TER General Board

Yeah you're right but
LikeTearsInRain 415 reads

My at Rebecca Thomas pins a link to her review to her twitter profile page


I'm a super casual Twitter user, follow maybe 50 escorts (mostly from TER) and a small handful of amusing hobbyists.  

None of them has ever posted a review link (even girls that tweet constantly and have amazing reviews to share), and  searching Twitter for Escort Review brings up surprisingly few of them. Unless of course I'm missing something.

 Is there any reason for this?

My at Rebecca Thomas pins a link to her review to her twitter profile page

Almost all of us have a review link on our website.  It won't take too long for the added step I promise.

Seems to me if I were a lady who was constantly on Twitter, putting up selfies, making jokes, sharing tour dates, retweeting stuff, I'd take any material I could get to keep my feed fresh.  

And many of these ladies have some fantastic reviews, so they'd be perfect to share. But they don't seem to very often. And the few hobbyists I follow on Twitter also probably review but never post "hey... check out my new review of ...."

Maybe no deep reason for this, but thought it was interesting.

Even if they are positive...they are usually explicit and always feel like an invasion of your privacy.  We tolerate them because we (though not all of us) feel like we need them for business but that doesn't mean we want to share them on Twitter.

That's not the issue, because however they feel about reviews, providers still link to them in ads and on their websites. The question is why they stay away from them on Twitter, in particular. We get dubious answers like "we want to present a more holistic view of ourselves," or whatever. Which is B.S., because provider Twitter feeds are full of advertising, often word-for-word the same as you'll see elsewhere, including on TER. Their websites, which are supposed to give us a more rounded view of the provider, as well, routinely feature links to TER reviews.  

It's something else about Twitter, and the conventions built up around it. Something to do with its popularity among providers burnt out on TER and clients, I should think. (Not burnt out enough to stop incessantly pitching to clients, however.)

Why is it so hard to believe providers use Twitter to give you a better insight into their personality?  Why is it necessary to post a review link on every thing we have in our business? Reviews on ads and websites are one thing but Twitter is used to connect and communicate with other people.  Sure many advertise on it but we all assume you can make your way to our reviews as it's a secondary form of advertisement.  I personally use Twitter for fun and don't do much more than post updates and pics in terms of advertising.

They can find my name, google it and find me everywhere.
I dont need to show that... not desperate for money, twitter is for hang out, network with othrr ladies ans for thr gentleman see my personality ans what I like or dont.
They cand find my reviews with out me posting them... 💋

Posted By: Will.Shake.Spear
Seems to me if I were a lady who was constantly on Twitter, putting up selfies, making jokes, sharing tour dates, retweeting stuff, I'd take any material I could get to keep my feed fresh.  
 And many of these ladies have some fantastic reviews, so they'd be perfect to share. But they don't seem to very often. And the few hobbyists I follow on Twitter also probably review but never post "hey... check out my new review of ...."  
 Maybe no deep reason for this, but thought it was interesting.

I can only speak for myself, but I use my Twitter account to give more dimension to my persona - websites, profiles, and ads are so static, I feel like it's hard to have an accurate idea of a provider's many facets through those tools only. So I like having Twitter as a space where I can show more of who I am, what my views are, and what you can expect from being around me.

I never share reviews directly, even though I have shared my TER profile on Twitter before, because I feel doing so would detract from that. Reviews are someone else's perspective of a moment in time we shared and, even though I can see how they can be useful to some for making a decision about seeing me, I'd rather keep those things separate.  

Attentive readers will notice, though, that I list my TER review on my description. It's there for a reason. ;)

TER or some other monger-centric review site. It's a whole 'nother media.

After a whole 3 days on twitter (@MasterZen15), I've found that fact quite refreshing.

Websites and advertisements on other sites aren't TER, either, yet providers link to TER from them all the time.

Exactly. Twitter gives you a chance to see more dimensions of a someone's personality. You learn who has a great sense of humor, who can sing and much more ...
Just skip the politics.

-- Modified on 3/24/2017 2:03:48 PM

I only know of one provider that actively shares parts of her new reviews from TER on Twitter.  

Again, for many of us, it's an avenue to show more of our personality; not a review board. From time to time, I may drop a link to the "review" portion of my site which will take a potential client to TER or some other major boards. There's a reason for that though - it's only for those potential clients who still use reviews as the end all be all. However, most clients who come from Twitter do not read reviews, they are invested based off of Twitter and the website alone.  

However, I will say some people get caught up in social media way too much. You can tell it consumes their life. It's cool to step back from time to time and just observe.  

Twitter: @TheLondonJames


Yea here is a review from the last guy I sucked off. Read em and weep everyone! Yea... No.

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