TER General Board

Wow! Three women . . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 556 reads

in 17 months!  Yes, you are quite the variety-junkie!  Don't ever even think of slowing down.  

[BTW, are you going to review the other two?]

To answer your question . . . . .

No, you're not the only guy who likes braided hair.  I heard there were two others, but I haven't personally met them.

This is not a topic that has been discussed much, and I know that there is a board devoted solely for such threads, but I wanted to post here so as many providers and hobbyists as possible would see it and comment.

I have been in this lifestyle for 17 months now, and I have had the opportunity to meet three awesome women.  All of them have been African American and on their city's "Top 100" list.  I'm a White guy with a preference for Chocolate, obviously.  The "Provider's Appearance" search criteria doesn't give us too many options under "hair type" or "hair length".  If I'm looking for a girl with kinky twist, Sengalese twist, Afro, dreadlocks, matrix, etc., I may have to search the ubiquitous "other" category.

I don't think that TER is ever going to be this specific.  Especially since it might be difficult and very costly for a provider to maintain some of these hairstyles indefinitely.  BUT, can't we at least get a "braided" search category?  Braided hair isn't even ethnocentric.  AND, I can't be the only guy who likes braided hair!  Also, dudes, it's 2016 and there are a whole lot more choices in hair color than your search queries, but I digress.  

Out of the three women that I have met, one of them has a shoulder length weave with some curls, and the other two wore shoulder length wigs, one with some curls and the other with straight hair.  However, for my first visit the provider didn't wear the wig.  Which was very special to me because it was my first time being intimate with a Black woman.  Of course I understand the reason for wearing a wig to disguise your identity,  but I think many providers (of all races) have these hairstyles to fit in to some kind of ideal fantasy that is made popular by the media.  I'm a guy that likes variety.  Furthermore, most of the Black women that I know and interact with on a daily basis don't wear their hair this way.  

What search queries would you like to see added to the hair categories?  Oh and am I the only guy who likes braided hair?

GaGambler349 reads

If TER implemented every search category request made by mongers, the site would be too unwieldy to be of any use.

Not to mention braids are something subject to change an almost daily basis. I know women change their hair all the time, but braiding or unbraiding her hair happens a lot more often than a woman cutting or coloring her hair.

GaGambler427 reads

I don't suppose it would be too difficult to add "braided" to the current list of straight, curly, etc

but quite frankly it's not something I would ever use, and I don't know if enough other people care enough for TER to add it. Something tells me that answer is NO.

in 17 months!  Yes, you are quite the variety-junkie!  Don't ever even think of slowing down.  

[BTW, are you going to review the other two?]

To answer your question . . . . .

No, you're not the only guy who likes braided hair.  I heard there were two others, but I haven't personally met them.

For your information, I'm not at your level yet, and I don't know if I want to be.  Each visit is very special and unique to me, and this is probably why I am so selective in my search.  Over a 17 month period I have had eight visits.  I prefer to establish a relationship with my provider friends, and I am on a budget.  I would like to get to one a month, but time and money aren't what I have a lot of.

Second, one of the providers no longer has a TER profile.  She had great reviews but was removed shortly after my first visit with her due to a misunderstanding which I do not care to discuss here.  The other provider friend I only saw one time, and it was a fairly mediocre visit which was more my fault than hers.  I prefer to write reviews after the first visit because the first visit is never that good for me, and the second visit the ice is broken, and you get a much clearer picture of what that provider is like.

But thanks for commenting.

knew I was just playing for laughs.  No offense intended.  I just can't pass up a good punch line.  I think most of us start out slowly, but once you get hooked, you start selling your children to get money for hobbying.

RogerGoodellsanus273 reads

You seemed like you were being a dick. Sorry.

GaGambler498 reads

if you really think that gentle jab was "being a dick" you are probably too thin skinned to be here. You should see the shit he says to me, and we're friends.

So lighten the fuck up Francis, it's a fuck board for fucks sake.

LasVegan293 reads

Forgot your apostrophes to denote possessive nouns.  After reading your posts for over two years, I know you write better than that.  Could you be "dumbing down" your inputs to impress your uneducated, white male friends?

Nice try!

it appears its without much class.  Never met anybody from Las Vegas that was all that "educated."  Or are you just misspelling Lost Vegan, a poor soul in need of some protein.

LasVegan320 reads

in someone else's business without knowing the "background?"  If my memory serves me correctly, I don't recall replying to any of your posts.  But since you attempted a half-hearted effort, try reading a few of your own posts and a few of GaG's.  It would be abundantly obvious, to even you, that you would need GaG's help much MORE than he would ever need yours.  Let's be pragmatic here!

So your opinion of Las Vegas is also an issue?  Apparently you have not met "many" people from Las Vegas.  Either that, or those who have crossed your path, have been drawn to you like a magnet because they were exactly like YOU; not "all that educated."  You know what they say, "birds of a feather flock together."  Try to get out a little more.  You will either expand your sample size and realize how faulty your perception is, or you will learn not to prejudge any group of people.  Shame on you, we try not to do that in this country.  When it does happen, we call that person a bigot!
Go ahead, you can be an asshole if you want.  It is a free country.  From your posts, it is apparent your unreasonably high opinion of yourself makes you a legend in your own mind!  But still, you should either bud out when you don't know what you are talking about, or at least try to understand the background behind a posters input before you stick your foot in your mouth.  You only make yourself look even more stupid than your posts.

By the punks here that want to be tough guys from their alias. If you want to be taken seriously here, you should use your real handle. Otherwise, you're just a sniveling coward hiding in the bushes pitching rocks at the neighbor's house.  You must be terrified of me. Sorry.  I didn't realize I was intimidating you so much.

LasVegan273 reads

Maybe next time you will either do some research or mind your own business before you barge into someone else's conversation.  But the tone of both of your posts makes it obvious you are too ignorant to know better.  You can deflect all you want while you feel sorry for yourself that someone took you to task, asshole!

And what does an alias have to do with your blanket statement about not knowing anyone in Las Vegas who is intelligent?  You are an idiot for making that statement in the first place and an asshole for dancing around it and blaming your lack of foresight on an alias.  Stop proving my point for me.

As to my initial point; you need GaG's help, way more than he will ever need yours.   At least he can hold his own in an intelligent conversation.  You are just an arrogant asshole, alias or not.  And it is truly pitiful everyone who reads this can tell, except you, ASSHOLE!

-- Modified on 10/20/2016 7:27:55 PM

This is a public board. As much as you seem to want to appoint yourself the board-nazi, ANYONE can post here at any point in the discussion. If you want to have a private conversation, use PM. That's what it's there for.

You're proving my point about Vegas morons.

Zzbottom2308 reads

Posted By: LasVegan
Maybe next time you will either do some research or mind your own business before you barge into someone else's conversation.  But the tone of both of your posts makes it obvious you are too ignorant to know better.  You can deflect all you want while you feel sorry for yourself that someone took you to task, asshole!  
 And what does an alias have to do with your blanket statement about not knowing anyone in Las Vegas who is intelligent?  You are an idiot for making that statement in the first place and an asshole for dancing around it and blaming your lack of foresight on an alias.  Stop proving my point for me.  
 As to my initial point; you need GaG's help, way more than he will ever need yours.   At least he can hold his own in an intelligent conversation.  You are just an arrogant asshole, alias or not.  And it is truly pitiful everyone who reads this can tell, except you, ASSHOLE!

-- Modified on 10/20/2016 7:27:55 PM

Relax, he's just having fun. You need to get laid:/you're in the right place.

all that and everyone here, except perhaps the OP, knows we all just tell cdl to fuck off when he gets too uppity with his explicit or subtle bragging and stroking his own ego ;-

Share some of the bi-sexual Asian women you've been hoarding I would be a lot more mellow.  

And you haven't had to tell me to fuck off in awhile.  Uppity?  Really?

-- Modified on 10/20/2016 10:18:58 PM

RogerGoodellsanus259 reads

WTH are you? With all due respect of course. Nice reviews btw.

I can't remember. Was the Francis reference from:

1, The Dirty Dozen  
2, Stripes or  
3, Full Metal Jacket

 So lighten the fuck up Francis, it's a fuck board for fucks sake.

the use of sarcasm for humor, it will often seem like I'm a dick, but you and the rest here are welcome to think of me as YOUR dick, because TER is the only place I post.

Posted By: asu999
What search queries would you like to see added to the hair categories?  Oh and am I the only guy who likes braided hair?
Scroll or search through the Suggestion and Policy Board for things people have suggested (and bring this up again on S&P. if you want). Hair COLOR specs has come up of late.

However, hair styles and colors are one of the more transient features that women comport. Height, OTOH, is hard to change.  

Another big stickler with hair are those that berate us with, "Don't touch my hair!" That's mostly from those with expensive weaves or cheap extensions or other fancy hair treatments. Would we also need a "Hair touching - Yes/No" category?

Viewing the provider's photos on their websites?!

Posted By: asu999
This is not a topic that has been discussed much, and I know that there is a board devoted solely for such threads, but I wanted to post here so as many providers and hobbyists as possible would see it and comment.  
 I have been in this lifestyle for 17 months now, and I have had the opportunity to meet three awesome women.  All of them have been African American and on their city's "Top 100" list.  I'm a White guy with a preference for Chocolate, obviously.  The "Provider's Appearance" search criteria doesn't give us too many options under "hair type" or "hair length".  If I'm looking for a girl with kinky twist, Sengalese twist, Afro, dreadlocks, matrix, etc., I may have to search the ubiquitous "other" category.  
 I don't think that TER is ever going to be this specific.  Especially since it might be difficult and very costly for a provider to maintain some of these hairstyles indefinitely.  BUT, can't we at least get a "braided" search category?  Braided hair isn't even ethnocentric.  AND, I can't be the only guy who likes braided hair!  Also, dudes, it's 2016 and there are a whole lot more choices in hair color than your search queries, but I digress.    
 Out of the three women that I have met, one of them has a shoulder length weave with some curls, and the other two wore shoulder length wigs, one with some curls and the other with straight hair.  However, for my first visit the provider didn't wear the wig.  Which was very special to me because it was my first time being intimate with a Black woman.  Of course I understand the reason for wearing a wig to disguise your identity,  but I think many providers (of all races) have these hairstyles to fit in to some kind of ideal fantasy that is made popular by the media.  I'm a guy that likes variety.  Furthermore, most of the Black women that I know and interact with on a daily basis don't wear their hair this way.    
 What search queries would you like to see added to the hair categories?  Oh and am I the only guy who likes braided hair?

But it seems even the pics on their websites perpetuate this stereotype of the Barbie doll with shoulder length hair.

Posted By: asu999
But it seems even the pics on their websites perpetuate this stereotype of the Barbie doll with shoulder length hair.
On TER's ISO/In Search Of' Board?

I find this interesting because I almost always have some sort of braids or twists in my hair, but most other black providers do weaves of some sort, but I've done a weave maybe once in my life, its just not my aesthetic to mimic white hair. So i've always wondered if that's detrimental to my business that i'm in the "pther" catagory.

Well, I think most White guys who like Black women could care less.  African American women care way more about their hair than we do.  At the school where my boys go, there are a lot of adopted Haiti babies.  I can usually tell when a Black child has White parents.  The girls with micro braids and straightened hair are usually not adopted.  (and that statement might make you as uncomfortable as the thought of putting sodium hydroxide on a child's head does to me, fo' real)

After looking at some of your pics, I wouldn't change a thing.  Chicago is an area with a lot of great Ebony providers.  Unfortunately, I live too far away.  I don't think you have anything to worry about in that area of the country.

John_Laroche260 reads

Post on your local board and the ISO board. You're not going to have any luck in the short term changing a search criteria.  

For me, hair type is about the last thing I would query, but if they made a distinction between curly and wavy or silky vs. thick, I might reconsider. ie, spinners 27-34 with silky brunette hair apply within.

and unattractive. Heck, a federal appeals court recently ruled that it is totally fine for employers to discriminate against people who style their hair in locks.. as if firing/ refusing to hire someone for that purpose isn't a glaringly racialized act.

I went natural almost a decade ago and I've never looked back! I love the diversity and all the possible options that exist for how Black women style their hair. So I don't feel that a natural style is better than other ways Black women style their hair such as wearing wigs, etc. But it is true that Black companions with natural-esque hair styles are few and far between. A few other ladies I've come across who have worn afros, locks, or kinky twists are Eden Erotika, Madame X, Bijou Neko, Fawn Fabré, Ally Vixen, Ms. Leila Lovely, Inara Lorde, Samantha Rose, and Marley Blair.


-- Modified on 10/21/2016 10:40:25 AM

-- Modified on 10/21/2016 10:43:17 AM

-- Modified on 10/21/2016 11:14:55 AM

You're hot af!  SM is not really my thing, but I might have to make an exception for you.  You should come to Charlotte.

And a trip to the Carolinas is on my to-do for late Spring/ early Summer 2017!

This seemed like such a simple request.  It's not like I live in Salt Lake City.  Oh well, it looks like I may have to plan a trip to Chicago at some point.

GaGambler339 reads

just that I am not a big fan of "big hair" on black women, for lack of a better term for it that I can think of.  

I am spending tonight with a black SB who ironically enough just braided her hair and personally I like it a lot better. This is not "society" speaking, this is just my OWN personal preference. To be quite honest about it, I prefer the look that many black women have with "straightened" hair. Call me what ever you like, but I like what I like. so sue me. lol

are Lola Honeysweet and Emma Lemieux who are both based in Canada. Happy searching!

Your providers are lucky to know you. Your post says more about you than just your preferences in hair.

Thanks for being visible and vocal.



Posted By: asu999
This is not a topic that has been discussed much, and I know that there is a board devoted solely for such threads, but I wanted to post here so as many providers and hobbyists as possible would see it and comment.  
 I have been in this lifestyle for 17 months now, and I have had the opportunity to meet three awesome women.  All of them have been African American and on their city's "Top 100" list.  I'm a White guy with a preference for Chocolate, obviously.  The "Provider's Appearance" search criteria doesn't give us too many options under "hair type" or "hair length".  If I'm looking for a girl with kinky twist, Sengalese twist, Afro, dreadlocks, matrix, etc., I may have to search the ubiquitous "other" category.  
 I don't think that TER is ever going to be this specific.  Especially since it might be difficult and very costly for a provider to maintain some of these hairstyles indefinitely.  BUT, can't we at least get a "braided" search category?  Braided hair isn't even ethnocentric.  AND, I can't be the only guy who likes braided hair!  Also, dudes, it's 2016 and there are a whole lot more choices in hair color than your search queries, but I digress.    
 Out of the three women that I have met, one of them has a shoulder length weave with some curls, and the other two wore shoulder length wigs, one with some curls and the other with straight hair.  However, for my first visit the provider didn't wear the wig.  Which was very special to me because it was my first time being intimate with a Black woman.  Of course I understand the reason for wearing a wig to disguise your identity,  but I think many providers (of all races) have these hairstyles to fit in to some kind of ideal fantasy that is made popular by the media.  I'm a guy that likes variety.  Furthermore, most of the Black women that I know and interact with on a daily basis don't wear their hair this way.    
 What search queries would you like to see added to the hair categories?  Oh and am I the only guy who likes braided hair?

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