TER General Board

Yeah but in your example te lady was offering two different services....
Oldtimemonger 3422 reads
1 / 47

As you know there have been many girls who have been caught using multiple ads. Each ad has different pictures, E Mail, phone numbers, prices etc.

Some who do this claim retirement but move out of state and use a different name. They are semi-utr with no reviews.  

In other cases the girls double dip and triple dip. A triple dipper will have one ad as a high end courtesan for 1K or more. Often they delist themselves from TER or insist on no reviews. Then they will have a second ad under a different name for a going rate 3-500 price. A few have a third ad for FBSM at 200 bucks under a third name. Some have ads in more than one state so it's easier to get away with.

Would you consider this dishonest or pure marketing genius?

GaGambler 555 reads
2 / 47

She seemed rather miffed that she didn't even get "dishonorable mention" when this subject came up yesterday.

Personally, I consider this dishonest, but she gets three votes to my one so maybe I will get outvoted. lol

cspatz 67 Reviews 375 reads
3 / 47

...her main persona has well over a hundred sensational reviews although she does not advertise or participate on TER. Her current rate is 600. She also advertises on BP, or at least she used to, for 400 and also offers half hour sessions. She has a few reviews under the BP name and the scores reflect the price - lower. Funny. I don't consider it dishonest.

breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 363 reads
4 / 47

Like if you have a rate that's above market price for the area you are in and things are slow you could make another persona to offer a lower rate to get yourself through a slow period without affecting your business in the future.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 265 reads
5 / 47

One was BD/SM, and the other was GFE.

She had different web sites, names, etc.  and I didn't see anything wrong with that and neither did TER as they were aware of it and allowed it to be.

Now if a gal uses multiple personas to escape her checkered past, that would be a different thing.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 421 reads
6 / 47

Triple dipping was being the third customer of the day with a BBFS girl.

micktoz 41 Reviews 295 reads
7 / 47

I thought it was being the third guy with one lady at the same time . Arse, pussy and mouth.

Oldtimemonger 376 reads
8 / 47

NYC must be more honest than other areas if you only know of one. Over the years I've seen or known of at least 100 who do that.

I don't check BP anymore unless I visit a small town that's underserved by TER or Eros but it's amazing how you find "upscale" girls well reviewed on TER and other places who have BP ads for cheaper or sometimes even 30 minute sessions.  

There seem to be an awful lot of girls who claim to be high end but have cheaper ads elsewhere. Often their BP ads are for FBSM. Yes, many are reviewed under two names. I don't out them because I don't want to interfere with somebody's livelihood.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 428 reads
9 / 47

IMO when a "lady" in  the biz offers the same services at two significantly different prices, it's deception. And I doubt the guys paying the higher prices would have warm and fuzzys if they knew others were getting the same deal at the lower prices.

But hey that's just my take on it.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 4/18/2017 5:14:31 AM

Oldtimemonger 350 reads
10 / 47

You didn't answer the question. Marketing genius or dishonest?

LondonBay See my TER Reviews 314 reads
11 / 47
Oldtimemonger 294 reads
12 / 47

I fully agree. Sometimes the deception is under the guise of FBSM+. A girl might offer full service at 600 under her fancy ad. For FBSM she might be 200 for a BJ Finish but upsell Full Service at 300. The guy who paid 600 for full service from her fancy ad pays twice as much.

You are right. When it happened to me I did not feel warm and fuzzy.

GaGambler 230 reads
13 / 47

I mean it's not like relabeling a bottle of cheap Merlot with a label off a bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild. I mean NO ONE would try such a crassly dishonest act, would they??? lol

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 266 reads
14 / 47

marketed FBSM under one name and FS under another name.  The FBSM website would attract a more, let's say, "price-conscious" customer, so when they got massage customers and were satisfied they were legit and not LE, they would offer to "upgrade" them to FS.  Some ladies do this using the same identity.  

darmody 22 Reviews 339 reads
15 / 47

I don't accept your either/or, but I definitely don't think it's marketing genius. Marketing cleverness, maybe.  

I don't think there's anything wrong with different personas persay, nor with offering different rates on different sites or in different ads. The dishonesty comes in when you're offering the same services for different prices under different names.

Oldtimemonger 355 reads
16 / 47

In most of the cases I've seen they were offering the same service. The 'personas" were changed to go from high class hooker to mid-range hooker. IOW...same girl, same services just different packaging.

micktoz 41 Reviews 339 reads
17 / 47

Why would it be dishonest? All a person is doing is offering a service in different markets, at different prices.
If you think you have been taken because you find out you paid the higher price, get over yourself. You clearly thought the price for the service was acceptable when you booked the service.

Nothing dishonest about it. That is a research failure or buyers remorse.

The business world is full of companies that have one store and open up another store in the same market, using a different name, to be their own competition. It's done all the time. Usually, both stores do well. This is just the same thing.

-- Modified on 4/18/2017 10:55:09 AM

cspatz 67 Reviews 427 reads
18 / 47

... I thought it was someone stealing her pictures so I emailed her as a heads up.  She was honest. She responded that it was another, cheaper persona. She did not want to taint her original brand. Another revenue stream sounds like a good idea to me.

Oldtimemonger 279 reads
19 / 47

So using TWO or THREE different names for the SAME girl offering the SAME service is an honest way to market your product or service?  

Research can NOT always uncover the deception i the girl is really good at it.

GaGambler 341 reads
20 / 47

We've all heard of "hooker math" well convincing oneself that dishonest practices by hookers are NOT dishonest falls into the category of "Trick logic"

For some of these guys if the woman came up to them and robbed them at gunpoint, they would still find a way to blame themselves.

micktoz 41 Reviews 328 reads
21 / 47

So is Gap Inc. dishonest?
Banana Republic.
Old Navy.
INTERMIX. Resources.

Are all owned by them .They all pretty much sell the same stuff.  

Besides, P4P is based on fake names anyway. It's not like we know the real name or life of the providers anyway. A

justsauce16 4 Reviews 272 reads
22 / 47

The whole game is dishonest to it's core.

In my mind, if a lady is charging 200 quid in one persona and 1K for another that's fair game as long as they're providing a service that their client thinks is worth what she's charging. The rest of the world has been doing this for ages, and providers are probably behind the curve in that regard.

Take an iphone for example. You can get the 16gb version for 499, or the 32gb version for 599 or the 128gb version for 899. Now, you don't want to get the 16gb version if you don't have to, so you fork out the 100 dollarydoos to get a "nicer" one. What you've actually paid for isn't more expensive to produce, but you've given them more for it.  

In all, this example isn't that outrageous because it's the norm. This is just business after all, it isn't personal.

Oldtimemonger 296 reads
23 / 47

They do NOT sell the same EXACT merchandise under the same name. Hell, Nordstroms sells clothes that may be similar to cheaper stores but not EXACT.  

Toyota owns Lexus. Lexus is way more expensive but they are NOT the same EXACT cars under different names.  

You feel that since P4P girls use fake names that it's not dishonest to have multiple fake names at different price levels for the SAME girl?

breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 342 reads
24 / 47

Marketing genius definitely...in the example I gave she's both protecting her business and getting herself through a slow time.  As for dishonest?  In the example I gave yes it's somewhat dishonest but understandable and ok in my book if not done too often.  I wouldn't blame her for doing that though I would caution her to spend her money more wisely in the future so she doesn't have to resort to lowering her rates under a different name.  It's got to be rough providing a service for a lower rate than what you are accustomed to.

If it was the other way around where a provider created a persona that charged more than than what she usually charges I would definitely find that dishonest.  It seems a bit like fishing for higher paying clients if you ask me.
Posted By: Oldtimemonger
You didn't answer the question. Marketing genius or dishonest?

Oldtimemonger 275 reads
25 / 47

Posted By: justsauce16
The whole game is dishonest to it's core.  
 Take an iphone for example. You can get the 16gb version for 499, or the 32gb version for 599 or the 128gb version for 899. Now, you don't want to get the 16gb version if you don't have to, so you fork out the 100 dollarydoos to get a "nicer" one. What you've actually paid for isn't more expensive to produce, but you've given them more for it.  
Regardless of production costs 16GB is different from 32GB or 64GB. Your analogy is flawed. The 400 hundred dollar girl who has another name at 800 is still the SAME girl. They do not get prettier or better in bed because of packaging.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 416 reads
26 / 47

same flight pay the same amount? No; it depends on where you sit [first class, business class, coach plus, coach, economy, etc. Among other factors are when you bought your ticket, did you buy it online or over phone, etc.

To answer the question, I don't think it is dishonest--maybe just creative.

souls_harbor 324 reads
27 / 47

If you enjoyed the experience the marketing was perfectly legit.

If someone sells in three different tiers and gets good reviews in each tier she's got the marketing down to a tee.

In short, there probably isn't much difference from the $200 experience to the $1000 experience except in the guy's head.

She gave you the experience you wanted at the price you expected.

Oldtimemonger 415 reads
28 / 47

Posted By: breannabreeze
Marketing genius definitely...in the example I gave she's both protecting her business and getting herself through a slow time.  As for dishonest?  In the example I gave yes it's somewhat dishonest but understandable and ok in my book if not done too often.  
Posted By: Oldtimemonger
You didn't answer the question. Marketing genius or dishonest?

When I used the word mercenary you took exception because you felt it meant questionable ethics. Don't you think you are condoning questionable ethics?

Congratulations Breanna! You are a fellow mercenary. I didn't know you had it in you. We must meet someday. Mercenaries must stick together! Welcome to the playpen of the damned!

JakeFromStateFarm 318 reads
29 / 47
micktoz 41 Reviews 417 reads
30 / 47

No, it's not dishonest. Where is the dishonesty? Where are you being lied to? Are you being told that this is her lowest price?
I'm not saying that I like it. I just don't see  it to be a dishonest business model. Using car sales as an example. I can pay a way different price for the exact same car at a different dealer. It's up to me to find my best deal. Unless I'm being told that this is the lowest price in the market, I'm just not being lied to.

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
They do NOT sell the same EXACT merchandise under the same name. Hell, Nordstroms sells clothes that may be similar to cheaper stores but not EXACT.    
 Toyota owns Lexus. Lexus is way more expensive but they are NOT the same EXACT cars under different names.  
 You feel that since P4P girls use fake names that it's not dishonest to have multiple fake names at different price levels for the SAME girl?

micktoz 41 Reviews 283 reads
31 / 47
Oldtimemonger 306 reads
32 / 47

Do the girls have "different" dealers selling them? Perhaps some have more than one pimp. :)

justsauce16 4 Reviews 320 reads
33 / 47

If someone tells you they'll give you 20 quid to jump as high as you can you're going to put forth less effort than if they said 100 quid, or 1000 quid.

Also, storage on the phone doesn't really effect the function of the device. It's not faster, it can't multitask better, it doesn't take better pictures or get better battery life. It just has more storage, which doesn't mean any real world performance difference.

So while it isn't the perfect analogy, it's also not flawed as you suggest.
Or rather, flawed outside of implying that women in this industry are simply boiled down to a objectified  standard like an iphone, which is clearly not the case if anyone reading is trying to take it there.

These are people we're talking about, and if a person wants to work for 200 quid one day and 2000 quid the next that's their prerogative.

breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 344 reads
34 / 47

Just because I can understand why someone would do it doesn't mean I would do it myself, it just means I have empathy.  The world isn't black and white you know.

hott_brie See my TER Reviews 277 reads
35 / 47

You have too much time on your hands.

-- Modified on 4/18/2017 4:23:50 PM

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 333 reads
36 / 47

funny but sadly true!

Steph xoxo

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 264 reads
37 / 47
Oldtimemonger 347 reads
38 / 47

Posted By: hott_brie
Re: My take
You have too much time on your hands.

-- Modified on 4/18/2017 4:23:50 PM
I am proud to be in a position to have time on my hands. What's your excuse for having the time on your hands to answer my posts? Is it your lousy reviews?

Deejets1937 11 Reviews 360 reads
39 / 47

Two objections:

1) Dishonest means that the services advertised are not delivered.  It does not mean everyone pays the same price.  Car rental companies, hotels, airlines are not dishonest (unless you're United Airlines).

2) If the same woman is getting better ratings for her more expensive persona than her less expensive version, that almost certainly means she is delivering a better service to the customers paying more.  You can argue that the reviewers are biased and those who pay more want to justify that by giving it a higher score.  But basic common sense says that if you can charge one person X and someone else 2X, to be relevant, whose dick are you going to keep sucking and who's going to get the hand after a few minutes?  The provider has an incentive to do a better job for a bigger paycheck.

3) Changing the packaging is changing the service because the package is part of the experience.  What these women are doing is extremely similar to what countless food and consumer goods companies do.  They sell their branded products at one price, and then they sell an equal size package, often made on the same production line, as a generic or store brand at a lower price.  With the branded product, you get a nicer label, a fancy ad campaign, and probably a better product (maybe the branded cookie uses cane sugar, not high fructose corn syrup; the branded paper towel is a few microns thicker).

darmody 22 Reviews 332 reads
40 / 47

She was honest about being dishonest, you mean. When she says she doesn't want to taint her brand, I understand what she means, and I sympathize. But that involves tricking some of her customers into paying more than they have to, which they might not appreciate. But hey, what they don't know won't hurt  'em, right?

It is a good idea, if people don't catch on. Dishonesty is often good business.

Oldtimemonger 246 reads
41 / 47

By packaging I meant the marketing and advertising.

Rather than argue I'll tell you what almost all the guys agree with me on. After a certain price point (3-500) the girls do not get any prettier, better in bed and certainly not any younger.  

I have extensive experience trying the 800 and up girls. This included top rated TER girls. They were simply no different than the "going rate" priced girls. I later found that many had a second ad at a lower price.  

A girl can not make herself prettier by charging a higher price. They were NOT better in bed than the going rate girls. Now if you are shopping on the really low end there is a difference between a $180 dollar girl and a $400  girl. It's when you compare a $400 to an $800 or a $500 to a 1K girl that you realize there is simply no difference.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 321 reads
42 / 47
breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 305 reads
43 / 47

I have plenty of time on my hands...because I can work less in a week than most people do in a day and still pay bills and have extra money to save and spend on fun.  Those who don't have plenty of free time on their hands and don't have another source of income or going to school aren't doing it right.

Deejets1937 11 Reviews 407 reads
44 / 47

You did not argue with me so you changed the topic.  And you sucked me in to 20 minutes of arguing with the rest of your response.  But I'll save that for another day.  Instead, I will take a look at the two examples you cite and see if they deserve to be considered dishonest.

You give one speculative example, although you don't claim it as your own, that a woman who advertises $600 for full service might charge $200 for a massage and then upsell full service for $300.  Fortunately for you, CDL verified that this happens.

When I book full service, I get met at the door with a deep french kiss, and if I ask for it, within a matter of seconds she will be pulling down my pants and giving me a blow job.  When I'm ready, we get on a large, comfortable bed and play games at our own pace.  When I book a massage, I get met at the door with (maybe) a peck on the cheek or a finger pointing me to the table, I take off my own damn pants, and I have to sit through minutes of generally low quality massage before I get to haggle over the price of additional, now rushed services on a narrow, hard massage table.  Do you think those two scenarios are the same experience?  That's just scratching the surface of the physical differences of what happens, let alone the attitude of the woman.

Those don't sound like the same experience to me, or to "almost all the guys."  It doesn't seem dishonest in any way for the same woman to run two different ads and charge two different prices for this.  In fact, it makes crystal clear sense.

Then you say that the same woman changes her persona from high class to mid class and "offers the same service."  When I point out that if someone gets paid more to do the same task, they commonly apply more effort, which is something I think "almost all the guys" will agree with because it is basic motivation, you reply that price and quality aren't correlated - but you do so by comparing different women.  That's changing the topic, not responding.

I do not think that most providers I've been with are really having orgasms, but I do think that providers are motivated by money and act like everyone else when they're presented with the opportunity to make more - they work harder.  That they have figured out a business strategy to execute that is not dishonest.

If you do not get the experience you paid for, that is dishonest.

Oldtimemonger 273 reads
45 / 47

I don't book massages so I would not know how they act when you book a massage.  

There are plenty of full service ladies with two prices, ads and names. I gave a different example because it would be impossible to see a full service girl under both her names. She would recognize my name, number etc. and not see me under her low price if I saw her under the higher price.  

I only said that after you go above the "going rate" for full service (3-500 ) for your area there is no difference. I also mentioned that if you go way below the going rate you won't have a good experience. FBSM girls are below the going rates of full service girls.  

I guess if you want to compare FBSM to full service they are selling two different services. The full service girls with two names and rates are selling the same service.

I also pointed out that higher prices will NOT change their looks. If charging well above the "going rates" made them superstars in bed or gave them supermodel looks I didn't notice it.  

rando_mn 331 reads
46 / 47
justsauce16 4 Reviews 239 reads
47 / 47

Does breaking the law make one labeled a criminal?

And if no, how "bad" does the crime have to be in order to be labeled a criminal? Is it J-Walking? Speeding? Assault? Escorting? Murder? Theft? If you're going to draw the line somewhere, it better not be arbitrary.  

I say modern society is setup in such a way that everyone is a criminal, so drawing the line anywhere lower than someone harming another person is likely due to your feeling of moral superiority and not based in logic.

Or to put it simpler, Hookers ain't hurtin nobody.

-- Modified on 4/19/2017 6:13:17 PM

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