TER General Board

timenow2002 36 Reviews 3541 reads
1 / 75

So she says she knows who the father is. I have not done BBFS ever and no accidents. She seemed more stressed with not being able to bring herself to terminate while also not really wanting a baby now.  

Whatever else could be said about this, I'm selfish and mad that my At TheMoment Favorite is going to be on the disabled list for 7 months or so. I've had a very hard time finding a good, reliable, regular provider. Local girls have been terrible. There are hardly any to speak of and they misrepresent themselves in their pics. Well reviewed providers that I have seen before have been flaky and unreliable. I feel like I found the bomb. She is my type appearance-wise. The service is great. She has been able to meet with me when I want. I have even been able to do BBBJ, DATY, Greek, and light S&M with her. She is on the down low. She has changed her pro name like 4 times and does almost exclusively outcall. All that is going to be on hold though. Even if she does decide to provide again once she has the baby, her body is never going to be the same. So now the search begins for a new girl. WAH!

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1059 reads
2 / 75

That is deep...
Yes. You are a total piece of shit for being pissed about the fact she will be out for a while.
Wow.. I'm flabbergasted at your reaction.

Guess you are gonna have to find a new mistress... And. Um..
Get help...

Fridays117 27 Reviews 966 reads
3 / 75

What a selfish post.  

Hell, I don't even know this gal and I feel more bad for her plight than yours.  She's gonna have a kid.  She's gonna have to support it and herself, be out of commission at her chosen profession, maybe even for good, and all you are thinking about is your poor pickings?  Get a life dude.

uri410 15 Reviews 1215 reads
4 / 75

LMFAO  Johns judging another John.  hahahahaha that's rich.  Wow.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 954 reads
5 / 75

Your personal blog, I guess..  

Is there a question in there for us to answer? A concern, at least, to address?

Fridays117 27 Reviews 904 reads
6 / 75

At the risk of being labeled mangina of the month, I don't think you have to be heartless to be a client.  Its a business transaction, yes, but it is performed with someone who is a living breathing being.  Empathy for other humans is what separates us from psychopaths.  Not saying he should be all broken up over the gals problems, shes not his girlfriend or wife, but to callously bemoan his own "plight" when hers is much more life changing smacks of selfishness.

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1358 reads
8 / 75

Im sorry lady. When you have a kid?
Forget it.. Good lord. Help us.

Dr Who revived 884 reads
9 / 75
Skyfyre 1277 reads
10 / 75

Au contraire I sympathize more with HIS plight than her. For ALL the single mothers out there you make your own bed don't blame it on anybody else. NOBODY put a gun to your head and force you to carry your pregnancy to term. Whether it was by accident or by being victim of deceit the woman is under NO OBLIGATION to give birth to another human being she's going to have a hard time caring for and giving it the best possible upbringing.

It only takes a few minutes out of day to get rid of her problem and going back to like nothing ever happen AND start making money living the good life again -all WITHOUT the bleak economic future that accompanies a child

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1315 reads
11 / 75

not much to say in response to this.
"I'm selfish" - says it all, and this is about as epically selfish as it gets...

JohnyComeAlready 944 reads
12 / 75

She isn't ever having any kids, and she could probably call you a few names while you're at it

Dr Who revived 1099 reads
13 / 75

How is this dude any more selfish than a guy seeing some gal for a while and she gets fat (I guess curvy is the PC of this on TER).  He wants to see a gal that fits his ideal of what he is willing to pay for...not some gal who gets knocked up.  Although there are plenty of guys who would pay to fuck a preggo....and plenty pay to fuck fatty's here.

Sorry...but if this gal decided to have a kid...that's her prerogative.  It's also his to find one that isn't preggo and pay her instead.

We're all "selfish" when it comes to this world.
Posted By: Jstgttnstrtd
not much to say in response to this.  
 "I'm selfish" - says it all, and this is about as epically selfish as it gets...

JohnyComeAlready 880 reads
14 / 75

I was!

Posted By: Skyfyre
Au contraire I sympathize more with HIS plight than her. For ALL the single mothers out there you make your own bed don't blame it on anybody else. NOBODY put a gun to your head and force you to carry your pregnancy to term. Whether it was by accident or by being victim of deceit the woman is under NO OBLIGATION to give birth to another human being she's going to have a hard time caring for and giving it the best possible upbringing.  
 It only takes a few minutes out of day to get rid of her problem and going back to like nothing ever happen AND start making money living the good life again -all WITHOUT the bleak economic future that accompanies a child.  

Fridays117 27 Reviews 1121 reads
15 / 75

Where we use people to satisfy our lust and give them money in exchange.  Yes.  The guy obviously lives in an area that has slim pickings.  The guy obviously is not attracted to MILFs.  What part of that takes away from his ability to act decently.  Despite the fact that we are "in this world" it is blatantly uncouth to act like a selfish dick.  The TER community is made of of men and women who need to treat each other with a modicum of respect if they ever intend to meet each other and have fun or make money.  Unless you are into some kind of kinky insult/disrespect fetish (which should be agreed upon before a session) this kind of callousness towards others just seems ugly to me.  Sorry if others disagree.  Yes he is free to move on.  Posting about it is simply dumb.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 921 reads
16 / 75

but rather at least express the smallest empathy for her and move on gracefully.
Sure these ladies are providing a "service" and this is P4P, but quite frankly, when they have larger issues like this that they are dealing with, I wouldn't give a fuck about some lost opportunity to have sex.  But does this really even need to be said??  Isn't this taught in "Being a Human 101"?

Dr Who revived 1127 reads
17 / 75

I had to re-read his OP....here is it again for you to re-read

Posted By: PhilQ
So she says she knows who the father is. I have not done BBFS ever and no accidents. She seemed more stressed with not being able to bring herself to terminate while also not really wanting a baby now.  
 Whatever else could be said about this, I'm selfish and mad that my At TheMoment Favorite is going to be on the disabled list for 7 months or so. I've had a very hard time finding a good, reliable, regular provider. Local girls have been terrible. There are hardly any to speak of and they misrepresent themselves in their pics. Well reviewed providers that I have seen before have been flaky and unreliable. I feel like I found the bomb. She is my type appearance-wise. The service is great. She has been able to meet with me when I want. I have even been able to do BBBJ, DATY, Greek, and light S&M with her. She is on the down low. She has changed her pro name like 4 times and does almost exclusively outcall. All that is going to be on hold though. Even if she does decide to provide again once she has the baby, her body is never going to be the same. So now the search begins for a new girl. WAH!
Seems all he's doing is venting that his gal pal is no longer a gal he will see.  That's his choice for whatever his reasons are.  No different than if he wants to see a tall one, then a short one, a skinny one, and a fat one.  He is being particular in what he wants to see and pay for....isn't that what P4P is all about?

Shit...I just read a thread on the Chicago board from some gal bitching about some dude who she claimed has gingivitis.  And called the dude out by his handle.  You want to talk about "disrespecting" someone on a board?

All this OP is doing is lamenting the passing of his ATF on to MommyWorld...and he isn't interested (I don't think) in being part of it.  

I hope he finds another ATF soon...I'm sure he will  LOL
Posted By: Fridays117
Where we use people to satisfy our lust and give them money in exchange.  Yes.  The guy obviously lives in an area that has slim pickings.  The guy obviously is not attracted to MILFs.  What part of that takes away from his ability to act decently.  Despite the fact that we are "in this world" it is blatantly uncouth to act like a selfish dick.  The TER community is made of of men and women who need to treat each other with a modicum of respect if they ever intend to meet each other and have fun or make money.  Unless you are into some kind of kinky insult/disrespect fetish (which should be agreed upon before a session) this kind of callousness towards others just seems ugly to me.  Sorry if others disagree.  Yes he is free to move on.  Posting about it is simply dumb.

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 819 reads
18 / 75

I have to draw a line when a third party becomes involved before even being born.
You may see being pregnant as just a change in body type. But there is much more to it than that.
Take a few too many pucks to the noggin have we

Dr Who revived 828 reads
19 / 75

Maybe Mommy and Daddy haven't had the heart to tell you the truth?

Dr Who revived 950 reads
20 / 75

Where he is expressing anything other than "time to move on".

Why anyone who is fucking a gal for an hour or two here or there would think twice about a life decision that is solely hers.  I doubt she called him prior to having BBFS with some dude asking his permission to play Baby roulette.  Think she ever conveyed to this john (or any of the others) that she is going BBFS?  Not likely...well, maybe she is going BBFS with all of them?  Although the OP stated he didn't.

And why not post his "loss" on this board?  That's a better topic than "dick size"...or more "gangsta rap" bullshit.

If you or any john wants to take on more responsibility for what some random gal that you've known for an hour...go for it.

Don't confuse paying for sex and wanting to pay for it with someone else as being an asswipe.  That's the first lesson in "Being a John 101".  Paying her for her time (aka sex) is "Being a Human 101" Chapter 6....right after "How to properly wipe your ass".
Posted By: Jstgttnstrtd
but rather at least express the smallest empathy for her and move on gracefully.  
 Sure these ladies are providing a "service" and this is P4P, but quite frankly, when they have larger issues like this that they are dealing with, I wouldn't give a fuck about some lost opportunity to have sex.  But does this really even need to be said??  Isn't this taught in "Being a Human 101"?

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 850 reads
21 / 75

Look closely at the emoticon.... He has to take a shit.
But he can't because she will obviously bitch him out for it.
Thus.. ;(  
Thats how I look when I gotta shit..
Just sayin'

Fridays117 27 Reviews 1155 reads
22 / 75

By bemoaning his own "loss" of her services due to a situation that involves her own personal reasons.  Whether its pregnancy or she just wants to retire, get over it dude.  There are other fish in the sea.  By bemoaning and bitching about her he is disrespecting her choices and situation.  To be a decent man, sometime you just have to shut up and move on.

hotplants 1132 reads
23 / 75

Her choosing to have a baby, which will put her on the disabled list for 7 months or so, is SOOO unfair. Not to mention her body is never going to be the same. I mean...who could possibly fuck a woman who has given birth to a child?  


Ya know Phil...when providers say it's "all about you"? This is not one of those times.  

WAH! I don't know if this rant made you feel better. But it sure did make you look like a DB

JohnyComeAlready 944 reads
24 / 75

Doubt that very much... I pride myself on being an accident.

BigBrucey 9 Reviews 758 reads
26 / 75

You could have cut your post down to 5 words.  Whoever this girl is, she's better off without you, your money, or your attitude.

Posted By: PhilQ
I'm selfish and mad  WAH!

inicky46 61 Reviews 1032 reads
27 / 75

You know what they say: "Spare the rod and spoil the child."

JohnyComeAlready 1055 reads
28 / 75

I thought it was Rooster Cogburn.

JohnyComeAlready 1182 reads
29 / 75

I was conceived in a tavern restroom.

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1143 reads
30 / 75

Actually. Thats me 10 years from now...

JohnyComeAlready 1037 reads
31 / 75
Fridays117 27 Reviews 1209 reads
32 / 75
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1306 reads
33 / 75
Dr Who revived 1222 reads
34 / 75

Why have you written any reviews?

You memorialized encounters there, not unlike what the OP did with his thread.

And I took it quite clearly HE is moving on.  Did you not read it that way?
Posted By: Fridays117
By bemoaning his own "loss" of her services due to a situation that involves her own personal reasons.  Whether its pregnancy or she just wants to retire, get over it dude.  There are other fish in the sea.  By bemoaning and bitching about her he is disrespecting her choices and situation.  To be a decent man, sometime you just have to shut up and move on.

JohnyComeAlready 710 reads
35 / 75

I'm talking post pregnancy women look sexy when they gain weight around their hips, ass, and thighs.  

Different can be a good thing.

lordchesterfield 2 Reviews 867 reads
36 / 75

It's a good thing that it's all about you PhilQ.....

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 1095 reads
37 / 75

then why did he feel the need to go out of his way to tell HER story here?
Again, like I said, it's not about anyone taking on responsibility for her, so I'm not sure why you repeated that again.
It's about not being a dick.

inicky46 61 Reviews 783 reads
38 / 75

Your daddy jerked off into a cup.  All your momma got was a turkey baster up her twat.  No rod was employed.  Small wonder the child was spoiled.
Your Da

inicky46 61 Reviews 994 reads
39 / 75
Dr Who revived 838 reads
40 / 75

You can see in the JLS pics that she's an older gal.  Check her neck and hands.  

I suppose she can think she compares to a 20 something...but unless one is into older women it's just not so.

Fortunately lots of dudes in her area seem to prefer the older gals.

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 901 reads
41 / 75

If he were moving on, he would not be lamenting.


And don't blast HER story. Period.

Whether ya'll think it's Hobby 101 or whatever coy phrase ya'll used,  
We are all still human, we are all still on Earth, there are certain lines that shouldn't be crossed.

If some dude got up here, whining about how his hooker got fat, ya'll would roast him.
But this case, nah, it's her stupidity, right?
What does he have to do with her or the bun in the oven? Nothing you say?
Then let it be so.

JohnyComeAlready 1207 reads
42 / 75

After dad saw me in the delivery room... he went out for a smoke.

StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 1036 reads
43 / 75

Make your own bed
Force you to carry to term
No obligation to give birth
Get rid of the problemso she can go BACK to living the good life again
Bleak economic future

You make it sound like motherhood is a curse and that abortion is the normal way of things. That line of thinking by society makes us lose our humanity.
Posted By: Skyfyre
Au contraire I sympathize more with HIS plight than her. For ALL the single mothers out there you make your own bed don't blame it on anybody else. NOBODY put a gun to your head and force you to carry your pregnancy to term. Whether it was by accident or by being victim of deceit the woman is under NO OBLIGATION to give birth to another human being she's going to have a hard time caring for and giving it the best possible upbringing.  
 It only takes a few minutes out of day to get rid of her problem and going back to like nothing ever happen AND start making money living the good life again -all WITHOUT the bleak economic future that accompanies a child.  

StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 804 reads
44 / 75

I felt similarly when one of my favorite regulars lost his job. I mean, why couldn't he have worked harder so as to not get fired so he could continue seeing me? Waaaaaahhhhh! Why didn't he just choose a more stable career, so he could continue to pay me?? Do you know how hard it is to find perfect regulars? He should just get several jobs in retail and fast food, so that he can continue to pay me. Nevermind that he might lose his house. He can't afford to pay me, and so I'm going to bitch about it on TER to gain sympathy for MY side, since this is about me and my money.

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 1114 reads
45 / 75

I sympathize more with YOUR plight than his. For ALL the currently unemployed out there, you make your own bed don't blame it on anybody else. NOBODY put a gun to your head and forced you to chose that line of work or that job you apparently couldn't sustain. Whether it was by accident or by being victim of deceit, no man is under OBLIGATION to be gainfully employed and rolling in the pussy...  Getting in the zone, finding, scoring.... You John's are going to have a hard time hobbying and doing extras with all these poor choices...
It only takes a few minutes out of day to apply yourself, like the man you are, get back on your feet, and going back to business like nothing ever happen AND start making money, living the good life again -all WITHOUT the bleak economic future, loss of fun, and loss of hobbying that accompanies unemployment.

Define: facetious Define: Satire
Posted By: StinaValentine
I felt similarly when one of my favorite regulars lost his job. I mean, why couldn't he have worked harder so as to not get fired so he could continue seeing me? Waaaaaahhhhh! Why didn't he just choose a more stable career, so he could continue to pay me?? Do you know how hard it is to find perfect regulars? He should just get several jobs in retail and fast food, so that he can continue to pay me. Nevermind that he might lose his house. He can't afford to pay me, and so I'm going to bitch about it on TER to gain sympathy for MY side, since this is about me and my money.

RealRockStar 879 reads
46 / 75

Enjoy her special gift when she has milk.  I would take a women who can produce milk over one with tighter abs.  Coach her to market it.   She will make lots of money

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 925 reads
47 / 75

She does have a decent body for someone who has given birth to 2 kids..Some guys who like older gals might even think that's HOT, and I am OK with that.. I really never checked out her pics to any length to see if she users Aldo or not.. Like I said, I was just picking on her..

That being said, I still find the statement that she can go mano a mano with any 20 yr old a little over the top, but that's what marketing oneself is all about..

IanMcKee73 84 Reviews 996 reads
48 / 75

And can carry on a smart intelligent conversation!

Leon3798 52 Reviews 667 reads
49 / 75

WoW, Im not one to be overly personal on a board, but dude, you're kind of a D1CK.  Your provider gets pregnant, is stressed about abortion and pregnancy in general, is about to have her life changed forever and you're worried about your sexual escapades with her?!?!  You sir are a Douche-bag.  Nuff said.

Posted By: PhilQ
So she says she knows who the father is. I have not done BBFS ever and no accidents. She seemed more stressed with not being able to bring herself to terminate while also not really wanting a baby now.  
 Whatever else could be said about this, I'm selfish and mad that my At TheMoment Favorite is going to be on the disabled list for 7 months or so. I've had a very hard time finding a good, reliable, regular provider. Local girls have been terrible. There are hardly any to speak of and they misrepresent themselves in their pics. Well reviewed providers that I have seen before have been flaky and unreliable. I feel like I found the bomb. She is my type appearance-wise. The service is great. She has been able to meet with me when I want. I have even been able to do BBBJ, DATY, Greek, and light S&M with her. She is on the down low. She has changed her pro name like 4 times and does almost exclusively outcall. All that is going to be on hold though. Even if she does decide to provide again once she has the baby, her body is never going to be the same. So now the search begins for a new girl. WAH!

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 732 reads
50 / 75

Posted By: Leon3798
WoW, Im not one to be overly personal on a board, but dude, you're kind of a D1CK.  Your provider gets pregnant, is stressed about abortion and pregnancy in general, is about to have her life changed forever and you're worried about your sexual escapades with her?!?!  You sir are a Douche-bag.  Nuff said.  
Posted By: PhilQ
So she says she knows who the father is. I have not done BBFS ever and no accidents. She seemed more stressed with not being able to bring herself to terminate while also not really wanting a baby now.    
  Whatever else could be said about this, I'm selfish and mad that my At TheMoment Favorite is going to be on the disabled list for 7 months or so. I've had a very hard time finding a good, reliable, regular provider. Local girls have been terrible. There are hardly any to speak of and they misrepresent themselves in their pics. Well reviewed providers that I have seen before have been flaky and unreliable. I feel like I found the bomb. She is my type appearance-wise. The service is great. She has been able to meet with me when I want. I have even been able to do BBBJ, DATY, Greek, and light S&M with her. She is on the down low. She has changed her pro name like 4 times and does almost exclusively outcall. All that is going to be on hold though. Even if she does decide to provide again once she has the baby, her body is never going to be the same. So now the search begins for a new girl. WAH!

Epsilon_Eridani 935 reads
51 / 75

at this point, you made it clear that you are indeed selfish. good luck in life with that attitude.

how about being smart for once and try to act somewhat civilized?  
maybe you'll have better success in life doing that.
Posted By: PhilQ
So she says she knows who the father is. I have not done BBFS ever and no accidents. She seemed more stressed with not being able to bring herself to terminate while also not really wanting a baby now.  
 Whatever else could be said about this, I'm selfish and mad that my At TheMoment Favorite is going to be on the disabled list for 7 months or so. I've had a very hard time finding a good, reliable, regular provider. Local girls have been terrible. There are hardly any to speak of and they misrepresent themselves in their pics. Well reviewed providers that I have seen before have been flaky and unreliable. I feel like I found the bomb. She is my type appearance-wise. The service is great. She has been able to meet with me when I want. I have even been able to do BBBJ, DATY, Greek, and light S&M with her. She is on the down low. She has changed her pro name like 4 times and does almost exclusively outcall. All that is going to be on hold though. Even if she does decide to provide again once she has the baby, her body is never going to be the same. So now the search begins for a new girl. WAH!

oldted 16 Reviews 741 reads
53 / 75
MasterZen 33 Reviews 807 reads
54 / 75

that you find a dude to fuck. No worries about your favorite getting pregnant, no worries about stretch marks after the birth.  

Just a suggestion... no need to thank me

Leon3798 52 Reviews 630 reads
55 / 75
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 801 reads
56 / 75

It was a jab at the OP for saying something negative about the bodies of women who have had children being less than they were before.

There are many ladies who look FAB after getting their pre baby body back.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 10/7/2014 10:41:17 AM

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1214 reads
57 / 75
Leon3798 52 Reviews 1165 reads
58 / 75

But you dont understand!  All these women with their pictures!!!!  I cant stop!  To hell with the rent!!!  I cant believe she couldnt lower her rate once...........WTF!  :-D

Posted By: FoxyNC
I sympathize more with YOUR plight than his. For ALL the currently unemployed out there, you make your own bed don't blame it on anybody else. NOBODY put a gun to your head and forced you to chose that line of work or that job you apparently couldn't sustain. Whether it was by accident or by being victim of deceit, no man is under OBLIGATION to be gainfully employed and rolling in the pussy...  Getting in the zone, finding, scoring.... You John's are going to have a hard time hobbying and doing extras with all these poor choices...  
 It only takes a few minutes out of day to apply yourself, like the man you are, get back on your feet, and going back to business like nothing ever happen AND start making money, living the good life again -all WITHOUT the bleak economic future, loss of fun, and loss of hobbying that accompanies unemployment.  
 Define: facetious Define: Satire  
Posted By: StinaValentine
I felt similarly when one of my favorite regulars lost his job. I mean, why couldn't he have worked harder so as to not get fired so he could continue seeing me? Waaaaaahhhhh! Why didn't he just choose a more stable career, so he could continue to pay me?? Do you know how hard it is to find perfect regulars? He should just get several jobs in retail and fast food, so that he can continue to pay me. Nevermind that he might lose his house. He can't afford to pay me, and so I'm going to bitch about it on TER to gain sympathy for MY side, since this is about me and my money.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1097 reads
60 / 75

It was the part about her body not being as good post baby. PLENTY of women get their rockin bods back! Celebrities and "regular" women as well!

Steph xoxo

hbyist+truth=;( 926 reads
61 / 75

If a john gets sick and can't see me I do  "go there", that place that says "shit, that source of cash is out"...then I might think..poor guy, but in reality I think about the cash first. So I am as selfish as the OP but this is P$P and another one knocks on the door.

hbyist+truth=;( 1166 reads
62 / 75

It seems she doesn't even really want the baby. This country/world does not need more unwanted kids.

hbyist+truth=;( 676 reads
63 / 75

In this case I could not agree more!

hbyist+truth=;( 823 reads
64 / 75

Of not really wanting this baby...re-read the OP's post and you will find it there.

hbyist+truth=;( 1052 reads
65 / 75

I see one guy that has them all over...not pretty but he pays well.

spikedUp 25 Reviews 1782 reads
66 / 75

I have stretchmarks on my back from when I was 12 and grew 5 inches in like 4 months.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 812 reads
67 / 75

Best answer yet!!!

Steph xoxo

hbyist+truth=;( 966 reads
68 / 75

And smell. If some trick turned up with rot mouth, yeah no kissing and I suddenly have a headache.  
The gums are red and angry looking and puffy and the slightest touch can make them bleed. It is the quintessential indicator of bad oral health.

And the trick that had the stink mouth, go see a dentist and get that shit cleaned up and don;t expect a hooker to suck face with you like that...that is revolting.

Skyfyre 836 reads
69 / 75

Motherhood can be a curse OR it can be a blessing. It is a blessing when the kid is born in a happy, stable, healthy environment with two parents fully capable of raising him/her in an economically adequate and responsible manner. In short, the baby should be given a more than good chance to grow up to be a healthy and productive member of society.

Anything less IS a curse: curse to the mother, curse to the kid, curse to society...

Skyfyre 1003 reads
70 / 75

Wrong, wrong and wrong on all accounts. The guy does NOT have a choice what kind of job he is given, or his hard work will bring reward, or how to tell his boss what to do... OTH a woman ALWAYS have a choice to be pregnant, when and where up to what to do if she changes her mind later.

Hard to imagine the logic behind the people who "liked" this defective analogy!

LoboGris 3 Reviews 710 reads
71 / 75

with a 20 year old... why doubt?? She didn't say where she'd find the 20 year old...

..... you been to Walmart lately ? I'll take any OHB here any day of the week and twice on Sunday over the denizens of Wally Werld... (please note: I left out the "F" in Gambler's fav acronym)

LoboGris 3 Reviews 917 reads
72 / 75

if there is anyone on this board that knows nothing about not being a dick, it's our friend DrWhy..

LoboGris 3 Reviews 762 reads
73 / 75

ou never quit a job because your boss was an asshole ? It's not your fault you took that BA in basket weaving because a S.TE.M. degree required too much study time.. A guy does NOT have choices ? What fuckin' color are the skies in your world ?

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 1125 reads
74 / 75

Posted By: MasterZen
that you find a dude to fuck. No worries about your favorite getting pregnant, no worries about stretch marks after the birth.  
 Just a suggestion... no need to thank me.  

npectum 3 Reviews 978 reads
75 / 75

I think MatureGFE was trying to take jabs at the OP for being so heartless.
And yes you do have an awesome body.

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