TER General Board

Wow...you are gorgeous
ragnar27 608 reads

I just looked at your site and was blown away.

Even with your face blurred I can tell that you're just gorgeous.  I much prefer the women here to be discrete like you and not show their faces.  I know I feel better that if I met you the front desk would have less interest in trying to match up your online pics.

You really do care more about your clientele than others....thanks.

ragnar271487 reads

I thought that the different screening services were supposed to make this an easier way to screen.  But some are stating that unless they give up all kinds of personal info they consider these screening services worthless.

I know of course it's up to each of us to use our own methods.  But why are any women trusting these blacklist services anymore?  I've seen what goes on there, and anyone can post anything for any reason.

I'll just stick to the women who have a modicum of common sense.

thotlover798 reads

Why would you post this after the nauseatingly long thread on this same subject earlier today? Did you even bother to read it?

My sentiments exactly ; ) Mwah!

Posted By: thotlover
Why would you post this after the nauseatingly long thread on this same subject earlier today? Did you even bother to read it?

WORD! I won't even dignify him with my superior response ; )

Posted By: Senator.Blutarsky

These are things I personally have known in my heart, but couldn't put my finger on the "why's" of my screening method beyond reasons of danger. Thumbing through past discussions, these things seem to be coming up all over the regional boards over time, and I think people aren't getting the main point of screening. Everyone wants different things.

It's really helped viewing this as a dating profile, as opposed to more money money money. Though money is obviously the #1 reason I'm here, I am realizing guys come back if I'm actually enjoying them.

Hey, who says we can't leave benefiting from the phrase, "The scent of her presence follows you, but she won't." Those memories we promise to the guys can sometimes filter into memories they never promised us... but accidentally gave.

Wow that was sappy haha.

In all reality, looking at the way everyone else is doing it isn't the answer. It's just like dating - if we match on what makes both of us feel good, comfortable, and ready for a good time, great! If not, find someone who matches you better. Quite honestly, I think the whole screening argument is part of the screening. Is this guy (or this girl) going to make me feel good? If not, just find someone else. No problem, everything is going to be ok! lol. If you dwell on the "he or she didn't do what I said," you have control issues and are going to drive yourself nuts if you try to get everyone to abide by "your way". It's just not going to happen. So find the ones who do.

Some ladies absolutely have to have full info beyond profiles (like me) - I have the "why's" in the section "I guess you don't need my funds!"

I'm not sure if this was on exact topic, but I think providing a little bit into one lady's core reasoning may help?

-- Modified on 9/2/2015 3:55:55 PM

ragnar27559 reads

Well said by you.

You should consider offering your insights to some of the other women who really seem conflicted in this world.

I can't imagine anyone not having a good time with you.

The whole point is that I just don't want to compare myself to others - not to put anyone down, especially the ladies. It is very easy to get frustrated, because it's not only the ladies who are throwing comments around like "it should be done this way or that way" or "I don't like how you think or screen people before they put their dick into your vagina and ride you naked for an hour or more alone in a room where nobody knows what you're doing".

Everyone has to feel comfortable - even you. And I'm not going to lie, it can be very tempting to lash out on someone who disagrees. Just watch CNN and Fox news - even the people running for president like to argue.

But that's the great thing about having thousands of choices in women now that the market is very inflated. You don't even have to care what anyone thinks, or how anyone screens. And no one has to even prove a point. They can just move on to the ten other ladies  here with different time minimums, screening processes, rates, personalities, and comfort levels/services/type of guys they like to see - who look exactly the same with very similar scores in reviews.

So---yeah. I am not getting in the middle or taking sides, I'm just having my fun. :D

(Quite honestly, the thread you mentioned - I read a little bit of it, but it gave me a headache. None of it really even matters lol. Sorry hahaha, hugs)

Posted By: Courtney.Ova

 But that's the great thing about having thousands of choices in women now that the market is very inflated. You don't even have to care what anyone thinks, or how anyone screens. And no one has to even prove a point. They can just move on to the ten other ladies  here with different time minimums, screening processes, rates, personalities, and comfort levels/services/type of guys they like to see - who look exactly the same with very similar scores in reviews.  
I fully agree. It only pisses me off when somebody says "If you don't follow my screening methods, you won't see the top shelf girls."

Awww - so does that mean you won't see me?! Whaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Posted By: Courtney.Ova
  But that's the great thing about having thousands of choices in women now that the market is very inflated. You don't even have to care what anyone thinks, or how anyone screens. And no one has to even prove a point. They can just move on to the ten other ladies  here with different time minimums, screening processes, rates, personalities, and comfort levels/services/type of guys they like to see - who look exactly the same with very similar scores in reviews.  
 I fully agree. It only pisses me off when somebody says "If you don't follow my screening methods, you won't see the top shelf girls."
-- Modified on 9/2/2015 7:26:04 PM

ragnar27609 reads

I just looked at your site and was blown away.

Even with your face blurred I can tell that you're just gorgeous.  I much prefer the women here to be discrete like you and not show their faces.  I know I feel better that if I met you the front desk would have less interest in trying to match up your online pics.

You really do care more about your clientele than others....thanks.

GaGambler512 reads

The part about calling him a suck up that is. I am pretty damn sure I don't make him horny, but I wonder if Alex does?

got the hots for Alex. Can he be screened though?

He can't : ( I don't just see anybody, you know that ; )

Posted By: USGrantlover
got the hots for Alex. Can he be screened though?

ragnar27485 reads

It would put you in a new tax bracket I would bet.  You do know what tax brackets are?

Did you ask your BF/SO to research asset forfeiture yet?  It may not be necessary if you guys don't have any assets.  But even if all you have is a beater of a car that can be seized.

Please play smart.  Not like you've been doing

Well of course I do or he wouldn't so desperately attempt to involve me in the conversation...must make him piss in his pants I've been doing this for almost 2 years, pretty face out and all ; )

Posted By: GaGambler
The part about calling him a suck up that is. I am pretty damn sure I don't make him horny, but I wonder if Alex does?

how is Gizzy???

Posted By: ragnar27
I just looked at your site and was blown away.  
 Even with your face blurred I can tell that you're just gorgeous.  I much prefer the women here to be discrete like you and not show their faces.  I know I feel better that if I met you the front desk would have less interest in trying to match up your online pics.  
 You really do care more about your clientele than others....thanks.

To say that a lady lowers her screening only because she's looking at money is just wrong.

I'm not lowering my screening, I'm doing *my* screening.

If I was doing it for the money, I would see the guys who easily give up info but then mention that they are on a budget that can only afford less than 300/hr.  

It's all about comfort zone. I have mine, you (everyone, no one in particular) has theirs.
Just like priorities in life.
They all make sense to us because they are ours.

A lot of ladies can tell by the first or second email if they're going to like someone or not - that doesn't mean they're lowering their screening just for money. In my case, it would be. And the pressures to do so are very very high. You wouldn't believe the conversations I've had where I've been encouraged to lower rates to get more money, and to lower my screening. I've tried it, and I hated it. But that's because I am me. Everyone likes different things, and everyone can handle different things. I have to be very careful. Not because of what I have to lose in the physical, but because I am a very impressionable person, and I feel very strongly/pick up signals that I can get hurt or influenced by.

I know myself way better than I know anyone else, and that's who I personally have to look out for. I also don't trust other women with my complete safety and finances, so the referral system to me is only confirmation of what I've already picked up from the guy after gut instinct and my screening process. Nothing more, nothing less. It's just how I work.

Some ladies don't get as easily affected by guys and how they feel/think. They also have different goals. I'm hoping to find a handful of guys who I can count on, and also have serious passionate time with them. This is the only place I'm doing the deed, so yeah I have to have that haha.

But I'm not going to judge someone else because they don't need a guy's full real name. If that's what they're comfortable with, go for it. If a girl needs the white envelope, awesome. It's all legalism to me to streamline something in to "one certain way" randomly, then judge others' personal standards based on what I decided was best to do. If I wanted to do that, I'd go start a religious movement called "Courtneyanity". LOL LOL

And - you and other ladies who have screened are still here and happy after how much time? Yeah, you're doing great if you're still in tact. Same with me :D. That's the goal.



Posted By: Alyssa Marie
To say that a lady lowers her screening only because she's looking at money is just wrong.  
 I'm not lowering my screening, I'm doing *my* screening.  

But Raggy has a problem with the fact that you LIE and say you're name is Courtney Ova ; )

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
A lot of ladies can tell by the first or second email if they're going to like someone or not - that doesn't mean they're lowering their screening just for money. In my case, it would be. And the pressures to do so are very very high. You wouldn't believe the conversations I've had where I've been encouraged to lower rates to get more money, and to lower my screening. I've tried it, and I hated it. But that's because I am me. Everyone likes different things, and everyone can handle different things. I have to be very careful. Not because of what I have to lose in the physical, but because I am a very impressionable person, and I feel very strongly/pick up signals that I can get hurt or influenced by.  
 I know myself way better than I know anyone else, and that's who I personally have to look out for. I also don't trust other women with my complete safety and finances, so the referral system to me is only confirmation of what I've already picked up from the guy after gut instinct and my screening process. Nothing more, nothing less. It's just how I work.  
 Some ladies don't get as easily affected by guys and how they feel/think. They also have different goals. I'm hoping to find a handful of guys who I can count on, and also have serious passionate time with them. This is the only place I'm doing the deed, so yeah I have to have that haha.  
 But I'm not going to judge someone else because they don't need a guy's full real name. If that's what they're comfortable with, go for it. If a girl needs the white envelope, awesome. It's all legalism to me to streamline something in to "one certain way" randomly, then judge others' personal standards based on what I decided was best to do. If I wanted to do that, I'd go start a religious movement called "Courtneyanity". LOL LOL  
 And - you and other ladies who have screened are still here and happy after how much time? Yeah, you're doing great if you're still in tact. Same with me :D. That's the goal.  
Posted By: Alyssa Marie
To say that a lady lowers her screening only because she's looking at money is just wrong.  
  I'm not lowering my screening, I'm doing *my* screening.  

Even if you totally disagreed with everything I have ever said, it's all good. That's your choice.

I'm just stuck at this my way is the right way.

I have had guys turn me down because I won't send a face photo.
I have had guys search elsewhere because I don't offer Greek.
I was told by some men in Dallas that I would have to offer quickies to make it.

I don't do any of the above because they aren't in my comfort zone or I just have no desire. One day that may change, but it will be by my own choice. :)

Off to Macy's .. Extra 20% off all sale!

I'll never say my way is the right way. But very confident in the fact that checking names will cut down on my chances of being stuffed in a suitcase...at least my family will know who did it...

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
Even if you totally disagreed with everything I have ever said, it's all good. That's your choice.  
 I'm just stuck at this my way is the right way.  
 I have had guys turn me down because I won't send a face photo.  
 I have had guys search elsewhere because I don't offer Greek.  
 I was told by some men in Dallas that I would have to offer quickies to make it.  
 I don't do any of the above because they aren't in my comfort zone or I just have no desire. One day that may change, but it will be by my own choice. :)  
 Off to Macy's .. Extra 20% off all sale!  

This is a different tune then how this originally started.

Most murderers don't get away with it. They are caught from witness statements, facial recognition, many other ways ...not just a name. People change their name, they change their look..

Having someone's name isn't fool proof, but it makes you feel safe. And that's great.

For me, checking in with my sister. Having my dogs (they are little, but if there is ever an issue they will make lots of noise), staying at places with cameras.. I do many other things to make myself feel safe.

In the end, the men allowed to pick and choose the ladies to place on their "I wanna bang" list and the ladies are able to choose if that man gets to bang her.

Now it's time for some serious business, my fantasy football draft.

Wait, I thought you were at Macy's?!

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
This is a different tune then how this originally started.  
 Most murderers don't get away with it. They are caught from witness statements, facial recognition, many other ways ...not just a name. People change their name, they change their look..  
 Having someone's name isn't fool proof, but it makes you feel safe. And that's great.  
 For me, checking in with my sister. Having my dogs (they are little, but if there is ever an issue they will make lots of noise), staying at places with cameras.. I do many other things to make myself feel safe.  
 In the end, the men allowed to pick and choose the ladies to place on their "I wanna bang" list and the ladies are able to choose if that man gets to bang her.  
 Now it's time for some serious business, my fantasy football draft.

And your extremities found in various other places around town?
As for Blacklists, we already know what a joke they are.  That has been demonstrated in recent months.

IfIdknown516 reads

being outed might cost the provider, She might lose custody of her child, At times when the morality squad or an ambitios police department turns up the heat.It is easy to see why a woman might be demanding.No client is forced to hire any provider.To complain about it is just stupid.
 I don't know anything about any providers who rely on blacklists.

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