TER General Board

Yeah but he wants her test results mailed to him!
Brian_wo_Viagra 11 Reviews 1566 reads
1 / 27

Is there a service providing sexual health verification, that is, the individual tested negative for
the common STD's recently?

Most StD labs do not check the identity of the person taking the test.  

The referee would have to verify that the test results came from the person being verified:  They would have to see you walk in the lab with the form that has the particular email address on it.  

I would pay extra for a girl who recently tested clean.

inicky46 61 Reviews 429 reads
2 / 27

Test results are always available on line and you can forward them.  Then there's the old question, how do you prove neither of you has been exposed to something since the tests were done?

cocktail-party 450 reads
3 / 27

Perhaps take her on a trip where you can keep an eye on her at all times? That would probably be the only way to be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT certain as to the results. And BBFS is still going to be extra.

Brian_wo_Viagra 11 Reviews 395 reads
4 / 27

I have been tested: negative, including western blot for herpes.  But I need to know my partners status.

If the girl forwards results, how do I know the results are the ones for her?

If they fake orgasms, they can fake test results.  

As for recent exposure, if the girl has been active for 10 years, it's not likely she caught herpes in the last 30 days.

Brian_wo_Viagra 11 Reviews 440 reads
5 / 27

he goal is to keep from getting herpes, or anything else, while having a good sexual experience.

The obvious way to do that is to use a condom for intercourse and have a disease free partner.

I don't want to watch her every move. Just know that she was disease free in the last month or so.


Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 497 reads
6 / 27

You aren't hinting at BBFS...you do know it can take 6 months for HIV anti-bodies to show up in a blood test...and you're only worried about clamydia?!  

Hope that 'extra' dough is worth that kind of exposure. And I suppose you'll be paying her retainer for 6 months for her chastity during the testing time, otherwise you just start your clock over again.

Use a female condom or a thin, extra sensitive regular condom...geez.

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 450 reads
7 / 27

Herpes can be spread WITH condom use. And blood tests for herpes are not at all reliable. The typical sensitivity is around 95% but some manufacturer's systems only have a 70% specificity.

The only reliable test for herpes is a tzank smear but it has to be taken from an active lesion. Doubt if you're getting that far you need a test...

There is no test that will tell you she's "disease" free from that last month. Something could be brewing that isn't old enough to show up yet

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 369 reads
8 / 27

Brian, you may want to find another hobby, but I did post a photo of your "match" on the Carolinas Board where you posted the same stupid shit. Enjoy.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 349 reads
10 / 27

start such a service. STD testing and results exchange with you as "referee". Like you, I'm sure we all would pay a little extra for the peace of mind you could provide us. Go all in, life savings - it's a sure bet. I want the inside for the IPO when the time comes.

fartsonhigher1 304 reads
11 / 27

Seriously. Have you never had a single experience with a doctor? Or with a testing lab?? Or ANY health care provider??? Have you ever noticed all those privacy forms you sign????

Have you heard of HIPAA?????
 ... the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996??????

"The HIPAA Privacy Rule provides federal protections for individually identifiable  
health information held by covered entities and their business associates..." with criminal and civil penalties of up to $1.5 Million per incident.

Hmmm... Maybe you haven't. In that case: No there is no such service, nor could there ever be in the USA.

By the way, did you know that paying for sex is illegal everywhere in the USA, except in some Nevada counties?

Nikki_Irish See my TER Reviews 329 reads
14 / 27

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 11:18:48 AM

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 241 reads
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MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 313 reads
16 / 27

I think he's taking the whole "The best defense is a good offense" thing way too far!



MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 289 reads
17 / 27
Brian_wo_Viagra 11 Reviews 393 reads
18 / 27

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
Herpes can be spread WITH condom use. And blood tests for herpes are not at all reliable. The typical sensitivity is around 95% but some manufacturer's systems only have a 70% specificity.  
 The only reliable test for herpes is a tzank smear but it has to be taken from an active lesion. Doubt if you're getting that far you need a test...  
 There is no test that will tell you she's "disease" free from that last month. Something could be brewing that isn't old enough to show up yet.  
It is not perfect.  Neither are condoms. It is just an increased margin of safety.  The Herpes Elisa test is fairly accurate, the main problem being false positives.   (I don't have type 1 or type 2, so the specificity issue isn't critical to me)

Arovet 62 Reviews 300 reads
19 / 27

you won't for so many reasons you appear unable to grasp, but just for giggles: is that when Brian_w_Viagra comes out to play?

Seriously though, while this might not be profoundly stupid enough for SPOTY (but I'm not saying out of the running either), I do hope you stick around. Haven't seen this level of post quality since the Udo days.

Dr Who revived 364 reads
20 / 27

Your ref picture looked oddly familiar.

Did Goodell ban him too?
Posted By: MatureGFE
Regardless you're outta here!!!

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 295 reads
21 / 27

He said on the Carolina Board it was a deal worth it. So I am assuming he plans on prepaying the gal for 6 months of no work (at her normal income, not some rebate) and putting her in a closet so she doesn't have sex with anyone.

His sex education is lacking. Common sense is gone. Seriously why the hell would we give you are real information?

Poor twat got upset that people responded to his thread when all he wanted was pms. Stupid gets responses on the board.
Posted By: Arovet
you won't for so many reasons you appear unable to grasp, but just for giggles: is that when Brian_w_Viagra comes out to play?  
 Seriously though, while this might not be profoundly stupid enough for SPOTY (but I'm not saying out of the running either), I do hope you stick around. Haven't seen this level of post quality since the Udo days.

Freya Fantasia See my TER Reviews 375 reads
22 / 27

It's called talent testing services.

All of the people in the porn industry use them.  The results are all visible on the website.  You can find mine there under Freya Fantasia.

Many of the ladies who also do porn should be able to show you their most recent std test results on this site.

But, the practical thing to do is to learn how stds are transmitted.  If you knew this, you'd realize that there is a VERY small risk of being infected with an std by engaging in the usual GFE activities.  If you visit a planned parenthood and get tested, you can ask the doctor about all of the different possible scenarios, as I have done many times.  They will tell you that the risk if very DFK, DATY, BBBJ, and CFS.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 320 reads
23 / 27
Skyfyre 285 reads
24 / 27

Don't think you'll find the answer you were looking for. Ever!

Maybe a different and less risky hobby perhaps? strip poker? nude knitting?

BellaMaytress See my TER Reviews 322 reads
25 / 27

Dude, you keep throwing around molecular biology techniques like they give you any intellectual weight.  

From your gazillion inane posts, I can only surmise you've been tested for herpes like it's going out of style and LOOOVVEEEE to talk about it. You mentioned your herpes screens were via Western blot and ELISA. There is no essential information in these two terms, as they simply describe techniques for any type of protein (antigen) or antibody detection and quantification using the exact same biochemistry (of antigen-antibody specific interaction).  

As almost every other poster has been trying so hard to get you to understand is that these tests have a strong temporal dependence!!! If taken too early (before complete seroconversion, upon which the immune defense has produced antibodies and they are in circulation), you will get a negative result no matter how sensitive your assay is because there are not yet ANY antibodies to detect. And even the most sensitive detector cannot make something out of nothing, that is give a reading that is not equal to zero when there are zero antibodies present. *Please note! The appearance of lesions and gross sores actually occurs before full seroconversion, making it almost completely moot to apply antibody tests to any herpes screen. If there are suspicious lesions, its much more practical (and expedient) to directly scrape active lesions and then perform the tzank smear Alexandra mentioned...

Meaning your precious ELISA is usually employed AFTER the tzank smear! Your negative results are in essence useless, unless you're telling us you HAVE seen suspicious sores in places I don't want to talk about, and THIS is what prompted your antibody screen... And a ridiculous obsession with the science of "False Sense of Security".  

To complete my note of the temporal importance of really ANY STD testing, as many others have mentioned and you have failed to address to any satisfaction, is STD screening is just not accurate or at all meaningful as a single time-point event. As a few other more informed posters have mentioned, for any meaningful "increased margin of safety" each round of tests must be taken as such:
1) Initial STD screening via blood test, urinalysis, lesion scrape, etc. - I'm assuming this is as far as you've gone.  
3) Second STD screening via blood test, urinalysis, lesion scrape, etc.  

To wrap things up, I'll refer to your completely statistically inaccurate statement in an earlier post - "If a girl hasn't had herpes in the last 10 years, there's little chance she'll have caught it in the past week (paraphrased)".  

I hope you see now how faulty your logic is. The probability distributions of the two arguments in the above statement are essentially Markovian (with the necessary condition that "the past week" is not included in "the last 10 years" time continuum), but I say this as an afterthought.  

Just saying. My advise? Abstinence and a course or five in virology and statistics.  

Stay safe!!! :

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 365 reads
26 / 27

Translation (I speak Bella) You are a fuck head who is obsessed with HERPES. Have a nice day.  

Posted By: BellaMaytress
Dude, you keep throwing around molecular biology techniques like they give you any intellectual weight.  
 From your gazillion inane posts, I can only surmise you've been tested for herpes like it's going out of style and LOOOVVEEEE to talk about it. You mentioned your herpes screens were via Western blot and ELISA. There is no essential information in these two terms, as they simply describe techniques for any type of protein (antigen) or antibody detection and quantification using the exact same biochemistry (of antigen-antibody specific interaction).  
 As almost every other poster has been trying so hard to get you to understand is that these tests have a strong temporal dependence!!! If taken too early (before complete seroconversion, upon which the immune defense has produced antibodies and they are in circulation), you will get a negative result no matter how sensitive your assay is because there are not yet ANY antibodies to detect. And even the most sensitive detector cannot make something out of nothing, that is give a reading that is not equal to zero when there are zero antibodies present. *Please note! The appearance of lesions and gross sores actually occurs before full seroconversion, making it almost completely moot to apply antibody tests to any herpes screen. If there are suspicious lesions, its much more practical (and expedient) to directly scrape active lesions and then perform the tzank smear Alexandra mentioned...  
 Meaning your precious ELISA is usually employed AFTER the tzank smear! Your negative results are in essence useless, unless you're telling us you HAVE seen suspicious sores in places I don't want to talk about, and THIS is what prompted your antibody screen... And a ridiculous obsession with the science of "False Sense of Security".  
 To complete my note of the temporal importance of really ANY STD testing, as many others have mentioned and you have failed to address to any satisfaction, is STD screening is just not accurate or at all meaningful as a single time-point event. As a few other more informed posters have mentioned, for any meaningful "increased margin of safety" each round of tests must be taken as such:  
 1) Initial STD screening via blood test, urinalysis, lesion scrape, etc. - I'm assuming this is as far as you've gone.  
 2) Wait six months with NO SEX, NADA, NILCH, NOOOOOO! NO NAKED TOUCHING! BAD!  
 3) Second STD screening via blood test, urinalysis, lesion scrape, etc.  
 To wrap things up, I'll refer to your completely statistically inaccurate statement in an earlier post - "If a girl hasn't had herpes in the last 10 years, there's little chance she'll have caught it in the past week (paraphrased)".  
 I hope you see now how faulty your logic is. The probability distributions of the two arguments in the above statement are essentially Markovian (with the necessary condition that "the past week" is not included in "the last 10 years" time continuum), but I say this as an afterthought.  
 Just saying. My advise? Abstinence and a course or five in virology and statistics.  
 Stay safe!!! :)  

BellaMaytress See my TER Reviews 194 reads
27 / 27

Lol, thanks Drew. Brevity has never been my strong suit!  


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