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Yeah. He missed my point entirely.confused_smile
TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 322 reads

I wasn't implying I treat escorts like shit. Thanks for assuming that.
Very nice of you.  
I'm talking about why I take breaks, and how the hobby can affect civie relation ships.
About how I didn't expect these changes, and what I do to control myself.
My breaks are never timed, or planned. I just know when it's time to chill out a little.
It's not unlike doing acid.. You just know when it's time to take a break.

I was reading on another thread about someone saying he took a break from the hobby for over a year.  It got me wondering, since you started hobbying, what has been the longest "break" you took from this hobby?  Did you expect to take the break or did it just happen?  Did you ever say to yourself "This is the last time I'm every hobbying" and eventually came back?  Was there any specific thing that brought you back from your break?

GaGambler556 reads

and during the period of time while we were actually together as a couple, I never cheated on her with hookers or anyone else.

Aside from that, and during other periods of being in a committed relationship, I never consciously said to myself "never again" nor do I ever expect to do so in the future unless of course I fall head over heels in love again and get into an exclusive relationship.

I won't lie. I'm still on the fence as to whether I'm okay with this hobby.  
In the beginning. I did this to try new things. Maybe gain some confidence in the sack.
Basically practice...  
So I did everything on that bucket list.. I definitely picked up a few tricks, and did gain a level of confidence I never had before. So I dated some civie girls. Fucked some married women, and found myself wanting.
There in lies the main reason I take breaks.
Whatever I gained by fucking strangers, and dabbling with S&M had dulled the experience with civies.
I didn't expect this. I needed the thrill of the illegal, the strange, the kinky...
I was creating a monster...  
I have an addictive personality, and must check myself around drugs, women, and booze.
So. For me? Periodic breaks are a necessity.
Now. I'm getting a very big, very expensive tattoo.
So that will keep me away until the summer.
If I just have extra money around? I spend it on sex.

Wow.  I really appreciate the thought you put into this, and feel for you on the addictive stuff (I fight it too) but at least for me, this is just a playground and hasn't hit those buttons.  

I really enjoy the occasional hookup with somebody, and that's it. I can't so don't let it go elsewhere in my head.  

Do you think you could reset your expectations so it was really separated from your non-p4p life more?  The issue sounds like you've gotten way into a mirage or three, which I'm saying really gently because I've read your posts for a while and know you're not a fallen-in-love-with-her kinda guy. What's up, man?

If not, then I took a hiatus from about the time I got engaged (1982) until 1989.

I'd get a massage about once a month or so, more for the massage than the release, but I enjoyed both.

I figured why pay for sex if I had a wife.  I soon found out.

Since then, it's been pretty darn regular.

first circumstances then a medical incident that laid me low...   I know I'm really sick when I'm not horny!  LOL!   I was horny long before I got the OK to play.

I like variety, but don't like risk or drama. That's why I reset myself with a profile with no reviews and utterly no connection to real me (I've got a dozen or so reviews on another profile that I let die).  

I've got a sweet, hot wife who blows the doors off many p4p encounters when we do it, kids who I love beyond reason, and a pretty comfortable life.  

But sometimes, I want to have sex with somebody I've not had sex with before. Biologically programmed that way, I guess. I've decided that this is the safest, best way to scratch that itch without fucking everything else up.  

So breaks?  I take six month breaks, I suppose, but they aren't really breaks.  Just periods of not having safe, easy opportunities.  When I travel for business, or the family goes to visit inlaws, I find a new friend.

Due to being married and other factors.

...one of 2 months, the other about 4 months.
Was very deliberate, as I decided to look for a civvie relationship.
Got bored, and came back to this.

break during the summer months.  Lots of family stuff happening so it is just easier to stay away for a while.  I also tend to hobby binge before taking the break.

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