TER General Board

Yeah you know it, troll.angry_smile
NewEnglandGangsta 1185 reads

Good luck with 18 years of child support homeboy.

For a long time it has been very difficult for me to think about a regular, because there are so many beautiful woman travelling to my city all the time. Every time I open the TER ad boards Im like oh wow. However, there is a local girl I am scheduled to see next week and she is 100% my dream type. She dresses in a way that I would not even need to request an outfit type. Every picture is 5" heels, skin tight tube dresses, y back thongs etc. She has a porn star body [5'6" tall, 34 DDD, 130 pounds], which is interesting, because one of my favorite adult performers is Ahlana Rae and their stats are pretty much identical. According to her menu, she does everything.    

I have enjoyed variety in the hobby for years. But for some reason, now I am almost looking for one lady to see regularly, because Im curious if the dates get even better? Providers are always pleasant to me and well reviewed providers perform so well, what really changes besides being familiar with her at hello? I'm curious about your experiences regarding the benefits of seeing the same person for a while

The typical benefits are priority booking and some kind of discount over time. Other benefits may include freebies/OTC/expanded menu - all strongly YMMV and dependent on rapport & chemistry. The familiarity allows both parties to be comfortable exploring a wide range of sexual activities, and if there's *true* chemistry then the sex can reach new levels you never even knew existed!

89Springer857 reads

I still don't have a lot of experience under my belt, but what I have is mixed experiences. A couple of providers with great reviews who turned out to be disappointments, and some that I knew going in weren't going to be sure things.

When I came across my first favorite, I was just floored by her. Not only was she just killer (5'7", 34DD 22 34, gorgeous face, legs for miles, skin like velvet), but she''s an incredible performer. The icing on the cake is that she's just as sweet as can be. Her reviews are all raves, and justifiably so.

Maybe I got spoiled with her, because anyone I tried after that just didn't measure up.

My hobbying funds are limited, and right now they're just about non-existent. So I'll go with what I know works.  

Another reason is that we're comfortable with each other, so that we can try new things without hesitation, and we can both know what the other likes. She trusts me enough to send me photos showing her face and body, and to give me copies of videos we make.

* no more screening issues, as the sessions pass  both client and provider start exploring each other more and more, every time provider would have more new things to show, the GFE experience is becoming a real thing. Gentleman don't have to worry about his privacy because they already know each other and it becomes more trusty relation. You get spoiled (more then a new one).  

I have mostly friends that I meet regularly and those are my always favorites, always available for them, any day, any time, any place.



But seriously,

Most of the gals I see are local regulars, with a few traveling gals who come to my area regularly tossed in too.

I don't see any of them more than once every couple of months, as absence does make the heart grow fonder.  I also make it a point to see a few new gals each year just to keep that end of the game interesting.

It is nice to have a familiar routine to settle down with now and then, especially as I near my golden years.

So, I was going to say extra time.  If I see someone regularly there's really no such thing as "an extension," ranging from a bit extra all the way to "more like a boyfriend who happens to leave a little something for me."  

Thennn... I read your description of why she's perfect... Lol.  Gotcha.  So probably you'd be more interested in the expanding "menu."  Believe, there's always more than "everything." ;)

If neither of those things happen, then there isn't any real benefit.

I definitely find that gentlemen who I've met with regularly over the years have a high level of trust and comfort with me.  Since I specialize in prostate exploration, which does require quite a bit of trust and comfort for the average guy to let go, relax, and enjoy the incredible intensity of it, seeing someone regularly is very helpful!  Many guys can't achieve the coveted full-body prostate orgasm on their first try, or second try even, and having the chance to play over the span of multiple dates really helps someone get there, if that is what he wants.

I really do love to make a man squirm.  Most men need to feel really comfortable and safe to give themselves over to me fully in that way.  And that's why I have the best sex with guys who I see regularly!

I realize you advertise for a fetish service, so your numbers may be a bit skewed... With that in mind...

 What percentage of gentlemen whom contact you are seeking to experience your fetish service?

 Versus the number who contact you seeking a more traditional experience?

... and how many of those who you see seeking the traditional experience, express genuine interest in the fetish service?

Yes, I would agree that since I advertise my interest in prostate pleasure openly, the numbers are skewed as far as what percentage of my clients are interested.  I'd wager that many gentleman would never see me because they are scared off by either my body hair or my interest in the prostate.  So I do end up seeing very open-minded gentlemen.  I also advertise that I enjoy open-minded gentlemen the most, which surely helps with this as well.

I'd say that 80% of my clients are interested in prostate play to some degree.  Maybe only 50-60% of them express this interest openly.  Many of the gentlemen I meet will not admit their interest until they are more comfortable with me and we have engaged in much more traditional forms of intimacy.  Many will not bring it up unless I bring it up first and ask if they are interested.  Some will not be interested on the first date, but on subsequent encounters will decide that they feel comfortable enough to explore.  Making gentlemen feel comfortable to try something new is a talent of mine, so only guys with genuine and active disinterest seem to object to experimenting with a new form of pleasure.

Now, that said, as far as prostate pleasure goes, the way that I engage with it is actually pretty natural and flows fluidly with traditional forms of intimacy.  I don't really view it as a fetish but as a perfectly natural phenomenon that society has grown disconnected from.  The prostate controls the male orgasm and produces powerful full-body orgasms much like the female g-spot.  So to me calling prostate play a fetish is like calling g-spot stimulation a fetish.  I'm by no means a dominatrix, and only mildly dominant, so I see myself more as an experienced lover and guide than a fetish provider.

Since I also serve a niche of gentlemen who crave a woman with body hair, I definitely do get many clients who have zero interest in prostate stimulation.  Maybe 20% of the gentlemen I meet.

Hope this fulfills some of your curiosity.  It's hard to say for sure because:
1) so many gentlemen who desire to experiment with prostate pleasure have a hard time admitting it, due to societal stigma against men connecting with their sexualities in this way
2) it's hard to say what is fetish vs what is "traditional"... some people think oral sex is scandalous, or that rimming is a fetish.  To me any form of oral sex is just sexual, not a fetish.  I've assumed that by traditional you mean the set of activities most commonly considered traditional by today's societal standards though.  I just think the idea of traditional sexuality is a little arbitrary and fluid.  :)

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
I realize you advertise for a fetish service, so your numbers may be a bit skewed... With that in mind...  
  What percentage of gentlemen whom contact you are seeking to experience your fetish service?  
  Versus the number who contact you seeking a more traditional experience?  
 ... and how many of those who you see seeking the traditional experience, express genuine interest in the fetish service?

ROGM991 reads

You become Friendly with her.

She gets to know you and you get to know her.

You have a form of Trust with each other.

She's more willing to do what you want.

She's more willing to give you a Discounted Rate.

She'll go out of her way to see you over a New Client or even one of her other Regular Clients if you're Super Nice to her.

I've been seeing my current Provider for well over a year. I always have an Awesome Time with her. Never ever a Bad Session with her. She takes Super Care of me everytime I see her.

89Springer1120 reads

There's just two providers I've repeated with, and one I've repeated with many times, but neither has ever offered a discounted rate. I've never asked.

How common is a discount for a repeat customer?

Posted By: 89Springer
There's just two providers I've repeated with, and one I've repeated with many times, but neither has ever offered a discounted rate. I've never asked.  
 How common is a discount for a repeat customer?
It's not. Come on, man, you're astute enough to be aware of ROGM's fairy tales.

ROGM932 reads

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: 89Springer
There's just two providers I've repeated with, and one I've repeated with many times, but neither has ever offered a discounted rate. I've never asked.  
  How common is a discount for a repeat customer?
 It's not. Come on, man, you're astute enough to be aware of ROGM's fairy tales.

Tobi, sorry to disappoint you. The Provider I'm seeing does give me a Great Discount from her Full Rate.

Posted By: ROGM
Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: 89Springer
There's just two providers I've repeated with, and one I've repeated with many times, but neither has ever offered a discounted rate. I've never asked.    
   How common is a discount for a repeat customer?
  It's not. Come on, man, you're astute enough to be aware of ROGM's fairy tales.
 Tobi, sorry to disappoint you. The Provider I'm seeing does give me a Great Discount from her Full Rate.  
I'm not disappointed in the slightest. I'm just one of many who doubts that this girl exists. If she does exist, I pity her greatly.

I'm not sure what's to pity about offering a discounted rate.  I've been seeing some clients for 10 freaking years!  Financial situations change during that time frame, as do sexual needs and preferences.  There have been instances when it felt absurd to continue charging my full rate - so I offered a reduced rate that felt right to me.

ROGM1076 reads

Posted By: MiMi
I'm not sure what's to pity about offering a discounted rate.  I've been seeing some clients for 10 freaking years!  Financial situations change during that time frame, as do sexual needs and preferences.  There have been instances when it felt absurd to continue charging my full rate - so I offered a reduced rate that felt right to me.  
Mimi, you sound like an Awesome Provider.

Unless, of course, you are one of the gents who HASN'T been offered a discount after 10 years... ;-)

ROGM622 reads

Posted By: MiMi
Unless, of course, you are one of the gents who HASN'T been offered a discount after 10 years... ;-)
I've had my share of discounts from Providers. My current one gives me a substantial discount.

Due to the fact that Ms. Telford was a High Dollar Cutie, she never was one to give up the bargain basement booty.  However I am sure that she might have some teaser rates at certain times of the year when things might be slow. But as a ho, she is serious about her dough.

For me it's about what happens after goodbye.  

Have you ever taken a vacation to a place and have it be terrific but still have no real desire to go back? I find this to be the case with the shiny, more materialistically oriented places. Who could ever complain about them - but somehow they don't seem real to me.  And it's kind of nice to get home.  

And then there are others that just feel so right that as soon as you leave you look forward to your next visit?  You feel a little empty all the way home.  You find yourself thinking about it a lot.  It's like the vacation after the vacation.  So then you book again... and you start thinking about it well before you go.  The anticipation... That's about what happens after goodbye.  That's when you know it's right.    

Both kinds are perfection - but one keeps you coming back.  

Posted By: surlyboy
what really changes besides being familiar with her at hello? I'm curious about your experiences regarding the benefits of seeing the same person for a while?  

ROGM740 reads

Sorry some of you guys don't get a Discounted Rate from your Regular Provider. I've never had a problem getting a Discount from a Provider I've seen on a Regular Basis. The current one I'm seeing is no exception. She gives me FS at an Awesome Discount. I won't say how much of a Discount she gives me, but it's pretty substantial.

Fair is fair. I'm lucky enough to have what providers want and providers have what I want.  If I want what's important to me to be important to them, then what's important to them should be important to me.    

At the same time we're human beings, and if we enjoy each other's company off the clock then great.   But that is about two people enjoying each other as people - not charity work.  If I like a provider I am as willing to share for free what I otherwise bill a good deal of $$$ for, just as they are doing with their time/me.   Sometimes people here do actually grow roots together.

-- Modified on 10/2/2014 4:28:09 PM

OTC time or reduced rates. other than the appointment running a little past. nothing planned like an activity.

not looking for it either. it would feel weird to me.

I've had multiple "regulars" over my years in the hobby which is a bit over a decade now.  There are the obvious pluses to seeing a regular:  verification is out of the way, increased comfort level as you get to know each other, priority booking, perhaps a discount or grandfathered in at old rate when there is an increase.  When I'm looking for a new experience I look with the intent of hopefully finding another regular.  A provider that I would want to be a regular is beautiful to me, sexy, sensuous, turns me on, makes me feel like I'm the only guy in the world during our time together, is in tune with my wants and desires, has me leaving with a smile on my face, weak in the knees from the experience, and wanting to hurry back for more.  There's the real benefit:  seeing someone who has set the bar high enough that you get your socks knocked off time after time after time.  And yes, I've found that the dates can indeed get even better and better.

Robert_BadenPowell1023 reads

Well said!

How many threads do we see in TER Land filled with angst about whether a provider can be trusted, issues with verification, etc. etc.?  That all goes away with a "regular" provider relationship.

It's wonderful being with a sexy, beautiful woman who knows me very well... knows what I like, what I don't like.  And I know what she likes and doesn't like also.  We know how to press each others' Hot buttons.  And she's imaginative, and I'm game for most anything (uh, no, not THAT, for those who are fixated on that subject) so our dates are still fresh and adventurous.  Because we know each other so well, the fun extends beyond the sex... we joke around and laugh a lot.  We both have our silly sides and feel comfortable being silly with each other.  We also feel comfortable talking with each other about anything, and do.  That takes tremendous trust, which is impossible to have with someone you've only met once or twice.

About those discounts... my long-time ATF has raised her rates a couple of times since I've known her.  They're still reasonable, but each time she did that, she told me she'd grandfather me at the old rate.  I thanked her.  And I pay whatever her current rate is.  I know why she's in this business, and what she does with her money.  She's been generous with her time (including some OTC time) and on her rates for some extra-long dates that with any other provider would have cost me 4-5 times as much.

The sex gets better & better when I see the client over & over again!!! No one likes crappy sex!!!

first off if she's not a true gfe type who wants to enjoy the encounter its a waste of your time

but if she is the type who will give herself over to the experience as well (assuming you don't present too many negative factors) then there are possibilities....

the best one is that you become more attuned to what each other likes sexually, even unconsciously you sort of negotiate a way of being together sexually that just works better - sometimes

the downsides are huge

on the part of the client -

feelings of attachment, jealousy,  believing you are 'in love' etc
possessiveness,  intrusiveness,  stalking behavior
expectations growing out of proportion to the P4P situation
pressure for extended time or OTC activities
general boundary violations and loss of perspective

on the part of the provider -

realizing she has you by the balls and starting to ask you for money,
loans etc
contacting you in inappropriate ways or times, violating your privacy
decreasing effort at quality of service since you are "hooked"
her personal dramas overflowing into your life

Frankly for the most part I advise against having "regulars" you see more often than  
maybe 4 times a year

QuinnAdams788 reads

I can just speak for myself and not for every provider out there, but I am definitely somewhat educated in this subject since the vast majority of my hobbyist friends I have seen several (or many, in some cases) times. I don't mind when somebody sees my just once, but I am always flattered when I see the same friend multiple times, and there are certain benefits to that individual because trust is built up and I want to do something special to thank them for their appreciation of me.

Of course this is a case-by-case scenario and this doesn't go for everybody, but I am more inclined to engage in acts or provide services that are otherwise "off the menu" (and no, this doesn't speak to BBFS which is always a firm NO for me!). I am occasionally willing to speak Greek or bring toys or engage in a role play scenario.

Since it seems men are always seeking the true and authentic girlfriend experience, I would encourage guys interested in this to see the same provider multiple times, as it really does mimic an actual girlfriend/boyfriend relationship then, in the sexual sense, and without all the negatives that come with a true "real life" relationship (nagging, fights, compromise, etc.). The clock becomes less important (although this isn't an open invitation to stay beyond the allotted appointment time) and 5 to 10 minutes here and there aren't really all that important when one is seeing an old friend that she really enjoys spending time with. And, on a rare occasion, the lady might even do something special in the way of the donation, or she might bring a bottle of her favorite wine or an edible treat she enjoys and wants to share with her friend.

Let me reiterate, this is just me, and I am just one person; please do not anticipate that every provider feels the same way and expect that these comments reflect how she feels (i.e. please always honor your appointment end time, don't ask for a discount after numerous appointments, etc.). BUT FOR MEN SEEKING A TRUE GFE -TYPE DATE, I strongly recommend seeing the same lady a number of times and you will get very close to that type of encounter.

Skyfyre1143 reads

Been there done that! over the years I have had favorite regulars that I had eventually reach this stage that you described. In some cases even more so!

So I can attest that it can and did happen to me what you described in your post.

Well that's the good news!

Here's the bad news: the bad news usually follow the good news a while later. Eventually either the women became either bored and/or complacent their services started to decline. They started to take the long-time faithful client for granted. Even though the cash is still the color green and worth exactly the same as the first time, the service and/or personality decline. And of course eventually it end.

I guess it's only natural that women ALWAYS over-estimate how much they have their men whipped and coralled.  

Ladies don't be mistaken. Life is not like a movie or soap opera. A man may act or talk like a woman is the most beautiful thing,  most precious thing to him and is his reason to live but it's never forever... one never knows when a better pussy will show up one day and steal this meal-ticket from you if you let your guard down and become complacent

hobbyists fall for escorts. dangerous territory there. It muddies the waters so to speak.

of course, It depends on how "phony" she is during the encounter. Some ladies go to great lengths to say things (lie) and act the part.

 I suppose something mutual in the way of sexual or personal compatibility COULD occur but how many times have you thought it could happen with a client only to find out he was taking it too far

I have an ATF that I see a lot. It couldn't be more special. The sex is incredible, better every time, as we learn each other's bodies, and we can be playful and try lots of things. We're friends, we know each other, we talk about anything and everything. There's a level of comfort and intimacy that is wonderful. You can't force chemistry but we have it. I treasure every time I see her.

ROGM1040 reads

Posted By: abacus17
I have an ATF that I see a lot. It couldn't be more special. The sex is incredible, better every time, as we learn each other's bodies, and we can be playful and try lots of things. We're friends, we know each other, we talk about anything and everything. There's a level of comfort and intimacy that is wonderful. You can't force chemistry but we have it. I treasure every time I see her.
I agree. Sounds just like my current Provider.

What is the main advantage?  Two words...trust, and comfort.  When you both connect, it's special.  Anything is possible thereafter...

I agree with what most have said regarding the benefits.  I am pretty new at this but I already have an ATF and it has been fantastic with her.  Each time better than the last, etc.  

The other thing I think about is the risk factor.  Every new provider you see now has your contact information, knows you're a hobbyist, and so forth.  Keeping the number of people that know things about you that they could hurt you with seems to me to be a good thing

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