscale, elite or even classy. But I am well liked by the ladies I see and most others I know. I treat everyone I meet with respect, or at lease try to, until they prove they are not respectable in the way they act. I respect the time of others. I am friendly and care about others. I always honor my commitments to the best of my ability. I try daily to make the world better in some small way and I am involved in charity.

So when I go on paid dates, I am always clean as in very freshly showered, clean teeth, washed ass etc. I am on time. I treat the lady like a lady. I try to make her time with me enjoyable, but I do not press for her to cum. I leave on time unless invited to stay longer. I pay first thing and in the exact way the lady indicates. I stick to activities the lady is comfortable with. I treat them how I wish my costumers would treat me.

I am not upscale or elite client, but most of the ladies I have seen, seem to like me as a client. At  least I hope that is true. Even if at times people need a secret decoder ring to read what I write.

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 5:58:37 PM

scoed, if you do all the things you mention in your post, you're perfect. ;) I would welcome you with open arms. I think you write just fine. Your life sounds absolutely fascinating- especially the parts about you sharing McDonald's with a homeless person and sleeping in your truck. And we could share wild stories about Tijuana! :)

I am sure that anyone who is lucky enough to have your company appreciates everything about you. And I have never needed any secret anything to read what you write.

You have my respect and adoration, sweet scoed. :)

Posted By: scoed
I am not upscale, elite or even classy. But I am well liked by the ladies I see and most others I know. I treat everyone I meet with respect, or at lease try to, until they prove they are not respectable in the way they act. I respect the time of others. I am friendly and care about others. I always honor my commitments to the best of my ability. I try daily to make the world better in some small way and I am involved in charity.

So when I go on paid dates, I am always clean as in very freshly showered, clean teeth, washed ass etc. I am on time. I treat the lady like a lady. I try to make her time with me enjoyable, but I do not press for her to cum. I leave on time unless invited to stay longer. I pay first thing and in the exact way the lady indicates. I stick to activities the lady is comfortable with. I treat them how I wish my costumers would treat me.

I am not upscale or elite client, but most of the ladies I have seen, seem to like me as a client. At  least I hope that is true. Even if at times people need a secret decoder ring to read what I write.

-- Modified on 5/17/2012 5:58:37 PM

Ok, so maybe not such wild stories about Tijuana. lol!!

Posted By: scoed
I don't travel and only left this country once when I was eight and only went to Tijuana for a few hours.

Well all I know is you  have got class.  Just from reading what you wrote.  To me, the clothes you wear and the car you drive dont mean crap. Anyone can wear fancy clothes.  Being 'upscale' or "elite" to me, means you have class. You respect others, you treat people right. You dont talk down to waitresses or busboys, etc.  To me, that is what it is all about.

I have something I always like to ask people.... Who would be more successful ?  A) the kid with  all the advantages, lots of money, parents know all the right people, gets in the best school, of course doesnt have to work while he is in school, gets out of college and drives his high end mercedes  into daddys business....CEO of XYZ company (mucho dollars) or B) a kid who has to raise his younger siblings cuz his parents are losers, who works hard at school, has to work after school, doesnt go to an ivy league, but somehow manages to go to college and when he gets out he gets a job at a mediocre place (cuz he needs to make some kinda money to help with the siblings) drives a honda ..... So who is really the one who has done so much ?  Just something to think about.  Exactly why you cant always judge a book by its cover.  

I know I am not high class. But I definitely have class. A helluva lot more class than sum stuck up bitch in her designer clothes that is just a bitch (not all, but really I cant believe that clothing would be enough for some of you to think that it makes the person better )And I can hold my head up while I am naked and know I have it. Because it is really how you are and how you treat others rather than how you decorate yourself.

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