TER General Board

Yeah man, available at your local Best Buy!
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 528 reads

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
I want one of those ass cameras. Do they make titty cameras too?  
 HDTV has given many an actor/actress fits. They got used to the soft blur of low-def TV for the past 50 years but now we can see every blemish and wrinkle. I'm sure it's a makeup artist's market, lol.
That's what I'm saying. Only problem is makeup can only do so much. I guess you could do airbrush foundation and shit but then everyone on TV is going to look like drag queens (which is cool with me, I love fabulousness).

Posted By: BigPapasan

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 12:39:52 AM

magicsam789 reads

Gemma: Love your photographs!

Aaaawwwwwweee ssshhhuuuccckkkks ... Are you trying to make a girl blush? Thank you!!! 😘😘😘😘

I think she looks fab... All these photos of escorts photoshopping etc ...it's deception... There have been plenty of rants on the boards about it.....   Why not be honest & be real... I hate photoshop... Worst application ever invented for photographers!!!

I have NEVER photoshopped my bod here or any ripple except for a few pieces of ink I have laid out on it which I usually cover anyway so I don't have to do any work after my shoot lol. My photos are all shot by me and all natural. Don't see the point in painting a picture that isn't the right canvas. So my point is, not all ladies here photoshop themselves to look like a barbie doll. Not all, anyway.  

As far as Cindy, she is absolutely stunning and one of the sexiest women on the planet in my opinion....in any form, in any way. My god that face is a one and only face. I saw this last night on the news and giggled. I don't see what the big deal is quite honestly. Leave her and it be.  

And they wonder why our young'ones have such body issues. Good lord people, get with it.  

xx kisses

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
I think she looks fab... All these photos of escorts photoshopping etc ...it's deception... There have been plenty of rants on the boards about it.....   Why not be honest & be real... I hate photoshop... Worst application ever invented for photographers!!!!  
-- Modified on 2/17/2015 6:12:22 AM

Should embrace aging... I love to see someone like Cindy do this ... She's just as stunning as she was when she was on top of the world & derived what the meaning SUPERMODEL meant!!! I just saw George Michael video "Freedom" & now those are supermodels!!!! I'm super glad u don't photoshop, I think ur stunning!!! Keep it up & show these you gets how it's done!!!  


I love women like you. Anyhow, thank you for the kind words, but that wasn't necessary. My point to my post was, as I try to always make one of some kind lol but don't always succeed....

All ladies here have a conscious choice as to the type of photos they want done to represent themselves. If they don't want the bright lights big city look, then shoot them yourself for a more natural look with natural light and a tripod. You can easily find a local photographer who will do it for you with a soft lens and you can sit there with him as he's retouching. You don't need a big time photographer for this world. We're not shooting for Vogue here. At least I don't think so last time I checked lol.  

Anyway, for me, I personally made the conscious decision that everything in this world would be done 'in house' from day one. I don't dig photos of me in the real world with my face showing, so I wasn't about to let some stranger in this world get a hold of them with me half naked, face and all lol. But that's just my choice. But I also have the means to do it all myself. Although, my shoots are so simple and honestly it's just a simple concept of what I want it to look like, and no more than 15 minutes max from shooting to uploading with corrections to posting wherever. Ok, 30 on a really tired day or if I'm not really in the mood lol. I keep it simple and shoot no more than 10 frames at a time and check. It's either working or it's not. I would tell most girls to give it a whirl themselves, it's not as hard as it seems, truly. But then again, that would put this poor 'Aldo' guy out of business and he's making a killing off of everyone here. Maybe I'm in the wrong businesss??? lol hmmm

Take care Gemma, love your energy ;)

xx kisses

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
Should embrace aging... I love to see someone like Cindy do this ... She's just as stunning as she was when she was on top of the world & derived what the meaning SUPERMODEL meant!!! I just saw George Michael video "Freedom" & now those are supermodels!!!! I'm super glad u don't photoshop, I think ur stunning!!! Keep it up & show these you gets how it's done!!!    

diet, cleansing, . My last professional shoot was last july, I DID NOT GET THE PHOTOS AIRBRUSHED or edited in ANY WAY!

   It is on my web site it was the 2 yachts shoot last july.  

BUT I did a liquid diet for three days with 6 egg white shakes a day containing only vegetable , spinach, kale cucumbers, avacado.  

Day of shoot i dehydrated myself for over 12 hours so my muscles would have a "cut"

I also did gallon of water a day for a while leading up to the shoot which does wonders for skin, flushes out ANY cellulite you may have which is mainly caused by being dehydrated half the time and bad circulation,  

  any time i see any cellulite forming i go and chug gallon a day for a week it goes away and fast!  


     you d be surprised what you can do to tranform yourself, she very well good have just done a fast, the viccy secret models most do liquid diets with no carbs like vegetable juices, Alot them order em from pressed juicery, They sell actual kits for cleanses and mail order, Lemon cucumber kale juices ect.


                              But as for me no i have photos taken by tim and evita, I opted to NOT pay the extra for any airbrushing or editing, I actually REALLY looked like thatlast july.  

   a tan wether real or airbrush makes you appear ten lbs thinner number one, She is tan in those photos, and the old ones she is not.  

also i have studied poses. Alot models will twist at the waist so shoulders and hips are facing you horizontally, there is one famous pose models use called the "dig" pose.  

any hoo, the pose is very flattering as she has her belly sucked in, the other photo number two, the photographer sucked. If she has a problem area like the belly, which shows in the old shoot,,,,,,


The photographer, if they had any talent,  
they wouldnt have even shot her in that pose, a pose from the side, with her shoulders facing you, to create an hourglass shape.


if a photo is bad the phtographer needs to take lessons on how to shoot from the husband if you ask me, ........

    if you see a problem area you dont shoot a pose that draws attention to it like the numb skull from the mag shoot did to her, Her husband clearly is simply more creative and has a better eye for photography,. Now THAT is a pose they should have used in the magazine, But clearly they have idiots as photographers, I can think of ten poses that wouldnt have shown the mommy left over little bit o weight in belly, Which is fine she is a goddess and a mother and that is BEAUTIFUL!  

  BUT still.

                  for me i allow myself to do strict regiments, but then I may relax and gain a few pouns and not train or diet as hard for several months ater, WHICH actually is best because then your ALWAYS shocking your body, which creates the best results.

I just always have to combine cell pics and pro pics, I tend to give in and relax a tad after a pro shoot and dont STAYon a liquid diet, I will do it for a shoot costing 500 bucks, and just for over all health and benefits, ............................

i think it depends on water intake diet, your excercize routine in recent months.

I have been 87 pounds thinnest at age 18, {and my hair fell out and period stopped i was anorexic}

I have been 167 lbs , {when incarcerated and had no access to fresh produce all you get is canned vegetable , sodium laden, and grade d meat or canteen items which essentially are all processed packaged and loaded with sodium and poison}

Not every one has the same body shape and weight year round especially women , I have been so many different body shapes from huge to well badly anorexic!

 i wouldnt make assumptions on it being the camera, womens bodys we arent all barbies that look the same every day the months, I know my weight fluctuates drastically but again this is something i have struggled with my entire life for better or worse.

be happy with your body the way it's meant to be, all this drastic regimen crap you put yourself through wouldn't be necessary love. If you focus strictly on what works for your body, and your body alone without reading all that other crap of what 'could' work (god I hate the shit on the internet these days lol).....meaning a healthy diet everyday but still treat yourself to the good stuff (it's all in moderation), healthy and consistent exercise every other day even if it's just walking. Never anything so over the top your body can't recoop. If you can do those two things only, then I think you'll find your body to maintain with where you should be at with your age, height and weight. Being all over the place and dieting for shoots and dehydrating and starving yourself is the last thing you should be doing love. That isn't helping and it's putting you on a crash course for consistent eating disability issues which you struggle with (or so you have written) and that is worrisome.  

Your way from what lil I scanned sounds absolutely mindboggling and WAY too much work for lil result that fluctuates far too much and isn't healthy for anyone's mind, body and soul. I know it takes discipline and knowledge to get your body to where it can be and most importantly maintain regularly without work or effort but if you can put that much work into what you've already done, the rest is cake for you. You just have to change your mindset. Whichever journey you follow, DON'T buy into all the fads out there. They are a short fix and don't work. Take a dance class, go for a walk with a friend, anything to get you on the right track. It takes alot to break old habits and start new healthier ones, but once done, you are on a road that can stay with you for the rest of your life. And that's a good thing. I hope you take what I say as words from a caring 'mother' first who's raising a daughter to not buy into this self image crap and simply as a woman here in this world, who understands that 'image' is apparently everything. Or is it.  

Take care of yourself in any event.  

xx kisses

Posted By: angelexotic
diet, cleansing, . My last professional shoot was last july, I DID NOT GET THE PHOTOS AIRBRUSHED or edited in ANY WAY!  
    It is on my web site it was the 2 yachts shoot last july.  
 BUT I did a liquid diet for three days with 6 egg white shakes a day containing only vegetable , spinach, kale cucumbers, avacado.  
 Day of shoot i dehydrated myself for over 12 hours so my muscles would have a "cut"  
 I also did gallon of water a day for a while leading up to the shoot which does wonders for skin, flushes out ANY cellulite you may have which is mainly caused by being dehydrated half the time and bad circulation,  
   any time i see any cellulite forming i go and chug gallon a day for a week it goes away and fast!  
      you d be surprised what you can do to tranform yourself, she very well good have just done a fast, the viccy secret models most do liquid diets with no carbs like vegetable juices, Alot them order em from pressed juicery, They sell actual kits for cleanses and mail order, Lemon cucumber kale juices ect.  
                               But as for me no i have photos taken by tim and evita, I opted to NOT pay the extra for any airbrushing or editing, I actually REALLY looked like thatlast july.  
    a tan wether real or airbrush makes you appear ten lbs thinner number one, She is tan in those photos, and the old ones she is not.  
 also i have studied poses. Alot models will twist at the waist so shoulders and hips are facing you horizontally, there is one famous pose models use called the "dig" pose.  
 any hoo, the pose is very flattering as she has her belly sucked in, the other photo number two, the photographer sucked. If she has a problem area like the belly, which shows in the old shoot,,,,,,  
 The photographer, if they had any talent,  
 they wouldnt have even shot her in that pose, a pose from the side, with her shoulders facing you, to create an hourglass shape.  
 if a photo is bad the phtographer needs to take lessons on how to shoot from the husband if you ask me, ........  
     if you see a problem area you dont shoot a pose that draws attention to it like the numb skull from the mag shoot did to her, Her husband clearly is simply more creative and has a better eye for photography,. Now THAT is a pose they should have used in the magazine, But clearly they have idiots as photographers, I can think of ten poses that wouldnt have shown the mommy left over little bit o weight in belly, Which is fine she is a goddess and a mother and that is BEAUTIFUL!  
   BUT still.  
                   for me i allow myself to do strict regiments, but then I may relax and gain a few pouns and not train or diet as hard for several months ater, WHICH actually is best because then your ALWAYS shocking your body, which creates the best results.  
 I just always have to combine cell pics and pro pics, I tend to give in and relax a tad after a pro shoot and dont STAYon a liquid diet, I will do it for a shoot costing 500 bucks, and just for over all health and benefits, ............................  
 i think it depends on water intake diet, your excercize routine in recent months.  
 I have been 87 pounds thinnest at age 18, {and my hair fell out and period stopped i was anorexic}  
 I have been 167 lbs , {when incarcerated and had no access to fresh produce all you get is canned vegetable , sodium laden, and grade d meat or canteen items which essentially are all processed packaged and loaded with sodium and poison}  
 Not every one has the same body shape and weight year round especially women , I have been so many different body shapes from huge to well badly anorexic!  
  i wouldnt make assumptions on it being the camera, womens bodys we arent all barbies that look the same every day the months, I know my weight fluctuates drastically but again this is something i have struggled with my entire life for better or worse.

What is wrong with pushing oneself to the best body she can attain for any reason she wishes?  

Placating anyone with this "be happy" bullshit is not only a motivation killer for her but condescending as well

That's not remotely what the post had to do with anyway. All I will say is there's 'pushing' one's body and then there's 'pushing' one's body. I'll leave it at that.  

I thought I already told you goodbye Jack. But I'll say it again...Goodbye Jack.  

xx kisses

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 11:15:16 AM

But shouldn't Angel decide how far she pushes her body? Some are extreme at it to be sure while others draw the line at one sit up a day and a 5 minute walk to get the paper.

All I am saying is that Angel is old enough that she can make her own decisions.  

Goodbye StevieStyles_TaylorSteele.  

I do wish you well and hope you come back soon.

Um, yes, she's old enough to make her own decisions Jack especially if she's in this world. No one was telling her otherwise. I'd be happy to advise others what the 'goodbye Jack' is really about. But I won't go there. So leave it be. You're acting weird Jack.....but

Posted By: JackDunphy
But shouldn't Angel decide how far she pushes her body? Some are extreme at it to be sure while others draw the line at one sit up a day and a 5 minute walk to get the paper.  
 All I am saying is that Angel is old enough that she can make her own decisions.  
 Goodbye StevieStyles_TaylorSteele.  
 I do wish you well and hope you come back soon.
FWIW Jackster. There was nothing condescending in my post to Angel. Quite the opposite. If you took it that way, well my friend, you'll have to contend with those issues on your own. I can't help you with that. But, my point was...all women everywhere of all sizes, ages and everything in between struggle with self-image issues on a daily basis, even Supermodels. And there are ways of dealing with it in a positive, healthy manner.  

But now that I think about it, perhaps women are this way because of men like you Jack. Shocking.

Now....was this an exceedingly condescending post directed towards you Jack? Enjoyable so I'm afraid ;)

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 12:04:45 PM

You wanted an apology and blamed others for your troubles here and you didn't take any responsibility yourself. No surprise to me and frankly, no big deal either. That doesn't make you a bad person, but I have no secrets you need to imply here. Maybe you do?

As for Angel, yes, I think telling her she should be happy about her body is condescending. That is something someone says to a 12 year old, not an adult on a public board. Sorry, but that's how it came across to me.  

You're one of those that post that tripe that "every woman is beautiful." To me, that hurts a woman more than an honest assessment.

Every woman, or man for that matter, cant be beautiful or brilliant or skilled or wonderful or whatever any other PC word you care to choose. Like I said, If all women are beautiful than none of them are.  

I think women struggle with self image issues because we as a society blow smoke up there ass and tell them how wonderful and beautiful they are when they know they are being talked down to and lied to.

Nothing new here. This is just an extension of the "everybody gets a trophy" syndrome, now widely discredited and mocked, as it should be.

Nice discussing and debating this with you. I am glad you are staying

You are who you are and and you will always say and do what you want here. As will I. Whether it's right, wrong or indifferent. As far as behind the scenes, that's not exactly how I remember it going down (of course) but I'll be the bigger man here (as usual) and let it 'be' for the public boards sake. I'm not here to argue like the rest of you day in and day out. This post struck a chord, so I wrote a post. No biggie in my book and I'm not the one with the secrets Jack. We already talked about that too. ;)

Anyhow, back to bigger and better things. I have a right to 'imply' what I feel is valid advice to a young lady the way I see fit, without debating it with you. And 'she' can take with it or not as she feels and anyone else for that matter who reads it. That goes for any post anyone makes on this board. Not just mine. I believe the last time I checked, I am the one with plastered photos all over this place half naked, so those can see if I am giving 'sound' advice coming from the horse's head and not the ass. I know health and fitness, and what works. I wouldn't bother wasting my breath if I didn't, now would I. That would just be downright stupid on me. Now, until you show yourself to back your words up, you are nothing but a name and an envelope with nothing to verify you on any level. So, in my mind Jack, you don't count.  

But a lil word of advice since you seem to know so much about 'motivational' speeches and what works for people lol (shaking head). If you're going to start your 'harsh' criticisms towards the women on this board again (myself included). If you think that 'honest assessments' are helping them to be 'better women', well then, clearly you don't know women on any level which does explain alot. But make sure they are 'honest' assessments. Again, there's 'motivating' and then there's 'motivating'. These fucked up 'syndromes' you create are all part of the half cup empty world and of course you will always see it that way because you live deeply within it. That's obvious. And good. Enjoy it. I will never be a part of that world, nor will I ever preach it. There are enough of you to wrap around the world by miles and miles. I'll continue to take the high road with like-minded individuals with hopes you will come out of your hole at some point in life.  

Ayaya Jack. What was your Lifepath # again or didn't you play that lil game...that will explain ALOT here.

But here you are, debating it with me, nonetheless. LOL

I don't know why you are saying you having half naked pics all over TER, while I am fully clothed, makes you more of an expert on this subject, so you lost me there.  

As for your advice, I'll stick with the George Costanza Method of "doing the opposite" of what you tell me. That has always worked out for me in the past. LOL

Lastly, no need to figure out any wacky, goofy flower child inspired lifepath# as my number is ALWAYS #1.  

I'm the biggest dick I know. LO

but please be careful of what you say to people with anorexic tendencies.  (And this is not really towards you specifically, but something I want to say in general). It's a disease that never goes away; you just manage it. And lots of little things can be triggers. It's very dangerous and potentially fatal. I just felt the need to interject. This is an issue that's been close to my heart for personal reasons. Thank you

Posted By: JackDunphy
But shouldn't Angel decide how far she pushes her body? Some are extreme at it to be sure while others draw the line at one sit up a day and a 5 minute walk to get the paper.  
 All I am saying is that Angel is old enough that she can make her own decisions.  
 Goodbye StevieStyles_TaylorSteele.  
 I do wish you well and hope you come back soon.
-- Modified on 2/17/2015 10:59:01 PM

Be happy with who you are now, but keep striving to be what you want to be. one day you may get diabetes or something else and gain weight. You'll look back and wish you were this weight.  

Or be happy now, but have a healthy discontentment.

I have a guy in my life who says all the time, "why do you want to change this or that? You're perfect!" But I don't think it's unhealthy to want to improve your look.

I had a friend who wanted an eight pack, and was working hard toward it. Another if her friends asked me, "doesn't she look great now? Why does she need an 8-pack? Isn't she crazy?" I said the worst thing a woman could say. "Shit, if I had the motivation to get an eight pack, I'd totally do it."  Crickets. Lol. If you really want it, go get it! Don't discourage her! Duh lol

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 1:56:15 PM

Just seemed to me Taylor was discouraging Angel and I didn't see a need to do that. Angel is an adult and can make big girl decisions on her own.

Encouraging someone to stand still on a possible road to improvement makes little sense to me. If those actions make Angel feel/look better, who is any of us to tell her to stop and just "be happy?

Yup. Not arguing, just adding. Nothing wrong with a healthy discontent.

I don't think there's anything wrong with taking pride in your look, and preparing for a photo shoot. I didn't see anything unhealthy in Angel's post. If anything, it sounded kind of healthy.

Can you believe it? I agreed with your post lol. ;)

Maybe I am corrupting you?  

You might want to edit your post while there is still time. LOL

There's nothing corrupting about what you said, though. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best you. Now if someone is changing just to please everyone else, there's a problem. But it doesn't seem that way here. It seems like she's happy about it.  

Its not corruption if I already agree, right? Of course not, I'm always right. ;)

But I won't. Clearly not worth it.  

xx kisses

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 5:32:18 PM

Are you going to replace a certain delisted lady  I can't mention by name?  She was famous for threADS about herself. And nice shirts you wear in your photos with your lingerie!

Some things never change no matter how many *names* you come up with. And by posting a reply, clearly you *did* bother.

*   *

I guess I'm infamous here for posting threADs (rolling eyes). That's a new one on me lol.  Never been accused of that one...oh well lol.

As far as my username Admin is being bit stubborn about changing it. Sorry. This was supposed to only be a transition thing for a few days. But you know how that goes. They like to have their fun too. Anyhow, it looks like I'm not the only one who's confused. You're 4 people in one. I'm only 2. Sorry I win. :)

But who knows, just maybe you'll get your wish and these two will poof... disappear lol. And just maybe there's a third in the works...but I bet with odds 4 to 1 you won't be able to find me, I'll be far away from here.

TER is by far not the only playground I'm afraid :)

But it seems you've got the wrong girl anyhow....shirts with lingerie? I think not lol. Toodles xx



Oooooooops that's not a threAD now is it :)  
I know I'm such a brat. Oh well.

-- Modified on 2/18/2015 3:25:15 AM

I really thought you had changed but it seems like you have fallen right back into the "poor me" routine.  

Now its Admin's fault. LOL. Its the boys fault. Its the people with alias's fault, etc. Everyone BUT you.  

Case in point, when I get suspended, do I blame Admin? LOL. Of course not. That's futile and silly. I know the rules. We all know the rules here.  

Take ownership for what you post and you will be fine. Admit to yourself you have made many mistakes here and stop blaming the "playground" for your skinned knee and blame yourself for recklessly running around on a cement surface and tripping.  

Many have found greener pastures else where only to come back realizing those greener places were simply a mirage. Feel free to explore them though. Report back to us what you find.

But if you really don't like the people here, TER, its rules, whatever...then maybe you do need a change of venue. That's not what I wish. I hope you stay. The more the merrier and you have game so that is always a good thing.

Only you can decide what is best for you but, before blaming others, do a sincere introspection as to the causes of your discontent. If you need help with that, they came up with a new invention to find the problem.

I believe they call it...a mirror.

Best of luck whatever you decide.

Whew, my brain can't read all that lol.  

xx kisses

for starts. Feel better now? And you still post cryptic messages so again nothing has really changed with you. I don't know what the over/under is for you making yet another exit before or after a classic Taylor meltdown.

Honey :)

Which one are you anyway...hiding of course. Classic. Come out, come out, wherever you are lol.

xx kisses

When i was 18 and had anorxia, I was convinced skinny, starving yourself, and really just walking or yoga.

The thing that has saved me is now i lean towards the body building mags and the weight training, then you can eat more. they encourage you to eat , I have to keep a food journal still and make certain i eat meals AND snacks or i will binge to point of vomiting and then being like unable to function next day from feeling so sick....

i just keep a food journal and am adament about snacks n meals, If i skip meals then the binging comes then it makes me yak cuz it wont all fit in my stomahce then i am stuck not worin for a day with belly pains,

And I've been there too. When I was 20 I started having a problems with the whole not eating issue, lettuce for a snack, etc. and I was a Beyotch!

Over the years, it came back every few years. I'd always been a thin girl, so it wasn't as bad as some people get it, but it was there...

If you don't eat, you are also not feeding your brain. You can't react, respond, and forget about natural lube! Sex hurts because you bruise easily, and bruise just from laying on a hard surface. Sleeping is impossible, and a tired, sleep deprived hungry woman (at least me, lol,) doesn't sound too fun lol

One thing I will note, is it is easy to slip back into a spell, where that feeling of hunger Brings a "challenge" and "thrill" for me, because the hunger reminds me of fast weight loss, and simply just brings back a certain weird mindset. Even though I dont want to be that thin again, I do have to watch carefully that I don't get too deep into that spell.  

But like quitting smoking, coffee, whatever, you can do well for a long time, and then periods of time come where that old urge comes back strong and you really have to fight it. There are triggers. For me one of them is hunger. Another is media.

When I say it's ok to want to be healthy, of course I don't mean don't eat. I mean it's ok to want to better yourself, look good, etc. but in healthy, good natured ways, while accepting yourself as beautiful now too.

I do know that losing weight can be a trigger for falling back into eating disorders. If I'm losing weight, sometimes I notice the fear of eating comes back, for fear of putting back on any weight. And the food intak gets less and less over time, and it becomes a competition with yourself to eat less than you did last time.

It's nuts. When I get like that, I go buy a Big Mac. That usually stops the cycle, and I can go back to a good diet.

Sometimes I eat too many Big Macs too. Lol.

-- Modified on 2/18/2015 9:38:08 AM

My mom subscribed to it and I could not wait for the monthly issue to take it for a spin in the bathroom :)    Those were the days, Cindy Crawford, Stephanie Seymour, Linda Evangelista and Christy Turlington, Elle McPherson and some blonde (forgot her name).    I think to this day, that is the reason why I prefer photos that are not in my face, you know, a blouse showing a nipple, a skirt a little too high but not quite showing everything.   My Vogue days required me to use my imagination a little more.

On a serious note, good luck Angel, I hope that you always have somebody to lean on, I have seen that disease up-close and personal with a good friend and it is heart-wrenching.

I notice some photographers use so much lighting that you're literally ghost white. (And blue lol.)

I snapped some selfies later and realized I looked super good with a tan showing in the photos. (It also takes away accuracy when the skin tone isn't shown in the pics, AND makes you look fatter.)

When I go tanning, (weekly, not every day, don't want to look like a lizard lol,) I use natural lotion with no bronzer all over. Then take a bronzing lotion, and tan the sides, definition in my legs, make a heart shape around my ass, and certain parts of the tummy to give it natural definition. (I have two little cute puffs under my rib cage. Like a 2-pack muscle thingi, only I'm not so sure it's muscle lol.)  

That makes things look nicer. I learned the above from an article from a tan artist for VS models. Now, obviously I don't expect too much, but it really does enhance the shape. It's like airbrushing yourself in real life. The guys seem to like it.

The gallon of water per day, I believe it's 1 ounce per lb we're supposed to drink per day anyway, so I need to start doing that. A gallon is 128 oz, I believe? So if someone is 128 lbs, that's perfect. Drinking two glasses per cup of caffeine and/or alcohol is ideal too, I believe? So the gallon per day challenge isn't unhealthy. It's probably ideal for anyone over 100lbs.

Btw, great yacht pics!

Now to any guy who hasn't been behind a photographer's bright light, those lights and the strength of the lens will pick up any flaw, wrinkle, crevice, etc. that exists. Some you wouldn't normally see with the naked eye. So I don't think, if you saw her in real life, that her body would look quite this wrinkly. Looks like there's some crazy camera lighting here.

But obviously there is serious retouching.

Cameras still add pounds, I think... Which is a relief, because apparently because I ask for barely any editing, except coloring & weird stuff the light brings up, identifying mark removal, a traveling pimple, face blurring, etc. I have found I look fatter behind the camera than I do in real life due to the lens. All that time, I felt confused as to why I looked bigger behind the lens.

That will kill your self esteem lol! Plus, apparently some photographers have trained guys to add 50 lbs. lol. I guess I should start retracting the self inflicted fat jokes. ;) if I took 50 lbs off, no one would see me lol! (Literally)

Edited: P.s. Seriously guys should try doing a naked professional shoot. It's very interesting. I remember my first shoot with bright camera lights, I was crying while looking at my photos because I saw every flaw that existed. It feels like it pulls out every color even under your skin just to show you "see? you're all that, you arrogant bitch!" Lol.

I had a photographer who used natural daylight, and I never had to edit the photos, except to blur the face and take out a pimple or birthmark.  Very interesting what that high lighting equipment will expose.

Kisses!! 😘😘☺️☺️

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 9:22:00 AM

Plus cameras nowadays are so high tech that they pick up contrast that can't be seen with the naked eye. So what appears to be uneven skin tone/crazy ass stretch marks is actually just contrast that can only be picked up by something that has the ability to distinguish all of those levels (like an expensive ass camera).  

Maybe that's why Jon Stewart is retiring. Perhaps all of this HDTV shit is tricking him into thinking he's older than he actually is. :(

I want one of those ass cameras. Do they make titty cameras too?

HDTV has given many an actor/actress fits. They got used to the soft blur of low-def TV for the past 50 years but now we can see every blemish and wrinkle. I'm sure it's a makeup artist's market, lol.

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
I want one of those ass cameras. Do they make titty cameras too?  
 HDTV has given many an actor/actress fits. They got used to the soft blur of low-def TV for the past 50 years but now we can see every blemish and wrinkle. I'm sure it's a makeup artist's market, lol.
That's what I'm saying. Only problem is makeup can only do so much. I guess you could do airbrush foundation and shit but then everyone on TV is going to look like drag queens (which is cool with me, I love fabulousness).

Epsilon_Eridani772 reads

yet... you photoshop the shit out of your photos making yourself more fake every day.  

yea, that includes any lines that you do have now. what a hypocrite you are!

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Maybe that's why Jon Stewart is retiring. Perhaps all of this HDTV shit is tricking him into thinking he's older than he actually is. :(

Well, hypothetically speaking.   When I think about what you ladies do, one of the questions I ask myself is, ok, how would I feel standing around naked with some photographer?   Taking directions, being told to do this and that.  I feel ok being naked and I have been nude in nude beaches, no problem.    However, in front of a photographer and then being able to look at the photos without wanting to have the earth swallow me?  Nah, don't think I could do it, not without plenty of adult beverages. Lol!

Then there is the question as to what happens after the photos.   I think alright, photos have been taken, I am now placing them on various boards, I am participating in boards like TER, what would I think on days when I get no inquiries or during slow weeks?    Well, I would probably take it as a rejection of some sort.    Sure, after a while I would understand it is the nature of the business, etc., that it is not necessarily 'me', but I can imagine the torture I would put myself through.

As for the models? I lived in Miami Beach for 7 years and hung around all the areas where the big agencies are/were located on Ocean Drive and Collins Av.    Without makeup and retouching?   Really, pretty unremarkable.   As a matter of fact, really too skinny.    Anyway, mot meant as a BSU post, but it will be a frozen day in hell before I ever make fun of any of the photos I see on this board or anywhere else.

Back in the day Before I started saying "no" to 50% of my inquiries, I literally had guys come in and turn me around in circles, look me up and down, at every part of my body. I'm serious, there are guys who do that. I try to screen them out beforehand, because, though I try to be accurate, that's just degrading.

I relate them to the camera lens and photographer lighting.

Now I'm not ashamed of myself physically in any way. I feel extremely fortunate to have what I have, and to me it's a canvas that I can express myself on. Continually improving, nurturing, and pleasing my precious body.

And I don't want to be ashamed. I have nothing at all to be ashamed of. But there are people, just like photo shoots, that will make sure you know - and everyone else knows - that you have "flaws". And it's very difficult to feel good about yourself after that.

When I like someone, and they have flaws, it is sooo sexy to me. They're not flaws, they're "personality". And no one will ever not have flaws. It's impossible to be flawless, unless airbrushed and photoshopped by a master. Otherwise, very rarely will a woman be near perfect, (in the eyes of whatever perfect is?)

Now get a girl with some flaws and add superb sex appeal? Holy shit, that is THE sexiest thing ever. Sex appeal + decent looks + a little "physical personality" = erotic, personal, and memorable. Physical traits that are not streamlined to today's idea of perfection make the person come to life. They pop out of the picture and rock your world. It's so sexy.. There are some people who just have an appeal that attract me to those flaws. (I'm talking girls lol. Guys need only a dick and I'm happy bwahaha Jk)

Anyway, there are some guys you just can't please unless you look like Cindy Crawford----er --- literally an airbrushed magazine picture. It's almost like they schedule with you to purposefully try to catch you in not being perfect.

UHmmm, ok. If someone looks for wrong, they WILL find it everywhere they look. Because imperfection is everywhere, and changes every second you come in contact with anyone new. Walking down the street, & everyone was asked to judge your good traits vs bad traits, it would change so much every five seconds, your head would spin. That's why we can't listen to everyone. Every analysis would be different. And if you ask the same guy ten minutes later, even his own analysis would probably change based on mood, hormones, who they saw before you, after you, etc etc.

I'll stop now. Xoxo lol

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 10:18:34 AM

And somewhere along the line, if we are confident and comfortable in our own skin, there will be others who see beauty in us too.  For me, a 5'2" cutie with a great smile beats out all the fashion models in the world.  An extra 5 lbs around the middle?  Who cares.

Unfortunately, the harsh reality of life is, we all age.  I can't imagine what it's like to be in a business that is so predicated on your looks, and getting feedback, implicitly or explicitly, every day.  I'd imagine it could be such an ego inflator being the object of desire, but then the the next minute it could be the exact opposite as you feel the sting of an insult.  Getting comfortable in one's skin, such that you accept the basic reality that as you age a smaller % of men will look at you with desire - that seems like the key.  Okay, that is just stating the obvious - and we all have to deal with the aging issue as a basic part of acceptiing our humanity.  But it is easier said than done, and I'd guess it could be especially hard for the ladies in this biz who depend on lots of men finding them to be attractive.

After all, Mr. Peanut looks good with his monocle.   Talking about imperfections and Cindy Crawford, I would even throw the airbrushed version out of bed, OMG, she has a mole

The same features that can make a woman look stunning in photos might not play well IRL, whereas I've known girls I thought were insanely hot that didn't take great pictures. There's a certain amount of "eye of the beholder" at work there, of course, but some of it is just bad camera face. I myself do not photograph all that well, but unfortunately I do photograph quite accurately!

...at least for her midsection and leg.  I haven't run into any provider who has been photoshopped anywhere close to this extent.  It's only a small step from this to just putting a models head on a different body (like all those fake celebrity nude images).  I like photo-shop, have used it myself, but I think it's just strange to go THAT overboard with it.

That's just mean to say "just kidding! It's me!" Not nice.

Being accurate is most definitely helpful in both having a good time, no grudges, just simple fun. But some editing is necessary for things honestly that wouldn't be seen in real life. That would be backwards misrepresentation. Lol

..."is this me?" And if there is any hesitation, then the editing probably went too far lol!

But angles and lighting can make such a huge difference too.  I have one mirror in my house that I look best in.  I took shots of myself after I lost a lot of weight, and if I showed you the ones from 2 different rooms only a minute apart you wouldn't believe the difference.

So yeah, best representation, but true representation, is indeed the way to go.  Like you say, no "just kidding!" moments lol.

would call "athletic".

I would call past her prime and ready for the scrap heap.


Posted By: BigPapasan

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 12:39:52 AM

And to think it was only 20 some years ago when she was hot. Time flies.

Love this scene where Howard Beale rants about the illusions that come out of our TVs though clearly it applies to all the illusions we're fed by (what used to be) magazines and media of all kinds:

We deal in *illusions*, man! None of it is true! But you people sit there, day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds... We're all you know. You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here. You're beginning to think that the tube is reality, and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you! You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube, you even *think* like the tube! This is mass madness, you maniacs! In God's name, you people are the real thing! *WE* are the illusion!

One small step for a woman...  pretty cool indeed.

VOO-doo520 reads

To some people, we women really are just the sum of our tits and ass. Sad.

You're also a product of your abs, face and thighs, lol.

VOO-doo661 reads

we forgot hair, and nails. And toenails, too, while we're at it. (Toenails are very important to some people.)

I just can't comprehend why we (meaning as a society) are so overly concerned with youth, and women's appearances.

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 6:43:43 PM

So when a wealthy male wants a younger woman, it is much easier for him than an aging female. That is just reality.

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