TER General Board

Wow. That's pretty freaky! Good luck (eom)teeth_smile
Florida_Evans 689 reads


Hi. So, I have a bit of a leather/latex fetish, and I was considering asking a provider who I've seen before if she'd be willing to indulge me and wear like a leather minidress or something during a session (or even a leather jacket, also have a thing for those for some reason), I would of course get it for her.  

The question is, would this likely weird her out a lot? I mean, I'm not into anything extreme, no whips, chains, or candle wax or whatever. But I could see it seeming kind of strange. Is this a weird enough thing that if I want it not to be awkward I should go to someone who specifically describes herself as 'fetish-friendly'?

Also, if I do this, I figured I'd make just make a gift out of whatever I get her, probably won't spend too much too much on it, so just let her keep it, rather than you know, taking it home with me. Never really done anything 'fetishy' before, so not sure how bizarre this is. Input much appreciated.

GaGambler664 reads

I can't imagine for the life of me that any provider would object to, or refuse this request.

The only request I have heard more vanilla than yours was when Turdy asked how to request a lady do CG with him, which was just lame.

I think most ladies would be more than happy to fulfill your little fetish, to make it even better for them you might ask for their input on what they would like to wear, especially as you plan on making a gift out of it. You might as well get them something that they really like as well.

Have fun.

Props for offering to purchase the outfit yourself. I doubt most ladies would have a problem with such a request.

Good to know. I figure I definitely wouldn't want to risk ruining anything of hers. I suppose I need to ask her what size she is, right? Never bought anything like this, so not sure how the sizing system works, except what I've seen for a few items on amazon, some of which have 'small, medium, large' etc., others more specific measurements.

Well thanks, I guess. Weirdest thing about me I suppose is that, the leather/latex outfits and such seem to go hand in hand with a lot of intense BDSM stuff, especially in porn. But I'm not really into BDSM , I just think some of the outfits are really hot.

It would actually be consider an "outfit request" more than a fetish IMHO.. as long as you bring it I am sure the lady will do it... but please do let her know in advance that you would like her to wear it during your meeting..

RokkKrinn776 reads

It's immoral, that's what it is!  Treating women like pieces of meat.  Making them wear jackets or dresses made from the flesh of dead cows!  Oh, the humanity!

Today, it'll be leather jackets, tomorrow we'll have dogs and cats living together in sin! This is why our society is in freefall, willfully committing suicide!

(/end sarc)

Seriously:  This is one of the most simple requests you could ever make of a lady.  You don't have to worry about "fetish-friendly"--that phrase suggests far more than mere wardrobe requests.

Have fun with the leather goddess of your dreams..

liquid latex body-paint thing on a date!!

Well, if you don't already think that latex outfits are the hottest things going, check out this link to be conviced:


If you've ever been to Vegas, half the civvies wear that stuff at the clubs.  

Posted By: markstamper23
Hi. So, I have a bit of a leather/latex fetish, and I was considering asking a provider who I've seen before if she'd be willing to indulge me and wear like a leather minidress or something during a session (or even a leather jacket, also have a thing for those for some reason), I would of course get it for her.  
 The question is, would this likely weird her out a lot? I mean, I'm not into anything extreme, no whips, chains, or candle wax or whatever. But I could see it seeming kind of strange. Is this a weird enough thing that if I want it not to be awkward I should go to someone who specifically describes herself as 'fetish-friendly'?  
 Also, if I do this, I figured I'd make just make a gift out of whatever I get her, probably won't spend too much too much on it, so just let her keep it, rather than you know, taking it home with me. Never really done anything 'fetishy' before, so not sure how bizarre this is. Input much appreciated.

True. But a 'mere' wardrobe request can in theory be kinda weird, like requesting she wear a cheesehead hat or dress up like Charley Chaplin, fake mustache included. I suppose there's the old-fashioned side of me that worries anything other than 'naked' would be perceived as weird.

Posted By: markstamper23
Hi. So, I have a bit of a leather/latex fetish, and I was considering asking a provider who I've seen before if she'd be willing to indulge me and wear like a leather minidress or something during a session (or even a leather jacket, also have a thing for those for some reason), I would of course get it for her.  
 The question is, would this likely weird her out a lot? I mean, I'm not into anything extreme, no whips, chains, or candle wax or whatever. But I could see it seeming kind of strange. Is this a weird enough thing that if I want it not to be awkward I should go to someone who specifically describes herself as 'fetish-friendly'?  
 Also, if I do this, I figured I'd make just make a gift out of whatever I get her, probably won't spend too much too much on it, so just let her keep it, rather than you know, taking it home with me. Never really done anything 'fetishy' before, so not sure how bizarre this is. Input much appreciated.

This is definitely not weird at all! I always ask my gents if they have an outfit request if they have not already mentioned something in particular.  

This is also super easy, leather looks hot so why not? There are a lot more crazy fetishes than this, so you are perfectly fine! ;)

Back_In_Black645 reads

that's a grabbinnnn asssss....  

Posted By: SeraphinaLaRue
This is definitely not weird at all! I always ask my gents if they have an outfit request if they have not already mentioned something in particular.  
 This is also super easy, leather looks hot so why not? There are a lot more crazy fetishes than this, so you are perfectly fine! ;)

Fetishes come in a variety of flavors and savors.....some are mild and some are wild!!  
Ask the lady lady of your choice if she is comfortable in wearing leather or latex for you....most likely she will!!

P.S.....Candle waxing (used in a seductive manner) is not considered a Fetish.. it is Hot!! it is Sexy!!
it is Erotic!! it is Fun!!

Don't be scared to inquire about what you truly desire.  Your reqyest is very simple & should not be looked down upon.

Posted By: Madame Patricia
Don't be scared to inquire about what you truly desire.  Your reqyest is very simple & should not be looked down upon.

* with a few of the ladies posting here clearly being part of the 10% that mean it when they say it.

This phrase is used WAY too often in ads, and rarely means what it implies. Most advertisers that post this are just hoping to get away with having a limp old dude lick and worship their feet for an hour for a full service fee.  

Start talking about true bdsm or power roleplay or earning wings or Brazilian bulimia lesbian femdom scat or 90% of what goes on in Japanese porn and stays uncensored even though the little dick gets pixelated, and I bet  most of them will prove to be found very unfriendly, to put it mildly.

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