TER General Board

X-out-of-Y is a 10-out-of-10 suggestion
NewbieOne 6911 reads
1 / 43

I have seen some really idiotic posts. One today about race was an example.
Does anyone  notice the trend toward delisting of good providers?
I think it's related to the BS in some of these posts ... just look on twitter you can see lots of TER posts printscreed and a rash of " that's why I delisted"


GiantBombing 95 reads
2 / 43

What I'm getting at is that's THEIR story. You don't know that they haven't been delisted for manipulating reviews or who knows what other heinous shit, but boy do some shitty posts on a shitty message board give them a nice way of bashing the site that won't welcome them any more.

NewbieOne 75 reads
3 / 43

Ok let's conceded your point... does that make it a good idea or even tolerate posting racist crap or really nasty stuff that makes us all look like scum?
Most board regardless of subject try to maintain civility..

Why shouldn't we ?

GiantBombing 78 reads
4 / 43

Seriously, posts like this don't help anything - all you do is embolden people like this to make more posts like this. All anyone paying attention to it is doing is showing themselves to be easily reeled in and/or an idiot for thinking it's a serious post to begin with. You've already spent far more time and effort on this than it is worth.

NewbieOne 78 reads
5 / 43

Yes trolls feed on this garbage...
What I spend. My time on or thinking about is nobodies business
If we have admins and posts require approval the work is already being done... why not do it well and raise the class around here  

Just my 02

JakeFromStateFarm 86 reads
6 / 43

Please lead us out of the darkness and into the Holy Land!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 77 reads
7 / 43

Change your handle to AncientOne.  It will make people pause for ten minutes and give you the benefit of the doubt before deciding you don't know what you're talking about.  Just a suggestion.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 79 reads
9 / 43

There are posters on some internet boards that say things that aren't really true?   I'm shocked.  Shocked, I say.

HappyChanges 101 reads
10 / 43
Devin13 96 reads
11 / 43

You are absolutely correct my friend. More and more  are in fact Delisting. You are also correct when you see the conversations on Twitter. Ladies get tired of the bs which is understandable considering ter has changed not only their format but silly rules. Fake reviews are left for touring ladies for example thinking they won't catch on and they do. having the review removed is generally challenging. More and more ladies are  just not happy being on ter platform. So fret not, you ARE CORECT, and what you see on Twitter is exactly true that's the beauty of Twitter! Here, not always true. Although I do believe ter will always exist just not how it once was. Ignore the masses that bash your question, it's a simple question. But you're not likely to find the answer here as you may have noticed. I'll try not to laugh out loud

micktoz 41 Reviews 93 reads
12 / 43

There are many who are marketing themselves in other ways and in other places. Not all of them that I know are doing it because they don't like TER. Some just find more success in other ways.
One I know quit because of one of those hijacking website's links ended up on her page and showed photos that she did not want shown. She gets all the business she wants with her marketing  

And of course TER isn't the be all and end all of review sites. In some cities other sites are used more. The TER members are light weights when it comes to mean and obnoxious, compared to some of those others.  
It is quite funny because all 15 posters here are a very small number of the members who sign on and check reviews.  

The really successful ladies that I know, have a thought out presence in a lot of media and don't make enemies anywhere. They only post positive thoughts and put smiles on mongers faces from first contact till the time they walk out the door.
Whether it be TER, P411, Twitter or other  sites they stay attractive.  

The ladies that stir with anger also get noticed and a lot get business that way. But, that is a difficult way to continue to attract clients and will chase some that don't want drama away.

NewbieOne 81 reads
13 / 43

So someone sees what I see good .... Additionally regarding the new rules and incentivizing fake reviews by providing subscription extensions and access to reviews only sections is a slippery slope. Lastly if you are just here for the real reviews their is another site scraping TER and reposting the entire review VIP section and all...(I reported to Admin)
So if things don't get fixed TER may fade away ....
Lesson learned about trying to make things more civil thus attracting more providers instead of them delisting.... I am not here to save the world.. I just see a good thing going to hell and wanted to help .. alas nobody seems interested....

MasterZen 33 Reviews 105 reads
14 / 43

are almost universally derided by the members here that post often.  

The counterpart of the TER misogynist troll is the Twitter misandrist troll... a troll that is not so universally derided and condemned on Twitter as are the TER trolls here.  

Both sites are free to join and trolls are inevitable on both. It's how the trolls are treated by the overwhelming majority of site members that really matters.

I suggest that other factors are also at work when looking at gals delisting from TER - I doubt it is quite so simple as tender feelings being hurt by a troll post.

GaGambler 91 reads
15 / 43

You are dangerously close to having a mind of your own and that is NEVER permitted in groupspeak.

People have been predicting the ultimate demise of TER because of our "rudeness" ever since there was a TER. A few of the Ubersensitive do end up delisting but the rest of us barely notice their absence, except to laugh at them of course. Does anyone really miss any of the BSC, OTHFB, MHB's that have departed TER and are now on Twatter? I don't,

MasterZen 33 Reviews 99 reads
16 / 43

but fuck it. Neither Twitter nor TER is really gonna kill the other off. They are too different and too complimentary. And equally prone to being fucked up at times.

I think it was Dan Quayle who said:

"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is."

Mommascomin 132 reads
17 / 43

they delist because the rules about the number they can receive are arbitrary. If a guy doesn't like 3somes or greek, he can never give a 10. if she doesn't like greek and is completely straight she can never get a 10, how is that a true rating of her services? the 10/10 review inflation is because of these rules. Also a lot of clients complain about how graphic the reviews have to be and don't want to write them because of that.

oh and when you get a clearly fake review, TER won't remove it for weeks or months, and that's if they ever do, even if the person who wrote it has never written another review, and never logged into the account after creating it just to write your bad review. and guys are encouraged to write reviews because they get 2 weeks of free vip when they do, so they find random ladies and write fake reviews (both good and bad ones) to gain the access.

a lot of ladies do well without reviews, yeah its harder and requires more advertising, but there is a freeness to not being tied to this board, not having to submit to arbitrary rules. there are other boards where the rules on reviews are much freer, and guys can choose not to write graphic reviews, and ladies and choose not to want graphic ones without fear of the board removing them. You don't have to know exactly how the lady licked the guy's left ball to know whether she's a good provider or not.  And if you're the type who needs detailed graphic reviews, you can just choose only to see providers who allow them.  
and also not being on the board means the most annoying hobbyists and worst clients don't come see you, there's definitely a positive correlation between how many/how graphic a hobbyists reviews are and how annoying he is in person and how much you'll never see him again.

there are many that will say that most of these ladies were caught writing bad reviews or something else bad, but those people think TER is some perfect place, when its far from it. There are many ladies leaving of their own accord, even when they've had perfect or close to perfect scores, and the trend will only continue.

JocelynTorres 92 reads
18 / 43

After going through the discussion boards, I am surprised how members here talk and think about women who provide....one member in particular seems to bash "hookers" every other day. There are so many members on here on a high horse for some reason and some of their posts make me uncomfortable...I saw the race post too...how rude..  I don't get it because we are all in this together. I was looking forward to be part of TER but I am disappointed.

souls_harbor 73 reads
19 / 43

????1. Reviews have and can be used in a court of law.  
Can you cite a specific instance of this and how it navigated anti hear-say rules in court procedures?

I'm skeptical.

20strojl 13 Reviews 104 reads
20 / 43

Yep, totally agree here.  At dinner Thur night after a usual great tryst with my ATF (10th time btw) we had this same discussion and she has requested on her website for her clients to not write any more reviews of her. Said that because of the new review rules she`s getting shorted on the numbers and I agree. After my second time with her I wrote an honest scintillating  terrific review of her (9/9) only to have  her performance diluted down to a 7? What? Excuse me?
 At the end of my review I expressly stated that my words were 110% true and honest. I was mortified and embarrassed and apologized to her. She was totally cool and understood it wasn`t my doing. There`s no way anyone could misconstrue what I wrote and tweak the 9 down to 7, no way. Maybe I`m not reading the rules right but I don`t think that`s the case here.

I`ve seen many girls since starting the hobby one year ago but I have only written 3 reviews and I`m very queasy about writing any more. A lot of my girls don`t want them.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 90 reads
22 / 43

You mentioned bbbj in the review but did not mention DFK. Therefore she qualifies for an 8 but not a 9. You could have easily argued for the 8 and TER would have changed it. The TER employee who downgraded it to a 7 was also misinterpreting the rules, or misreading your words. That happens. They are human. When you point out those kind of errors they are usually quick to correct them.  

As written your review qualifies her for an 8. If you wanted her to get a 9, you would have had to edit your review, and add kissing with tongue or anal.

All this is moot now, since her profile will be gone tomorrow, but you might use this for future reference if you decide to write a review of another lady.

AnOfficerandaGentlemen 98 reads
23 / 43

The scoring system isn't the best in the world.  It is what it is.  Anyways:
1) I don't believe that TER unilaterally changes scores from a 9/9's to 9/7's.  YOU have to make those changes yourself by clicking the 7 vs. the 9 and then YOU have to click submit.    
2) I believe that TER admin takes a quick scan at the reviews.  They miss things.  
3) If you say that she gave me a BJ or we kissed, then TER will come back and say that you cannot give higher than a 7, but all that you need to do is to qualify those statements and say that it was a BBBJ and a DFK.  Once you do that then you can give her a 9 instead of a 7.  Otherwise how is someone supposed to know if it was a CBJ or BBBJ?  Or if it was a peck on the cheek or a DFK?
4) I made the same mistake that you made and assumed that my credibility was being questioned.  That isn't it, though.  Re-read #2 and/or #3 above.
5) It seems like the overwhelming majority agree (changed from "everyone") that performance should change.  +1 for multiple pops and +1 CIM.

-- Modified on 9/30/2017 7:07:21 PM

AnOfficerandaGentlemen 92 reads
25 / 43

Fair enough.  It just seems like this is something worth revisiting.  It causes too many problems.  If I meet an awesome lady and she gets an inkling that I am going to write a review on her, if she cares about her scores then she almost forces me to do anal for 20 seconds just so that I could include that in a review and max her out.  It detracts from my experience and is super annoying.  

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 80 reads
26 / 43

I was only pointing out that not "everyone" thinks that CIM or MSOG (or any other service for that matter) is worth +1.

You will never get "everyone" to agree on anything. 😊

20strojl 13 Reviews 102 reads
27 / 43

Ok, I`m learning, your point is well taken. Mea culpa (or is it?)  
As soon as the sun comes up this a.m. I will email her with this news (before anyone else does lol)  
Knowing her she`ll be totally chill. I mean c`mon she has it in black and white on her site and I guess if the rules say that`s cause for a delist than so be it. Kinda like a fait accompli?
 I`m crazy about this woman, she tells me I`m her ATF and treats me like it but I feel queasy about unknowingly being the catalyst here.  (again see rules above)
She sees mostly repeaters and gets new clients from P-411 and Eros and I`ve sent a few of my friends and associates to
see her with much success all around. This one`s a winner, she`ll be fine.

I love this website and I`ve learned tons from reading the boards, reviews etc. since I got involved a year ago. I mean where else could I get this info. I need to do more rules and protocol homework and I will.

Thanks for your input, it`s appreciated.

souls_harbor 24 reads
28 / 43

You sent me two links.  The first one just describes a tell-all book by an escort which lists her TER reviews -- the article didn't mention anything about any arrest or court case.

The second link discusses the King County, Washington case involving The Review Board.  Those cases involved clients, aka Johns -- for what they themselves wrote.  Since they all pleaded out for light slap on the wrist punishments, it's not actually a case of such evidence being used in court, since it never got there.  

I remain unaware of an escort being held accountable for a review published anywhere.  The reason is hearsay.

Hearsay is a statement or document that was made by other than the witness testifying.  A TER review of an escort could not be introduced into evidence by the prosecution since the prosecution is not a witness to the event and therefore the TER review is hearsay.  The only way to bring in the TER review is to bring in the author, get him to admit he wrote it, and then question him about it's truthfulness.  While technically possible, it is a costly use of prosecution manpower.  They're going to go for the low hanging fruit of BackPage stings.

Again, if anyone can cite a case, I'll tear up my law license (well I would if I ever had one.)

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 58 reads
29 / 43
DT_lover 188 Reviews 20 reads
30 / 43

Both men and women.  Those that leave are not missed, and soon forgotten.

More people have been arrested at Meet & Greets than will ever be arrested thru TER.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 33 reads
31 / 43
DT_lover 188 Reviews 27 reads
33 / 43

Look or ask on the M&G board.  I don't usually follow M&G info but do know there was one in Texas where at least 25 were arrested and I think there was also one in NJ, again 25+ arrested.  Police found the time and location and took action.

No sure if charges stuck, but the hassle and cost of going to court were there.  And real names were posted in local newspapers.

-- Modified on 10/1/2017 3:40:35 PM

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 58 reads
34 / 43
Devin13 91 reads
35 / 43

Can assure you Master Zen is not getting kicked out of "Twatter" Aww, you are bothered by the term used for guys like you. That's cute 👍 I can also assure you, that he is NOTHING like you. 😀

Mommascomin 80 reads
36 / 43

why do you need to subscribe to some sort of menu to be able to receive a 10/10? Your'e forgetting a lot of guys can't do msog, or they don't care for CIM? why does a ladies menu have anything to do with how high a score she can receive? Shoulsn't she just be judged for what she does offer and how well she offers it?

rando_mn 64 reads
37 / 43

I personally would be happier with the current review scale if it was "+1 for multiple pops and +1 CIM" in place of +1 for DFK and +1 for BBBJ.

Oldtimemonger 75 reads
38 / 43

Posted By: Mommascomin
Re: but why give extra points for menu items at all?
why do you need to subscribe to some sort of menu to be able to receive a 10/10? Your'e forgetting a lot of guys can't do msog, or they don't care for CIM? why does a ladies menu have anything to do with how high a score she can receive? Shoulsn't she just be judged for what she does offer and how well she offers it?
The idea of TER reviews is to reward the ladies who do the most services. To change the review system would make it just as useless as all the other review boards out there.

If they don't like it let them delist.

Mommascomin 63 reads
39 / 43
impposter 49 Reviews 218 reads
40 / 43

The OP is about delisting but we've morphed a bit into the scoring system which gives me a chance to post, again, about using an X-out-of-Y scoring system. See some of my old posts, e.g.,  


It so easily distinguishes a 7-out-of-10 from a 7-out-of-7. And I have had some fantastic 7-out-of-7s!!
Posted By: Mommascomin
Re: but why give extra points for menu items at all?
why do you need to subscribe to some sort of menu to be able to receive a 10/10? Your'e forgetting a lot of guys can't do msog, or they don't care for CIM? why does a ladies menu have anything to do with how high a score she can receive? Shoulsn't she just be judged for what she does offer and how well she offers it?

Oldtimemonger 75 reads
41 / 43

The vast majority of tricks want a wide open menu. The proof is in the fact that the more GFE/PSE services the girl gives, the more money she can make.

This has been true for decades.

AnOfficerandaGentlemen 62 reads
42 / 43

I was merely suggesting additional ways for ladies to receive another +1.  All of these were intended to be additive and provide more options depending on clients wants and needs.  These were not intended to be exhaustive.  

JJLLRRKK1971 6 Reviews 66 reads
43 / 43

It always takes two tango. Who cares if a girl delist, I don't. That is their problem not mine. As I said on another post no reviews to see then you are not worth my time.

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