TER General Board

Wrong again. I've never cried to admin about your sorry ass.
JakeFromStateFarm 357 reads

Keep it up.  And I'll keep crapping on your stupid, time-wasting posts.

Do like to travel light? How many changes of clothes (a question especially aimed at providers). Do you like to travel with the "hidden" comforts of home? What are your suggestions as far as dealing with TSA? I'm a huge optimizer.  

So far I've gotten a big bottle of silicone lube and I'm thinking of pouring it into three spill-proof TSA-friendly containers but idk if TSA officers would raise an eyebrow haha.

Also because I'm trans and because of that whole issue with body scanning that DNC speaker (and since I changed my gender marker on my ID), and because I'm intending on flying from city to city soon -- I am not sure what to expect from TSA haha.  

Also: suitcases you swear by. Should you even bring a suitcase? Sometimes I feel like my huge work bag (a bag which can hold a 15" laptop, but holds my tablet and my professional camera) and my backpack full of clothes is sufficient. But then I can't acquire any clothes en route ...  

(I'm a big fan of efficient economizing and I like mixing farecompare airfares, uberpool, public transportation, megabus, Greyhound and Chinatown busses lol. It's those Asian efficiency genes in me... kaizen++)

A toothbrush and bottle of massage oil and I'm all set.

Posted By: stefaniesong
Do like to travel light? How many changes of clothes (a question especially aimed at providers). Do you like to travel with the "hidden" comforts of home? What are your suggestions as far as dealing with TSA? I'm a huge optimizer.  
 So far I've gotten a big bottle of silicone lube and I'm thinking of pouring it into three spill-proof TSA-friendly containers but idk if TSA officers would raise an eyebrow haha.  
 Also because I'm trans and because of that whole issue with body scanning that DNC speaker (and since I changed my gender marker on my ID), and because I'm intending on flying from city to city soon -- I am not sure what to expect from TSA haha.  
 Also: suitcases you swear by. Should you even bring a suitcase? Sometimes I feel like my huge work bag (a bag which can hold a 15" laptop, but holds my tablet and my professional camera) and my backpack full of clothes is sufficient. But then I can't acquire any clothes en route ...  
 (I'm a big fan of efficient economizing and I like mixing farecompare airfares, uberpool, public transportation, megabus, Greyhound and Chinatown busses lol. It's those Asian efficiency genes in me... kaizen++)
-- Modified on 9/5/2016 5:40:18 AM

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
maybe you should just STFU?
Thanks for having your head up my ass dude and talking shit.Take your own advice STF...Of course she going to pack heavy she working escort..Most People don't. pack like working escorts..Subject on how people packing for trips..LMAO

-- Modified on 9/5/2016 5:37:38 AM

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
I've seen your pix.
You are taking the time to take shit to me...U and others go cry to admin about me.LMAO....Thank you for favor....

-- Modified on 9/5/2016 6:20:15 AM

-- Modified on 9/5/2016 6:21:35 AM

JakeFromStateFarm358 reads

Keep it up.  And I'll keep crapping on your stupid, time-wasting posts.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Keep it up.  And I'll keep crapping on your stupid, time-wasting posts.
Stay on topic....

JakeFromStateFarm380 reads

You wouldn't know the definition of "topic" if it bit you on the ass.
viz. your inane, incorrect and unhelpful posts on the Newbie Board for which you've been chastised by many, including the host.  You also need to learn the definition of STFU.

I need way fewer clothes and they don't take up a whole lot of room.

Folding and rolling up clothing takes up less room.

Travel size containers for toiletries, oils, lubes, etc. is great.

Do keep in mind what other type of travel you may encounter...larger suitcases can be tricky on a packed subway or carrying up/down flights of stairs when you can't find an elevator/escalator.  

Another idea...mail some items suchs as toys, etc. to your destination.  If you want to make some purchases you can simply ship them back home. I've done this for both types of travel, domestic and international.  

-- Modified on 9/5/2016 4:15:31 PM

1) I suggest you get a pre clear status.  Look up on the TSA web site, the place nearest you to get this. it costs $25 (ir dud when I didi it.)  
You fill out a form about where you live and for how long etc.  then you are notified you should appear
You appear, they take your picture and finger prints.  
Then after a rather (at the time, I am not sure now) you get the clearance, a number and they notify your airlines.  
Then you do not wait in line, do not need to unpack your bag, do not need to take off your shoes etc.  Much more convenient.  

2) Travel style: If I am going to many places, a multipurpose trip, a long stay so that I need a lot of clothes, I FED EX all but the first day or two worth of clothing and my meds, computer, toothbrush which I carry I get to the hotel and things are waiting. I then Fed Ex used stuff back so the actual trip is always light.  A really long or very many site trip andI will FED EX to two ro three stops so again I do little carrying. The cost os not great. the convenience is priceless.


The fee is now $85.
Just got mine last week.  
It's good for five years.  
Interviews are done in baggage claim areas at participating airports.  
Once they assign your appointed time you can expedite the date by going to the assigned TSA office and waiting as a walk in.

Wow. It started at $10 and was good for 10 years.  ThaT WAS ABOUT 3  OR 4 YEARS AGO

You are welcome.  
Took me by surprise as well.
I'm a two million miler on Delta so they always give me the pre check line.  
But I'm wanting to use up miles on American and United so decided to bite the bullet.  
TSA must need the revenue as they push the program very hard.

Since you're in NY, NEXUS might be a superior program for you. It's cheaper ($50), and it grants Global Entry and PreCheck as well. Pay less, get more!

-- Modified on 9/5/2016 12:48:34 PM

wrps07230 reads

One time when I checked my luggage in the bag it was overweight by 2 lbs. It has all my bondage equipment in it. Luckily I was able to take a few towels to get it down the 49 lbs. When I got to the hotel destination there were multiple TSA tags in the bag. I am sure they got a laugh with all the sex toys and restraining equipment in the bag.  

I always put my lube in multiple plastic bags so it won't spill out over the place.

GaGambler208 reads

but I haven't checked bags in about twenty years now. I carry a gym type bag into which I can cram about a weeks worth of clothes, in a "non frigid" environment of course. If I plan on staying any longer I will either wash my clothes or buy new clothes, but I absolutely refuse to check my bags when I travel.

I often travel on small commuter jets with limited overhead storage, because of this I only carry "soft" luggage that can be forced into the overheard. I also carry a briefcase/computerbag. That is as much luggage as I will travel with, whether I am going for a weekend or a month, that's it.

or waiting around at an airline luggage office while they try to find what they did with your bag.

Supposedly true story:  When a passenger went to the luggage office to complain about a missing bag, the first question they were asked was:  Has your flight arrived yet

Posted By: stefaniesong
Do like to travel light? How many changes of clothes (a question especially aimed at providers). Do you like to travel with the "hidden" comforts of home? What are your suggestions as far as dealing with TSA? I'm a huge optimizer.  
 So far I've gotten a big bottle of silicone lube and I'm thinking of pouring it into three spill-proof TSA-friendly containers but idk if TSA officers would raise an eyebrow haha.  
 Also because I'm trans and because of that whole issue with body scanning that DNC speaker (and since I changed my gender marker on my ID), and because I'm intending on flying from city to city soon -- I am not sure what to expect from TSA haha.  
 Also: suitcases you swear by. Should you even bring a suitcase? Sometimes I feel like my huge work bag (a bag which can hold a 15" laptop, but holds my tablet and my professional camera) and my backpack full of clothes is sufficient. But then I can't acquire any clothes en route ...  
 (I'm a big fan of efficient economizing and I like mixing farecompare airfares, uberpool, public transportation, megabus, Greyhound and Chinatown busses lol. It's those Asian efficiency genes in me... kaizen++)

FEDEX is cheaper than the scalping the airlines give you.  And you don't have a lot of stuff to carry.  (I have no stock in the company.)

since that trip I have traveled as light as possible...and every freaking time I have left one or several things behind...I hate paying $20 for a razor in the hotel lobby :(

You have to be ready for the guy that wants you to put a bowling ball up his ass.

Wow, that is a LOT of suitcase!  You need a butler or something to travel with you and carry that around.

When I got home I had to leave it at the bottom and wait for someone to come help me. 🙁

Yeah, I was gonna say it should be hard to get up the stairs, not down. Haha, I have an image in my head of you screaming "headache!!"  and dumping it over the handrail for getting it down.

I'm sure you'd have no trouble finding guys EAGER to help you out with that.

I just take what I need. No need to check in bags and saves lots of time. You just go straight to TSA. Most times when I pack, I still end up being over packed. I tour a lot so I've learned how to pack efficiently. There's still room for improvement.

Depends on the length of my trip.  For trips up to 3 days, a carryon suitcase and a small travel bag for my PC and accessaries are usually enough.  For longer trips, I have a 25" check-in suitcase that I try to keep under 40 lbs when packing.  I also bring a medium size backpack as a carryon.  If I'm on a long trip and I run out of clean clothes, I can always do laundry or buy some new clothes, so I try not to overpack.  

I also avoid check-in baggage fees by flying Southwest whenever possible.  Since I'm registered with the TSA PreCheck, getting through security is easier too.

I've made a habit of traveling with nothing more than a standard carry-on + a small backpack that'll fit under the seat - if you're careful with how you pair up your clothing (mix and match items are a godsend) and limit how many shoes you haul along it's fairly easy to keep the laptop, hygiene kit and toys in the backpack and reserve the suitcase for clothes and whatever you might want to haul back.

If you're going somewhere with a consistent climate it's fairly easy to live out of such a suitcase for an extended period - I've stayed 2 weeks overseas and toured out of a single carry-on for an entire month - just pare your items down to the essentials and (worst case scenario) you can always do laundry on the road.

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