TER General Board

Mature Providers have more Passion and energy.
numbnuts11 3590 reads

I've been hobbying for several years and find that providers in their 30's and 40's bring alot more energy and passion to the session than younger providers. Why is this?

I've found that to be true. And there are several in their 50's that will knock your socks off as well.

the energy part. My experience would seem to demonstrate that the energy level can be there regardless of age. It really varies from provider to provider I think based more on factors like how she is feeling that day; how the two of you "click" in a session, etc., as contrasted with age.  I will agree however, that it is very often the case that an older woman can bring more passion to a session which is probably derived from greater life experience and a better understanding of her own sensuality.

Arizona Angel4429 reads

are something that can apply to a variety of women in different age groups... in part as a woman gains years she also gains knowledge and experience... but you must remember that you can gain experience and knowledge at a younger age as well... really it is a matter of wether or not the lady in question will put her experience, knowledge, sensuality, feminity, etc. into "play" or use during a session.

Then too some women are born with a sensual side... knowing how to swing her hips and lick her lips since she was a baby... lol

I think all the comments expressed are valid. For myself, I feel as I gain more maturity and wisdom about myself, others and life in general sex, passion and sensuality have become even moreso. When I was younger my focus was more on pleasing my partner. Now I'm centered on pleasing myself. I'm not advocating self-centeredness in sex. Sex is great when both parties are secure with themselves. From a provider's standpoint I prefer men that are also mature as opposed to a much younger man. Peace

jax043067 reads

I wish Chrissy Stone would chime in about this...she just gave an excellent viewpoint on this topic on the Phoenix board recently.

Women in their 20's are also much better than 18 and 19 year olds.  Late 20's better than early 20's.  Younger woman, and men, are more into themselves.  As people grow up, they relate better to others.  Sex is just one part of so much in life  that is like this.

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